The Mli chigan Da'ly NN N\ RB.R I lCIG , 'Dl(X 'SI) XX XlMW 30, [9) V'OL. XVI. No. '74.. BASEBALL CHAMPIONSHIP DEPENDS ON TODAY'S GAME Michigan and Illinois in Final1 C.11 \XPIO.NSlIP RLCORI) OF [VI V'5.(0['-AN II ViIi [[V jL' N I ()R SI NG TO N f1G1 IT. LOW RATE TO CHICAGO Struggle For the Supremacy- Sanger Will Twirl For Mich- igan-Both Teanms Anxious. cha pioshi wll e fugtV[pot Vsi be [weenVthese rV ['['S1 '[V'ag greg tionV[5this )e Vr, Iand ttthe fouithiIandiiVV[t[SIVamI honor wil[[[ idipuabVt1)1i f [ the Illni n nboh ea s illcVaiml[ 1tt I [ his "s los te m ar t[VVintowVn' t hruh o it [lth i titsVV['m il lMt' win ing t l amelti, ttt rn[oont arei5V anxou [[Vomth e I [[t 1 V ai i i notat ll ttt lt It at Ioneloth(Ielan wil losti rotgh'irvosIs VlV'V [ V [VVl [ tth ic i i XIas Vlost[oneV gasltttt isltolCicago. [[V theI ltli i've mIarkl al Maon' Ichiti tIV[[t [s toihael in spitafIt atta at c ote5t Ia tllydatCamagn hV gm \lIs (ats It I to 'I ll i.t ooVt 1s It V V iii VIhadt itteenl layedI ontttt V t't ratt siid illsthesl It e V Vic[Vt V'imadV lisrt heiii l st inottI lt, ame. Iltts an- 1 Vtuce illV stV nit r[VV.Xth t Vebattigloglerl Uv[[[IVastVSaturday. San teilh r rou ded itoVVV' ifi[tcoi'stt in,'ids.t'l het h tf tais itig' tlen ca pzV'ttlltgin~ois- ill ttt iVal VVVlt tod y f ihe me lae ttt all. IVI uc.t Ve411 i VVcai8:30 eliecaor w at V t. 1.,I \1.lV [" 7:V 1l : Vt _I ~r' litis 3.VICVicag o IllnoVis 8,CicaVgo MXichtiat 7, ClhicaVoVV. 'i~hlfr l 3, V Chltiago 2 t1V AXiktttitt l3, C Itict V9. MXichVian 3, Illin[[o[s 7. :Miigan[VV[[[ Ill[iis3V ( 1 tinnVingsV). ichVViat 8, Illinoist V . -MiciVgaitt Ill inis Ilnis pl'sChic[[go'aVain[[tomor[ow SON111I IllS QI( XIFIX'(114FINAI, XYestrdyiternoon[[[[theIV 190ill]its o V'icVr' ght ((V pl[yV itnV[V the i ttl [a[[[Vt Gitingtosptched oltr thettitis, andIwas Im Vkeptte'Il[[Is sondlit ttediutyXVVVinVsVlviing itark'[sV offer ingb tsit w s[vtl 1isetfom ys [[06-1907law V amtwlltt t hats ve t heV r [ ease pii Vs i theis V l V Vt ii wV hich The Vsta V ys irdys itti asoulO for tth ifits, t "on aise Ia[tpulli ''e'il)-hsatdtil sgittto'ts trill hlttl IS ASSUREDI)FOR MYEET' aninoraloudolVmoert'V ttiigit ilt-'l__ th ~tr1 trener te It- Director Baird Guarantees Railroad at sVerao [[[(. 'The progri~ ra ill [VetVVV[Ie Least Fifty Tickets-Fare For by' stttgs 'ndit o r ttr allas. It Vt's Vt1Vannedi Round Trip Is $5.85. Vt [Vol a singlas[ lttV[IttrctV V (igJt, bVu t[VV[ i l c 1ttg t Ctcit Vllit'ilm11 tcleft i ~t r rqete h ineecemet /lycne to tla tttgtttt'' tnd 'VDill t cliss V \V lnet I nyV e w o w sheito see th meeting will _bein_ prom tly_ at________ ern t lit tt 'X1111le theus NOTD RAEDANLEC outnd VXtriV V 51ithlthaials Frederickd WardeinApptears in FinsIes VteVcellen t [nceto i t iltractrshit Numbyo eisreon estuen ts Loet rgh t ))ni Us this yVa"ttstl it is r obable V tati De to teaoc i etio re.riese [ tt I itit" t uentsiwil l tak __________ [Vt iv[V [([[ of te low rate.I [[[ IVttlaitu NOTEDi tiTiRAGEVD[V[IAN C g til equets i yon[V'V'lt I itatirli. t(l Te tr[ais [illititleaveVVVnn Itrbtttt'i' Num eronStuen [iLetureii t ill tsil tli iiood Vto Vrtn [as ltuia V~~~~~~ tiittttti i S[VI tVVVVVV[iht Patofsthe iteami [Associaltionit[[iiiXlSeiries.'tit A CHECK TO CHILD LABOR MUST COME Dr. Lindsay Says It Is Detrimental to Morals and Inimical to Our Edu- cational System. a ite t'ch'id[I.Lbr sVgliittiwtiok City gag < vry inerstnis lstat ed lec-t tio1sihve Isuht it Vtits the i iV %rnag 1s ' It f i ic lb rrckn it posible or < hild [[itS man' h tt'cbeen ltt' studtlan[[VIactg f Shaketts- pera lly. In [067 lite appeared'(ilXon the lst'geinX''it V[ i is i tinor tat i .at h Hiiris wa Xl i d n]sXX sitesa Ion tits [i [V V ii him atTheate VRoy l lit- Iov It Alis Vittl t l i i t it Vee pincitt XX ate [VIV l ii ter'. tit tl Vn MA V[VVtts t I'X\Are ucmetu'New XIAJOI'IT'Y(Oii5F?.NIOR LIAXXVS GI RI' GI.1,:4ANDl).\INIIi X'.XN'L'A.NSI NOG'I(R'I'TI.C'A'I'E('I' IVE}I/lS CI IN')I'I st1VVV'IVl~t [if It XV iIVVV teliticoutyti clerkVthat[they itt teiadittditoipVraV- outglysdiscus[sedVaItiaI ilass metin ti i least VVmonth ago.Itn fofiiteenV~ stte lrpoted oVil itheIV diVssionirit [[[Vi Ittitr inllten stat'estuad it 'as foni tit firstoVm[eVVoVi thVeVserseth lcicail ce [tifcte IV is [itttvilid. Iniothtels it is, but theVmajii irtyothclsde pir[[tceontilt'sup reme'court sheerpskitn. C'o[nsqt[lyVVIXhit seniorls Vexpectithat theit' annuatito Lan.iIsing'twill mticuichaneetaevr this year. if t[euivettrsitylist'Satuirdar eter-VV' facutlt Vty D ._'XIVV'.IVV sIt'rt'td it'e(cusltomt sevenyersago snc wich ltit' it has btecit'atani''''t. 'Ttee iVltt behta Itall g""ititi''theItaV thliitISvrsity tiandtie AnnlA'borIight I tVeamV. (fitthe alunuhtiteaV'm a're( ie VtayVII hotweretil thelV chImpiniship teamti V'to ye''a's 'agis Clii I 1 'ft Vtill baisttig'i. tt'bforai' t lat'g' Vandtlinter- Iaitt IV' il V'V' tuturvedha tintonlt'V hei iot t l tis te i hi Iity XIwereIttl ic . Underthe itrhip of Nora C. lit ithe lit ce [c l [Va V Vhityear at- I ited a idegretofli t c i lv' wich tV is tlit["eariofVthi ogniato's x utm e sr btt VJ'u'd Ii romitsIt woJrkt of. las 111ghtiSoo il(bXIIaIfaItrin ttt tl al cc litt tttuut't rr .XIt s Sm.i ihc snuVI V IVt stt\hslll ultl I'[ie' dVti'n VfV-A[rin'Trbt.thwod of y-I tttt' re ' rit Sten"''bi y V JIV 'iltR. I iii Va o~usldMcignmn I s a h pll I I N I Iat a wot her [t lii Int 1Vtglia [Viif [[cts it t XttVV[ (Vt metil _b___tequd_ hih o " T hettcs iltt eni ifIthel ocatltitiest have [t th [confterence. Vt ii ctu~ t he.'i Vt'itoti [ark' t nft eir facetsh hirst Vt gIV itenIhe chlre o o ee got c oliatViallb s i mplywtiti until Isen arc bm'-e[ough tIsgthnto Vhittttu I II Siy he u nl irlw lS m t tot.tit nv erl oi r e iad's'or to ;ele t the \VeIII