THE MICHIGAN DAILY M n.5 flocking Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo; Carrying Parlor Cars _on Day Trains Steeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots. in Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32", Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. BAILEY & EDMUNDS Sportf no GooN' 121 East Liberty Street. PEA NUTS Finest Quality Roasted Peanuts per lb. IOc. Salted Va. Peanuts, Bleached per lb. 4- " 52 tbs. for 25 .3 Peanut Brittle per lb. 15Sc. We buy Peanuts in car lots of -25 04Odbs, Doing our own roasting, we give better and fresher peanuts for less money than any houae in this vicinity. 214 south DEAN & CO. Ann. Arbor 4 Mats St. Michigana SELF FIv WLLING Pv r EN Bar~~~lvr+4 tettetlip51t li -Prespasti ootani -analletSittfesecs of st tieTeprs sure rlaed as i theikat ~e et i s i t nt ly5. COIt aN tENsstt attvtgi (OSINP fortedsot ag an.The simplet, tP sI tartl mst fi Lare lnk apciy.Ifl o s irthremrkal ve. s When it Comes to Clothes For Young, Men Count on Us COUNT ON US for EivingE youtthis snappiest, most up to-dale garments ever designed for young mets. COUNT ON US for giving yout clothing that will positivcly retain its shape and fit yout accurately. COUNT ON US for apparel made of dependable ma- Ierials, andi tailored equal to-order ntade garments. COUNT ON US for selling yosthtie best clothting utade hfor Ise money-tse celebi aled STEIN BLOCH Fine Clothing Lindenschm it, Apfel & Co. I! Suits and Overcoats ( 1 ai Untmn (Pmnn Buy Direct and Save Fro~t5m $1 6.00 to $28.00 U I llJ~UUIII UIjU1 oe.18120 E. Liberty. . of M. BARBER SHOP photographer R-ENTS CULER 319 E. Huron R AN D AL L rrojonowski State St. P H OTO G RAP HE R ooo .. lot too 14 .ra " o t ory a^ i 1 f UNIVERSITY NOTICES. ilt ui metl RI-I r W"llit Siinclair, lit,an a l r A Fair Face deserves fair treattmeut. TreatE it fair and it wil treat you fair. Always usec WILLIAMS9 SHAINCG THE flavor of the Murad is naturally rich, just like the natural dryness of fine cham-. pagnes. This quality in MIUHAD CIGARLTTE'kS is acquired, by bringing selected Turkish leaf to just the right point of ripeness. It took sixteen years' experience to make this quality perfect in the Murad! 10 for 15 Cents bya maipostaid-!f yeu cantget Mutrad Cigsarettes at your ' deales, send zfe.for ten; 7c. forffty; .Pa efuor one hundred ALLAN RAMSAY, 111 rifth Avenue, New York City 9 __ __ __ _ r . 1 I r = and t1 ~ 1110111 ap FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ofionn Arbor,Stich. E. 0. linse. Pes. tttrri-stntSt ule5V5 S. W. Ctarksont -Casir Capital, $it0000.SO- iurjtes anitiProfits, $1 0 UEORUE BISCHOFF FLORIST 11, Choice Cost Inlw-seas-nod Plesnt& j ChsapinS.t betwiesn Huron andhillr Ave. Phone 800 COOK !HOUSE 7 (Oeppossc itetCurtHueSqae FIRST-CLASSIN ALL BRANCHES 12.00 $2.50 $3.001 learn tealt ndElevator- AlI'. tt5 teseie eSNAY IissesA 50titEatti Vetoderllp ea Gal. Save a Walk Down Town Get yotur Watches and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place Buy your U. of 11S. Pins1 there they keep a ftil prices. No iSg poor stock nour store. ° u'..- Nttthisgl ,hanged for e.oitt- inga )ugoodo or ge ttsin g prices on repairs, etc. Aliarm clocks 81.00 and up Call at the sight place. opptosite Law Building. J. [. SCHLfIIOE, st4 o sthe BILLIARDS AND BOWLING 5. ROTENSTElN, 707 N. Univ. Ave. here's Many a Slip 'Tween the Cup and the Lip, ina iy Itittes yon are disappolitted tee iving your linesn whes you it steed ittttnless you settd it to a able laundry. Yout are nevtr dis- toittetdwhetn yost send it to the rslly, astd yot not ontly receive it tdue litie, butt with a color antd is ott it tht is always gratifyinsg. Va.rsity Le uidry 8. 4th Ave. Both Plh ons 928 GAS STJUDY LAIRS $2.50 Each 100 Candle Power for 1.3 Cent perlflour Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. BassG YOUR UNFRoAMEoDPICTUESoTO DEFIRIES ART STORE and hknethems tramned wth Choice Mouldiogs Only the Best French Blass Is Used. 1223 S. Main St. THlE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING .ARROW COLLARS give the college bay who most dress smartly ono a stmall income just whtt he is ticking for. Beiing made of Clupecosrutnk fabries, these cellars wear lttiger than the ordinary, and in- sliec orrett Quarter Sizes. Quarter Sizes iusure, on the oter hansd, perfect fit. 15c each; 2 for 25c jany of your good shops Cluett, Peabody ftb Co. Largestmates ofCollars anod Skirts in the Wortd. I V ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR