For Art and Skill in Tailoring Men's Fine Furnishings MONEY [OAN[D
: All goods inthestr tirwhich w stand spnsor most po ssO Waces Diamods ewely
Call on aspomet features Syl, Qualty and Vave. In mens ad all Hligh Class 6atal
Furnshingsthesetharactristics ar itarticclarly oticeablle and Cllitrat security
* Underwear, HoOsiery, Handkerchiefs,. Jewery. 144hAe Opst or os
S104 RO4FtELUhCD Cl Aveufs ectes ~ii. hit . . OieurtIMHos
lisallthe1ccNattiest, Newest. Late Styles. Two doors soth of new Y 51 C A
Or CE HOUS :0 0o01130 to 5
The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City M AC 8. O M ANYBuinssS 710 ofdeta
106 EAST HURONI STREET________________________
Laget latcfucecc sInthorldhcc
andtoftOfficil Ahleitic Nuccicelc.
I ABase Bal, Lawn Tennis Foot Ball
ZICETCH I N G S I L E , T L L T I R A N S . ArcheryRouUlfQit
I MCricket Lacrosse Croquet
,I A L N H L T I R AI T oe nPieImrplmetsfor all Sportsoilneie
I Belier in Quality tuty podN lcncrde-ar
AsA.d.SIT ivance ~Styles in Spring ClthngNow Re~ay. ;gytics paticulrsort.
1Ann ArbrSavings ank Blokrk ons pig Nn Md"' tcSpadig 'Trd Mark
gies you an ad atacovccletle cter player,
asycccchcue a bIetrearticle.asc ot-c r
giestettr. titacticcc.
STATE NSAVINGSTBN\KANTwS)ITIcIpy ")(kI PROJ (Ns ISprcngctnccitice lice
Avt.Bothc Jco V ShehnccclDn~ ca cc Q COI IS 1'I PIlll. IVNlil R ANI bN'l TIIA R,'POI S<Ato. G.SP.ALDING LA BRO.
VwAnl A l C.,V uccacc' OPIIRI '1ciI . (178 N 1,1 VP (NIP ONIIII New Ytrk Cticcgcc NaFccisc ooc
D nr.Lm em n Cristiaccn cItt 1,id loica! le il c no t e lii l icTh aep is iccich l iet liccy cccl S dcci icccincng cc th e . Iie cie cr, iy 1. P CS
S 1 i ic ic cciifo i heircc-c 011 l \e cccicc icn. TheA lcc icctohlecc ccicarge it ectec thcncc ascc filit
throuIhcutcthe wect.ccn spite cciai w ifIclc c 1cc iccfcric ccciiet t cc t clpltcc. lie ccdditioccnal tticlcic-e £
iccf-hs eligtecaewi dciecalwh ilico cic1cc.. cicc cc c illdc cnececcisittcnsie tcccctaeinccrccl
10 e~d i.ud~ccclo I ciwas ifecl iccat ifor cth e alve icpecec pieaec cll cciiJam ces ItRcwliiiscA 713 olhicc ccw ih inc rease ofstae c Fla aa an cke, djustbelrmental
icc'.. 1010 the ii-cci ciccwwic liih ve o iiiSoth -cai ci et11c ci. o , . (Viilcic evideily itends prah sl so c.Tce -oc
F'cc -__________Iup th oks snugly naly. le
ald tlc~c irc [aiil Co. T ecrat so- o giv e ccmti ngl th atlillc bieiofclcedit sure yuaee are icgto"' o bicx
cctrwlcueeleel il o lii N ii'I~l7 SINNIIi 1,.I i'. ticthetown-icdcclasp
-l etalli- PURE SILK-25o A PAIR,
I'1os h te n cci Ifrocmccll, cceicaseife--. cicicicaioni:ac a iii ccheccve -iita iniclc i ll cc tic tilcaic ii ' i cr clclibrary icing e n-tiicceac
frit ae. lthi n, ccb\-tTa i i- dcciiak cni'm 1the iii did cclass I. cn ocder te rm a) 8gw e er.-m m e fteclu lie c ccmposeccd cic of
UT ler ic ma dc k-iiRe cI iinec Icdccc c I ra -Reutol 627ic ( S. Tlcci cc rewarcc. V8-9 Poneer i
Q U'~A R R Y ,S t .Chrlc I. IC. de Naicirccil proc itc C icliiffordiStewiec' i ll otkeSsende Maer
Dr g toc'of t i cci cin11c1cicci c- c ic c 1111cci il ccisurgey(1851' Ic c i atrs' -.clibcpin. Re- MartB, usedr.
inSherMed i clpat e ,, obe one ei c.ic c ccc i i cc' cc che cccic c I n iee )cashci ic cl y ci -ccwan cc fo i r cc.ur n. A ii1. Pecrcec'.3011 w Philada.
1 -te .cief . .c- ck r a itei nn lc on-ci cci ncctcs peiricim i c io . Pakar. 8-0i
4 cions, toibe held inClecveland ccfiiim dccina icaclc eedcc cieci Chicagcci Sits pressed, 25; trousers, Ice. CAPS AN D G OW NS
ccc -1 N,;i1ct-ctiJune- ccc.-cccgc c Flere & O'Connor. t
I c ic crcc-lc-.who iicc ccci dcessc c N c cicccic, lac.- 2 It . illcii ie Icihe ld t______________Fore
3StIIa~wb'/1IjI~jjfiesy uccc cc o Juneict, cwill ltake(cc I for ccicci[cSENIORS-eaver your orders for Corxarxenceriert
G 1 J\ n ict I 5Iciccic l ic' liii ccc ccci he-( icc ('cciifc Chiccl(ic icgcc hascchedicc 1906 seitis ad oak sieldu at Arnolds wNeek
of Illnesie" T is isi a fild i i d a fccccllcgacmcc cih Nciccc-Icc (ccf o - elry scoe. tf
- -ciimuhcrtialwokanciveicc- fl 1t e laea.1 i ci NI-c -dcildcicIENTAL, - - $1.00
icc-wih ). e\aeceisclcre cnid cI N c ciIcc2li ti-asoncfcccthecli cicce NWcthcth i cl e o ec N'good c'ltiiof iccthe ccp-c.Ors sa is.
Icicm fth oeN cccitc tI -thc cti/c. ~i r addec-dcci toc'isc-esntcccc c- ch lteii llc 1c'i-tes ccc ci ilcacncbecl pur csed A . F.LO V E LL
Ohul o6 Michuigncccc 1-cscl-c o n 'cly' .cic cc ci cicc cccf-he cccr nerictic escc-. IDconi't ciito -cc 11te ii Ictf COX, SONS & VINNING, New Yrk
ctAeS ut 81011, iI 1F..Wcilicam
Sherbets et. Senor lwsc cud iiccrlaws ildeeto genuine velvet tkisses at Try Phelps' Perfetion chooolate puffs
p s c ccfo J. M. plpo, if sitg's. tini chips at Cusigs pharmacy. FINE LUNCHiES
cie carry tte lrgest lie of 'TURKttIs Ft
IlttMEP'T'li & I~iOtTED Cigarettes ani
tthnc stte & Itmcported Cigars. A coomplt
Legs ~~~~~~~~~iceof all scokingi articesiwe are aefrEalo&frO'A old'
Frogs' L geahm ( . C .C~~
W adhas oo R. E. JOLLY. Stet.
Club Ohio Central Lines
a~o am H as tr W H tso all trais betoeccToledo cid Iolccccbus
Pan mawats Sthew HatEIeait mcodernc Petic Cr ifrst-ls
/ UCit estoic
Safi wichsfW Sh Ties D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY
+ y k pecalCars tDtitrot 8 a. to., aicd eey
All thtNwec ouors snitt8flp . c
C hick n th inSpeial Crs to Jacksotc 880 a., ud eery
tco hours until 8:30i p. in.
A ar e our local n, hnse ree to erot Ot15 a. i., to
A___Large__ Assortmen~t in~ NEGLIGEE SHIRTS awnd HOSIERY o9:H°. ~ 'coet acsIlOa o
Large, Thick, sATINGoROO, HURON Sc WS'ice MAt.
and the best of everything OKo a
in season, at 121 and 123 South Main Street U C t l g e
4~ D 1906
Oyster Day i
"A mnateur Photograkpherrs" Are here.
We have opened a Developing and Printing Department. Are you
BOTH PHONES Work Handed us today, delivered to you tomorrow.Ineee?
467 TRY VS~~Jt(N
315So Sat S. Ho.sMnis.7-RIALEXANDER & co*- Henni:ng Bk.324 SoauthuStat. tve