TI1R MtitIIGAII DAILY 1 ,HALF-TONES _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ aICnTCINS C£OLLEGE MON[Y LOANED ZINCETC ING r On Tathe I)Diaonds-,lice ry and , lth lset httel Lower in Price anid Cllatr security Better in Quality I W. J. LOURIM II104 4th Aret Op 'AeTitadBten ed~ldsad } aposite court C. oue AraTitadBtee"RayMdsadTwo doors souh of new YM.CA Ask A. M. SMITH TalrMds , FIOir ites to1:;O1tie5; THIEYVE all the nap and "get-up and go" of 7 7 o t 1. 11 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Blork the smrtet New York utom hop without Bu+a Sttl C ldnta its annoying try-on, and still more annoyingBuiesSvctyCndnia overcharges. Fo. men who are and for men who - wih to oeom young. Extreme al over except on the - The Ann Arbor Savings Bank price ticket. The new Spring models tell al thio bet-A.G PLI &B TS Capital stock, $:0,000. Snrplus, $200,000 JS !EV DA .SADN RS JVST )ECEIED iaget MIlnufitue, in lthe WVrd Resoures, $2,000,000sacBase oBail awthenisu FootiBal A General s. .tng Banesis Tnsactr Another ig line of Whtite Negligee Shirto:; another Bs al anTni otBl OrF~eRSe Chas. E. Oice, Pres.; W. D ig shipment of White TGies. Buy one while they'e > < Archery Rue(otQos Buarrinust, Vice Pren.; M. J rite. Cashier hot-2$ Cents. Criket LRose Cr Qoqts Rowe'scLundryacrosevraCatrouetn run ~~ee- impleentsafor allSpe eits ls 326 NF~ft Ate.8T A E L ~R i:-tsaldsc' rd.Mark Thomas Rowe, Proprietor p0r' mrl niteanemenit of ~.W UERTH yIlittfrLw New Phone 457 BellIPhiine 57-L co plaa' rad-Iark on y o'Alhletic Isitleneiets gies yiisass adsvantagecoer (le other playe, MTF ] asys cave oaht elte sth-cotolonger, Woptettan tmeDgleesndsh it~3tserKui, l i hofaeslilctic. - o isueoeco.Ceep lfe:alo cnstc>« ohi lofs 11,11 liOOu li incpel ccni1 h1aindleiitct CIII I Ind LAUABE SUPPORT J. A. Rawlio-, C. ID, R . Aintos SNIORS-Leav yor orders foi atl'cicc-icet. npprov ed onds, loconeio has haiiiFOR MICI-iGAN UNION G. Macol, F. 11i ' i(go, ,. i9o sins and oak shields at Artold' A GSPALDINYG !8L BRO. somie expeecneii o t l tate iii-Ne Yok Ciao SlFrnsc Bess. Buttierfiei, N. W iaiener, I. C Silil-, jewelry store. tf 5,ns 000. J. HALLER ef8. CO. (Cotiiiied ferom Pae One.) I. Log, T. L. Aliii 1' 1. Icielsl], Thril e is ofllnews sriberes silt e C. It. Nlcr ii, C. XX c'eii K W. /iii- Official 'o6 Mihigan sols soIe( Sly p intd tver- neck ill The Dail- fromll iiesciei. X. H. sc t , $ at Ye Sudet Stop, 6i1i1. Wiliam Campus Barber Shop iiiiiint the edtio te year. 'rie, street. Seiior laws and iolaw cs L T BIUSJ isllowg it a list of tie reeent Anlis \ANTED)-A blit, enegeiease all for J. M. pt)"ie. i .A O,75N nvriyAeAbribcics on-rtnwligt cr roeo h sV c t~ Profc . JohnllR. Alen, $ioo; Priif. W . obiinthii ie e ecanicalt exeice..lil it h 111 1,11)51 -ibboni atch o a nd i ic ilokt.c THlE FARMIERS AND MEtIANICS BANK IP. Locmbard, $too; Prof. F. N. Sctt, ciiutcpretieshipl. Iechnical ri ri n- 111Reiric tic(27 S. 'Thae e wa115rcc. i6'- MAIN AND HURON STREEBTS $to:J. XW. Malioiey, $50; George A. i scol iciaicesicilltcitesid ii. E ___________________ Capital, $0,000, Srptusand Profiti, $6,000 IIl ries, $2): . R. ik, $25; F. B. icicylicne iher iciril icciie cr terO u usnssitof sdyo osi Oes aeserat taningh in ssl l s d toy XI cccii. $5; X. . Sihw, $2s ; 1H.V. hhrcneit i idesrecd. plyill peronorcii iceo * *iiyouo0to0 itthieaf 3 percent interest on lie- an0 Svinset Clda, $25 ; tDr. F. W. S ihe,$S ui aain tn. W ae11 eois aeyDpstBxst et.strle cie anc l Icl plclet clacis. [t s' e..oionoalos vrylnl at 12.00 and upwardt 1gicIcAllein, $25; $o eaei-I-l J iEgiee Xocrks, tiutiinacc st Incl. 69ca)ci.n plce y n i 5i~ i It. tKEsPF, Pres. W. C. On veso. Vie-Pres. -1 _ tretenfr i Mcia F,H B. s, Cah. 1. A. V LAMO At.us den 1-B. . Mhacftfy, R XB. iey, _dOio,__terigtoechaical 3XcceIeiy Ii el C i Offieial 'o senior shields are ready for Fo yurco. i n a t TleC le rt d K nyG .Hann .S o-, eseo u etotidc.'n Ta C alabnt . I. iieii iiEIC Nic telivery ;iiitlare $2..oi't pay tmore. w a c oIUF L Lovcs, C. XX'Sooniellen These are the best and oiity official ones. make a bg' hit 'itit lg men, i ea o O I U~I U t arris, . _Sayiiickei iH. CStsvtii Call for orders insmediely J. M. Fat ass pn at ,aiiutletoetat COOK HOUSE on.si Ec. J eM c innel, . Barnard, A. S pipes are all here. Ye SiudeitShop tf pataheavik suly n t liyiioBd (______ ____ nitl: l,.J~vetsre yusee 'Brigton"onnibo ll5 0 at oan 0soS00ra MANN'S DRUG STORE F .CiikIJ LanoslspiWshii___ ___--Sieial 213ASVMaiCSt sehicit, IF .IA lligon al i L IOST- ocstiicasteclubcpilli. Re- lhttos rpsl~n.Cr 213_____________s.__ - '' . oMaiXnX o scrl d riiicS.It. cie, ol PURE SILK25o A PAIR adtl t 0 -rwt s ST L N S JI lieie, PI. R beryS its IcekictP571NATIONAL BROKERAGE CO Italian, German, and of Amercan Focr J M. Pratt; C J IUllrichi $is Suits pressed, ae; trousers, o. -BcighGae PsitionBokte Manufacture $cn eichi-X. J. Neeeni J Ali.(Grant. Fuller & O'Connor. tf Sq ,*58 Cadllac Suare FOR ALL STRINGEID INS TRUMENS i 1RF.1). itHilebraniit, J. AI iiiicci IlA( G. DETROIT REA5NAIIE PRCUS. J~cleyc. 1KO1. Hskle, B I CgshliiAtxiidee & Co., te iihiitigecrcapPioeer, SCHAEBERLE & SON F J -Crigltouin,.F. X'Jichl 10 C ticrs'olle good thiics" ofl lie sicyt; and if_____________________ 114 . Liert SO. ANN DS R I ,OcsRi . .Jeiicy, BN ie tiss C fresh ontsts. 'iTheey cho be pcseid Market St., susdr. Kllev, XX. . I-bee, H I3. Clblert- Fter's art socee orc t teir stilPild.AN ( Mimoch Dieterle ocfF.Ncge, XI.. Fisher N. 1R. lDo'tIailto secticim. 6611( CAPS AND GOWNS Embalmer and Funeral Director lacielici1i. 5.tRipley, A. Younig, S. __________ INYE LUNCHE.S Amulac-alststended fday ornigt.hi 1] Allici, H. S. Welr 1.B ilhl,(Try Phelps' Perfetotichoolae puffsDlMeSTcarryItPeTaE ICofigrtts a0 Co m nce- n 21l S. 4th Ate.:c tesidece se ~I N igeiocit, WXFWar P. X alow and chips at Cushing's pharmaey. Domestic & tmnpiorted Cgr.A ompe W e ______________ line of ai smoktsnfartils.5Wa are get Ptiose 414. As Aror. icJ. i. K. L~ymihii,. F. :lKneip, CI. foe DEMUTn & 0o.,LNKMA & 00. anod8 B ca XX'.W Tet, F. J. C oher, (. . Hildeth's genuine vetvet kisses at PPES, also for StACY's & S00A FFEE' 1O fine chocolae BN-BONSS.RENTAL, 10 -.e.ee.ec.,,se,.r"''Sci-.cci, X. S. Hacll, L. 1). Stikiiey, Cuhing'. R. E. JOLLY. Stt t. 5Or0.der aytimet. ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 to $1.50 A F. LO EL Ful.aly (rsan-eead A Oar tollar Clickissae the est smade 332 S ate St. fospte mony. WEiEeEwaEtch*repairing Ageso nt & Ne J. L. Chapman, 206 S. Main St. ACUX, SUA UNSD&OX INNN, Ne TYrk I -a o e Ohio Centrail Lines on lltransbetee T lidond1111Colosiius SE l t eodesi Pailo i tas. whfirilis-lass CaeSemvie etweioledo, Colmiiiius and AtTtl'.38S tt etrthan ever this season. See our Window for the Ch aeston ____________________ new Strap Reinforcemrent around top of our - D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY llen's Oxfords. This prevents all stretching, slipping and SADDTME enlagin arond he akle Theonlspedial as totiDetroit 0 ain., and eery elrigaonthanl.Teonly $4.oo ow shIoe on tcoowutiousolitSp m. LegeBsbl eot Speial Cars to hks ocSO:3as., and every Lau BaealRprs the market with this reinforcement,n t ous servceilihp a lour oal serie to Utreleit 01 . n.,to 9:1pn .,thess11:ti Tw-Htoortoal s eieto Jacsconc5 i . Received by Innings Dailyto1:5pi. W 5ATING ROO, URNeSTlns. WETOF oMsAtN, At Walk- Over Shoe Compally IILJ.STONBROTHERS'111 South Main Street.iKo k The University of Chicago 1906 T te niversity yearn ein i it oi f ouiiis Po o I . IA r o quarters, Wiste Spriniig. Smmer1 5aiid Au-Ar he . issmin. ec, Admission uis geauteddLatthe cpniin aof ecn inrOctoer s.Orsduats isisiuc tie onde * u h tgdp e s r ee iso thsr radnate Schools oh vAssad titesr- We have opened a Developing and Printing Department. Aptre yours h gdn(r adae choolo ces ncte tessIiastirucstionioifered Work Handed us today, delivered to you tomorrow.Ineet? in te Divinity Stiool, the Law Sihol the Rustil MEdel Colee hs id , asd teSol f col ofEduraijo. Snuie ~ ris'lua TR Y U June .ti-Sept meet1. irst ins m:Juiieno 16i- T Y July illi; Second Teris c uty 2, ugust i3i te Rfoetetrn alaieg alo ~tE~itaration is permittedl fos the estire har- ". E CALKINS ts n orworherdorn. OpoanrglrcirtALsocNDERI is iforto wokidnti Spcrs. cora s ae ofeed or eALersAPt oa hER.893J CO.iforaton ddrss a= Bik. eni3224othrt-t 8*0t The UNIVERSITY OF CHI~CAGO, Chcag Ill WIVE4ZRR NJ$VER UNJD.hRSOLD---~GOODY1$AR'S DRUG STORE