The Michigan Daily ,;OL. XVI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE i, 190o6. NO. 1 75. PRELIMINARIES FOR whlo are making the trip in tke pes- CAP NIGHT AND ATHLETIC MEETBEGI TODYailttipatlioln of seeing ike varsity CELEBRATION COMBINED tmiChiiago. CireaiysaIlaige nnmber ofitickets have beeniod n ti Western Intercollegiate Starts This likely iliat lie itinie liii will ac- Burning of the Freshman Caps Will Afternoon-Many Rooters To comnty ilie lenim will exceedl two hInn Take Place at Huge Bonfire Go With Team. ilredl. ireeetor Baird ias rcitteedlaSaturday Night. ___-largeiinumibler of seals for lt- iconfieence Alflrt. ''s F"PESENT I EI T Te4 Lmeet. and anyone iiiskiiig to senue Cap sight. the final reconciliation of criiirr'tRr .tikets may do so by applyintg at the lie lie)) ndeeelasss ilb eerated Onue hiiiiiiet-yardiidaish--"twailClairl, -Aihletic.-Assoeiationi officee beforenight Satiirdasyinight. Bthlclasses livebten o'coc itis msornlinig, oronilthe etiain. phlann1ig fiirit for seiviral days antI in Iw hdrei ad I). Pa as- .F. Seveenson will repreesentl The aditliiontaicommitteof pperclaissmn 'tvo1 iiiirilaiilIsellis111 as DIaily.attie coiferenne. has ibeeniapoitdlo overisee thteswhole Siewai Ilist liiirang''eents.I Tesoiiphioores, as the Qttantnr-Ii I. iiiiilii n -Schiink, suitSENIOR ENGINEERS GIVE hosts of litth lveinigwill provride all tof I l i- mey. t)Cut >rgs $1,000 FOR CLUB HOUSE theimteiladwle loe ofr \lie-Cot. \Mloitnily, iiiowe._ As Capt nig hithin iear wiltlcoe o 1lt-iii-iiiit CiiDt lii cAiileyiti heir Class First to Reach High Water thenevteni" iingfthe iofterenctt meet 1111 hit ules-(ca iiirel itll)od li ligi Mark in the Michigan Union tie C unsi ci an hasebIallgaie, in iw ude n vrty-att w ut-Subscriptions.I t ishotir)tve iilirtaylili leves I uudtii Te retiiiise 0 t~t Itt~lest at ii i it iti ot paeot idiiofniittfe he yer Shtfill- arrliip 1 sins ttatc, heeevonse g iitheireche stilor suib t iioilh il nutI ngiil B od jit I --hatill FreC h.ii lrk.s Ii tins to r tio e tlii tu lii tli tl t it liubitt stthiosutdse ht ilii litirltl ilisti . ietni ecolum intthlit tiic. T lat t r pti - ifte Thissilthuh lit t.)10 tshil hasiCtbeeni iol aIini iaer.Th-i Ile selior betak1enintirelybf hit t reisileafirs-a teni ot it-Du ttlap, itrrels.i I ai cti l ass~e s iar eiei t I wt itiech1the in er ise . i llbe te tub rli teonitin 11. SONNV'NSCHEIN WITIIDRA«'S 1iligit olnseltin itas iiliurnt:i Th11 itavet eIgiht niell in1the rtte: 11. F. Stciult,\iI. G.Pertt, F.N. Snuilli, C. 1. Cushinlg, 1 ui t.llCGIalitHowardl Bradley. Thflettctitn will tIe lnacett in Rtotom C. Uniiersit hilatt.II10 :30, Stuiridty moitring. Altliieimibers oit it'studitii ENGINEER DEPARTMENT TAKES UP ARCHITECTURE Prof. Emil Lorch Will Have Charge of the University's Latest Addition To the Engineering Courses. 'fu n lgillerilig deptartmsent ihis tken antiiitbitrlg step illits tapitd progress, i eyabemninPrtof. Ei11 orth, in ihrg.Tthfltneets if ucitha cotirse iiive loiig hietinftlt aind lteuniversity nwhias a tourisethtitt 1is thought nill usva an111of tile 1k1iniitte ctiiiry. MICHIGAN-CHICAGO TO- MORROW IN FINAL GAME Maroons Look Formidable -- Coach McAllister Leaves After "Two Successful Seasons. WAithtthinwstern citntiitiotiiitvir- ttaily 1w01, tiothiiig reiiitis for liii vatrsity bastebalttitatm ]tit to closea uc cessfuil stasont Sturdiilay iiy ditti lii titters -ire clotint Oht' lil aiid idi oftlteitwtileii ii ttris iiitcing muc siip, ]titt it is titit that ii thelidtesire to hit-tt Chicago is so treilthaiiier hunt iiitss Clintt1i"aisiills I uiiiiirrouv'i giamie . hit C iliig tiaers, fiiiiiitii : tilt liliiiheiiih li T ihim- it' i stii or lh it Wetani lasi s ntiSO large its u l ,iitiiitthe ta i naryi I ngihg cas itt tti'iistttt'iiit'ti liothelirlt'icr perorm rs. Tht sverl if thi n l- fo n i nm l it n t tilt li i tht=iigantutus :tiw lit li littheitil iiai on' lislipt's histiyear.i" ii iii lt l nll Iiest A cntibionsi ofit apta i iika meyilI Coe,'t'L owelit'IDunilap, t .Iii sti th oveie agrg tit)t iForisec- ondtil 11p lacitilis eest beiicksdlin erlohrhi~t-ass tlt e 1t s Cho ur Ixpected t ti it i higan' s Li otal.i Cicagoiis hol essll ou oftil Iiii1 Ming.Tii' shm t Ilo Ii C tofn n as ti n ' Friend, ii i tltd oe- n ls ilii CCtil tat li Cl 1as i t I Itan ti ll s tahiiiigi to-ii tchn coiiii is iti l ,it oits ii l iii ii itt w lliprbabl go owelto ittiti ftilt oittiSh'pClint iedi tmtt- itw.l Ofslt NoxphctedtomkgodsingksiiTt stl in~iis so l ha'iiiii oniii Whoio taid o nt.Ci heti titwo-i li n I :('sseiani cis nhaslitiit i ib 'it Cos nWlteri a~nirt-iiitr ical heionlly I'. hibti ls ofthe i i ll-nt tam i l toug "ert in hspnit sFandi i tim s inti thn hree- todayi i i Ca t CeIxleted yostr. th oey. auItis at all reistaIkletand theo u rte -ilrs ht iare usersltin tof saie lsaT trria mi u istley, iaro mogntWit- r andt Tia loir. Itairul iiti it thrin iteacin h isat r alo etg oit Ktteetne u Fitptrick llt huethetrooers I l 11 ( l ti ti' 1 () ( t' ) l' t , l' Y i 1' f {' E 1 1 I r 1 I r c { I i 1 i s 1 laingii' subhscr itionls ftmu iniiduaiil muill muemlooked iuuonts sopiithootre 'fTeit le twos msep11atlitrantchesif ntim er i ofm sit hm lass amuting u1 t it l miSoiiirIs phlannetd Inowue ipirogram ulteiwirk antuftwo distinct degreensswill mu Iouan olar. lhirepe wuuitmll lit about11as hullowss:-At 7 :5 hflhubetconfttredt, namtuelyhBachuelor if Sti- Illstnimiultemittthineftlhu s if til thetutu udeimnts iluiet ttilhit camus itontcettinAci tecttturet andhBachuelor itt muiosan ttetiltps, iniwsiihtheliltitcla sse s. fiTeteniifu I inll tue t it Science in Arthuitetuur ii Ingineering. ;it ecase eet tohum suctcessftult rot n- te hlw uiling, ii"where thins-Thin former iwith strtss thet atsthtetic sile Ir be'ing umade' ttotirinugthe utsriptiop 11n will fom bisiestshut suoahmhores -wil fthin -itnwhiln thintitter fetus mart- it tachni hor tlass up iiolt hmhusanidmifimbsiesli altongtthin siaiifm tiUn iiwithiiitilt tuostr ucttive shineof arcite- limita mi r 11e11tahuhished b his ht'ngii vertihlltohimthinflagtaffthe ii'setiirsitoilt a- ii C wil i raks mlongte wilk past Thet retuiremiients foir admitssio toi thin Tetem-i i cutlt'e siubscipmtinhivesTaFppanOa nd0t uui te uiorus aloing thin ciourst as aitcanidiate for the abouve~dn t-tim ~~~~~~ ~e-e pmurposlymti adeteuasy- my- tl'mul toff h u ic-wtfrm th museum tolii1ktheucrni'rittgre'siareitht's-imueasuseumtomthin mg- ml lilftheC hush ,tha t noiion11'mig i nd iuuShalute ndSouthitUCniversity. t etly tiarenugininiig deptmeitnut , iandiin fat itt- givinug iii eta dinariimy drin on 7a,30/to htehibaidtsill headmtteftreshmuen, tilt hrst, year's ork tillbhuexnactttlt-e his itesurce ts.IThue amunt siustribhtdlwhoimas. toests liftt's-ven11g n-itt tenthsatie is t it fthin tther enugineers. humhu touittai uhinsswo tctual inlshalmenittslteJprocessin. Thli e.iiftmatrtint illInihutitsummi einesion folloinvig tilt heit' oifm wicih silt hot lbe huteuntihutesalung thut Silki hmtlt'efl-agstaffdon irisIt iirthe studmenits ire 1p11 instuecial abs t int arfromtdllttl tesndttu neuiTaFppanu Oak. inalit mndst hita out tott h raing1ksetiomnsaidudtes-ote their whole i-ttitibumd ix uthwe sit rnherlfithei t tl 1111 Thuihme tmmtiis distintinhe of driawinig. ivy thisarrale me niiit thi ntioiuls still taoh clasttwil fil] l inehitInithin setondfyetar thincanidtes ftir lite hiary t seat nauthaisuf ouit itt ACuthet Hollowun-shortulkls byHat Iuotin riitttturnemdgree hfins-nigtuages, colle-ge' ituitre the fitalpml tuetis tdue. Siiihn hit miiiePuttrinandt 1u prm-iphyicsit drattitugnmatheti sn, anl Thue'sen1111 thugulle-s ialontt'aveii t' iuu- uitner tmmber OI fthut'eu'ilneingtfIulity, threentoturstes in irthitecture;- inithet ietiiiithe ist sof stisi ph ioiuamunt- hintetturspetrsud itliiuts 'muttdthinburn-third lyearutmathemiaticsudrawitiggeol- illg to $ 11011 Foilloinh"are theini humf thlt-rieshman capsi itwill omplete'1115,ipolitial economyyctoil engineer- tiui :thlt program.iiuing,'iand fomurtcursns its arthitecturt: $25-ACC.I1?. Elirmatn;t$2o--C.11.Slay- FTecom u iltt ithas prepareitaIum in ithefutriuithyeairtGreek antifIatitirt. itaker E.I J.Ctlcloinnii ,N. miiiarnar tutueittof ss uaid sitar"tling tuts. Acom- u huiosuiphis trim ng,1 mechitntialatitgin- I. N. CliikitEI J. IotustRitW. t- plte uprougramuwilli uapp erini ttumor- nerintg, buutiing sanitatiout anduttwo shall.C C.1. .litiC. C' It'isiisiit rwsI 5 . llcas peidenitts n iuloursit'siii aithiitecture.ITe nanditdat's 'F Ci Jacksn, I. Cl .CCboxP. C.hilt t , :3lit us uin hullont fthin tuf tlteirthiutecturaitenigtieerinig dtgrte Palmeru J.isK I IndryuACI'.ChilisI. tuuuuto umpl tueup laIls forith lebtria-ipursuen muchiithin samlut itleuofSwork. S. RbrtuIIs, I.R. olmiitJ. Cl Purat,10111 ht pying more a lttentioni to tintvittlecritcal hi. J I ullisilt i13itOIt Cl ulty, R.13.tuandutmecihan ialengitnerinigitutdto itut WiCy R. F,.I' CWutley, -1.'] I I'l' ill' FREDEICKis.VCC -Cit i ll C tconstrution site of ite work. KrmrC.. u-lruuu 11 1'S. Nor- 'l'T iFS IN S ASitR1 fRAII' Prof. Eil fLorcht, whiom tthe depart- crs. _Ro', C .Spouoniter; $ Iiitwent hisbeuntifortuntateentouightto se- C'C. . t]hu th $1o-A. CYoungiS. ft FrI' ick'rNt'aC-',unitedmmt lSitakespear-cure 1to hike charge next yeat, us a mnu Alen.'i 11. S. CCeeer D.II13.CCWitlelmtinlintoruandmistudetahueauretdus thin mitrait utility and experiene. fin si 13. Niauelvoort,' CC'F. WCrdiPI allot- ilil 1amttracin o theS um.A.culte ucaitei tihtreenof thtn best snchoolts ittit J. It.K. Iatut 1.1I;.itneim CG. I.iitUnCiversihtyhu all a1 st tnightletuintg lil t stiurlud,Harvartd unitversity, Rul, I. CC" Test, C.J. C umni I IG till on u"lintesiltari mindhIlls Plays. ''iTheAt:assachiuisettsInisttuite of Tecnoogs. Stvn. W.i C S. it iii(3,.J. NnerknuJ.hums" exstert'uum' re Cl hCCstithii dItitt anituthin Sethuolt ittFinie Arts at Paris. :Al Granti Is.1). ulminiuramttF1 C.iDun-tpmutrattuy iinglSh ikespeareanuuurolets sas etvi-tHis profenssuiohn-tuwrk haisbeniwidtely fordi Al CG. fPasihby, R.ItO I Hinle, 1it I_,.mdeuced nut is iunutuumte nowlmut'edge' oftte urieundthun tis bhentaliinistrutour Cotiiu'tii I' J. Crueightonuu , G CCv.Joe- subhiectandiihts auduu'miratleintrnta int hum HauIrviia'rdu ivesrsity aidtthtit 13,1' P. .Jtvi, . sR nty, ft N.I ins miofuunueromu s paissagesnfroutvar thureeilInsititte omit tldeltphia, where' Briaunu I iuuct1.itts putays. hut us nowtlohoted. Be is a muembter if 13. Culbenrtsonu F.NagltirCl\I.sR.'Fsiltr, Befomirietliutiing hits dtscussionuofut hit miiiy tuultorary art associationis anodtutu N. R. ~C uthiusHi S.isuRieyC. Crntpats t hmstlves, . Ale C'mrt nttkedt hiautmanyIflterinig oilers uot exeenit .. :CtyfauntI..Cf.Boinnutey, J.CC.listl uimtheonclsit etms h ae mattemoptedipomstotis.Ie his as Professor Cooley- A.I I. tuit Cl AlpeniO.IC.fiterrymuohrone thu-t Sir Franis Bacottn was exptestud iItinilaytieaittifuli letters" min S. I. Csyfe; $5-E.IT flitsit CC I. hlteaitminthouur mitthes'esworks swtuih uco len iutin andh praise fromstthin Vtlis havettainettdlShakeinspeamrenhit5fame.t letgretest meitttiithin artiitturalline oh _______-- Itrid~icul hit"Cryp-htogr-am'tof gittils thinted Sttates. Thintuunersity nan C'ANOF Cli'll TB RGACNIZED. Doatnestly andthehuthenr itteIls my whuichstruly conugratuilate itself upto obtaitning hutadhterents mintthin Baciantu theory such