THE 11ICHIGAN DAILY _ _ _ _- ilockinig Valley Ry., CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT:' TRA[N SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo; Carrying Parlor Carson Day Trains Steeping Cars on Nighst Trains Union Depotosgin Toledo and Ce- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32-1 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich.' F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Glas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. BILEY & EDMUJNDS BA f GooCWN 121 East Liberty Strret. NEW REGAL STYLES ON THE ANN ARBOR CAMPUS livery season we have taken special pains to pro- v ide at lea ;t seven or eight models that would appeal most especially In college \ m~en and every season we are stronger ยข ' . inall the biE Universities of the Fifty-eight new Regals in the _________Spring sqnad and seven of them-the snappiiest in tihe l' r list-have already "made" $j,,} j tlhe Varsity. Fuill of clever style, and A ns enfral r k w a gand, full, honest money's the slan an swi", o 44 woi th of wear in every 01ne the oe.Mad of ae . Kn,- -I0 Etti of them. Qtuarer Sizes, too. R AL The Oboe Ye Studn Shop 611 E. W1lilaro St. Sole Agents i SUNDAY I SMONDAY 2 TUESDAY 3 /. WEDNESDAY 4 THURSDAAY 5 FRIDAY 61 Every ay=::=f<< 'ibis store growvs more popular \VhyT' because oor valsues in reliahble Clothing and Furnishings art unequaled anywhere It will pay yoio to investigate thoese oife ing of yours m loelws suoits, overcoats and( raun coats. IREULE, CONLIN & FI EGEL I I__ I r ~I S To Engage the Assembly Rooms or Orchestin, call at Granfer' s Academy Office, 312 Maynard Street As Thersi~denceisconasect ed l wilt lildin-s.cailesr s e rs'quested baa- 110nnetheiseles. 'lese i ng.ob ii' Thoe cold, idamop weather can't last muocho longer, 10111 whteno it bleginls to o'arno up you wil want a nosy stilt. Gxet busy anod let 01s show youl our .NiW 1D0PE," also our No xvOVoERCOAT. HENRY an.rd KYER, Tekllovs to Meun i e7 I Suits and Overcoats Co im (1nhn (manj Buy Direct and Save TMeasre~ $1 ,6.00 to $28.00 110C11111si10 UILotIII5UU01IIIJnyMoney. 118=120 E. Liberty. I U, of M. BARBER SHOP photographer7 VA TSP r fir 39;E.vH _u_____RAN _DAL Trojonowski State St.. P HO TO G RA PH E R }'' 1' 0 Soolrooo r. Praticeof 01Girtl s aitoliiiicl1btisi alfternoon at 115 'clioctk, t egym. Last. P,1ce wiill toe iian ii rtanti me1110 g Of lie ('1Ca ea clubiti i 7 o'clock,. in icres toobelieredilinothi ie conest. 1 Th nua11111.1eleitiioiiof ooficers.of lie C', ivIie-its'of ii ani Ileisieritie Sol 1' H ron liic. i liersoiii Pres. 111Thereiwill the a1meetinig o il~e 'of 1110s iin [ioomiiiC, t~iier sits tiolll.at04 1001110xt yearii llttbeeleteid ;iimor~otant. OR his o n enjoyment, and 1los r~dlt O~fTIhe S1110r lite(rar clas's tax of $30 as a criterion of his good tastemisheadatoc.NIcls ntx bion wil111heo '11g(ive iiiiutil the lax and hospitality to others, the man, Cpill ,OA siiini roliretr . 111l101 who knows, selects Alis i ts who wishetrivita Iin us t heirIn ord: ~eirisefore ~ ~I U R A D'ilockt tonight The101,foilloiig-iiog lsi- 1ais i chairman ii: iRobert iAtkoiis, lot I atlcr Lcpttakroad iliol A dossieer. CIG A R E. T SC lilssitr e nol1as aeodr is so5 t aumiisisroomois. Casts willsall orders. Rich, mild, and fragrant, alwaysTh:nlAbrPes(omlya- ocr & Snoyder), printers of the Micholgan uniform, made throughout with Dalily, The Alisisist,Inlanoder, Ys' great hioio on fosotbasll, the 'technic, S. the skill that only an expert com- C.- Alanidbook, etc.,rec.,are pitr to the student liody 117 Kl Wasiog- mands and perfects after sixteen ton street. tf yer'unce.asirigeffort ! \Whenii I ii wis1 to11urilaeiaiy cot- ea log nespe1nnan sts 01 piltlows,0 Iall t 1ju for i15 Cents biss,1( t l~0 l's, i327eiThompsoI~lnosteet.i By mail, posttaid-If yoga coss't get l/urud Cogaretoes at yursoottellei f deaier's,; 72c.12orlifly; $,-.5ofor one hundrea ALLAN RAMSAY, 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City Ohio CentraIlLines PARLOR CARS on allt r'ains between Tuleido and Columnbus. Eing'ant modern Parlor Cars, with terst-class Caie Service between Taledo, Columbus and Charleston.. Plucky ~ ,,, oltoustrates the tiump h of cereal foods iin 1e ilitdi, f astulrisddto5us tesios;Le. lhe0001115 ton l0. 111 fousrthlirice soid tlreo.-f ourto 'Whiat. Iito1he miaksing of listsrye lpto~ iss itiays triumphlotedtover lilcat. Bu %%Id i nlos you eat a wxhest otiod be 'le oruant re les tills the xxhole wett 1o1odiogesible torin.'that' d SHREDDED }X WHEAT BISCUIT a boulder of brawn la.und tbrain-keepts the stosisch oil eel and clean antd the hoNxels healthyandiaot ile. (oiii tihe" Pure Food Moverment" hy eating Shureddod X theat, the cleanest, purest, mlost ntritiouos cereal food msade 001 the wo rld. The uht liouir miiller coxes yo00 the starchx iu the %ihtiibterry, odiscardlig the outer fles-t foriniieelceeits. Vou can't maesusotiosole oor 1brain out of stoirch. In thle shreddong process ALL the fleshs-formiing, strength-giinlg etc- mtisoistooredt in the whosile wrheat herry are poresented IN DIGESTIBLE FORM. a Shredded Wheat is mode in two foras, BISCUIT and TRISCUIT. The BISCUIT is delicioss for breakfast with hot or cold milk or cream, or tor any meal =n combination with trait and vegetahles. TRISCUIT is the shredded whole wheat cracher, crisp, nosrish- log asd appetizing. Delicious as a toast with bev- erages or with cheese or preserves. The eosVitl Quetionokook "is set fee fothe sing "It's All in the Shreds" THE NATURAL FOO0 C Nosera lsea N.10 Y,3 ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORINGx