THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hocking Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT j TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on -Night Trains Union Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32'1 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. iBAILEY & EDMUNDS 121 Eost Librrty Street. Sate V. EANUTS SFinest Quality Roasted Peanut-, per lb. 10c. j atdV.Peanuts, Bleached per lb. 15c. 2 lbs. for 25c.1 SPeanut Brittle per lb. 15c. __ We buy Peanuts in car lots of 25,000-tbs., Doing our own roasting, we give better jnd fresher peanuts ' for less money than any house in this vicinity. 214 Sooth DEAN 8c ('. Ann. Arbor Main St. -"Michigan COaNsNar ioaatiwwPresseaaes 1 tad ll na feseconds oftme. lt.5re ssur e af the011111)on te.Smallyprojectn e Co-an 1 li sa rin nns' I ae atwi il restdir, hi chN whn the lea a s aa drll aai ar th e kand tepis istanlys THEKI COF1N' LN ENCOK 514ced o t agaif1lesos, l ke,Tmst do. Ohicmo. teh YWhen i Comes to Clothes For Young Men Count on Us COUNT ON US for giving yuu the snappiest, usa up to-dale garments ever designed for young meu. COUNT ON US for giving you clothing that will positively retain its shape and fit you accurately. COUNT ON US for apparel made of dependable ma- terials, arid tailoredl equtal to-order-mrade garments. COUNT ON US for selling you tire best clothsing mrade for risemniey--the celebrated F STEIN BLOCH 1Fine Clothing Lindenschm it, Apfel & Co. a I Suits and Overcoats nucDretanimv To ma Fom 16. t0$280 0consmer Clthln Conp ny oney. 118=120 E. Liberty. l i U. of M,. BARBER SHOP photographer-RLENT$CHLER 319 1. Huron R A N D A L L Trojonowski State St. P H O TO G RA PH E R .. 0~* A MAN'S Alma Mater distin- guishes him no more than his cgarettes. Men, critical in their selections, smoke CIGA RETE because of their origi- nal and exquisite flavor, and because they find that flavor uniform day in and out and un- equalled in every point of highest quality. 10 for 15 Cents \ By maijsiaid-If you can/get Huraad C4>are/tes aty~ousr dealer's, sed c. for te; 75cfor ffty; $z. ofo one/hunred ALLAN RAMSAY, 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City ',. 6 UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Baind]ril]lplese sasemrblle rt ironrt of Tapanalsal, art(6:5o toniaght, to ptay fori tharmas ssmreetiag. A. Schrrmidit. The Ora lubOr aill hlda metin~g room.rrN.NA. Bird will give assilists- ttatdtalksir "Birdis' Nesta." ThIracorrcerrtrtoire giv err iy trcGirls' (Gies.cirriasir berenrpsonoied urntil TrsdSal y rrig1tMay 29, ott accost of rise5m5assrtmeetirna tornigiht. ITIe srsssnual eecissrrof officera of tire Uivaaerst ratfMichrigarn termocrastic cu wtirllIberaheid Truesday, May 29, at .1p .r t Sl asts B iar1 ros street. Nassiaa of candiatea should be sent to aose addresasibefoare lssray. Anter- PRZOFITAtILJ VACATION WORK. Canvssaers sanarted to sell lire I. N. E. 55aes heted flal rtio. No gas riser, whlether a young saan, younrg woarnr, or hosaeholsder, ears aifordi ta ie awithr- out it. Woiring alone or its a frre of srv or six irserach tain, yostcanears kte irons $4,50 isa $9.00 per slay. Write at ris er t rassiM1fg. Co., Bintghatrn,' N. Y. 66-08-70 FOUND- Nes arriapuis, pocetbsioosk. liar p tlease sail sai enginreerinrglibariy (lurig 5evei. 70-71 WVANTB-To rent ott favorable trmns, inseconsidleraian of good rare, comrrfortabile frrnishsed rouse for Ausigit saldpartas1 Seiatembtler. Addlress, withi prticulars, XYZ, rare Michigan Daily. 69-7o0 LOST 'theta Delta Cii nt. Re- turnio10Crriwell plarce. Rearrd. tf Satisfacrory tailoring at satisfactory prices. Fuller & O'Connor, 6ig E. Wil- i am strret. tf Glasses repaired. E yes carefully fitted and tested J GEORGE HALLER, Main St. ; pLwl i ; ti': y ' ? 1 1 k ' j . I 's ' I . \ /, T , , , y r d, i ,.~ . tom. _ - . _ . ,ciY,. There's Many a Slip 'Tween flit Cup and the Lip, and mtany tinses you are disappointed its recriviug your linen when you msost need it, uniless you send it to a reliable latiidry. You are never dis- applointed when you send it to thse Varsity, and youi not only receive it ott due time, but with a color and finrishr on it that is always gratifying. Varsity Le8.,ndry 117 S. 4th Av. . Bh Pherns 928 i FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ann Arbor, Stieh. K. D. KinePres. Hlarison Seute, V S. W. Clarksaontrashier Capital, s$e1e.0.Surpilsandseafats. $40,00 GEORGE BISCHOFF ]FLORIST Chain. Cunt I'lowsrrid PI..rtt Chapin St betwren Huro~nndtli11irr Av',.; Phone 8SOS COOK HOUSE 0 epaSira Court Hose ar sse FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHES ' $2.00 $2.30 $3.001 Steam Beat ansi ElevatrisA 511night aervice SUDYNESe s fsesA SPECIALTY'. 5le Eaeh Varoderllp tom.Ge.!. Save a Walk Down Town Get your Watches and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place Buy your U. of 11. Pinsj where they keep a full line at the L ow e s t prices. No 1Q'' poor stock in our store. 1113.-.--...s No th i n g charged for loookingook our goods or ge tt in g prices on repairs, ate. Alarm eloeka $1.00 and up Call at the right place. opposite Law Building. BILLIARDS AND BOWILING S. ROT'TENSTEIN,.'707 N. Univ. Ave. 1 J I I iJ I 1 GAS ,STUDY LAI1PS $2.50 Each 100 Candle Power for 1-3 Cent per Hlour Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. BRING TOesUs NRoAMEDPICTUESnO DEFRIEfS ART STORE aod have them feamed with Choice Mouldings Only the Beat French Glass is Used. 1223 S. Main-St. IALWAYS AHEAD IN MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING M