rry THE MiCIOAK DAILY 0.. . WILD CO. THE LEADING Tailors J'Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrcs for any and all occasions. FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALT 3111 s. State St. Annm Arbor, Mich. What to Read ? Our Circulating Library settles that question for you. In it you'll find ALL THE LATEST NOVELS which you may read for 2c a day. Sheeban & Co's Students' Bookstore Special Prices on~ Leather Pillows lIncldng M0ICHIGAN SEAL Vitl ApriloIt DARLING & fIALLEAUX 224-226 S. Stat St THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Entered at secotd clasttmatter at the Att Arbor Pstfie FPublshed daily (Modays excepted dring the colege yeat, at >>7 East Washington street. Belt phote 892. Home-phone 76. Masaging Editor. ARTHUR C. POUND Bussiness Manager. WALTER R. HANS EDITORS. News........ . F. Steenson Athletics .......Clarence E. Eldridge Exchanges........Charles E. Winstead Womne......... .Effie J. Armstrong EDITORIAL STAFF. Louis D. Stickney Franklin C. Park ASSOCIATES. George- A. Osorn Harold C. Smith Echert H. Clancy Ferris N. Smith Henry F. Schulte William A. Mohr Glenn 0 Bradley Henry A. Mntgtmery Eoy V. Lll Joh F. Wr Floyd H. Jones RATES: la.nopr year, or $.nn ipaid in ad ant. Adsreaa: WALTER . HANS' Busines Manager. 236 S. 12hSt 5.. Phone 849 L THURSDAY. M/AX' 24. 96. Editor today -ROY V. LULL. T omorsreowoccurs the opn ai romess meetiag of the Uiiont ad it sioult te the best opell air metg ever hd at the university. Saurtay or' baseall teat wilt cross 1hath.sit oieof it'. stroagest ioponen'ts (anttIthe stdetr iody call at least shoswteir sport of tie' varsity bytulrning 00ut meldtassrig every tplayer of teir hety spport. It is. 01s(1desired tat te mleetilg shollltd voi~ctle geierl setimlet of tile stuldents. itregard i t.to tetpooed pictre of tDr. Atgell. Every Miligatt 'siudlenttis Ibehindelthis ro el1and1sou~lld le 011l1h1111 to slow is loylty to the univ15ersivy and otr president. The pro- mo~tters (f the ma50sseetig sold es commltenldedl forthIeirtplns 01111 sork. presel. WXills tie (applrath ie te examts 0111 c111111ecemtentilhe quesions tgait cottes to te front aout reserving setts for tite immltediate friettes of tie gattaes til Junle 21.In ityears 110s1 notig of tis kittdihas ibeel done (111(1relatives of tte gttiuates loseeloftel acto1 sanid tit at te ommiaeiiemenit exer- cises. Somtethiitg stoldI te doreitis diretioi. Tile seiors ofi tietdifferett depatrtmsent s soldlgel togeter tandrtco- oiier ale 10 secure for their friints at least reserved seats for te exercises. It seetts Ialsisceraiii 1110t 501511 11101 couldebetieveisedl to iobtaiiithisisretlt and111stilt1(1not eroticthoilte deissocrai stiint ioi 011rtiiiversity. The alas'. aeeing riigstp te idea, whell)'tilw ee tave I aiiindcincert every Friday nigtigioiltetcamps from nose till tile examls? Weve tehle bantltth le "OUTl OF DOOR" NUM- ER OF INLANDER Tile "0Out of Door iniumter of te tIlaiider issued Mfay 22, is esery btailup ta the usual statdard of exceleide. Besides two etertaininig sories, Twen- ty Miles to Jiatown," tby Eteleber W. Wadroin, 111(1"The Spafford's Hoiey- 111001,'"iby'Patl Soti Mowrer, te iiiisibei coit'iiis two1 essiys wel worts tile rin iiigThle firsi of these, "The Spirt I of Adventure," lby C. P. C., is aplea for a "course of traiinhg ill ad- enture,iiind idearre froma te coi- i eaiona it No excieiient,ite swriter heliesvestut tiigs to imake oesiser said1mor1e alsve stotldte the ojets foi which te rigtsindsaed adveittrer seaiiriles Ile sperioriy of ife oer hooks is foicefilly aiiit etrainilgy sri fort. The second of tese esstys, by luer C. Aidaiis, cntil hllelptI111arrest te at tentlioni of atl, ty its title, "Loafers." Thse author c'iiifessesltiohobies, amoig thieiiatre ti comletee tatoo of smoiniiag, the ss'arng of a good tat, adthue obs~ervaint studty of character. Hr gives the wss'dart latrge tietbeieftof the last tiiid wortiiest f tese antis ati- icle. Ini tiereditoriali etited "Pouar ss. ClassivalMuXic," the cotroversy ee iwen cihe S. . A. aid tie Musical Associatin iiregdtorl itie reetiolt ofi Soisals pa'ltof the rigraiiiis reviwe I.Tice sriercottcludes that, as lily 11aj01its of siteiits prefer pol- lie o lasicavi liusi, popular they shlouiild ae; iiiid tuat, if te ciiiiro of mial niuiiiibes is tulaeud ithtie ihads iii thie Susucal Society liith teir "ighiei ideiiat ailmusic'Sousa sil te hteard in AnnAa .riir lieoitore. 'Cii" Gatelli is ''lure" wihis usutstal tamutsiig cartion, while tie ''Dast of Humaor" is ticsetsic as ever ill de- picin~g certiiiiphiss of tniiviersiy life, notahlyite "Athleic Notes ii 1932." NEWT PLAN FOR SELECTING LAWY REVIEW MEN Ini formae years the faciity ists pickei imeii for the Lw Reiew, ut this year a ess'planlailts bseninisitted. Te class will inorie ledt frmtii sirrailnnul- bers tile mlos catitible iseii1o coisiute use Revie. Tie faciity thiei wiltake tiles iamsrsuiidirrtdiviseiienst. ft is thoughst thaiitis citiige will e ait aidsvacement oer the outdplaas05tie imembsters of the class wil fei a more iirect interesinillthe tans elected. The law' rxaiiaaiiaos tre low nol far off anid te ilttes hate already eeii plosed. Tile Juniiors biegiii Jiii 2, asd the seniors aiii frsshmii Jnei 4. Mr. Rogers, of the fris Rogers & Red, of Cicagi, began his tectures o copyrighsi law last M~od~ay. Mr. Reed, of liar samie firtm, stars Iis lecures oi trademtark lass'nex Moday. Tilefras is a faiiouis oureadboti utic are i- terestingE ad iisriietie seakers. At ue coites of tie Ceiitra Oraor- cat league iitiDelawar, Ohio, W. H. Taylor of Corniel woni firs place wihi the siibjec, "'XModerrn Teidicies of I- tercolegiate Ahletics." SPECIAL, SIJAIXIER COURSE IN FIELD STUOX' Thse growiag de'iitidiiaimiiig Itehers aisd stiudeusts of natuire for a practical coarse us hield siady has led the three departmasiterested to offey a cois- leased coarse ini this ssorka, to lee givenl ini tir comsing siimsiiir sessionl. Thse work will consist of insiruction ini phs- siographyl, 1501011' till1zoology.,10to e given bly Asst. Freif. Kratus, Dr. G. P. Biiriis 1and1 r. I). it. Casteel respiec- tively. 'The coiurse is diesigiiei for thsose prec parinig to tetichilathre stiiiies inthe primary tniis teiirmieiate grades, aisd for ltesers iof iphysicall geograp~hy aisd field zooilogy ini high schtocils, as sseliltis for studensswhoiiiesire a seide grasts of thie geiieral. eleiieiitiry features if isatiiral life. ARCHIIE IhAH N AND OTHER CONQUERING. HEROES RETURN Ini Nese YunkCiit' great lpreplaratiiins are bieinig miiitio ireceiveities'ictiiuiii Amtericanatalesiiswh'ii competed in tile Olympicfegamiles ini Greece .Memiibirs of use Nrew York Aitileit inklu, tie Irish- Aiiiricaii Atlsetic clib iiiiiothertht- ltue orgaiza/tioinis iif tile miitropolis save chat'ei'eida yacticiand115sw1iiiee't use tirristals idiwii tileibie. Duirinhei reiiaiinder if the seekhethievewsiltlibea ro'oiiiif itainquts iii nriof the sis- ltois anid it is iiriibaible that' the iniv- iduiitl athletes stilllie isresenteed iithi oiher'testfittnials if aamoreasustsatial latire. Archtie Jaitt i ifhpiroblyiLbte hors. S. Hi.'ferrythue stir half-miie riiiiier of the Uivsersity if Peiiiisyis ,'ifa's tract: health.dietdtitteran iotterttatinfit' appenudicitis. MMiE. SAR'AiIH Ei'Ni.Ri)T AT'IGHGi 1 'UAXRDIARVORY 'T'heatre sihecitalswill euse :Michiani Ceustrtal slat iotio 6:45 P. ini. Retiirnfig letasesDetroit ath ii :43 P. ii., AJIhayie huardtliniihur'fa'rew'eilh ii'rfiima'ce- "Camuille." ]Faire fre returnl lviii8os centls. Orider yiiur theattre ticketls if J. I. Refiger, liothuhiiiine s 9i-5,334 South Stite sireen. 69-73 THE PALM.\S ROYAL. 'fle Paltiis Itatl,209 Etast tLibierty sireen, hats oittaetti nttexqtuisite lithe of taiiir-mateeshirt wi tssit tieleaLtest summstser styles. There is thueliing- sleeed ttttannish shtirt wstithe golf, itue tenntis waists, Is serll a s e lingerie with is dtaity elhowssees'es. Thurmt- erial is Irish hntn, wiie thuredesignts shiownti ttilan tuembiideries, tches and pleats atre most bleautifl. This stohrt is also preseninug tile fintest coillechtion of Russian11 etnd Tiurkishthiatmtmeredi brasses ever offeredl ssest of Nesw X'ork SENIORS! Orders for printed or [ngraved Cairds to accompany Commence. ment invitations should he given at once to insure prompt delivery. Engraved Cards, $1.25 up l0t Caids aod Plate. Printed Cards, 75c p o Order Now WAHR'S The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. Brief Making and the Use of Law Books A book every law student an~d young lawyer should hlave. Price, $2.00 Cash or Exchange for your Law or P'ledical Books C. E. BARTHELL Phone 761 326 Soath State Street, Ass Arbor, Mich. Cuec. 6g- 70 I LOS'T-AlhatDelttaPhi jesselsuich- left. Retutrit 534 Suthii Stile. Re- wardi. 6g-71 Students' Lecture Association E z THE "VARSITY" SOFT COLLAR Trade Mark Regintered The Neglige Collar The latest wriukle in the collar world is the high double soft collar, worn with a soft shirt and held together with a gold safety pin crossing under the four-inl-hand. It can be worn with any kind of a tie and is both comfortable and smart. The idea has met with great approval. Our first shipment was soon exhausted and we were compelled to re-order. This second shipmnent' is now ready for our customers. We have thems in both the blue and white. At Ghe Co-Op .The Store of the Students bey the Students and for the Students. I 0 ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Trss.daaLae.va Assm Arbor Ghoing North 9:05 a. m. and 4:35 p. m. Gfoing South 7:10 a. m.,11:35 a. m. and 7:33p. m J.3J. KfEBY, W. T. WUILLS, toni Pass. Agent, Agent, Toledo, Ohio Ann Arbor., siob Boll phone 13a-tr Hoae phone 698 ,41LOHIAN CENT4J "The Nigara Fagls Route." Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through Trains East-8.18 a. in., 1.60 p. a. 4.55 p. m 9.s p. m. 11.05 p. oM. Lscals Ipast-6.05 a. St., *11.10 a.m., *4.05 p.m. *8.36tp. ro. Through Trains west-L.07 a. nm~,,7.55a. in., 9.18 a. mn., l.33p. m. 10.10 p. m. Locals West-224 a. in., *8.28 a.,in., *1.40 p. St., *6.10 p, St. *t(Except Sunday.) Connection at Chicago for St. Louis Kansas City and the Wst. - W. W. CASE, Agent. Ann Arbor If You Value your face, protect it from pain- ful irritation s, and keep it soft and smooth. Use WILLIAMS' SHAVING C IGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST