--., THE MICHIGAN' DAILY . THE LEADING Tailors Alithe latst London styles adbid sfr n and all [FUL DR[SS SUIS A SPEICIALTY j311 S. State St. AnnusArbor, Mich. What to Read ? Our Circulating Library settles that question for you In it you'll find ALL THE LATEST NOVELS which you nmay read for 2c a day Sheehan & Co's Students' Bookstore Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds or other prsonal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Ofaie at residence 381 E. Liberty St Ann Artir. Heaurs: 8te 11:30 a. ., 1 tel3:3e and 7ite 9 p . JOSEPH C. WATTS i r r V r r r r r r r r 'r r r i r r r r s r r r r r r i r r 1 t t I r THE MICHIGAN DAILY. lEntereedassecond c s atiereat the Ann IArbr Petefiee. rPbished diy (Mndayexceped drig ( the cllee yenr, at ry ast Wathingone street. ell phne 892. Hrn~e pheer7. rMaaging Eitor ARTHUR C. POUND rBusiness Maager. WALTER R. HANS EDTORCS. rNews........ . F. Steresn rAthletics....... CareerE. Eldidge rExchange......Chailrs E. Wisaead rWentre ........Eari J. Arstroni EDITORIAL STAFF. Lonis D. Stikney Frankin C. Parks ASSOCIATES. George A. Osbr Harold C. Sith Robert H. Cacy Ferris N. Smith Henry F. Shulte William A. Mllern rGlenn D Bradley etry A. Mntgtmery Eny V. Llli Jnh F. Wra Fnyd H. Jones RATE: $Sass per ear, or ass ii paid is adane. Adidress: WALTER . HANS Business Manager. 236 S. 12th Si. Phone 849 L. FRIDAY, MAY 25. 905. Edior today-William A. Mllern. The finianica]lcessiOfte Stdeti' Lectire tassociatoin anid dipoition of gratifyitng. 'lTe imanaitgemietl seemsto hve dicoveredi the prper proptiono of te vriouis atracios needel Io drxtith iestudiieni ty andtihatsito a- miniiseredl its affairthaiit. the seson's successt exceedsitntiniig i inte pa. Nit lesslpleaig 11han1iistucetst is the fact thatte tsurps erninighat-cieei tirn:eciint1o chaninelsiwhere lhey can itor ti h ie gretet god. The tnitoi withotitxplic:scfromithle Stdet' as scitionllthaiin: friti::aiy of is own local effotsi. The S. C. A. and Wome~in's Lcague, blii orgfanizatisofinetin- lhtte beenimoterially assitietd. Ant he associ-tion: cretsitsiisutccest to itc: atracttiitnasSusa's band. 'Wec believe that, if tce ctntiiiuantce of the orgatia tioni tepends oil the privilege of ipre sentinig such iiuiimbers, Ihe regetsl will gratithaiiermisionilwitotiresrict- ion. It i crain tha, if sli:e:tae to ray a doutille retr foemoey ex- peitied iltitway, te prigramo of the tptatotuld eiecontl:inedlatdilncucttr- aiged. YTday aidlitomo:rrowit is the pleatre of the studtittholy In enerain: itlarge numb::lieof lropecie universiy taci f romi the prepatrtotry tschoolthIlrouigh- lhts becotite all a:nual priilege csince the: organiatinof the itercolatic assocition. We soldit recogize iii this occaion:itha we havie a diy at itel at a pleasure. 'Thlese viiort Cmiie tire wiii:Michigan tien: asttheir iel, noit lily in: acdemlic wr,btinh schoioet spiri t andcenliess in all phastlet itf ctlege life. We soltid so cn:dc outrselves tisillitand secttor that their respct liill lhe miterially sretgh- etteid. We can::stoni our faines and ittvc tf ability- by our coiditct du~rig thie cominlg cotetts, aidmcaninly entce aitinig etolege spiri by- tritg 0:11 meeing. We tre pesedl to wecome heiry Clay Aindersotn, Jr., at a valuable ac- qis:ition:: t the egileering facly. ALL ,JUNIORS IOUT. 'Ihe junior sing fr Sauray nigti ath le itereltshow-n by Ite third- year miein imakiescerain: a succesul' gathieriing. Al a moeting cf committlee fr:::: the iwotclasses i was decidethata the first of the serietcii Saturtay nigt' tstoulti ake Ihe place of a comitioin: smoitkir twhich: hatd lentalkedl f fr soieitim ite. Owiig to the ht tweaher and:1 the impostiiliy of getig asit li- tile 11al11forItha lite,i ws ideciedi 1o askc ct-ry miii to bring his pipe aid toacco alog so 11htt an infori:::isocitti timenimigbtlblien:jiyed bteceti isong and 1speeches. Th itssitgwiil e prey a class affair fortihle tird-yar te: of the li atit entginering deprmients. Iitill be heldinte uoatur: liliiolie::ienearltt tile litveriy iobservtoliry 'rite lit cat-. itill meelM te liirar:y at 7 :20 and11 the tigineers t :1tie onewengieer- 11ng itbuilig, (::11d i iwiliarchout inliai WOM:tEN'S AXTHiLETIC ASSO CIAe't'ON IN "PIPERIS PAY" Tue WYiomei'thAibeic Asoitio: preetedl"'Te IPiers Pty, a clever coedeiyiby BMargare Camtero:, Tesay entin:g at B~arour gyimniasiii. Te prs were ated nitspirit tatd the abiliy of the tassitikloitn iielers wvas exhibitiedtin a:: new- way. Te setig aid costcumieciere triginal and artc ive, and1te ad:ieince, totgi101tio large at the geeral linteres felithlie plilytatu skilftl adverising warranted, wast ieveriheless highly aipreciaive. Te play was a stire 011 ihe seies of 11:111at: kicd tha i fod of cllec- ing sotonst andclsiiall pieces of cinta- watre frim: the hotels or hotses whiere theyocicas:ionally dine. Te iterest i: te perfrmnice twas excepioialy great thirioughoiut~,tatnd te girls feelita ilhe play wat creditbie. Te proceesi tre 10 bte evtdtoeth i ie bidigof a:bol- lng aley for 11:e girscnetiyar. Countly Cleric Hatrkitic has ordered th~e reltin i~ig "sieepskii" certiiattes fr admlnission toi: the bar by te lair si- dentsi. These ceriicaes sae (accor- lug to Ithe saute) itt large leter, tt lie holer its:admiitiedlto iprcice i the "Supirieme Court andiiini all oher State." Wheni Judige Kitite signs oie f tese cerifctles it has the fulles tuthoitr% which is gien by thestae 70 LAUNCIHING OF "MCHIGAN" 'Phe Greal t iakettEngineering com- pan~ly itill lnocliiiits ewcsteel freigher '"Michigait"tmnr row aftriin tiii Diie roil. The ieiw boat iis inaimeinii:Donoicr ofi the u-versity-atdtusta siter 51111 of the SYtle Princtnlnd ttHaritvar. ,,MilsWarner. daute~cr of liltgot- erinor, itill cristren te "'ihigai,''aind the compnyivtitles iltuti-ertyivst- dents is guests at the ilaun:cinlg. 'Te boat~itvilevethe iiifiotiof 'lhirdh sret at 2 oclock.tst difereni trie of st- deints tile hliiuiiu toli tketeii 8:8 ad thus gelti reduicedl.rtue. lProfetsor Pat- terso ti:wtillatiticiudiwill: a nu er f eecriclen lglineer. rutfestr Stdler wt-ll the mai-rinte egiees, tutd the senior ls taindlegieerst are th~iuig of goig initahbody. Rounid trill tickets mnay he secured' froit Professorn Ptteson at hilt office' il the southwetvttwinlg. frst fltir. of tie itew enigineei-nlg buildingfromtut toli 12 thuismornlig. 'JT allthotse goiig til tth 5:8a ati-ie tof $:o hastu nseli- curedh titd ta hutoiw tit-rateuayhut-hatduif enotuugh: tickittuesod Ct-ICAGeO SiTiUtI,''S LllIi N ARIAS A(V1\lNST'F.\CC liv' Stagg imay itsigin aurthlireec hundiredi tudegraduateiis tutu-ntle-iunitolitCiii cago lext fal.The. l actillni::of thiii:i uerinty senate in ii efuis h e l i lt -n ity of Chicagoiperistsiion t itay xan uiiintiloif litclaus i thliii stittltutu thec footballheldhasstiturr-u up bte ft-chug. Suitecutf ju. Stggs tutusi fiieinds stay hie tiill r-cult fromthe i:: physicalh diectorschip~,tutu it is giecitoutui tiha ition:i cii- ilatin- ithti-c eit tachedulithttuwill t rei t-urtinet fl uless there is csomtething dlini:g i: the waty f retal fooutall. MMuE. SARAH IBIERNi HATti 'heatrle special illi ileavtue 'ihigani Central stall::::ai. 6:4 u. . -Returingis levtes Detroit at i::45 p,.;liM udaiuh~y, Maty 28. Atnaction---Mue. SraitBhint "Cam:ihle." f-inc fortreeulute:ruit: cenits. Odeceyourintheatre ticekets f J. E. Reiinger, bitoh: lhioni 935, 334 SouthiStte street. 69-7.1 THE lPAhAIS ROYA, 'hueFatis Royal, 20Eat Libety street, hats tutustae ai u ciisite liute of tailor-ma:tde shi ttait ithutlatet summerl tyle sl ''hee s hehlong seeted mtniish shurtIistuth e gutlf, thie tetutis wis:sI s itch1 atthe ligeie wsith: its daitnty elboiw seetesThe mtt erial is Irish:lhen,:wileirthe designs shownt-uuint hand hembideruuuies tucks tutu pleats are moti bea.utful. this sort is altolpreent ig the fitest coletin: f Russiant:andTh urishhaimmiiuuuu ered bratsseicter tofferedii test f Nets Yorkt Cite. 6:-70 t l l i SENIORS! Orders for printed or [ngraved Cards to accompany Commence. ment invitations should be given at once to insure prompt delivery. [ngraved Cards, $1.25 up 100 Gaids amid Plate. Printed Cards, 75c Pio Order Now WAHR'S The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. ) I I e n ON AND OFFLIKE A COAT I TELLS THE STORY OF THE COAT SHIRTS Made of select ewhie o c loamtfabrecs, The fit of reag rmtisas prm fect as if node to order. $1.50 and more Cluett, Peabody & Co. and S.rn.-iinthe Wrld.~r 0. YI artll FUNERAL 0. M Matin DIRECTOR. Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Residence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314. AMBULANYCE SON CALL m LOiST--Alphat:Dhltahit111jetselhssuck- Try Phelps' Perfection chocoile pufsi ni. R10:1 ml 34 ()th:State. Ru- and chips at Cushing's pharmacy. stardl.69-7: i Students' Lecture Association A stylish -shoe.. is a distinguishing mark of a well dressed man. You can no more afford to wear shoes that are not up-to-date than you can afford to have your clothes made by a second-rate tailor. Whitehomuse & Hardy's a: Men's Swell Shoes " will place you in the front ranks. Messrs. Whitehoune & Hardy have become famous as college outfitters throughout the east. These shoes are of distinctive college styles, and of a quality that is unequaled. We have in stock a fine line of samples from which to make a selection. An examination will be convincing. A h The Store of the Students by tihe Students and for the Students. 1 1 1 c c . 9 c i Don't Insult your face by making it smart and sting with bad soap. Al. ways insist upon WILLIAMS' SHAVING ST C K m ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. TraIla Lo.va Asnn Arbor Goning North Suit a. an' and 4:3a p. an. Going Sooth 7:20 a. an.,11: 3a a.m,. andi7:33 pum J.3J. EIRBY, W. T. WILLS, Genti Pace. Agent, Agent, Toledo, Ohio Ann ArbortMioh Bl phonne 135il Hnane phnne d98 ~LCHICiAN CENTIw "'The Miagara Falls Rous."~e Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through Trains s t-8.18 a. ma., 2.d0 p. an. d.55 p. an., 9.30 p. an.1i.05 p. an. LocassBIast-eh05 a. an., 011.15 a. am., *d.05 pa. *8.36p. an. Thraugh Traiss Wes-2.07anm~ 7.58 a. in., 9.18a. an.,2ta3p. an. let0 p. an. Locals West-nd4 a. an., *8.28 a. an., *1.40 p. an., *6.10 p.,an. * CExonelt Scunday.h Gnnnectins at Chicago for St. Louis Kansas City and the Wost.- W. W. CASE, Agent. Ann Arbor New Oxfords Just Received WAHR-The Shoeman 218 so. Main St.