THE MICHIGAN DAILY [or Art and Skill in Tailoringj MONEY [OAN[D 59c "The Whole Daumu Failly"59 Call on~~~~ On Wathet ici astwi anCallil onlasChttlMr UB Dami, Mrs T.B Dammti Lzie Damm, ,the 1 and eml tital si. Uity Damim Sport The Dammi Kid, Thie Dammn Baby, The S M B RC IEL 0 & CowJLORM amCaYheDam hnrp. w. j. E 10 4h ve O iewurtM aY.E4Ct.IleCDauaAPhoouise '44loors suth f neThle "Damm" Pillow Top 59 cts. CityI0EHOURS;ns to 11:0 1 to d:0 And a Splendid Line of other Pillow Tps and The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the Ct41to 830.Rom Decraions Shown Exclusively by 106 EAST HURON STREET Businss Strictly Cnfidentiai MACK & Co. SPALDING'S fi FFICIAL. . UFOOT BALL GUIDE FOR 105 Edited by WALTER CAMP onnaiine the newt y evied OFFIC IAL PLAYING ILtDLEO anxticisieS of leading teams, embracing oer 2.5t0 players Prie lt For sale by alt ewseodalers Athletic Gods Dealers and ieparnent Stors. A. G. SPALDING et, BROS. NoW YORKaCHCsAO DNVaR San FosCISCO 8palding's catalogue of all atlletc spors mailed free to any address. BILLIARDS AND BOWLING S. ROTTIENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. AA. BILLIARDS HUSTON BROTHERS Successors to JAS W. REED, 32 S. State Ping-Pong Photos 36 PHOTOS FOR 25c ii . 4 Positions . OLD MORRIS STUDIO 116 So. Main St. Ann Arbor U. of M. BARBER SHOP Trojonowoki State St. Do you have trouble with your Cuts? Try the "'New Process" Plates o the CHICAGO ENGRAVING CO. Send trinl order throgh us A. M. SMTH Over Wars Downtown Booksore ALWAYS IN SEASON Those swhenjoy to the tallI etent the sports and recrea- tinssat atdoor life realize te importance of poper food. The appetite to ken, and the ned for foods that satisfy and strengthen is felt. Shredded Whole- Wheat Biscuit preeisely Ottls these require- ments, tr the reasna that it is madeafthe entire weat ber, whih cotais mre steeghe- tg and upuildig properties thaicascothertaood. Q-It cn litals the hemicat oemetsre- qated foarnsrengh, energy. musle, boe and tissues. iis alwastimey becase it co be prepared i bundreds f as- ith mik, cream, rits, vege- tales, etc. Q Abwuyt tabs it wit ou, and prepare it acord ing to the mooyrercipe n "Isk ,e filet Qeeeien Cok Boe," whiesend ree. Q Intoplace of bread use Tricui he ibwtooeearceer, seih is ar better tha bread or tat. It is sompac cd rs]y carried. QtTy"Tasted Tristit ,ad THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY Naara Falls, N. Y. The Maix who Pays $5.00 for a , I Hat when Sell ftor ,$3.00 asfr . something~ besides &,LHeA. Come in & and see the Youzng's then youx will know what we mxean~ ALLEN Main St. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ann Arbor, Mich. F.. Kinne, lies.iHtrrison Snule, V. S. W. Clarkson, Cashier 'aital, $100,0t0.Sarplus aod Praots,$40,00 Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, Fiith Ave. Ne ist aiti. 457 Bell Phosne 457-L Geo. J. Hailer aU Co. We insure yor heiks, wearinig apparel l eiid fu itture. REAL E ST AT E Rooms 1-4 1lii0S. Main. RA NDAL L ______________ T'hicticwrctibitoutsetill be situated tear ( i,V Elit To renit a plian~o. Cttl 8it- thelicteicof Ithc prescent:cliltttiltditg I, biteecn7 attdi 8, Wsednitsuday axni CITY HAPPENINGS. aiixiipittyfccl- tecitf''ttsiy 41 1.stoat.--- __ Tueheirewhigh schiottl grytttsiumlill ii otsr-Smxitl ltrquitsc enamtel watch Te wtrt-comittie heiii thiler be -cottstrutetd withotithetcswimintg wndilotratiora1pitt, tproliably onLiibeltrty, wcarmtt itt n teffectiive xmtiitg Xedncs- pool awlicli was ixnftcluddintthicorig- bewseentFiflt aid Staic. Recwardlat daty eventiitg, at which Col. Draitroxastexd aial plaits. The rcst of the gynltbxii i 3,11t . Lilberty strcet. 16i bilit accorting litoteorgxialsiteexi- - - cit xid te locat pati ,laceimintat ~ca tins, xwittihe excepti ottif anottffice t,tot -ieiiigan liaily cirriers' fist ott tll wecre t inacotmtbiiie ltr orfk aisysfeixifor the directore, whiicit has ibeeni tio- Stile sfrect betxrcctn Moniroc tutuPakt- oif grtaft six the pieopxle of AtnAit'rboir. vitlef. taxt streets. tr ie l Packtardl. Findter Prxof. Wigis also stated that le ieduf - ____ please ciave at D~aily toffice,117 I,. Wtisht ntx think the compfainy ices lisiiig tip lt IMPIORTANT. ititln street, tie telephonite 892. tf thte terits tif its ectitract. As ai quto ritti- xxas tot tireseitio imetistires there taktei. I Fo rtier Ferris Inisitiue sttudentis seitti rnttfl's jetrelry stire hats the oitly 'it a tmteetig if the AnttiArbior Golf yorit addiiress imttmetdiately lxi N. Went- uti -dxate optiiatt depttrtmenlt ini the city. ciltb Tutesdatyiettning it xwas tdecidlex to ctte, 808 Btary strcet. if ift buxiil a xciw cltxlxxxxxse teat seasonxwitichix--Students' lamxps ati Detan & Co.'s, 21I will exist tpproximxately $2.000.'te clib ALL.R, 'FiE CLOTIER, MlAIN S. Mait tsreet, $1.50ad $2.50. Best totw bats abouxiit 217 mxembxers ail is itt- S1. 1,'TESI' IN tAitS. Sf1 11(1, lamipsi city. tf corpourated twithx a capital stock of $5,000. ANt) GLOVES. -17 - i t J LAMPS No combination in Lamps-.No advance ion price. Tue Berlin Studeint Lamti, Nicle-pltetid, With Wbite Shiadxe, echdi$1.a0. OTto PerfectionitStudio Latixi,. . . . . . 0 'Tur Nix, 0tRoyailLamip . e ... .75. We sl h etLmsmd n o esmnyta any other 214 South DEN O. Ann Arbor Main St.DEN C Michigan Si'., OVERCOA'TS, OVERCOATS, OV ,RCOATlS. -17. Skoilledi workmixento cio your walch antd ierelry repxairixng. IMiler'asfJeweiry Stoic, Haitisireet. Miss Newerel, watetr coloxr atust- lessions giventiand trtders receivexd. Stu- dliii 215 S. Staic street. -33 Studenttts' lamipts at [Detan & Co.'s, 2t4 S. Mtain street, $t.5o antd $2.50. Bess lampxts ini city. if f WADHIAMS AA co. Our muagnificenit display of 1 Suits, Overcoats and Cravenettes All the Newest and lilt-to-date Styles Don't fail to secetar fdoe line of New Fall Hats and Caps The greatet varioty in thte tity t 1 sFall Furnishings i New things omring in daily. New tall Shirts, Neckwear, Gloves and Underwear. The laigeot and toaest showing of Men's and Young Men's " . Trousers. Also a ine variety ot fancy vests. A large assortmentt of SSuit Cases at SEE OUR SHOW W~INDOWS PHOTO GRA PH ER Ta mega. The tinest clear Havana 5 ct. cigar in the market. .AT- MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 S. Main St.' bPNYURVACAJIO .4 ON THE I,,GREAT FAKES y -F.pity fIAtf- CSL ArieCEVOELAD. . 5.30A.M iiaiigaiictoristtilnited LEaRO CLEVELAND.5PM Sense DETROIT, daily 5.30 A. M. Coniinetin.gtwithi 5. A C. STEAMERS for Matkinat, "oao," Martiueite, Duluth, Minne- apolis, Si. Paal, Petsboy. Milwaubee, Ci-i tago andi Georgian Bay. also uithi allRal eroads ftreptitin iiMicbigan aiidlthe WeaL. DAY TRIPS (intluding Sunday) between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND DAILY exeepi Monday. JULY aid AUGUST MACKINAC DIVISION Lv.TOLEDO, Mondays &*Saiurdays 9.30A.M. *Tuesdays A Thursdays 4.00 P.M. Lv.DETROIT,Mondays &*Saturdays 5.00 P.M. *Wednesdays & Pridays 9.30 A.M. PuurlTrips Per Week *Commencing Jane 1510 Through5cosnectionitmadeactCIAC ISLAND wiihalt Steames toPinsNotehndWont, amd D.eS.oS. & A. and too Line at ST. IttuACZ. Bndti2ctnStafo lltated Pamphlt. AddressA.A.BCIIANT,G.B.&P.T.M.,etrit,Mc. DETROIT AND CLEVELAND NAV. CO. Get Your ROOM Decorations PILLOWS, BANNERS, FISHNET WASTEPAPER BASKETS, SOUVENIRS, ETC. .at. DARL.ING & f'IALLEAUX. Both Phones. 224-220 5. State St. EDISON, Phonographs and Record Complete Linet SCHAEBERLE .& -SON - 114 W. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, Mich The Newest Clothiers. 121 AND 123S5. MAIN ST. Cleves' Clo Ye.r s .- ____ ALEXANDER,&CMPN POR TRAIT URE All Kinds of Photographic Special Attention given to work Work. for Amateurs. HENNING.BLOCK, COR.. E. HURON & FOURTH -AVE. I^ WI? ARE NE5VER t..DERSOL-..GOY.AR'S DRUG STORL1 '