THE MICHItGAN DAILY H A LF-TO0NE S and ZINC ETCHINGS Lower in Price Better in Quality Ask A. M. SMITH 11 Ann Arbor Savings Bk Block The Ann Arbor Savings Banki Capital stock, $50,000. Surlus, $200,000 Resources, $2,200,000 A General Boking Bsness Trsctd OreoCoR9: Chas. F. ltjcocl, Fes; W. D Harrriman Vice Pres:5At.1 litzCashier Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, Fifth Ave. New Phone 457 ell thoe 57- W ANTE D C'ompIeent man to Iandlec ;il kidss of inuorooc. ecepoift osao oeo approv ed bondstu lone o h d somesc0.%perience i ra s tate hntl - GLFO. J. HALLEK ft CO. Campus Barber Shop 0. A. MOE, 705 N. Uni ersity Ave TiltfIFARMEIRS AND MECANICS BANK MAIN AND HURfON STREFETS Capital, $50,000, Srptus and Profits, $6,t00 Does a Geaeal akig tBusiess aud ty 3 pcrcet inieest os'imeu'nd Siaigs Dleposits. Safey DposiilBoes to coos a 2.00 ad upwada i. INaMer tees. IW. .50 cccx, Vice-teres. F. H. Banson. CaSh. H. A. ytLI~AOs Ast. OLOGNI PRUE MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 S. Main St. STRLINGrS Italian, German, and of American Manufacture FOR ALL StRINGiED INSTRUOLMNS REASONABLE PRICES. SCHAEBERLEB & SON t14 W. Liberty St. ANN AROR Enoch Dietecle Embalmer and Funeral Director Amblance--Cta attended day or night. 210 S. dth Ave.: Residece sme Phoe400. Ass Ao. ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 to $1.50 Fully G(icea-_tad Or tDollar Clocs are the bstlmai for the moey. Veie wac lrepoi ; a specialty. J. L. Chapman, 2(6 S. Main St. Yor een ~nlates.a Hot Lunch At T-ttle's. 338 S. Stet League Baseball Reports Received by Innings Daily At HUSTON BROTHERS' The University of Chicago The tnaer-sity year is sdivddsnoef1u0 quarters, Winter, Siomig-Sommsr ool All tiumns. Adolsdssiosoisoaedo hoeii n'ss'iisg of each, on Januaey 2od, Aploll 2d 1( m,-pilh. and Octoher lot. Gradluate isuction isofed in toe(Graduate Schools of Arts am Liteera- tares andi the Oigden llicoouolcl School of Science. Professionalinistructionsis offsered in Ot thDivcinity scholu Ihoe Law10SchosolI.theo Ruash Mtedicoal Collegeo(affliaitedl, and lhe Schtool of Edstaiono. SaumooereQuarer 19011, Janeli6-Septolee i. First term: .toone 16- July 26; Second Tere: July :3,-August 31. Ilegisraios is permoitedlfor the en tire 010a5- tec rrfor eithseeternm. 1i ,,ll dregl ar ced'oit is givenafor moroneloe. Speoial ocoO 5_ass' offered for teachers. Fkor infoasionsaddeess The UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, Chicago M.I ® 'I i I 11 a i i t i COILLEGE Brarvd Clothes Are "Twixt and Between" Ready=bladen and alrGae. HT'EY' 1E att the snap anod Iget-up atnd go " of °. smetNwYrkcso ha ihu annoytng try-ons, and stilt mone annoyngl over-charges. Fos- men swho iiie and for men who jr wish to sim young. Extreme all oor exicept on the price ticket. Thu now Spsring models tell all this bet- ter than we casn. JVST R.ECEIVED Another big tine of iT- ite Negligee Shirts:; anotheo-r r big shipment of White TLies. Buy one sohile they'reFE". hot-25 Cenits.F CH M ISf S TAEBLER ."_ .WVes T ........._......... .. 1 t ___ i NI:VNS-l,II'l"l'IfR PIlNTlS S.idiolI I BRNElI 0111' SENIORS-Leave your ordlers for 'NI VlIfSl'lY IL IOGRAPH Y IN lfI'RlOl' T NI NY 19o6 steioos ond oako shields at Arooold's jewelry stere, if H'xot-i f oss-thoc ososolcalenodaro-o Ifl MadameoSatrabilsIlt-ros tir w oill iplay soetls, tliii nivsitsy N ess-ttlic for at tle Figloo Guards-arorysss, fMonsdays Officiaol '06 MichiigaseiaSls seoldosly NI so 21 is givens olp toalbilbliosgrapyof stnightl,hlrs-olos- faosrilteiro les, II soolel. st Ye Studen-ot Sloop, 6o o I?. Williais Imoks, aricleos, re'ort's, etc., opubllishsedl FoosFro, l,''igls osl d Camille'. Itstreet. Senoier lasewsondjnssoeolos so membeiltr; oif t'efaciliyoldurinog 1904 is uaslitor se -sndolfascinatoinog ill'ovs-rilg les catll foot J. M. poses. tf and0 1 o , Th1 Iis is t' is aso ubtolle ossoo- the1 ontirela-tsitusosde o s sirlat istwell is-isNaig.,losetyoul osr lpage ss instea theoppsolssil 1teoslls os osmaseIandiwoloos Suits pressed, 25c; trousers, inc of lte ossosl fora-s. 'll-heeu-ill lie ion dfemale porstra-syals. Slot-esoill senact greatlFuller & O'Connor.tft tcs55 csslscstonsisysoiss' more' ssombleo- lerIoes andogreatil lc'lsines. 'lstssoie- ________________________________ Isihe issl'ssyernihitsaptearsancein Detro'sis iniai 1 m I'ssssllo i bth -irily loil scsi sols positesil lohss bsensmadesotlssile' by * 1p11rised sc-para'teily-, bsoi isouer Iitws thlolss ofbims ill SanilFI55l555iot. Onsly' Scle xein ocmiei iha afdz iisaet efvrd io Nestoc-lt-s iinso'dert''lsooo ingste \l-ssl lss;elrnharsdsiiihoscoiis tos1et worm:ofIth sfaclty moosre'genecralls - t i-i toson s slitspedalostra isfrom.othe is- the list'lici. lasoskso-rccltedlclPascilicslopethIs Is adlesit'is ~sitltementl amon 1th 11 tbest-of sllteIfacully to regaringlsh-rIDItlroiltsappearanceios': make a big - hit',wOils colege men, MIiiIntetcomilionssanidoll terecosrdl "It is my ossirroale- farewell.' Ali poets heasily nickeled. Ttisy sold 1s s omltil as the lit' hsillmodesilsty -il ssol Sadsh s sl, me wheIsIsoy op the sacks snuogly, neatly. Tie - p( risiss. Fs cry sdepartment-osiis swel l tis, foo Amica it5 faiscia ot' sisbrt sore y egss'ahu rersneI1O frt' ills'-ilis's''sioh oityi lisil l tti tsmae a sed o l51t't''iisiaId PURE SILK-25o APAIR 510'. l~iocs e e 11 e 15 lofiensis. 1 ii is.,, pe is Illsurnso i 5.2. I'aicka.-is 70-2 5 aN i nes 1150 erIt hardt1ill iwill prs'ts e so' I, Cgoo , econdossl t101 Ca'ileIc.irdsi5~'~ Try Phoelps' Perfection chocolate puffs 1a1t; isoamltseondisaci.t, n =rnF , Poer Mkr aisd chips at Cashing's pharmacy. losthitO lot.A sc i tini eaves A nts uae Ofr rtr titt5p.M.,Moda, over lte Market St.. lauspome. SPhiada. \tu-ii itonsch ts opurchaose 'aoy'coil- NI solos' Cntril-ailst-eIfli';'ingiigtyl Ite c ttii's hamme s oiennants to' pillsowss.collitso ce-ois firts' elii round i ipsl. MISS 'lislls hi,. 327 'Th ompsssn street. PFINE LUN CHES t.trgo'sv s sol ssoruet vrkoiissoliill-os Official 'o6 sefniersieltds ore readlyfor we Sloetheoargjest line ef TCRKIsIt - P y O&IET16& 11POtRTEDiCigarettes and exeleolt elivery ando are $a.oo. Dintlpoynoore. Domsuestic & tm orted Cigars. A cuopleter 5-1 1101. ___ t~sse oe loe eol nolosoy oficil ~ line of altloiog articles. We sre 51505 Thee ae te bst nd nlyoffcia ons.foe DEMoUTH & Co., LINKoMA & Co. andO8 lUIllfSN iF,-Petero-r, cedaor canoec. Call for orders immnedioately. j. M. PlIPES, also for STACY'S & SCHAPFEE' f 18-!; iliistreet. 71-72 pipes are all bore. Ye StudentolSloop, If R. E. JOLLY. Stat. St. MOQNEY LOANED sd all Olin (Clas Clastel andsotIIealsecurty W. J. LOVRIM 1044th Ave ~Oposit CourtHonI Orwsodoors sosu t inewI. M.C. I 7 to 8-5. BauusnsSrictly Cnidntial A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Largest llansolhss's sr s linihe Worsld iffiil sAthleticls Ososois Base Ball, Lawn Tennis Foot Ball Archery Roque Golf Quots Cricket Lacrosse Croquet faoIplemets Inc'all Sprts F0or'oeraoiquartor of i coo- Itury Spaltig TradeMark .. j ''sno faourBall ~i stpi 1nu il Inarll'lt'ilthe oslsosss-o-sels-1ss0oi I p ~1thil stiossisso t.s Ev oo-s reqisielorIsoLawn N, ITennic .'iidiGol. ' Spaldings Tratelochkon your is' i s mrtit isyo aivs yos ou t Is-tisow ar oot her ls ayeosri A. G. SPALDING eg1. BROS This Vacatioll ls's'tol.positssissut ofisisrsisl stile B ca li i'iititie. -1V= I ' Thlsy 'tss .sl 5 nsissls iisotsss st and Ohio. isii t ol,''M slt F orl yourlit Is's'loss.I :l- 11.1 Oslasudi loe s ol e >Alve NATOL BOKSERG O CASANDORGOWNSH wihnCo sr rnncerraeons t. RNATALBROKE-GE$1. Oihtrade 'Past rrs O52 CadStlac Str AsTRIT FoSN r&TNIGNwTr DAY A . F J.RAILWA Speial CensOi itraol t11i111estl tCtar lieso ll tl p 1 Sourcial ers ise to oi m. ndevto st~p.cialCarth acsnl :0lil. 10evr Hwlour local sec o ietit 6:15 a. m.,Otto t01 to11;15p. 01 WATINGtROlOlMa, 00UR5555SISTwOFolMAI,, IKodak CataloQ'uesI .'U - OXFORDS OXFOR-DS OXFORDS wFOR MEN AND WOMEN _w Better than ever this season. See our Window for the new Strap Roiriforcemn,t around top of our Mlen's Oxfords. This prevents all stretching, slipping and enlarging around the ankle. The only $4.oo low shoe on the market with this reinforcement. - Walk- Over Shoe Company r - 111 South Main Street. qi I i L "Arna teur Photograp hers" We have opened a Developing and Printing Department. Work Handed us today, delivered to you tomorrow. TRY US Phone, Mich. 85S-J1 ~:LA*HniiBk I Ft s Are here. Are you Interested ? E. E. CALKINS Dru.ngist 324 Solthb.Staet, Street I I. m IWkF diR NI$VI$ZR WDERSOLD---GOODY1RAR'S DRUG STOJI1