THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE LEADING Tailors -,Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles sod fabrics for any and all occasions. A SPECGIALTY 311 s. state t. AnArbor, Mich. What to Read ? Our Circulating Library settles that question for you In it you'll find ALL THE LATEST NOVELS which you nay read for 2c a day Sheehan & Co's Students' Bookstore Special Prices on~ Leather Pillows Incudig MICHIGAN SEAL Vntll Aprila1t DARLING & fIALLEAUX ! 224-226 S. Saie S THE MICHIGAN DAILY. lnterte-d at second caat aaterat th Ann Atbot- Pstffic. Published daily (Mnday exceped daing the clege year, at 117 East Wahingtn stre-et. aet! phne Sa. Ha-e phne 76. Managing Edior, ARTHUR C. POUND Business Maager. WALTER R. HANS EDITORS. News .......D. F. Stensaona Athetic........ Clatece . Eldidg Exchanges. ... ...Chales E. Wistead Wmena...........Efe . Amtstongi EDITORIAL STAFF. Lnis D. Stinay Fankli C. Paks ASSOCIATES. Gentge A. Osbrn Hat-ad C. Sith Robert H. Clacy Fertis N. Sith Henry F. Schulte William A. Mather Glenn D Brtadey Ittnt- A. Motgom~ney- loy V. Lll J-h F. Wara Foyd H. Jes RATES:- $.o pr year, o at- Sati paid ia adnac. Address WALTER R. HANS' Business Manager, 23 . 12h St. Phne 849 L. UC il- NIONIBEL -0 Saiiih 'r lp 'lt-- 11(1lt- liiialci tstil- iall pet-ithe tlit-il hile enrolled. Tickes or memiiibeirs-ihip lto te 111011 for the resi f theieas- r will bsodfor 1twe11ty-ix centll. C.n le fromiGineralISecrt-IyiII-. C . itevnsonI lln iiii Frm .z N 3 Voficen hl. AlntuJ. N.Allnu S. .Allen,. J. A. Alii, C. .ndeulisii, H. C. Andersoun, N. R. Anider-suuii If.IH.iAudrews , C. H. AndurusJIB. tnel!J.NW. Aison F. i.-liteno R.IIW.Xi nst itunII. O.cii st ring ,F. Ci niiu.iiuiu-R. F. tiii.. F. Avirus. 11. L. l'aliii ,r. F. A. Bali!- kn, AN.I)II Baldwti, C C. Balleninetu, CN. Crlilt-.?N. BaIes.Ati. .n. liarilo NNV. R1111r11yC. A. Bianu, C .NV ioniiimCIt-.Iarrtt .C.WV Blt~-t, JNW. Baron K. N.Bahl, If. N. Btts R.11.ecliJ, . CBeal, S. R. Pel, !.J. N. lenN. NW. Bards- los, ll. 1,. Benneuut. C. NI. Bentson,1. J. eilcl. I.1. Binti.N.IBently, J. Betn-it sen . C. olt-u, I. Iotol. IN. lio. I) lin,. NB lait, H. [lok, . V.k W.liRiigBohn;. N!. Iliin, C. . Bino- I. AulsBonyI. Boone, ;. ..V. Boaiugtn, . C.M. tBioydii, . . B raiion doI.P. Bralby, B. N. Brawnt, C. V. Brauii, H. C. Brnizer, P. Al. Brer- 1o1, V.lresler, Ci. S. Briwser, J. I. Breiistr . I. II.Bristol, AI. . Brook?. . IK. Browerr. IIB[rown , F. N. Bruiwn, [Iuchianan NI.IL I tck.IH. N. Ilucley. L. Biuller, IE. CG. liulock, I. Btitt-lu, A. C.Burc, C.S. rsl.t. F.uriiis, I. N\ Bu, J. A.1 Nrl cy. P. I,. [liii- lei, i-.S. Burton, R. II. BItla?, . N.D: Buteield, I .! I .I Butterield, K. J. lIt- e G.ii ( S. Call I, C. Campbu~el, C. Cary 11 . .lat I. I. Caretter. J. NN Caopt-nt-i, .fCarriir,IE. N. Cariiiiliei', . NEICat-op . C.S. Carer, NI Cavaaugh, ii"iJ. I.Cae.cM. Ceever, C .CetcE. 'DIt-Clirch!H I. ClincyiRK I. ClincT. lny .G Clii!k, X hiC W. iC hikH A, Clar, . C' Clark, I.Clrk K NIClike, .. 11. Cliirke.-FC Coit-s 1 y c .S. ..iiiut-RBCut!:, R..I!Col;, K. N. Cooi:! I.I,.CleyiTx .Con . Colc J.I on NN . \ Cit-c J. C'oitoun, N! W.Ciii, .A.CxG Cranec11. NN.Cr1111eFJCreigoniu J. CreulihuonC.IR. CroiikhLI JCr11111 I. F. C riiip achr. C. C'siiii. NI. . [1 C. Iali-i. Ft. It-al. X.W, 011. a, C. B. IeIc! .. IX. V. Il,anou, F. NI. It-c ut-f' , [B If.I i f t. IC' It-. ItDt-S i'it-t. J..II lit-N t-J.1 Nt- DcsVignesi C. IDeC IIJil CDilni iW.IIW- I-iC i, I"It. N DittmanIiB.IS[out- D.inWiiDoins, C.I. Doin,iiiiit oNIkF h.BII IdI.W it---i, IR. I'L . Do - 111111 .' C Dra c, I It-lil, ).'P C. C. Feris,?. I.Fet-lot-iWNXLIFiii- tolA- . ih r J C F is lit-i I.I C. Ftlit-irO.CI C 1 Ii A.l Frd F . Ft-u. IJpFox, . S. oxFi-. ['IR. A. ttmd. G. I I. it-it I [It-irnch II E H.Futi eNI I ut-liB.IFuIlertonl-, I. E. Gltlup, J. V. CGtriia, C. aclc!! T. . igcrt. I.I, ci-.ncr, F. Crig, I. Iilstrs, IH. C.(Batsot, P.1' (T lit-'coinuidci.) PRVTECN'IITFXCS, ' N fot- t1 o crc Ihe sitrict---. fit oIii i - LI . I A lu- Ii ot-ist- ituitc t f electrical engnerin,.asreocit--dl a11offerirfromi hea eiilet it-c-in ofii ciiearii lis! it-t ied u rtr t it-i X ii i Nu -. Nt-tt' Seig eat-F!I l.N!i IX [XXIX!yNalarXge 'it-- r ecvediiI ot-a r ifitt li-itIt- lt-er -ec- gifncerig schol. a Netit-ct-ifirii. '['ric C'C)XC. 'T(1)!) iIIIXs lit-nu.N.AI. 'T-it-i!.of Kalmzoa SENIORS! i)f miode'rnit-ocial aiid edt-iiiccn Orders for printed or I tt-it-has offeredt- I a-. a spca in ue :nlcil to ii .lircligal t udensiai umioi'iiive -aich if olhich is to hle a[ardedveo T- ho prizesit-lot-Iolit ftdfrb stuiden-. iits-nr lld i y dli t-l me ln-nt itf NAait-ligt-iiiveiit-stil-tyh cte-t-is-. to accompany Commence.- ope alketo radats N-hohae. al~ll ment invitations should be iti -i~iltiiiclcic t-l - t- iun-u-iic- given at once to insure reutbl cll t--x n i-t-lty,-alit-i-Itt-- prompt delivery. iiiult--ig-t-uti-'s itf (lit-? iiipartii iiii-iil whoit-t- rec-ordindt-ict-elit-shait-veywill Eng~raved Cards, $.2up ra itat i gnfi t-ir 10 '.No t-i dentili100iiiCard ni d - Pilati. .111 allodto- omet fr ortan Printed Cards, 75c Pto Prsien Agllorfrman o te Order Now u(nlne ftecon lte fofe-.iiu Nillms-. NI ult-gliu Coot-lcy, lit11-l iia d i ats. Th ubecs fit-i he -i-u- eiessay t-fo llow: ii it-iet-s.itout th lt-iva t -i icoplit-i-.;t The Bookstore That's Never it-c si-ctint- lii- li-ti l it-h lit- fort-ic li--Undersold. Ale ipublic it- 11 li ie be t - ille in t -i o e ii iii t () i lit-it- who ut-i eft-uilly lit-i ,111111! lltet ign litloll" ii l s rt ii ty cult-unty utItndi ultt-ut-l hlpifiiiiics a(.t-ul and the lei-ut- fou in t-ellt-ciutual advancemenit .~-li 13 ! Th it-lst-eas oft-t-creasi-ng in- Use of 4np ra c lii ai-ti uti-ut tu ap lid t tetinjfit-ust ing proplit-ter mituiti-tancctu t - t-eoli. ce-cry lawt studenttatnd yountg li~i [ave. ownsii-'itp of publlic utuiiicsiwith! ct-c Price, $2.W( m1iit161ut-uiu l u dtt-lt alsiug o ,it.if di redii-l.t-- it-grp anul dttilothert- meansi' i-it- it-i ~ i It-ut- ii t--lit" ittc. lilt-otst css l at- y -itct Ni-i- . Canh or Exchange for your ____________Law or Miedical Books II IAt-TN''CSHXI-[CN lC l'I II)FNT-X'l'f-;NI.B~aNIN r; 'lito .N-.ssocite - C'o-llt-gia-tlc N uuu Ile( uuaithe-i ult--tt!,it--Xiliat111)31 itiet-tig ft-tlt-ittgit-Nht- 1lit--iti. tit-elt-ill cet-iritug prt-liet--l N)-s . N. iPtteur- WWIit it-u- l-ecut-duirctoru-i-for tile en- i r C. E. BARTHELL Phase 761 326 Souath State Stt-eet, Ass At-hat, Mit-h. -t-lunt;ut . liltt.ft-irlt-- cittli g vt--t tr - Hidreth'n genitlecrer!e kisses at Canhitig's. Hfficial 'n6 sentior sieils are ready fot- delivery-tiiat-care$2.00. Hontilpay nanre. '[Nurse acee le[us t ad ontlpofficial ottes. Call for orders immnediniely. J. M. pipt-s are all here. Ye Studeint Shop. if r f Smiling Faces are those that are made happy by the creamy, comforting lather of- WILLIA MS' STAVIG !l. IX.Ii -onull t'. X. I! -tuuuusuuu, F. .A. INNWt-lnesdt-it-ut-ternoonuu. i Students' Lecture Association THE "VARSITY" SOFT COLLAR Tt-ade Mat-k Registered The Neglige Collar TIe latest wrinskie in the collar wvorld is the high double soft collar1 worn with a soft shirt and held together with a gold safety pin crossing under the fonr-iit-hanid. It can he worn with ainy kind of a tie and is hoita comfortahle atad snmart. Tlhe idea has met with great approval. Our first sliiptment was soon exhausted attd we were cotmpelled to re-order. This second shiptuetnt is now ready for our custoiters. We have-thement t both the hlue anad white.. At the CoOp The Stnre of the Student, by the Students ad for the Students. 1 1 t t r ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Ti-e.insa Leave Aia Ar-bor Ining North St-I5 a. as. and 4:35 p. ms. Going Sath 7u20a. a.,!!:36 a. am. adl7u3:3p. m J.3J. KIRBSY, W. T. WILLS, Geral Pass. Agent, Agentt- Toledo, Ohio Ann Arbor, Mich Beal! phone 135--1r Hame ithane 698 "aThle lfatgara Falls Route." Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through Trains East-Si18 a. ms., 2.da p. as. 4.55 p. as., 9.30 p. a. 11.0 p. as. Loalas East-itS5 a. as., attn10 a. as., *405 p. Through Trains West-I.07 a m~,,7.51 a. as., 9.18 a. as., a-33Sp-.m. 10.20 p. as. Locais West-224 sa. , *8.18a. a., *1.40 p. ms., *6.10 p. a. *1 (Exaept Sunday.) Conectians at Chicago tar St. Lauis Ktansas City and the Wet. - W. W. CASE. Agent, Ann Arbor mmummo A CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANMES 7 THE MECCA BILLIA-RD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST