T'HE i McHGAN1DALY 'or Art and Skill in Tailoring Call on SAM URCHFIELD & CO. The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HVRON STREET Men's Fine Fixrnishings . All roods in tisestore for whiihtee sltndsplonsor must1po0sss a's1toetatet features'. Style, Qu.ality arod Value.. In e' Fuornloh iegeottese eloieteriol it',are partticuarly oiebe Collars, Gajffs, Neckties, Negligee Shirts Vnderwear, Hosiery, Hfandkerchiefs, Jewelry. In lttie' Nailtiest, Newest:. LatestiStlesr. MACK %Q'%COMPANY H A LF-TO0NE S and ZINC (ETCHINGS Lower in Price Better in Quality Ask A. M. SMITH t 11 Ann Arbor Savings Bnk Block ALLEN, THE CLOTHIER, MAIN ST. Thin Underwear and Hosiery For Men _i STATE SAVINGS BANKI W. J1 tootht11)1 o I 'theha Wm.t Arodt 171". V.C Vuga ias it. Wade P F. ils N J. ItC JoeniHanmr' .i('~c ro. )1 S.Crhartt I'n . Z'li toet'tott Citltito'Maeil FRESH STRAWBERRIES ttee tti 1111 (1 It yse ce Iod in tru itits, Flops1 QUARRY'S Drug Store Strawberries Ice Crean Sherbets Frogs'ILegs Club Sandwiches Chickenl Large, Thick, Juicy Steaks and the best of everythinig n seasonl, at Oyster Bay BOTH PHONES 467 315 So, State St. ................... I ^^^ ..,,. M1ONEY [OAN[D,- an l >hg lasC ae W. J. L OURIM 104 4tht Avet 1)pittte or l ott e ITwto Store soilt oft'new YV.Ct. A, 7 tto0-li. Bitoess Strictly Cotfidrotialt .1\ICIGAii N GRADitHONORED. b~oit EbitoArorP(ormha erlyPare let r &Sttdr.ier of the Miciatd T' aere i.i 'frcAeta, , ilinder, Yost' ereat tok 0MayolbetitdieTecin i, S C. A.l baeIredhooks ctetc.,oreprnerof lll~hititors,,Mwiceigewcre otit hontor ti tihe footbl teambttf 6'(l Yii 'try Pauiec'erfectinchcolatepuffsd itup it t c hps as wotn'mparkea cc HP, 111111 11 ta l il ity h ttas ttto 1111't'him a cliveil pid t ion 1111113 yt7e'ii j tlst of tis'lttl0- tte 1111 iit 11 Da'ei liThel mn sInlader71os72 T H E Natiollal Gas Light Co. Clas Reguatler. Ittmae's te Ii tled Ii It a 'I cs atI savs oe t-half lite .-aa' Office Over Tinker ft. Co.'s State and 'Williamr Streets A. G. SPALDIING & BR.OS. tttgest ttlt'tti i rl i l lt' rl Base Ball, Lawn 'T'ennis loot Ball Archery Roque Golf Quoits Cricket Lacrosse Croquet i Impleents for ailSporta - r try Spaldinog's Crade lMark o Base Cmlt imptlemet'l sthas I,. E' '' r ey r tutiet'itte r Lawn Y 1 en i th (Clolt. q ose otpading's trade-'tack (lit ;1)ivi ltter'tsatifc on A. G. SPALDING ea 1BROS. Nt,. otel, ilittait t ir rawso CAPS ANDI GOWNS F or Comnrmenvicerm-ervt Week RENTAL, - r $1.00 Ordevixxxytimoe. A. F. LOVEI LL 132 S. tate St. COX, SOiNS & VINNING, New Y01rk GET BUSY This Vacation tCl. lrn;n J) S ~il 1111_],01~ t1I t pro inet. m m e fAm ro o c ityat he11 1,t 0 11 1 111 1 72 7oyd a C igits are ber 2(;f terls" te NP fater &O'onor.I mkabigo ' tdt with cleemn Fa Isapnce , ajVutabeSea 1 tI I Ittl it to tk , 1 I I io t c4Iiihe 1 tt ing at~ in II~?N~ ivf opnpoi-onsoK 'IrtOUSL icr : 'I'l( laretcii m i 11 i~ t Officital 'o6 senor shields are reatty fore ie careylt'e laeet lice of 'TUIRtKItH. I l))IESTI6C &. tIt RTIi Cigarettes asS dielivery atttI tre $2.00. Dottlpaiytmore. Iltetic & Ittpoetet Cigars. A eolatale F 'Titese are tie ertlandito111y officiotloties. liste oftill 'stoineg articles. We areage~e y forDEocoTH& (to.LINKMsAN & 1Co. nd C'ttl for ortders itmtmediatly, J. M. Pi ES, also freSTACY'S & SCHAFtFEE"S fitte chtttolate O N-tBONS. pipessatre oll tere. Ye StridetiSitop. If R. E. JOLLY. State St. W~hams (Q Co. Panama Hats Straw Hats Wash Ties All the Newest in Belts A Larme Assortmnent its NEGLIGEE SHIRTS ansd HOSIERY Wadharns (Q Co. 121 a..nd 123 Souzth Maine Street 7 NATIONAL BROKERAGE CO. High tiraite Potsition Brttkets 581 Cadillac Square Ohio Ceutrd [ne PARL.OR CARS Cate Serie lttwe'T 'ot le ot tttttto ,td D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY i~oh usutil8 0.)Il. 'Itiou r lo ereto eitttt ott:5a.itol Kodak Catalogues 1906 Are here. Are you Interested ? E. E. CALKCINS IDruist 324 Sosoth State Street "Amateur Phologra.phers" We have opened a Developing and Printing Department. Work Handed us today, delivered to you tomorrowv. TRY US} Phione Mich. 895_JALXNE &CeeIiiBk ' Hom"..367 -RH exy.~ l. - _ ..., WJ 43F N1EVER UND ERSOLD---GOOD YEAR'S DRUGsot1 STOR4