3 ITHE LEADING Tailors IMakers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles Iand. fabrics for any and all occasions. FUEL DREISS SLITS A SPECIALTY 311 S. State St. LA :a Arbor, Mich. THE MICHIGAN DAILY THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Enee sscnod dcla mtter at the Ann Arbor Postoce Published daily (Mndys exepted) during the college yesr, at 117 East Washington j treet. Bell phoe892. H-omne phone 76. Managing Editor, ARTHUR C. POUND Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS EDITORS. c, s. (,dito'..... l David F. Stevno Atltic .... ....Clarence . Ifidridgo Exhanges ...... Charles E. Winstead Womnx........Effie J. Armstrong EDITORIAL STAFF. Loois D. Stkoey 1' ooi :\. .Oit ASSOCIATES. Gerge A. Osorsns Harold C. Soith Robert H. Clany William A.:ilulhen Henry F. Seholte llenry A. M nt;oy Glenn D Broadley John F. Wuorz Roy V. Loll N. 1G. 1ierce Floyd Ht. Jones RATES: $2.50 per yoe, ose Isoo it paid is advance. Address: WALTER R. HANS Rosiness Manager, 236 S. 12th St., Phone 849 L. 1 UNtIOlola G LABELi.Dn-nto6 P aidha te lwshav1eene1 u [or as irl 's score011 n. the r sh C wo tii> Second Hand Textcbooksvails0(11i. thlstwteeksoo Medical e 1(ol1ege010tt' flit may ot b and all eparrendeofatheent11s1irit. is 1111o10 t110 healtiest form o nvstyo fo i valIf r1101 heeha bGo's . focsted g11 aebe For tr 001 fo (1yea sfol o et her 111the StudenstiBokstormes 11abou t r ily10a1. do1 s ItoottoosPitntoo, Snareorradysntsadmitllthat1(so11011 - tI I. I~oo, ititPios II t ph essi0(m(0of internal ri 111 valry is (atura dA ~ll G D fIar .L.I..of. te and( eve1 r b 11( ifoot 1111 1ny (000lleg101(o1- c1(0(ing1wildly fo -1M01chig(n. .No1 011 ignsfor 01r1ns in1 t110fothotlinnig wer due'1t10 the110oo10(1r0(0111ng (f 1110 1bleac1ers, 1hi1t it 111011 1(1hadlome0111 yel-111110, or0 sev001(1yll1masters1, 1o c1)1(1(11 stlet's1(0111111oo(k111fo'r11111110 attainab.1le. If tIeothlticotAssociatio111n would11.11sup1erint 1110ll 1(111.nex fall he rooting11(wo1ld b 1101111is11111111101 cermon ofthe year, wil be(celebr (If ill Sleey0Holo (011(111 ast cat' cele111ation11 of tile.' yea(. 551111faio to(1(11 (011 a111(1(1g11 f 1111 01ind111ver( and t1 1(0 w11111(gness1 to11t(1e0hold (a1d rem1(emb(1(1thatIlthe0 0((1(111 (will 0111 11 tion 0nd(11(uch he ovr-exu (rantill duty111)1of 1110 101t11iI1nr. Sebo1 chrci hip 1wou111, (f 111011, 1(1nt 11 ors1 1111il 1(01(1111.0) 1basis. Tle 1(1(11 N3111l1101111100s 11(e diecting 1hnd (of C~oach MoXlisteor, ((1o))1100h1l1d the 101111 11111h0s1c11skill althe110e000(11, a1n( ((11111h1s 0(1(a11110etoloteam tmay loo' 1(1(11 itspaf l te.11 o'1 co1(1(t110a011100101' iooo 11.1111)1 hRY C.L.ASS hI1S;TUINf. AX feoyal 0111e10111it 1t1r(n(d out1 to tilelas 011( et111g111)1ste01d1y5aftroon10(1 il 1Ro1o(11C,.Univeriy'hal, but 1t1e aindto( receive11 010(0bscr00itions 10for th t he cls ilhaeanc llt(10t)110 ((0011 0(1le sill 1nex eusdvatno tdoo 1101111114oclok, 11)10eleted. 'I'sle1class tax1,1ci)f cinSthesb ecofd sf1 Son t a 1.1. XS]pectiXX oIf th11se10(11(0' ls1 a 01 ar01uGot n1 l is Win1 1 yesterday .1db' 111,111 It (was(1 (1- dances,(a'11ll asthll'exp1nses of1the1 added intothe grantotal(11to11h1 ((((111 11oncn (1i;les il Ilditly clne it th.fr on.110''s0,111112 111( () ' d10 l as1((11 (1ar(i1s1espeially(I ' t1' 11as1 asserted 11 with1 r ('11(on1 -Ilo c-] ae ',' l 1 11(1' W 01 11 V 41IU 1= Il fl,.)((/) 1117icf 111 1011111 1111' .'( l 5,1 1,1 frond the1f1110111 11id 1111I.110;tl t >1111<'c (M CII lIC X111 Of st Ct)I- 1- l l 1 Id n- >d c I 1 : t, 1 1 . WE PAY MORE FOR11 Second =Hand Text=Books than11 you(ca ge(t 1e lsewhere. lDo1( n ot isose of yours 110' 1.11 you 5 000'('')'1101e(, Ut dour cas offer. Weo 0a1 SAVE YOU MONEY WAHR'S The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. LAW MED~ICAL, and DENTAL BOOKS We are just as anxious to buy books as to sell them. We have to do about as much of one as the other. We purchase anything, from a small parcel of books to a large library. We have a reputation for fair dealing sod shall be pleased to pay yout cash or exchange for your books. C. E. BARTHELL Phone761 326 Soth tltSate Street, Atno Arbor, Michi. C 111 , ' 7')11 511.SICo' X l, S I? . 1. enade' o1111t110'('11ll'rsty uscalc.1s thei 11f1nal 1f ('1(111 1of 1the c lege ye1r This 1110' (11 has(''(1 1( a o t successful one an 5the lubs ae 1in, thrivng c) di 110)11Th .muscal.cub1mnFf511.nl 11111511 at y111 hat( of1 precous year are1(111 0111))to meet' t 115111) 1 hal promptly at0181(1 lo ck, w1 here 1 drays(11to 1 Students' Lecture Association Mr Fredcrick ardc M r 'The Eminent Tragedian, in Shakespeare and His Plays 'MAY<3 Autocrat Stationery 1Tt w.sreoTurer1 Art Series Is something entirely four designs. Printed in two colors and silver. Can be used for passe-partout. Boxes are made in four styles, the regular, the deep, the tandem style, and the wide fiat box. The stock is high. grade, 60-pound linen1 cloth finish. Envelopes in ftle new, deep pointed flap. All tied with white taffeta ribbon. Tops assorted in all styles, retails for 35c, 40c, and-50c PER BOX Discounts to members. At G~he Co-wOp The. Store of the Students by the Students and for the Student:. I I i 0 He that Loves a rosy cheek and a soft, smooth face uses nothing but tihe old reliable WVILLIAMS' THAVIK ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. To-a.mna Leave Aissi, Arbos' GoingSNrth 9:0 a. to. sod 4:3.5 p. mo. Going Soth7:20 a. mo., 11:3tla. so. and 7:33lp. m J.4 J. KtBY, W. T. WILLS, Opal Fatss. Agent, Aget, Toleo, Ottio Ass Arbnr, Mtch Holl phnne 13:51rte Ilome phono098 !AdHT6AN CE~NRAL 'The Niagara Falls Roofei" Chicapo Buffalo Boston New York Through TrainsEast-8.18 a. mo., 2.40 p. mo. 4.55 p. m., 9,30p. m. 11.05p. m. Locals Ral st-6.05to ., *11.10 a. sm., *4.05 p.m. *8.36 p. to. 'Through Tealns, Wesl-2.07a. to,,7.58 a,.in., 9.18 a. to., 2.33p. to.1t.20 p. to. Locals West-224 a. ms., *8.28 a. mo., *1tt0 p. en., at.hO p.. *l(Except Sundy.) Coonections at tChtcago for St. Louis Kasas City and the Woo.: W. W. CASE, Agest, Ass Arbor CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST.