Thei 'chiganDail ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, X\EDNESDAY, M XX Y23. 106. dTog. XVI. No. 08. MICHIGAN PROVES EASY PREY FOR EASTERNERS Amhest'sCrac BainTea nDe .l Afteri Spring had obligingly Amhest' Crak Bll Tam e-lropptedl Patterson's font fly the Mkich- feats Varsity--Michigan Nar- igait shortstop shot a screeching single rowly Averts Shutout. into center fielst. He ste secoatdad - ~~sciiredita iiiiiientt lter ciii'.Matrtiin's lit.i. Btefore rwdwo f nsttus-' astic. ere at 1eat isiiiro tes" tie :\t rest thas iil s i iitusia ,st fieling nd n illsin the iva sity at evcry pits ill'e aiicldefetedsicsst ucl ssithe isrpponentos ti. e sr Be si s iv u i'ing ne, i ci n' stsii twitler, ito tieiiw iiiiswith i ll avaisli ance su itlss tic castensi playedsi ani euegunt stontce b hut larioutlstus euus O(f1the twvotbidigs, the ismpeatuhe er ers if this caosmittie,'ssistedt hy siub- h ltuaoycroft, sindulcloths thessformner easusihilses. thur mouvemtsesis not is seems tou hesdesiudesdly itheuorepolarthi euusnfiedtohuhthur studenut bodly alonte asitidIheltcia huinetdcotis.left situ sit tir aliumiandueplat itasrge aritasounds wcill bt a rgely 11511upginsathe hvt'irshto sssist inthule sorks. Addsitionas' lesather cercs. sulsuntsisuucast tarsecusredt front hss Out thu s t sdaisif tile satehutse,35t0 ;rerhyof the commiittee', Mr. Shasis. rere sle t thu s sitanshocaitsedinthIts itheurmnuissrooamus. viriusucapusi b uildings.C Only six iutnes if list yer'rs innuas thi arsuse ;IFC}TRPWtE''SVXsDI 'SPPROVES acildl up ho July isehile l ts ieir's oats, OPFC'NDERCL.ASS CONTESTS _seluisius uaf i utaydsusetllfor hoots bsy thur Iinantcally emarasseu," is vrty 'h'titheurndicerclass contsests prives'' erlynt 's targ'e at thepresent those. A succress is eviduencied fromsithis'lm'tsss -itcisini tenduto huhlurchasse are tinged uniiernsal appalnls-hhexpressed. Undier tus(to, soist luste, as thserecwittlube absos- ;rsutues, upptatesssmn andset unalact lutely illscoplies heldutafter June 21, andu if this'acl'ity -sgreiomnds u ri istnug thus iii riseut iintpriceccittlhreutadse as ini udesi is1thss'cosstests. ha gensersltht~e iformer yeairs. rsia' racers sainu thle tug-of-wcr in r(-i Ihits is si very aosmmenduablhe step, us passceduponfavsuorsaly, wh~ile it is cen-s-.orer hpresenst circuustanuces a greaut cedtedthtthite rck stuntan the Itu'stch ut-lls'tuspeol ustsagfauyitig iutil falil, ball contielst canutelimprioved.n.aait'ng for thin trice to dropsto eaeighty- W-hsens sapproaschiedhyesterdtay fora'irue cenits or sidullaahsnd isshthus dragginig opsino onuusuu thi ndesuurclaiss stsuntsSec- iesale o utl itoa serytleigthy ope- neisls Vsade maleitheisefolltowritng cition.h Businerss M-anager McMillen is tisiisstie stasteen5t t: ranistSto rcluse up mansliy outstandt- "I sc-as gresatly tpleasedrwith tihseretlus its" etssand11 tige's'illcdebstors 10 phIy racess sndutthur tug-of-wasr. Itiny sareis p.tsitte everynyue'stheltp wittltareuneededt resallylise.'lThe litpusih lucntesthowsiss os sake this yeahrsproucition ta inaii- eser, tires muoudiftitn. Thu stuncliii l sucress. cosh tukm sbin nar.not misuchi of s a nme.JUNIOR Lt II''S XI'L'.PLsAV eThc rwhot lei is si goodh outsanth is JUNIOR E;NGINEERS TODAYSX stich supeiour tohis asir-cutinug. Thus evets arc esiea tests if relativse suphr-e 'I'hiss afiernoona at 4 o'clock, ots South iorhty-. Iullic iuiversitysiaunit classstirut F1rycinyheld,thin junior itssad juniour siitt hue' fostered y hyenm."eungieers ccittlcsishi. Eacha teamsaIs aeadhy scnsoneasrgae, sinsdleach us 'Nt))LI N CC.1B XILEN- eagertinplistinhe saher off. Brut 'lER'th IN YOUNG. A'TlTI IS classes are edesuringtgho get a large _______ hibody of rooters out liar tse contest. Nest Frideay tighit ltar Manlinlub ht erill enittinteprep schoouul'athletes ADI' IPII TO ELECT C)FFICERS. schus switlbehueesto takecntit in sth- huuursebsoti'mauelt 'XMr. Minte, luder Thin Adelphthi wilt houtl itsfitual useei- if thurclsubihIsisuein a call to alt tng fur thin year, at 7 :30 p. tat, May 21. mesmbulers toi seel for ptarice l'huirsdiyt i han hrogramiu s us focllows : Masin. tighut.A a~se iens lharcuisteoussintshle'XIirqiuardt; stpreh, 'X'tcCandutess, etur- pact, it is thseitetitoti of tose itt reunt events, Scutl ; reading, Agusew. chasige to choto h le yotun tleshn a 'ITe program is shortened 10 allowr gootd titan durn,' their slay in Annmaea for than etectioun of officers. Every Arbor. menmber is urged to attend.