: ' The Michigan Daily CtOL. XVI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 190o6. No. 178. UNIVERSITY -SENATE TAKES IMPORTANT STEP Decides To Reserve Seats For immed= late Relatives of Seniors. For Oraduatijig Exercises. The commeiiceiment eecse( il year will see a neiw ca-totrsiiagttrated. each senior wilt--he given one ticket to he used by a mtemlbei ot his tamilys. Tis plan has liena desiiedc for a ltng time, hat the uantS cisity tacutty oant sel-- ate have not adopted it preistoasty for tear thant the 1e is usgs awotudbt 1" used., In former yeairsit ha s lbeeni the ii- tom into et auylidy wti siredaten the gractuatingi exercises. The rsl was that theose miost iinter estedt.,t thea- eiits of the gauralt-tes;swere setltomiiatbte to secure seatg auti were torcedt to staiid in the' doorsway~s iiidthalttanadtoftenl were iinale do gainiadttit ance at all. Wvhite tieet i wiere seenpnest ty tows- people aiid those whio 'itteniiedt theex ercises, more to satisty th eir e artusiht tiiaii tirou-hi- aiis perisal in itere'st ini the gradutet 'This -yeair',the uitve'rsity sena te thas dlecideti to giv e eaeii setniorsini thegrd itatinf, cilassesi iie tict fortiegalr for the use "of somie oeaof1his ftilyu alotieUner this tewscheteme the tl trouble still lie eliminitetatedp oiedthtie semna talpe it tipost themsosees ats a personal-ittsthta t the pttaittmeets with the hoped for success. Matny-a giraduate tromuthte extremte east or westswitt, sitceurse, tot tiav a meather of the failty here, hut they can greatly Ifurthertheilitanith tey switt give their tickets to sitmteiteimiters cif the class whit will hiave relatives tare at the timie. Inistead otf giin his tickeet tot some disinterested or mierely curiouis persotn, a settior initacih a cause shooutd give it to onieitt his laissmiates, maniy of whotmt sill he morie iiianianiouts to secureitft ot a relt iieiswhiiihas ajs claini to it. As usual, the eenter secet insuit the mtaitn floor still lie reserved for the gradi- tiates, the soutth sectiotifist the ftaculty, atid thetnortthisectioti tot the titttmtni. It carried out is planniedi it isthu t that the ahove schemeiwilltbeta as MICHIGAN'S CHAMPIONSHIP BASEBALL TEAM OF 1906. HOW MICHIGAN WON THE CHAMPIONSHIP An Examination of the Averages of the 1906 Baseball Team-Sanger Leads Batters With .361. Averages at 1906 Champi is. is so Sager,),I ... Sttlivaa, ct... losellci.e.. Whtietler. ef. I~tiitie'. itt... t.. 6 27 411 75 3 9 14 itiproreenttover the condtittistshat i Alttiotighlittwoititittthe 11301 ba se- SiWedel, c..... to 86 13 24 tare, existed itt tfirtiersyeaits, ndit als tea it n he"elect" or 300 O'i i tn, 3tt..... 19 if8i2 shtoitldlle meailepiit toitthottottionthe clts litncx atintin i of the avserag~es Ptero, 9 .. g 77 i8 to itrt ot each setnitor tolgive the pla ts i Iis ieteamTil aklles it easlt see low :Sati]) I, p....T621o 7 hearty co-optertion.T his spor s lit t t w(totht~e chaliontsishill itttic I" tiertilnc.....q 2t3 7 abisoltitely tnecessarto ma n ke thle titit--' sodattiwtter ge"t Th leteamitittingti elcy 2h.t ......to fit 8 if mietit a sucses.anituto sellreitscn vrg s.3,adte eleiig vet t'e ScNeffes p..... te8 1 i tittitance ii tin tre seais. desilite ticte c sionl 1s lllps, 1)1 3.i tir- T ftii I... 1 3(6 4 It is hoped thtitthe citizects swhotihlie ithle calitfth sasntile cittpsti--) no taifuily. eelaitiottship tiithi liy itettiter I Itt ittiitit fiority-two lt'g titis fotaiti 0erge . 14 5tt if T4 ot the';gr-aatigclassses isittltapirecite liittt o sityctiht extriacs the nteeessitywischiend erlts iit ipossilet e r isfara 1d5wayin theIead i ----- ------ ____ _____ to admtit thtemitto the itall andl lt-it thle'yitt billiig-etisitsansaveragcof .361t Stills ivwttit 11u1ndtotbtedlslyitaeetienitniiwith will recognize tile tacittit thepar ts\mwo ais in hut setvclnotaestItites lie hartd-tittittgclass, is Iittluglu lie has ot tite-gritiate tioughitfirtsi te e etiti 1pthle list oit.1011hitters, tatkitnt secondtl only tote fttur-bttse hii 't1t aattt-igger mtoidated. Te tickets tttr eacit-t wit h .311 10.th "Jack"L oIwsllt1hle bigI ill his credlit illttlgthe' extrtiswatts,hits itug class isill b litcell ii tI hanls oitch-lerletntltr11wl1)misseditthe coeiiv- litytle itf tltlitlg gretly resembltes thtat classmtatesotte ticeit to eachtel i-sn 'i.97. k ltit Wend55ell anditii i 111111ithtil N'surta11lllly ogi ISittli ttDule tditet TIhose Itoldtig tickets tellt be adittted hut, ItBieni viitw tiith 2 I, ndPalitrson lost chittitesanitll ttspite itt hisre-ccit alovt.i(. f iql.Whetlterc is ini a c tlssy imi- PROF. BREWS'Tl'R INtl'R oel tlteades ieI1ltdittwt hee- sefa o c sstenl batses. Iitthe TAINS ILAWVRI Vii \S Dceti1ally guti aea1 geel "of it islahIllse t llt lilies intticutuhlerigtielder Last tight Proftessotr Bretwster, edit- Iitis fttlltts 5-aWilt13.119.kCaptaitutu n-5Isackst ties ma111y is 'liy other player or-itt chief ot the Iass Retviteit--'tie a (lell]1and1 imetnit arsettclsestitp twith Itas chlkedl tuplitoittits itredit. Sullivan receptioti at hits hlmitfor te leds tantd 1)62 eath.hits six stolen-iItatesIin seseni -attes. tetstaffs of tieleifew.sTheijuiors kCaptaiint enettttagin appe1111aIs trill I Te111est sacrlettt tter oi the tteatmiis wvho,,are tot terse test year steure celiis in11111inlittile' 111111distan11c stloges tttw i tt tuaft, it Sat i]taugoodl1setondu. 'taft lastwek stik intg ntnittttttled byte19i7thr1111ee1 two-bsthittlsls, rtriles 1111i steliftour sacifsice'lits itt tleven class'ait.a electedl iy.-the facitty. Schl-hom111rs. 11Ic is Ia5gtitttsetcontihis arship is the sole luasistit election,11a11111 lcio11111ills tsssiti'-six dulltss slitsgtils, wi let atin lihauissuet muore ini a place on the staff is consttideriedlthe lt~ i' si three-bggertit' 11111 u t.Iatisixte'eni -utles highest honor of the idepartmt.it ittibrokii inittothe11gam11elia lir eu ill lit lts 111k intueteeni gamtestwvelv'e 4 T i s i ionship Baseball Team. MICHIGAN MAY WITH- DRAW FROM BIG NINE a 2 t19 '7 ; 36t 9o 6 a 1ii r.30 9 A Possibility 'rhat Michigan 'Traick 1346 ft 27 8 Team Will Compete in Eastern t2o o 2 to 2 .9 flits6Intercollegiate. 4 1tiff to 9 .28o .976( 6 1 43f 2 80.62 afht ij jlsits isssstn es i-s s 4 2 24 31 9 .270 .54 if Itfoo, it a osusuusuit -siett ints hu (i a of 36 t also .10 s~rftue th ll itctig-t s s evre 3 1 43 8if .20 .621tece\1)d otocaio tuchst sit- 4 l233 63 13 .173 .88 prse th ae tsts itslone illscshed 0 1 3 10 25' 63 .86ku if te stilti tue asit oisulu trsut bi 2l4 3i 2'.11i.969 < igr 'tl fetedtwit t hetl slltteicetionl each litaIlls tillItusli'sitrsil tams oul -u-_ - tis stltd pet shi ntitsh e i, es seill sthe wer etconsuanudu sevenitlost. he hue - nnaleateniiisttestis cflte's ios figuured intwottus shiut-ostt Isses, SSlie-re lii the iipa s i hs t laing tlutgthe Itltui6 tos 0,tushdssuccumbtsstoryoeso hestinlt lil)~ngt beln ya3 ooscr.Ofsot havesblinidlts sis sutislesats this fouur extanir n utssg- otte-s three wise eas-r-s lutios s115yitheisieshilleis, serIilus hist wshtile ini thus' ster'Mihigan''-s dets thsuht iofi i leav uing; the t tn a o cllegsi' heed Cehkiaegot stu Ierry fisldt i tweslve illss ntl sill ineu u t siluecnl. I siningsthis lontge-iss u a e'osithei yearse theli palst:ts i smtonts hIwever,-s ts tpt-s i ilhe onlty series tushtesas i t ht t is nsve aeflowdechohitn sheusit, this Commtuuodosress winnusssng ltosuch55i s sils ucelstssiiln tush with suc silt sit three. w hres w re ted-stremendo'ss us clse tutu liii tista s sil kObierlitn bretukinug eenti siton ttir tuso sisois as ificlitgitan'sls t i t is i this gamiues, tutu the 7i'tut'iis sweinnuinug tw ony swy is urserveatlstills onasi'hi sui t tissue. Amhiterst is-suthe osily sisuss- Fhs ,tl cinof\'so s~' gameule te-enuthte etasternt tush westernus fitulti n ii hislist lini1ti1jss Iut tifootball chatui onsut suionthue othuetr handst Studs - stiles madsuit athltics praticait gait wsoisishteseries ftomsItlhlintiss, "Ic tutu mssss sibls t he susrin stituits stsse.oustd sewostsintglesglots'mes ots i t h i isaslted it st S iii s nsit tutu' sissgths ,States.Kentuucky andtss . Si-S . is, hss ul trck ii tti i itlt Silut i u, s is stlt seasos 5scosre's : a s thus ltinst titu sssisi stt suit],}am Michiganit7. Chticago a. Niexticaiigo askedi iilihe rsueesduhof Ntihisigaiu 7,Ketucky 4. istussuhots ll is cllsdae it 1ii itilust nent Mti.'o uted on Page Three) ssossssle-sil s I'ag 5.\.) Ft _________________ii it [ r I flIF YOU WANT A MICHIGANENSIAN BUY SENIORS :T.ONCE. EDITION LIMITED. If Present Sales Continue S L N U i there will be NONE LEFT BY COMMENCEMENT. 1Now