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May 25, 1906 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1906-05-25

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for Art iand Skill in Ta~iloring Men's Fine Furnishings MON[Y [OANED
Cal All goods i this stoeefo olhich we std sposoms Ot poses OltWths iaes l Jewelsrsy
Calokas promoinet fetes , Styl, Quality ad pVse. Im s and il igh lass OII Ill
Furnishigs these chracteristss eparthulaly nteallsoand Colitral sily
Vnderwear, Hosiery, H~andkerchiefs, Jewelry
IIalteN ttest, Newest, Latest styles. Two doossoth of nes.Y Y.0C. A
The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City MACK l OMPANYB :30as toO11d:ly0;o1ftoaaa;
106 EAST HURON STREET _______________________
and ofI Oeistclado llesi Spp l i
ZICEC IG Base Ball, L-awn Tennis Foot Ball
11I Cricket Lacrosse Croquet
Loe nPriceimlmnsfralSot
Better in Quality 1-stioro-e uao 11f eo
on Bs Baltii lms. hs
AkAM.SIHThin Vnderw~ear and Hosiery m ile he aanv-eto
11 Ann Arbor Savings Bank BlockFo Spaldigo Tiads-fak 551
M e nz ye ' ssAliseti-
gios eyssu 10n a sls-isateosise ii terlateiyes,
as yu havelass o il ticle, Ias tn e,
gles ettee ssitsist.
lIrsre1/ llssst r I Issilssss r sssissis
STATE SAVINGS BANK illo si stseiis- i srie
DIICORS0:15%i IIiCIL N UION WILL I1wsto scsiallteionssto tle illicit fSENIORS-eave yor orders for ( lallliau lt tt
W.. C. hooth j1N. all, B-OS.
w . Ae oo ld tsr.V. C.htohaI 1111 IOFFICERS TOMI)RROIW ftenise t Gl(rangies csitly tlist 11 96 seiIs and 0ak thields at AnoldsNe Yrl Cicaegos 5151Franits
Jsa s. . de EF.l lsi ___yeer. Theuircestrsi as een ps e ds jtl esery so. If
N J.Ky i Johnls Hoseesof Ilmusician~s ta haleecom.chee toI
hsotlKos.h Prof. 11S. Crlsst 'listelecion5111f offiers fr 11t he ll-
ins i v isersiyy 1111, at 10 . nIll. iell gi.scll( inn. list and h I at IYeS rud lItSho, 11111 . illiT liliesrC.Pun El itdaw isbengve od upotbyt e tet sret eUo lw-Sn\jnorlw
Furnaillfrprsiet. H llon is sldy, ilier il- st ist i t asilltoisplease- sll for J. M. pips-i. f
STRAWBERRIES i<list o oTili:co (e as ;t~e t
isr t lilll~ coiee.Acmsitsgtesoi thelossegan-i Sis pressed, 29; trosers o. T h s V c t o
letor p iesident Fael P. 1] elsel. siis I at l esue ito .iseintret-IFlles & O'Connor. t ________________________
sitod Ini CIu e,I- s l l-si- sitc11- it-l h a hit t -s stlssnt it soethest-sl wil l si _____________________________
1 F sc lois" I I titesvv ril i. Luscius, iiary C. IoP stand5111seosnd t 11111e ill te S ta sad1u (1 ns sIl idyo ci
iii 5 15 I Ic on toI
wsii il slc~u p r.r l on s during15 iiiiiesit hav
o i egineter sile-presient---Claude io s hillel. Riss I yst e
Iriail s is fssl~illl it Si-lts is g . 10na sfeids-cIai
Ourii 55 1eti l l O ag C ri sl st erYF t- ona l it 01arry hiropier iiceii-,iit iiniht it It
I soll, -rtest hnadesifrrmfTee- Shci-I lI ficlliCarlC u itfisreuli-e Rwsacndlie -ca
tili ssoslc licgri l will be ii leasedi c1-iittlyaeouir-ht 15 ol s
(plunellorsitI iiis lr A Sbs, tts eI i veapiain rmncbr fteI.N.elnaoorloe ,i
Alid e-ant-t-eilAsiblyobft c iIi', sFsie i Il c lt aa a pacakasjustblemetal C 00K H-OUSE
QUTARRY' i R tt sikoe. orpsirnsi-ter oortr pasthavilyikldToeyIoldANN ARtORt-i C
Qdr Y , lafting rsssi.- f o o up the soks anugly aeotly Ie ldySaely na, atci
to iceIpresidentl I itl llO I ltrs' ________ _____ sre yue a Brigto"ol oov"i oci i
Dr g S o etescs .U ti iu eol. Official 'oisenioissheldlts arc ready for adtlki~e i s
orrcringise cc etlary--Il ielsel delivery sid arc $.o. 1)01'1 pay are. PURE SILK-250 A PAIR
Clssrk. i' tchIecojo idell slesarcIlls bsst aoddanly offcilos. ssNATIONAL BROKERAGE CO
em erswil vte orvic-prsients ar orders immeladiaely J M,-- - Iiurnrd
listrom ti wndatmtent.11111 Ayllou5+-= 11 gi rdositI 5Boker
- - - - e ir sie 11111 1110 i es~0 are all sre Ye Studelt Sop. I5 aila our
ree t ll5511one id-parmentlllwill be ioF tsliuieDl sii eeIETRI0T
StrsclterriesO 11 1111 51 Toas si e t sr 'Xclu.b eem 31RcPlaser ~l
ward forl orslup aikAlsD011Pearce,__3o8__Sus__e-dMrket-t. eed
SfLrlWhelllndidate fr111m his own05depart Packr. te 68-slt7ellirt . Cohiaa.APND GO N
\ h ue hitclass meetoing yslr frshl ctslt ss. Thes-clinise lpsrcasedi FN LV N4CHESFo
isafer oon ereo llolmll wasIFssters rI stre sr at lhen i sitli ar rthlages tliof aRllasH lY t1 1C l e t
eDuiuu l liols lprsident. ITe IDon'tsfai isto e lsis isisf 1Dsoassilo& imort-ed Cgas. A coaplee W e
Ice rea Casings. lie ial ssokintg aticesWe aSeNS 2A0
herbets 1N OY5&11A hlda iing llme0tinlg o551t1110cml- Hildeths grnuins vlvet isses at PIPES alo for SAYS&5H5PE E T L 10
W a has a Cow COX, SN VINNI, New York
Frogs' LegsW a h m( C . __ _
flub --Ohio central Lines
orstlirit sssb te I sled d I I I s
Sa d ihsPanam a Hats Stra~w Hats Isant ssilI I s ra. its I rthn
Sald ilisW ash TiesChretn
C i enAll the Newest in Belts plol CasdoesI Ilritss a. ,tlandlevery
ALarge Assortment [a% NEGLIGEE SHIRTS aed HOSIERY !ooUr thlevieto etill''.m°
Tw o-Hurlosal ets isehc sns at.ssm.
lt 1 1 .m
Large. Thick,WATNROM IRsrWEToMI.
Juicy Steaks , o
and the best of everything W d h am s r Co Kodak

in season, at ( 121 e.aid 123 South M.At Street III C t l g e
O3yster AmBAuaP ol gap er" 1906r ee
We hve pend aDevlopng nd riningDeprtmnt.Are you
BOTH PHONES Work Handed us today, delivered to you tomorrow. Interese?
467 T YIV
31 5 So, State St. hoe :3 M A LEX9-JAINDLIRS& 6 02 Hen rrig SBik. 34Drsgist

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