t~l M~tGAl AILV- Hocking Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains DailyI ,From Toledo; Carrying Parlor Carson Day Trains Sleepinsg Cars on Nighst Trains Union Depotsio Toledo and Co- lumbus S. EI. CLARK, 32-i Campus Martlus Detroit, Mich., F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. B AILEY & EDMUNDS %porting3 Goos 121 East Ltbrrty Srert. J PEA NUTS SFinest Quality Roasted Peanuts per lb. 10c. Salted Va. Peanuts, Blrached per lb. 15c. 2 lbs. for 25c.1l SPeanut Brittle per lb. 15Sc. ___ We buy Peanuts in car lots of 25,000-lbs.' Doing our own roasting, we give better and fresher peanuts for less money than any house in thia vicinity. 214 Sooth DEAN S.C VAns Arbor Man St. -'Mtchigan SELF-FILLING PEN nRSSRrA Radali e eallys ofile.ITeelreFills prse nsi .s ,. irsrviri chiix when theO le ledd rawes tlit, iiliand e pexn isl instain SC(siRi'ea illytsis Ietslf. NV il Teyxir hyair, telc i nprvn ts i ei k fro bin g IteS, cin fin ainets. D ispenesni rey i tth e old- f as tion by drop fil e , oi,c r s t orr,m setoul W nit aCmos to Clothes For Young Men Count on Us COUNT ON US for giving yoiu thte snappiest, most op to-date goarmieols over ilesigneil for young ment. COUNT ON US for giving yoti clothing that will posiiclmI reltainitsIshapiali ndlfit you accurately. COUNT ON US fur apipirel mtade of dependable ma- tIriai lsti liii, !d ieiqiilto-orier madie garmlents. COUNT ON US for sellitig you Dihe best cliithintg udfriinng--teclba F-ine Clothing Lindenschniit, Apfel & Co. Suits and Overcoats Buy Dirhenct andinSaBu MFrom 1.ot 2.0Cu mes ohn 6opn oney. 118=120 LE. Liberty. I U, of M. BARBER SHOP Photographer NT CHLER 319 1. Huron R AN D A L L TCrojonowski State St. P H OTO G RA P H Ei R e: t 1 F t/, rjEi; . + 0 _ ,a, . Q --- 1 G. W R ,...-., r . I ~ rYv 1 - Q TH E flavor of the Muraci is naturally rich, just like the natural dryness of fine cham- pagnes. This quality in MUIRAD CIGARETTES is acquired, by bringing selected ofurienes.ftoosthitnts Turies.leaftostenghapoin experience to make this quality perfect in the Murad! 10 for 15 Cents Biy maltpostpaid-Zf yeu can'tget Afuad Cgarettes at yeur dealers, sene. foe r ten; 75c. furifty; $1, ofor one hundredl ALLAN RAMSAY, 21l Fifth Avenue, New York City- \llC IlIA\\ \\INS 'fi1lL, 01f ('11.1ii PIONiSIIP Sm wt. asiy \o11thewesernii Ilcogi loIst Is ii cim ioimilp imridi.y on simmim iCouniys ii) mliink\\atoChicagom. iiiil liocigim 2. \lIL-SIC S I.CI~tI.IlS 101,I) SN NI. I, SiX'iN XIII Theis Cmieitimtsl liical csms ie eeiiigiaiteri iiiiiipains lth cp ilig ~ iii xerssses i le I-fliilliii. Traisportion iiii outiithei ioniwsimim l I, oiii s. iisi eii uicians proiii de adSt ealif-is ileiirs fessors.i ,°i t ti e wssexpressedlb lii ofmgois thiii~ and XlMndl~mmiClb-litoumarrasesucha shili. eachiiveacl-. The old menciiof lthe inmuical affairs mimrimug lie erar uwas passritilers if itie xaniuailaffair. liii h'lc.\hlisicr, 'iii ciuiiiiifell i Yesierday aftirnoomniiaouiiiii o'clock amni wssevriely iinreid. TheislippIrc's II "sal ids eresonsileiifsr threiaccini. The patsmmi ien xvs *miticimmrsibyi ir. braiii i inyrsul. ihowevesrs.rhei'iwms retig; ea iy imuyl sti c inimx l- th ul i v s Impossibmle' to tell iia Mcs Xlii iii s homiiei'is in Siltlbais CiteCi h.Iii eiiis abiiio ut rcimip I \cc The Ann~ Arbor Press (formterly Par- Ser & Snydter), printers of the Michigan DailyI ihe Alamnous, Inlander, Yosf's greal hoots 01 football, the Tecthnic, S. C. A. handbook, etc., etc., are prillteri In tile student body 117 E. Washig- ton street. tf FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Aan Arbor, Mitch. E I.EKii,ePres. Ilarrison Souls, VY S. W. IClarksiinCasier Captli, f100l.000. Surlu s adoProfits1, 0 GEORGE BISCHIOFF J Choice Csut Floaters ..ed Plms...str I Chapn St betweetHuroand llert Ars.; COOK HOUSE OppiteliCoiurt se sis5 qie FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHEIS $2.00 $2.5t) $3.00} Steam Het aEeatosl~leir A: i uuisice sr; IestlAY II,:ils A SCIALTsr. We P mlb Variesdrlp tCa G0. Save a Walk Down Town Get you~r Watches as1 leweiry J retuaired at the Right Place Buy your U. of 11. Pins wherthtey hectia ifulI line at the - L ow e st prices. No l x poor stock in or sore. . -.. N oi0.tah i I eharged fot- e 7 ' loooiga our goods orge tt in g prices on replairs, etIc. Alarlinl eoekt $1.010 and op Call at tfis light place. opposilite iGazem tuildinig. BILLIARDS1 AND) BOWXTVLING S. ROTIENST;EIN, 707 N. Univ. Ave. GAS 4STU DV LAfIP$ $2.50 Each 100 Candle Power for 1.3 Cent per Hour Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS COo BRING YOtxtUs NRAsEDonITRES oTO DULRIES ART STOREI and htaethlemfeame altO Choiee Mouldings Only the Best French Glass Is Used. )223 S. Mole St. THlE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING tQ . N - F \ , .. .tom r '-i '0 4 4 h ,y c .- io- There's Many a Slip 'Tween the Cup and the Lip, atid 111y imles you are disappointed i rec iving youlr lintent wmhentyotu Motilheed -it, munltes yout send it to a rcliabtle Olaundrry. Youtartetnever dis- o ppioiniidwlient you send it to thse Varsitym antd youtt10 only receive it itt iu it-lttmibttwitht a cc Iorand fittishtott it tht is alomays gratifyintg. Varsity Lew1.5rkdry 117 S. 4th Ave, Both Plhornes 928 7111111111 ALWAYS AHEAD IN S'TYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR Al