T14# MICHIGAN DAILY ilocking Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Carson Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotsail Toledo and Co- lumbus Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING (ias and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington Si. BAILEY & EDMUNDS Zporino 0~oo j121 Eaost Lbrrty Street. NEW REGAL STYLES ON THE ANN ARBOR CAMPUS Eery season wte have taken special pains to pro- vide at least seven or eight models that would appeal most especially to college men-and every season we are stroniger int all the big Universities of the Fifty-eightt new Regals in the __________Spring squasd and seveni of camps =them-the sniappiest in the - list-have already made" Full of clever style, and dE a good, full, hottest montey's the"sant ad 5 i~g E Ef; .. "" woth of wear in every one of them. Quarter Sizes, ins. Ri.EEGAL tht h Shoe oe Ye Sttxdenvt Shop 611 E. WillIe.ro St. Solr Agenta To Engage the Assembly Rooms or Orchestra, call at Granger' s Academy Office, 312 Maynard Street Astheeitt cttttOttis t aneted awit theie.tttdtt.;atterts aeeqettstedt toarat- noun~ethemsel is etstttng SUNDAY I MONDAY 2 TUESDAY 3 WEDNESDAY 4 THURSDAY 5 FRIDAY 6 SATURDAY 7 *0 o Every Day ~~ Thtis stoic grows mtore popular. Wh B ecitise our values ini reliable Clothing and Furnishings art unequaled Y anywhere. It will pay yott initvestigate these offer-;. ing of yomitg metn's suits, overcoats anid riot. REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL 1 i' SIGNS OF SPRING Thte cold, (dattp weathter can't last nmuch longer, andi whetn it btegitts to warm tip yotu will want a news suit. Get bzasy and let us show you our NIEW DOPE;,'alto our Niew OVERCOAT. HENRY an~rd KYER, Tekllovs to Men~ 1 Suits and Overcoats (thni(mnnr Buy Direct and Save To Mensje $ 16.00 to $28.00 Con sumltliin UoinpJaIIIJy Money. 118=120 E. Liberty. I U. of M. BARBER SHOP PhotographerRj T $CHfl _R 319 E. Huron R AN D AL L Trojonowski State St. P H OTO GR A PH E R U S D w erv ather, and on( rconnoisseurs awery occasion , 4 where good taste and courtesy demand the best! MURAD C AI E T have exclusively proven that fine both richness and mildness, and ) in the combination of the two, present a flavor and aroma never equaled before. in for 15 Cents~ I UNIVERSITY NOTICES. (sf0. .stat OvsterI ts. I h etri A sieestits of t t ir]n-l'' tn i lb........ houasr gmit, ands electtin ofofieswl be held. IPlucky ''Thestttetittg oftilsie Gire'Gee11( Mlandtllins ehills tlhave berIts c Fi ; slay hats tests ltstitasi'ldit to usdalyvo evnint, b tsI oftihe msst cti tsg of te 'etnior itsthisa ftertooassit 4:1tO it Rsostt CbUiieersiiy sall. Thetssitsp tax tiwil Its ettledl siont atthlit titte. Mari «'rt~r, icepresden. + ,,i1 illustrastes the triumph of cereal foods \st leessttt si eeet ea itiacstsinthtat Iuildig at a sturdy anid Indus- triattara~e- Thejat lim esaoncereals and edistras tte 41 ieligsttettstats soitrd aieed fish.iHis "army biteuit"itsine- etrti the juntiore lit clasi tll Its held fasthtl rice and three-faurthis wtheat. Satura issl r taetitg, f1lsy 2,o m stot In the toaking of Ihistory VWhIeat Rttsttt . Usssessii s IIs hs salitaysa trtumtpheudaor Meat. 12 o'eloekl oo , ns. t) al. But wen youeat a wheatfload be Gatle, aresident. tsre toatre getting the wihole wsheat Am itmtens iihoe insametsiwee sat ini indigestible torms. TIhat's the' listt tf b Utuitslstt'futeetssulishsedlS HR ED D ED ini Vise lDilye tsiseligille ts sate its"' W HEAT B IS CU IT te leetionsit Stuitrday. 'lTose nists a builder of brawn and brain-keeis regiseredl to rots' easis dii'slet lesaringte stomaeh siteet and clean and the bowels 'ir nisieam esiss tsitslt ' etsitittiltyan ctv.Jins the ' Pure Food Movement" by eating 'I'easre Stvesonin healuniSharedded 'Wheast, the cleanest, purest, msost oiffice'. nutritious cereal food msade in the soand. __________________ The whlite flouir silher gives you the stareb ti'NTED-To retont sisasvorale in thseswhteat berry, discarding the outer flesh- 'Pa ~formsiing elemtenits. Vou ean't msake msuscle or termts, it s asiieratsiouniof gotodilcere, baraiti aut of stareh. In the shredding process esomsfisrtale fitrnishledthostie feteAugstt ALL te flesha-formsing, strength-givinig ole- andsi par tif Sepiidtee. Aeddress, ewithliisments sored in the iwhole wheat berry are tast tisilat, 'i'Zeste Nieligsii l~iil. tres ented IN DIGESTIBLE FORM. partculrs, '7,car 1'lchian Dily , Shredded Wheat is made in two forms, BISCUIT and hi)75) TRIStCUIT. The BSIUT is delicious tor breakfast ________________with hot or cold milk or cream, or tar any meat an comination with trait and vegetahles. TRISCUI'7 LI 1811' hleitheit Cliins. tR- is the shredded whole wheat cratker, crisp, nourish- setst~i F ets rel le Reisirl.ifng and appetizing. Delicious as a toast with hev- turn 10 Cor~nwll pace. ewar. tferages orwith cheese or preserves. _____________The " utlQuestion Cooh Booh"tisseeosfreefor thernshiog Satisfactory tailoring at satisfaetory _____, prices. Falter & O'Connor, 61g E. Wit- tiam street. If WVANT'ED-Stusdents as eativassers. Pleatans tiaprofhtabile luseof wartsasit seliels a hstsler ran snake $25.00 a sweets. "It's All in the Shreds" btteLsaee Framse Co., Pekiiss.Ill. THE NATURAL FOOD Ct Niagara Falls N. lb Glasses repaired. Eyes carefully fitted and tested. GEORGE HALLER, Mains St. deae', end ry5c. forene; 75c. f U ~ A RASAl11rifte hA Malrad Ciartes eatyeur fty; $r.yofore eunreatrd LvnuYNe ork Ci y) A'LWAYS AHEAD IN STYLE MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVER Y THING IN TAILORING