The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATU RDAY, MXY 26, 106. ,COI.. XVI. No.2~ 17L - - - --- - ---- ------ . ......... ii __ WONDERFUL PERFORMANCES IN INTERSCHOLASTIC MEET Two Records Broken and Two sTANDING OF SCHOOLS. Equlld n irt ays vetsChilliothe......... 13 poinits Equlld n irt ays vetsLewis Institute... t otA pofints -Cook Again Stars. Detroit Uoiversity School... 5 points Grand Rapids ......3 points TwSo recordis1broketn and toi equtal Ann Arbor ....2 points numbet~ed 10i5 the reult of ti, first (lay's work in he annuaol interschotl- tte omuch difficulty iln capturing the asticetFFyeerdlay afterinoon.Tth111meet,,as Morris andi Vickery in the finals in onliyteeeentstet . roadquartrtook. goosi for sore points, as j111m1, higlt jumpt ands tole tvtltitthaCveel as Retttlsker int the Idiscus, sitot vet heeo held, hltS tothe Jorsitwo the tanldi hatttet, ttd iorris ill the hurdles. inerchlati ecr hiwrebokenT he1tttninttatntal interscholastic dantee whiile Coolk eqtallied N's tllst_ mttrkof itsldtl at iermlan gymntasiumtttlast inight Ifeet fotrte Mole vttitfor the estirttttotetlotf Michtigan's As was sespecsted Cookitse Chiltli-ess'stuccessfttilteyond all prece- cteatetet se aiyth~e sitr of tite dens. Athliete.s who conmpeted itt the tetuthsbrln t pttfhotttstesfa metlfsonatrtecmecmn upaedeettos. 1ne in fthIesiatncing progratt at 8:45 o'cltck, four eventts ttn tillt:aternoon'ts lptogratm, ittt tite folloswers of tite preptaratory Cook Ibrole hisownt itterscholticsitec-5ttamstettattned uttl a late hottr. ordi t inte 1broatd jumpltanttightt jtumtti TIhe programolcottststed of sixteetn titedthie resortd Str thte 5oie vautlatntresgulatr dances attd extras, while Grati- ranS tecentuy a tii ee tmte, ersorchestrafttrttishted thte tmttsie. tqa illn1 tthe lsr: ad sb IISoensoi Thetorttught success of te affair re- 111 1904. fieets reidit ot te cotmtittee : Vtertnont Cool ssitatedhiorkotinthits teat of C.Rantdotlphs, A. R. Chandler anttl W. te Ioo-yaddsh l esl istnce15 C.1Long. hi r5h tit wolapartlytteaiislitup The suttmmartes: int tereelr tme if toflit.\VtitotItoo-yardi sash (first ihea)-Cooka, l~l ~ 0(111 tt I SitsIxtlt 510Chiictote, firstflrowtn, Detroit Ceti- She tile vatu tlttswith itswon t Ti1tfeel. italseeotd. Timie, :10. Itsetea redtisitiglit easiliy oi it Secondt heatl-G. Wsidtnan, D. C., first; irst triat, titndI wtttntsh11triedfttta1r155Vaughni, ID. U. S., secotnd. Time, to01-5. rdat Ii fee :,ttnctes ie tarnel' grtzed Tihtiirdtest--'vaicotson, 1). U. S., teitar wth s rm ib t tss irst: Morris. LewisIntsitte, second. setouighito1sknittsi tffitse btr. Time, 10o1-5. (aong fittttttheSil altt t to ltse ight (20-ytttd tighitulttres- jul515. Coo: steartid every.lhit with-t First iheat-Smiith, D. C., first; Tor- 1111ncetouhin1 th baSItt it was r115 1). .S.,seconui Tittte,:6 3-5 11a111dttitfesti1 14ittts.Thsit he Sestitidiheat-Pattersotti D. U.S. tttsttttiti tt intdong 6itfeet (tirstI.Crait, I. C.,seconid. Ttttie, 16 T-4 tttiii inc ehs eeedles tiwn00Mith-it incis ort ist sttutetitalifiesifotr was itintttettbr (11111mp, iithithit' 1(won1 Firs theat-NorrisILews Iitutes tes2f ttnhsit. 01S it irs~t tit he itst IGtrets,.. C.,C settt-i Sitsltng jumed11 f est 8inttestand tht tettdid1).11iU.LS.,third.Tttme ,:3 3-5" succss.ivey 22 SeeSt its.23 feet I Seco((listt-1Vtckery, Lewis lttstt- ih,22 feet 6 1t2ittese.22 feeS ttts111- ittfistotdcock, D.U. S.second inhe, nd23et 5 iines. Ic ltd(11PttsstotClev.elaod Cettrath irs. imettt scholtassits Costkthats an1exed\titrteet Firttheits-G.UWVdrnontiD. CUfirst is in good contition this m(t(orn~l5ing iheVaughn,1) . L.S.,ltttrd.lime, *22 2- loo5k..s e tat sk.s.1111111 t its theo- Setonttheits-SVickeryILewishInsti yarddash.Stoe, irtt;iiBrownitD.iC.,secottd; \Wil Nesttitt 1Cook1in( Sill ilttliltoftbittltiitslitttChttlitothtethitd. Ttnte,13 1-9 liat wori coes attsoitett D.1li (1 T s . 20 5yardl lio tttrsdles- sai the tthightip. Jm (11 1n irsitheat-Cri ag, .C.,Cfirst; Re.. itsrfect Sfo(rml te bigprepsathlete eittonold, D.LT.S.,secoitd;Thitates, Ant showetilSlit tse hsstllesti u nipers in rborshird.lTttlde, :ttt . test ati te I etitIn(SI (1st dfeSated Seco itstnd J he it-Vghn )D.U.S.,first Cook1)1ltoIits event, leaing 6fe151-14 Schratn1).iCU.S.,secontiisim1etttt ALPHIA NU WILL ELFCT OFFICERS TONIGH1T 'iTe regultr semti-annuatiIltbtstttess nmetig of the Alpha Nttlitetrtry sosciely wtll Its hteldisntthe Alpha tNtu roonms 10 I Utnivstytall this ev etttttg 1 7:30. i Ai Slits meeltig teoffscets forthSiec firtrS semoestelo ex teart.1will lie eleci-e ed isy tie society. Presidiett llhutrges a all mtetttbtrsSo tr ut, la..sseertl 1, othter mtters oS sita1tlmotancitewitofc 6011 TF Al NOTIANi I' SEL'LCID Ownght te tltoil-ioofte itnIr outs itti the tvtesitisiteamiarelbeing' httdsi, it tat sben tiemiesd adtisabdeSo 1post-t poniteselestitothe Steame.liNitees- etti Ca1p1ainlStoott IcaisiothiB. C. Tirueiblotitiatgood sscontd. Ilieiteam liss recellvesia isutintie tb111ki.intt it Guianittilust ycar's chamionitotf Ioswa, andtia promtisinig cstidte, Is t eentde-ttic diarest ineltigiblebeaseo f sdsfisisency1 itt college iwork.s BIG MASS MEETING IS COMPLETE SUCCESS Joe Curtis Leads a Very Enthusiastic Gathering-Presidenit Angell Is Eulogized. The outdoilorimas meeiing heldin i frotiof 'Iappan tall last oighit ws very iticcesfuith1(1111 att tendanste sntt in etnthutsismst. A few tnutmbersliy te batid precededth ie acthisl mteetinig. Joe Cutris ptresided, satis effecctive speeches woere giveSniby PresidietAllent of te Uniioti std hr Clet I-ldelrmtant. The bands lesd iiinthe cotllege sontgs bietwoeen sandtiatter the speakers. The croiwdcii- S eresintth ie meietintg wiithspirit ands at thc closeetf te prearrungesd prot- grati wassunwillintulesave, seseal timore sotngs bteitig cslled fttr. ln itslirentarks NAlcit tosichtesdtpoti the Unioni elecitinich is scedlesdtc for today at to oclockisnitUnJtiversity tall. lHe said Slits elecltintisis not beeti i l i c e 1 c t t c 11 if; lie it elt lt it 1 :, )" ., 1. '" 6 r e, ICIIIi'AN UNION B ELEIOIN TODAY Thec eectiohofoffcers (f te IMit aun Unio forthe'year 190-7oilsol its I Id Saturtildsy, Ito 26iitliiautitotu- fithe Uinis eigis' to vote.Thc' ctoni judtges sill e prvied ithri itS fmemtiers andhetch nitetitllitai echtecedulfromthe iilist a e Slte scw~ 1st. 'Fhits rranigemetttd soesuswy tithit 1e necessity tf1p1'estttg 01ny situcterstet 'The selectin sill its sttnitltedetpll da tepaut of tse reglarAthluetics.Asst-01 a1tin electitons. Thits doors (15eiopened oft itti~le usefr to otloks llsh.ttt tregtuhsr lie selitg is csledt wihithSie nointtatt- Ils suerpresenttedIellotmn swill g lieae islesves te itall I Tstltttr s t ill be cosedshsiotly aft lite str. es it is 11mp1rativethai t ts stietsti semile s intear S stoelok5 astposil- Ntt elecioeeritg itss endonts fot g ris seltincandsth iersfttre it is itncum- it itS uponi tir oss thetselv sies to tendSte election titd voe fortSeits sit womttithey rdeemt( sorty of luss siotsile tffice.f 'iUDEhNT COUNCILI ADOPTI S CONST113C I ON I(Conti~nued1ftomtiYeserdayr's Dasiy.) 1 Ari. IVSuffrage Sec -Any rg- ilay entioletdseno r ot juniiior iths Jniverity of Michitgantishall btreetitlet I o voter11tietigs hld b hy his csss or rtritn g repre.sntatiest te Stt- sent C otni.t At. VEletiono. Se.r ae. Regulsr eecioctns ftr ettrtitg stuent rrteesettivies ito te ttsttitishall oetr seitimitamltIiy : tef tisi (f satttheletitonisithal itsibe hed ii ill earS tmetis on oitrtbeftr te tirdt Fridry tf tilefirtSsemtesli teof estch yer;St thesouth eectiotlo take placet ni tr efore this seondIFrisay astfer his Clriitasees.. See. 2 Nsminattions Nomttinationstu f sttdenti represenutat ives sitalle mtae ati sle it ressdays pirto tiretimte st fo hitsregutlareetiots Sec. 3lDiretont Allitietigs for te nottitti os or eletio tf Couicil Iessettive S.sslile iichsrge itt thosi clses lichi sre trstrirepre- ettlos, titder te genttsrali irciont f tseSitudetiCo uctil. Sec 4} MNhiot. 'he iettid it nomiiee ssitall hr left to te respetie 'sit votittg ftr rspresnttiseitter at5 nomSSit is or aS rgtilsr electioss tall its Stysecrr tallot. See. 7.iBllots Fachirgtlar mem- tier of te cass.abotito satS a rpre- sentastivetrerersenttv111..sitalilesen- tiledsitt votie fot as imatily Ilmen 05stes tt be stietdby itss.. at leie it Ect allttitmtilst emtli inteinamies tf as tmatnysdifferent tit ites s ters stee reptresenttive~ts to le sated bytheil t its contiesbySthe til lers See. 6. Rfetur ns..Atitficial reotrstf tihe resu tlt sf the eetioti slil bere tirn t techSie Ctuilebhy ah classttrt or before this 'sediesuay fsltwiig seict regulasr eectitti. This report shtstlhblie sigitet ini every case by thelers attnc te castssresidenilliichtsrge. Sec. 7. Cal. Meein~gs ftr te iot- intil os al electins shahl e cstllet by teiprrsitdents f ttse classes wict is t r f c n r c i 1' C I? F I: t ASEBALL TEAM PLANS CRUCIAL GAME TODAY inols vs. Michigan on Illinois Field Today- Sanger to Oppose Bush- nell on the Sab. N'tsmayl prtoveito ili tesdetititg tie (f tire toiciosipstrce iits e lstdsat Chtstmpaign thSis sft- )on whenu Nihiganiittets Ilintis for etirdtimltte tis seso.Thet'u eats Ie brokeli eeuto fr ttntd sfter o- y's gamle lly tse Memotrttl day castsh Ferry fitdesemai.. Ctic ois sout: ite runnting nd lt itsecham1ins1hip 5s hetensiois 1115 tutu Sitstiy. If NMichiigantois todliy thaeces are tiit forteu vr ines agai t ouitg leel itstttiiiit..i as I titgititoihe iss fttirte'vastyto stwil uthir stotwn1 stuttds.SiuOi ttisther(hand, itini ins Miclig anoi I lt io lititere tt et an111e breakitev etS 1y wittig ts' 'Te shifti imade(1 li inte aItsity lieut expeted toi lisi trengten thel tetmi restly stiditwit Snger sorigigo tOrit te tititt i itl l' f tin dl's miei tught prtpostionthis ti ernootnit.Thi MihiiganSu lltsittato ri; sarti, If; stanger, p;Si'Brieso 3); Wedsel, cf; siweil.c; ely 6 atersiiss; ['ft, c. e'uuiitii, f lite 5 5. us itlirs-s If; Dicke ss; .11 htte Gnnig, c; uishn~ell, 51 lOARD OFiiCOtN'1155(11 I't,\CF1,S N'.M I NAISI NS 'Fle atilticb sIo oititollist laced linttnomtinat1(Sion telfollotingtii sons as candidaltestor li this of on stsl lfor tillisrt'Ofituott Engintees-Harty 1,I Coe, JhnllC. tuirels, Niurtt 1 n IttlitCasr 11. Mic(Is--WJilts'sm j11. Bureis eri hits-Robilerht .Siiscliir, ts-stel B. Hth.~ L as . LlwStoce CI ut, Fsank BI Su'ser, HugoitSlihthe'ischeiss, Plmthstr1I Tales. Tht~estilectiwicht 51i t ii to 111 stiidsentsiilbehuedTuehlisti, 4. l.. uS Univertsity hill. St. lSNi COiUNCILI Thts Sttil iCounil held1 its regulasr weekymeetig hurtsdtytnightS atii tssedh ((Stils .etral imptntsi maitts.ct Thit stttentttments to itis Stdsnt Cositi cil contiutionicu, shitchi weresustggstes to te Uiveit5rsiy Stinat heitiirt iiedtheSite stistutiton, wert eepted hi. tlur Couil.us1A 1111111tdwas tutute it expentses itueirretd tdurng"tsfutesit-sopt carnuistl, ld a vtes iiithanksis I~ givtnStoSiitutNinuMrt I tst.euuiii auntd SsulMani'utu..frtheiritzeal and entetrprise itte vsing tattslintheli sotitenir p1 ro 1151 fir ts S fes-sosli stuntus. ALnSteoleef tank a e tenedisi t rssientui Ishuheuhs forhis invaluabluiie sellvies ill promoing15ath execuStg te stts.Thitsonlty Smti- es asets wersse hi.Ni, ltit, teit tdepartmuenu ttudl. I'. NWatts, illd- clIdeparutmitent. widely atdreetisedby te candsidates, he- i-catuse all woere sugreed So keep 'politics" 1;nuilt, ut that essery Uittiotembuerouighut 10 t be preset Clemti ldermaunu, 'Sthe gentlenat frtm Indttiattu'nat"caries his auiencetw it t:htiiim b tastumpispecinhis li'ss-ry hesS Istyle. Hiespoke of one Samete hutof FPeesi Aitgellus te tiltsthat wotulsd holwas electrify atMihligan u insuce iand tliSteu \ichiganintititshitriever his miligut hutrit.ti "his came Sthirty-fire 5years15511 tioStikethis prestiiey stf a y littlecollege in thes silduerness.Thur it west is now1 a.1gresaltitmpire andlithus tone suf tuegretet edssuctatitnal istitutitons t in ithSlutwsrtudhuhPresidntsiAtugell's 'genial 26 tharactttr tanulfotiesight hutse sitabled uts hto keeSitpiaitswithithe iprosgre'ss uf lutuut. J}edginglS ro11(1(1 vaylie-wa Hf-tutle relay- Slits greatilempiire.' jmighit stultieasily uise gonsitu Firtsiheat-lieurot Central, first- 'hue sipeaker ssaid thut in iSithe fead inch 5111ighrhad ti ait dtehty teet(15C5 LututnniArtii, econud. Tue, 1:36. stork tif its ptesessl ttlMichiganiwss sstt in orderti to ri eplaceISis theitning t5 Setoudulheal-Chiicthue andsID.IU. rich ini ant enisstwmetino tillitins ctulid sitnarsurtisothi ittitg stadrd. S.teelfoe itrst. Tini,1:h.tuy tushduntthing ctldtadlke away. 3The finatls intthslurig'hut evtnsitu.eret Poile vault-CookCitlicothiefirsthiciigat tient ouitutollperpetuuate Shuts polsitonedh tuitilths.motrninug ottitg So Si lest tIliestrecordi) ;RenniackeiILewis enildwmnti a ticturseitfALutics's the fsact thatuSTalbot,11thusKaisssCity hutstitute, andu H orner, GranudhRapidsforeenitsittolege Ipresidths byliNA ericas' stari, tutu 1etnt sllIedhtby.a wrecks, andth itsdfor secondtt a to feet9 itches; foreniost paitter;thiatsutu a tmetnorial as lite luss ctllieuarltng itt istanice uitoswa s g C rantd Rapus..ndits cuhareds, AnshoutldiconiC frtoiial luiig'aintmeii, toughtl ity fsuair i tt ituve si achance. Arbsr, Sled lot fouth tat to fseth6fits.ieiing psidtfor ini usalsuttiughiatioutls- It was1 itottigithasSiuthwutlth srrive i2-pioiund shot-IHornier, Grantd Rap- to let eve'ry imanin.ii atelt s niuighutoliearsuly Shuts mo~rning. idss iitht 44feet i 3-4 inchtes; Arihur, "The jutnttsio .. l ssae starteud the Palesori te ight huurtles, MNlsT) S . .S, Csotrite, Plymult, stndRen- blul sithi $140 ini suibsc riptliosusof froit cltsoti t it the rlow urtdlesNtorrits andtnactke'r.,sesishIstiute, diualifiedl forjo cris sto $2.ou.OShier clssses have Vicksery inthe.Su aruteri-sile, antd Wid-hfitials. udonie tisrly .asstwell. Comntir eettuen utituilndVicery isnuSthus '_o-yarddshsit Discus thros-Sterliiiger, NI.NI. A., sutiwithusriton lists sre workinig in sorer Shu thettlu en11w1ho i mtadte Cgooth soit io6feet; Arthsir, D. U. S., Reni- eachsls s, tk0011the tnecessary $4000oo shointtdgs l intue tracshevettsowhilteitackser, 55..I., atud HornserCG. R, qiual- ttightlltoIbe itsihanuutd hby coutimience- Captasin o rnerttuosi thillGr1atnulRapills itie for finlsh. miii (lay. I lie sittingst Chsase will teamtitdist gtuttworsitui ittheisirghits. u2itotiusd hammiier-T'illey, Clinoni,lietakeiutius sutmmiter atuh le portrait s a tresulituof sestertay's eventsIll.,swithi 132 feet to 1-2 inchtes; Sterl- trill seoitnlie reaty tstnd fttre'ver as Chilliictheileids in Suetght fuor teiuger, M.15. A, Rentacker, L. I, and this tiersito s grsatefuli mentorial of its champuiontciship, wileew105is stitue is IHortuer, G. R., quifiedI for finals, great president. ai chose secsnduith Till1t12 poulls. Al- IHigh juiip-Pattersont, CDU.S, first, Hoiuientati's last slogan, "Meti, it's thsoughLIewssbelhinitd Sow, uS ooks 6i feet 1 1-4 inchses; Cook, Chillicohe, up to you !" brought forth enthhusiastic as if thue Chicago school should not Continued otn Page Four.) applause. Ph1l IFESS 11031 iIONIPSO)N tivst.'T'he ncsss presidtie hallsuelhuel rsponlsiblie ftiuthue returnioftuf eia'sovttes Prof.hitratleyrt sh ohimpson15i1, dtintg tofficistlIrepot~e, dutly signedt. tue recitait itnsttfhis.juniisrllass chsas Sec. 8. 'Ihe Stiutdeit Cuncil shall T'hsurssay intriii155hightly prsaises helt lie te jiutdge of thes eligibiiiityo its Pressdentl Angell potrait muemtoriatl on msuesibers.phiss. lie spotke if Sluraccoimuplisht Nrt. VI Rtaton. itetosf hisi.own iss.of '5 inplatisnsusg Sec. i OSnly regularly enrolledse nt- TaitiustO aC k. lT.heupfessir urgetd fors shall he se-Seth at the fall elections, every law So stuntSritute somuething for (Continued os Page Two.) She Angell portrait.