The Michigan Daily
- voL. XVI.
No. 172.
Detroit University School and Detroit
Central Finish Close Up-Ten Rec-
ords Broken and Two Tied-Cook
Wins Hundred-Yard Dash.
mt evtedr heldi i ilthetcountri as its
niit irne aft ha Nijiigaiter-
shaiatstia, NItiilihwas wt't by Le wis il-
awl le\\it a t t t;I f 3(6 1-2 Itainits.
Il-rait lit-rsiti bSchati With 33
pont ndD tiaoCtrai witil 28 fitt-
, tie metjust losaed twitnessedatota
seveal the godprtftotrtmacs. Oir
andttt tille Itio-lfle11 t 11111 rei t he tt preptt
athlilts I l o t lat q a h
prey siotis rcrI n ~o fthia events,
tt ignh jump ad raidit 111llttt, the -rec-
racoirds, th ist i-I iltlt biyitzI1-4 iinc as.
eihteenloita 1111 1 isichoi- n te
l COt Ni. O it tiNTtttCIdllaASITIC IP IiT.
LeiiIsitaittla 3(11-2.
MiciantatMititI aty Aademynr-13.
1nn tboriit 12
Clevelatd Cntrai-3.
ae Crtak -i2
a repetiton t ttaf liltif, ithilt iittttit t
() 11e111 i tr ialipIayingittheiiteBll
Theitwottii e hits ottiet(Iflt itRawes
record liof 111 10:9 b itt-Ilow1r1 di bu it tt
bruhtutita prtt aceit bttttlten-
tlilI ndttt aytii lithitoal Ann111Airbor.
T101e tailitiCk adiatitagfthetttif lipoa
ltunityl t i ill iou itliilift ilttea wok, attt
the paceitltthgittd tremtentdttuli leadit
inti-a fit lile1111 iath tl l ln t ails
eiht laat-B~iel aitttiNiay beani
their si ntal 111111 i oo ed -I
What Happened to Records.
TrenSt NewiiRecoriid Made:itbyGOidHataoad
Bro-as jump.t , - _23;feet m . aikChiilictaia ....- - -. 22. 71-2
1 i1jmp .. ee iu111 itP attso , )D C.S..... -5
Discill row .. io iifet 1 -3 iii .stit iigat NI. Ni -..... 104-10 1-2
Glilt runi ..... .....1 4:43- . . .1 tai- tro itts t a l.4 6t-
} it s-iu rlua .....ti :3i-;....Deroi U ivrsty161o.. t a3
mo-v rd lai .... ... .itlsec iiittCok, C tii theIs.......iauui 1 34
iso tr-ile te usi eetin eii AaCoitsil the o hurlegittowt d
dais po11111 1 1 11111 i I1- ;rar fo n laitit t helil a rirat at er-
ttttiut l tta1o l:ilt)(i, 111ltledfo th str t et Iv.I n it defeatIitt a igaa of at etrtal
\Woodiociloft1.1U. S.traniseondtalltirc I iso rc dof :15 4-5. Te
the wayis ht sitiihiin t abouit J aditfrlyraewsesy fiit IS).CU.S. lThe
took tirdli t h Ii' lassiiiot lvea nd ii heiiiip-wti ss grailt atlyit idetn1etttt tilti att
f()'urth. The tim mae w s :2 25, te lt f t i tis C ab tilt yardsst a atetd r-t
.- itptg a i fr i lt co d i t e1111 rit ,, ll- di. 11111ont trot 11itsntr al. ook,
rcI lilt. i umli1 illst foriChillicothelra11121rlit
lii tthh i i(lll ,' ii tltii lttl i h m yla -t I ctoul tt pi attatitm. o t
seo dutil I(,re lilth. et i to at lutit- ttiiida-h- Cti otas Le ill ittset
harrer. Herehe tumhed nd fllbu t (t:lantDti C n itrasecond; i
111 \lc nuts o ak 13 U. S.,t i tatM ors,
recveing. si ut slit tariitedl on, even liiwis titte, fiutttt.l T int -t o.a22
iten ale a i iof ttiiith tIl tilti Iah Il-taritii t ar-mietick a tateis Insi
probbl thewisehav takn seond S. 0firta iasitroitdCtrt a ieod
w a rid s Io fta L e wi s I st li t u e e n (tit t oIi it a r c d m , f r t d a d . L w e t e p c . H a h e d l I ntii t u t ea s e c o n d;ak r y MI lr t n e y , ltC le v et n
jus asthe wee cmin of th bak ntr l tirtdtOSutlivan, ftGtadit aids,-
theOrcar bae unnr, hohadben br, fare; LNfaty, tAnn iArbori second;
2eri03 1- 1 hichtli ca11rried pahitihpast tot CDirl o urCethr.l'Iirde in
lay, Battli Criekfouth.TlimIet-i4:43
220yard law hltsi-Mhi iiitni,
D. Ci S, fitst ;Utratg, DeritCtUrtral
serottd; NVy, Hyde1Park, tab ittd
Scham,10D1)UCIS,fouti.TimI~ o:25
3-g it
titafCe1tralt sn;Cilcte hr;
AmttArbor fouth.iimeTtss133 4ga
12-pottttd tht lpll-HotntrtGratt i
Rapitds irttI46 fut;Ath111,11D.iU So
sraottd - fet 1-4 tich Cott, P1y
mlouthtird,11141 feetsiihesRen-Hi
nicier Leisn Institte, fourthi40 feet
10 3-4 iches
isctsthlrowst Si ittrt hi hi t,
hilt till)feeti1 1-4 tithes RePit ti,
enits Insttliititut icntootfet itit4
iinc;thuartDa.IU.CS,tirdtto ee i
to faet-tgtince. l
SeltitoitAlhi hi A.,tsiiondi13 fie
6 ttatt H 1tincts I ace, eis s t- itt et
Rapuids fott it131 et
MIiC 111 Ni NSI tN VDIT1
ORS l-il-i) i-ll 1107 F
heidiltal dept t atientIstcet thit ot
entgieering fr atssiateitediitor;ttoatthr
t97 iltlhig pen iai itill heii l wl de-Ititp
batmetithereit las liv-r ittrfihtttt
for tilt-onsi-lre-sutingain la tirtibes
medic sleatcuii utionwsasthutts iati tldil
veitttrysbt it-I litdepatenftita
trwaslnouoppoiitio to theatloimlull
pastall noi-alt tlackisoitscandu idtesutu
the egifur utus el no ileion, b-aiut t-it
iiw tttitbe inelditate airulpatofthe it
Amolilln telantah er. eefu e
Iut In t itcoitest tail l lt st-It t i
warm.ititerrciedtfIoes li
93, andIPrestonPnHherndonll PPHach .
hIt hasnot t t een deu term iihthetiu
tui iot ill ieseled.l sTteimesirsir
t tate listititsal l st aittt ii higti tet
lialte beh tweentheIIsis four candiatgs
as hap ittlXwellXisusinedl thelisthat
Iotesut to tdthei1trshilssultandii
irst Iwelre Ititusonly iiit t o sttrd-
ottituttnrs dthe teleif-on wstl-
wutoe ttatteditr werefrecivtedttand the
sl l ltiii iugsacomm ut f iteedelard t lc-
-ton iThit tacncy wft~u tti Ifiled if a -
1.tttsiuA. 1 1 t i criedtthd nt de-ait
I Atough itsitthe t itasigtbytiliei
sttniorlagsas tbtetnttstvogueiiordst-hiltall
I liahtere taigl-its An Arorand atitassatis-
t ha tte In therutt ordstta itttfi
i ntncsayt o oLnig
Proaf. Hlatipltldeliteeaat vteiray inttrat-
s-vietss Ftidaty nighti,outhlilaPanamattt tnd
--Nicartatguattcanls.Abouttwo huntdred
i-were preseet.
ll(S11131T1(SN Ill'XIii1iM
TIilS hi Ii N(IGN
o'clouck thistfternoonttlil lntthe jct,
'Resolvedithat a poltitia lilatyItorgn-u
zail istttecessar da nce ltit-h auilss-
tf prohibition." T he1fit matttie swil
e tupportttail by E1rntatIM.H-i ll idy tutu I
I, hi Fowleri-t ill advtilt t he tltnitgati ,t- h i
lthc iproi nnttl debahilii ter illiielit-
ievtt it onc ltulsielist tlthtisi ittes- i
tio t wichltithas b1n t i tatint he. l it - li- t
-rit silt ite it ahuiutIt s it lt. hilt c-
tagiiuetlgeseveryonetto t urlnt o ul tin
ca thisi ited i isus sill.Ni
rank P Helsel Chosen President
Without Opposition-Fx-President
"Bob"' Parker Remembered
ohe fact tilthe nlcotet sto i
bei illtetchicells ineulivettepaItt-luntii
ite-eidentts.uiliThetcoutingosit he
ulowingt-officers for iteyar1906-7:t
Prsit et Frank i 1'. i lllsell; itearlilN
ie-ptesient CuiiC Ct 1111 a
meitc si---pr lItuuhItiliii pA, Suiby
tie-preidtiitItgetiHarveyC Pal
lock;recoringt scrtry HerbetitW.t N
Alentootut atccasilnto tilt-ikill heIsmsh
aildi cottee is wtook l pliartLtinlth
vaiuttutprttojec tsfteUnion1111dur igi
teil iipas tiftyerepcilt- Cemphasuizedtt
thei supprtt it owed1bstudenh -tsin t-/
trning ths mItsing1tsThe istrutt-
cti of cilrsich us nowaoing o% 1
Secre-try Chain makting thus rapor
stittu h tt heiiifush rceisedifor it-e
wids oe.Prfso ltsi howsed
thie toital recei tts ushd i Nimiutuits sit
tilt patst yearintcliuing t-ru-dsit balh
ancet-of telasiut reportI usht s us--
iiiti : Hicipt, $a0 12.H;-distusir
menuts$44458: casitblanceshut$38411
'T'hi is os ilottu incude -the til uiprouu
iedfo tiuhe isubihlusthegrater parit-
of whichhisv t itthy t it
tInappriatiiono h wr hc
ieotti s adop i i i~tedbythelire r
werbrtifat ilbytheitmatmibits Pi
u-its reasuuthliiiretorts uoftuttitus tusih-
adtvance tuCrdassuingtshit potit in
wthichu it shilldiioccupctiyttltiii hiciigtut
GNb hut asthis presetit efitfecht istss oi
tile organizaution 11is cueoueutiringii
an sl-scificitig efforsltof ius-ar
.P rer ht iastt hrtsidnitmitantutu
t tit effor t sit ay t he ttr sil--ipthrshill
itors111hils poisitints ittesiettianut
ht give1lil lsotihis h l legeiii (iliesitbe-
i-Iats i l h eaii lthilartgely, -s iiiftil,
becatiusaiof histunsia ig afforts fis thet
hiicigtantUnion eit ti
Relvedstuth he iihchintsUCionui
tketh iis ittiats t onetos Mr, NiPIr-
kra formtal It tigitit o it fer
vices lass tni thitpersnliigrtiudea
andti hutst wishtes f ite irtcttosiitil
womllheittiworkdI lustits bitt itrsts
Santh ha it tlstso
HnRscolved, tut lteseriesolutns ha
tipritedainhit t olalegc papers andithaiit
a copy be tent to Mr. Parker.
olverine Batters Take Kindly to the
Illini Pitchers O'Brien Leads in
Couting--Score 8 to 4
C a pin I. Maicigtaniitha itteats tie tis tftr-
tutu is sitfeating tshe linit eam iluh t
tli t hid ittgame ofthe4 eiestit stil is
or. tili 8 t ,. F u et his
t this ituyiteNb hutrnustook uto his ii
ntuis ias aIcu tion.ll Itlih sie tilt-
,gsii tlihhhe iit utcsuonsltthisla
- ichigatt asiuhuuu I t ii svenu-ihealtuhiy
is-h us tihetll iii ii tush tifttihit ared
Iteibetter as l iew s hi it ftohec
ac siutsfaisit fsteNblvies
Sangerti ihadiHOT, s ltistuuuuupuitu-isat
ismry xet in the siveth, wheis-ltu
ottping hre hit an hitbs. ti lt ttlt
Icy ihlpedt hhititi til I this isil
lie crowdi I tush n blyt ratiui li5hll.Satiger
tus ini tue sisetut it oluituhas if titut
lad itin he ir. Coa h it l lit
ea sotiltlint toh 5 ititti, bu tio
hiii t waiti i ttu it isiangrhilt ie
Ith ihit h i ndi his- te ocls sae
tO'Bie ld bbt t h e tush I n! o il
gan11wiha w-bgeradt inghlhi
hite en ellan tt ersont ith t -
ttin lt ac , er itl
Mihiga tilt 0i0utu 0 lit 0.ui 0-I-iti 1i;3I h
Bas ttre -S ntra d i m ' i itii
Owing o tin a Ni -itt-i--ar o
th cas am , hae en mt uit itu
hiane t make lo t a-hut- irlllntilt
hid le Til a e r sflo s
M inday, May 28. iMatch t1.VI'situ
la : - 7elust this hits oliiNi itt
Tuesda, i-iay!o.itc ihit I -ilt
iild t 4 oit ck
'0 luv st. Jwitne hiof tch Xh i-
NbturdayiiihiJutu '.sh tuh NVIIill
vit i ld
P o so atclts ita s decidedii th tt -
shill sill not. holhuhanduthe l llnei u
Xliii11.-\NCT 11(3 Its
lateeinthetAtlcphatttNu it li t
disiss iloposd iatnii I t s t the
iconustitutionut antush -h aw1 t nd t ot elhu tit
lufce sotexiiti sietr.lThe sit -
rat aiuuumiuuuwertiusps sed itout
mcseiu bccttuuu N Atrthus a-hut
tin the u luti lii itw-s-ildjo unedutoIhli
(V'str I uuwhreianinfo mal auut-
wasugsiver, (sthein-cmi n u ug uuiiuuista--
his itan exct th secrei 1 tatritantd
the-cmembrsituofuuuuthe Shil ihard-s it
Pre-sidentti I Stittttii; iice-preusident.
boardtWabold;iuuhcruiti, ig;-1mahrshalh
memittibe yblhohuhulnatl
XDi~ SIi-i i 151 15ItIhCP[i (
li s ula t of sthe l ectiuin oftut hit
-Xulhiidebiiatng s ti-s-tyhl atutunight
suais fillois: IreidtthtJ. Ah Mc-
Candlsits ite-presietillCI JAgnewss
secreaitry, C=.J.iPacktard; traslunrrNbW
Ia. Cithas;tchairmant ofit ways andh
meants, J. Lattolea; caiticXVWH Brek