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May 22, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-05-22

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The Michigan Daily
AINN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 1 1 SD tV 21 906 'L'Yaz gC

tf0L. XVI.

No. 1.67.

Amherst to Present Strong Lineup-
Last Year's Star Battery Will
Work For Michigan.
li-iss imore imporsstanti than le elast-
1):ll ga imesht t iia \l ili 115 and(1Am-
hrtthis aiternoonless m Caciih Is-
Allier wsill lake noschaneisic ngi
to te e~tencrs 'this i thefirs imteu
that licligsiti has misetanies trn ath
leic leant in yearl ishiwitii exeti i i on
of lihe s-tiiannual ii 1 in ittin ee t silii-
is ofere iev ry Ltanuilt is t iteamitNili
doihi hs tintaI inste onr f h
\N s . Ii isiii I il u s i
55515 swhie on iered hereijil
mio Iolghs ian excellenti isebal
t ii 4havng lotbu n ae t is' l
Nea .i hasi e s c nt sit is i i lii -
tardtitsMuch the Cr imsl nin theslsss
inth inning.ils i
1"he \lihign tam i l ointo sis
iel theis fernsossiss .stronger ss;;r in i
tio th n is t's is is ths vsi ty ati
champ ss iiisns ll i isi s isltbsssi i the
o te livingIisBit nd' f miso h
Saner ha rolldc ino sille ti
;hipessalu ha n t ithIestilsor
thesgi e. il e Tats il-s al
liti eas. Tf, oddsch godil
forthiand iti l be itrsng o sc
Amhiii . i lii si it s si
isones, s s 1 ssss Stgerip
-sit IeI tscf itt tt nlii s d
Th isu Nill tti alt CI sss:o; it
suits isisL 1 TOi I i ils si
Abou sixy Hosiesihsisi Cou
lotse suits l b I tnotf the\ CIndinas
ferst e Issetfrt lanfor ~te sta-
r cived ii h I ilth usism. I rssA -cm ittiees
aI sitible hose
ith ifolsoingtosts Ciii mi-Ie..


ag 1-n s ittti ititelidtl Ills assi SHOULD BE MODIFIED
setlti-slitLUniversitty sillPussd-ysnilhtc
w lusl sconcludtheili twodis'sesssionusProminent University Men Declare
of Ihe annualts cesiiresl1111of thelss isills Interclass Carnival a Success But rodofS.A re.Thspars ayC ngsreNcsr. t
if te eveniissiwsre Rt.Ret\L.IChsites 1. ;1aas ihpo \lihgn n 'olnn lie-ymn h ce
I t. 11.ills ardi lit I prsifdCl tlug fs t heisla s ffiials intheis r e shir stils isisfelend
iot IIrhoIsofS t.lsss Andrse-ill sthlt naihi is ofithStudren tCllncslr i ilssl - Uie tts cve elr htteeet ee
lliltt1 Presl sient\1 lush i t It;ssuccs. Neafrtiv aPlus tsotenI 11who1-
Kiisi uittor eak ;so ilua d xrs s iolis sti sit susiiy e-
dre lssmssed he aui enei onCtselis it s -c t li h te r Peu sh ldsitessois isisus islist
Iltih IKingdom oft st Iod lin Ills Chusrch."isis ts st;n tilts Isir iii siyisr.iRefer- 1
I e deplored thes tnissessissty fsreed-sssn latieisstmadeliit severital itillsto
orer a rl tios lal lssiiss as his t h I Iac i lass l it i sd ti ispled tbV te
calledlthemtsatushoped s slfortlsheay sphomrs.ttt Thi opnios sexpressed l
whnthtey wouildlle ablilshledl andilthe tie as, follosws:
siturIh ti-sl hle hknown-ias "albodsleof \Walter Iiilileigu. presidient of tles
soul sh~~ng ll lyaly, alegince ind tdltt Cisunisil : "l le s-rst-Wh-asle,t
leists luthittitistkositJessiti Christ.h" s ls ihecots ts ii seeme sto sluitere tsitlg, 1
CVilI itms i i s Isiw-e tl ianid iffecite I sisilsit i tsea -s ituome isiay lii roucssstive
stpeakler, Sigtsily rltt~isi it1 liii stylei of clas-s stii u tlshil stillhea m tr l
an tiglted w slit-i irctiess ofdlivery ga-mssint ste tittirrits- 1)1coisesi- t-e
that covince lit rr.dt;swr a rm efcbten I- adnr spoeo TeKn-sit sils ou tsfatisshatIisfi s h-stilt
hmrt Isfi God 111 ;l1theWold, yic, e l it ties sliadts helsi lshs ill
sitsted, l ss is lisiesii sitlstatslitschsluhdinotpecideistoiwoifrom
CIlissgmitirstheLi td ta1Pteis. iii er ivry s csfll IThIt55in-i
ofTh St.~ hs sitsw's ihurchit ichoiri con- w-al- d iteiostless riace ss sith it noitr
Slitlg 11 OfiI itstltut t y-ive lists, ledl lth e hlumuis seemstto Its suseitablie ts thete
S flgiiifli Servies it it ltst the ch r ies ss1inrlststlitianlilt y-11 ts yer'ieii
isi it wrsui ts spnadthelcon-i iii iishis ld proleti is- itisng. lT-e
41 555 ihtitirsjslliedlinitiitlit it iii tusoc sistunt sill hsitscos e rbl es ths uhtstg
-itlissasiView tisikstis iits li)-t.I lbe-
WEBSTER SOCIETY WINS hisse tere esu e 5sOt possblitis a t slur
ANNUAL CUP DEBATE sitsits Ititlitus-segs sts lrsul-tssiiglt
IPirhas a sottsimttu litisit andsal
Jeffersonians .Are Defeated in Close sita-lle-r aleaI swoeulsd uske a btter1
Contest in University Hail Last constest.i lie push still is st renuussb uit
Evening- Judges Divided. ;sit itthere seemuedlit to elhai thelioys
lulte. I -s srturliesh toi see ilo
Tilei bhitss Is isisof thuse hiWeb ust s compac it s h dsitlithegeneralshitp
i-us list nil truststhis u ghsths amususs an1dush ormaiiltistn utusl is bt the s pla she -
lte sttor thusDetrit .ACI uussithip by uelop ltr. Ints hel ensdul listsviris thur
de ieatig ithe iepresetativse-s of thslur lutito riii ticit he l eventsi areiii Iles tilt
litiesiitiiisiety. Tle q uetion555 5Its hush sssse i~le ns Viusly
Is I as Reole iiia te icy s sintlistedI ush sitsasny si sus hii shier
;) usitaitits s1senlah rgsts this \5555s55555 mill' iSuggest slimot uhld e scareflls ross-
uavy s rfer sl to usthise itiso~ lcy ttit1,611- siered Is. I have hd tshd luat thur
taigI tits prsns reiultl andshfreshmaniticlass suit tugs-this tissue ln
t~tcec. h e itsito slu the tlses thi st Ithree wes thansit hiys wuuld
us shutdiv hied. uhtve shdsne iin tilso listsars iiof so litsnsir
1il h debIses si c orsduhsi s I to uProfssort sling. mss It soth su ll is clesar-
I'-lbo d "is ille if ilshe ssiestiltp de-l a lss r ilr softhei risghut sushitm st s
haes evrsel ssniesiy Ishill wus I tuii musitysp ir hushAnd tr u tits ssts-
ony aotusssi s ift s Ill ed. bh uit l ts dslus t;s sthis lift oitaitti~si t.l
so lugs thie ardor of Ithis suhitlstant, Ibell II rr;; spstidet ioh its: Chit
t~l rm thes ist ttargu iu it\\-uti listee iate tfi ll square"t butlists is
po e.tsb o e is hs lu t haI sI 5 t ifturei thur second-
It rstis peechIss thus Jiltesonssus sum earus lutis ositall slitpartments still isisru
rte I, . h. lo t s C A.J. Ca ~sls nstilouit. PNothings u t list essus cauitlie lre-
tosre- II11. isusitmi semedu tso slush lusts lorthitsucsitntests. thougshs all he
w Is this- CC lissts IsR. 1,1 s I a 4 C. _ reiintg.
Boole andtih J. II. I 55s551re. ltsi t Isie. hIT. 1). l Baltswin, pus i t ol it stg-is-
-btt ls thes C s lstes slits sul sitsblst, r "Ih u-of-w usr tunh thes relsay
wlethis Jitfisosutsns resstidltheirsewsi etiti i lstincsuccss, tututhis rck
sit this usirkI of thes isst pIioul This stuuth wus i isstso mqum thusthus ishusle
dec itsio Isee e ucht st i l out ndtu h elsconus tes ius us 1itspa rveafl-sustsitute
suienus thes restilt ws slist lls nu nceds forss haisi custtusinsum

priihentatistut andslre-sr-ttgremenstswill
no dublt result itsatvcut sattisfatryt
seis oft alonteuststswsilthstill be Ilargely
listinctilust Irs hirugits
tary I,.Coei: So fur ias'e hersd,
eviryth sits wsuiise, thughssnext yersu
the t ill tprhbhilt hu m imluuit 1p5 usso
thse tuteandtilrsitolsry to huegua-rded-
ain utst slmh Is srteshman thcksandson stle
listsritctions limt olitheli usushshIllhutn-
FredlP S. essierss : liiohes t hor-
Iu1sutessishresustbhumossre rut-1
th situm. Cithuut sturit thuseconteists 1
wtill slushworkii out. lThere were1 o1
man situts. (Ishld sugIge11sit douing
situ sitil Iic: 'rock missthiscamus'i
affaus. CAireguionsuspsush lu-ll shuosuld
it subhtstitucildtfoi the msts ussed Saturt-
usay IOficiur sesuttcussonlistsuth li
sldertuhei-sueivistin sittheusppstseclass-
metis suit I blievststhey wmuldhIworkut
mratt LongmansitsIs: sIesuitss weuri
a ucs-s andlusgoosubshstitutiontufist
tehmsi-cuttinugusar. fTshe stush bl
mu t s huldhe ismisitedl ussumo theuntnu-
ber of mteniptartiipingisi. lFort-another
sln idlostacile forthe reilamy rule I
w ussreit a tplaitforimt affair abomutt
S5t 0 -ofret Imutug andtl2 -2 Iseet sigh.
hie hlitgei th-its an' is trad.Inli esass-
tug suitdher15 su aconuutrisvsitueumanuyrust-
users wousuld slihustlyriusrtherihueasss
ausd beom coiiluiimpetlhlted.lsu
Caril Rusts is : Wile stsescuntesti
n-re intatsii uriu uf sitexprimnt
thur-i sere ai sucsce ss. uIteoe thiru
permanutrec- is assurid.l isuunothetrsyeaiis
triaul isilltudlutedtsilsytituse.oA sroof
ot success iswma ssincIdsbythue es1-
tluusisesuof ths whomle sliitusetiloy uaund
thur umbe r sf sspectasts wsihtessinug ths
caril.s-hore isua fusiusoi um tsellsh
coptigelasss-which dossnot halp-
pnsit ofti-nt sith thurolduhallsir-cuting=-
mus. Tliiheak ml snthusiasstssm isthe
inst uhf thur sotphomouuire s uts neif ths
;hurti-sci uugs of ths affauii. Suupls>
usc-sring umuseras werei- noticedl asuious
tlur spuecttslusi d uiinsg-thur tush 1usd
isiunt.Iils houhdsuuggrstthasut wshsilr sl.
tlim ruststests airefri-shtintshe luinst osi
thecn testansts, referrs uandl scllmsit
is-s-iis-usthast thi ideiass hue obtiunds-fanuit
s-tusin slm erma-iehutr ormI f o fussIuu
tmisusmithdirefr-nce-. Amongcagel s gr
mimutouhd suggsse eisitchagein-itsthr ues fuss
ths 'rocik sisnitcampu s-rusht.Thuresson-
Cuncssil: Consstests werehi nits issussuus
sircess. 11mym ighsslt bh uelled smoff ear-
lierin tsthurysits however.si'iue sol
are nohu almloulstussst ushun hmrsuaddnt relish
such auffairsiasIhey wsuit uharir.i
woumuldl suigge st that tile list consuti
co is-utwo pits lto keep utuinterest
-Chsuu chanugs itnurock stunut.Offiial-
and mnauges -shlds get5-5tosgetherts

Big Hurdler Runs High Hurdles in
Record Time-Some Features
of Saturday's Meet
flue f the( mst nnfounausste in-
sleuths connecttedth silsthe uahsl omee it
Chsicaugom Saturudass-s con u etison
withl thur highhu srles.s After Garels
tail wntsthus eventstnut 542-5,.wicihs
ties Clotui ps confelrecesisreord, the
press eatrrcidthusrepotututsll uter the
untrys lvthuat thurtisme nas :16 2-5.
Sinugulutly enounghtthur restponssibilityt fr
lth srrritstachsutommclose frushd of
MIishigan.s fI um Ieouk ithisswisst-
usuuusci suve ust thus tmeusts thur luahsl-
tieir sa5:;25 hetur nttisgto umthes
trsislistshem Iackedh mist ses-musnd, usnd
thur usrussgwisu-iretrivteabliy- donets
TIBriggslbelonsgs iah-rge shtare int
ther creit forthu r stubbinug guvessAilie-
rusus itIlshshIfstills Acting uder
itucstiosfIomsshs ruinsinsgusmate,
Catain R sits phIswmitu t amuhndsshset
thu rtatr in t4, IO cuse byIs
douingths he Issacriiced slhusownitsaeliss
of wining a p s lacem luts his kilsld off
Me-hrriam.u Ihisnsummithe tbstck streths
uM thu se-scondtI quarsec hisriususttriedh
torss Briggutbetore he suceeded
iun gettinig pIll-it ~gg s mlad oput tu h
us light thut Merhiamto wuas hlesslsy
Appartly Me iam shtIasshashenough
ofl thue Isall-sillsAftsi therarcse Ranmey
shriok hInsi itnulsthus'isMaroon runnetmr
itnh reumaurkedthaIsut heue itld see hm
agoi -itt iu ut two S e eks. tNferriuam
puateticalyeistids :
-Nit si thuse s haf-mttlpithoumulnt.
lI HereafteriIll sick.tmmthessquaurtr."
%l errimis defesat t e us lg sur-
prise Iso thus fiticosympau tirslHe
siase heitsut mlfte qurte-ile tihti
hr msighut he un gosh shatu, ut he
Ramttey.Cite andh Briggicombntionuisu
throvedn hullssronug
Dull railaag-reait roce u is ttwo-msils-
ailts fully- deserves Iis "MI" Altenat-
ing withs Iis trstsumuauesIRowe ath
Msalonteyhe sisrtiuses1thisLhicarunisu-
nesthe hrst six las -TshelirKlock toils
1spriinst, tushRoue adsusu tll souonuoiser-
smith-andsti ised itus yI the musidle f
hlst lthisKlockl nwis behu n d Rsiu otes
stilwts Ii tildIfrmsshs 4:46 2-C mil-
II 5it wasssuessssyto h-ikill hiselfcI
f.s tushaIdStllIsadlfmst utsolares-
fuwescesuivedl aI hspil ittthur se-
hits sit ofthin lushmilt eKlckIths
hiss suitrsindtoItsfuss" thur Mih-
iasu srhuytalskngto itus std whiltie
'Ii waiishuusets m lihe acciental-
trippedsIRuse.Ts Ihun Bittle C reek youth
rolledl eser smutthu ragsss lutsruiikly
recoered.I light herinsas w-here Kloks
nasdueaus uiitkr i'f le hsasdstarted us
,prinut belore Route hasd reoverd frost
he effects of Ihis full thur resulthtmight
susie hies-i differnt
Stewurtpaitly osutlsssed his oppons-
ruts int the 220 as he futnished a goods
Isihseesarsh eaduusofitlMerrill -it d-
isut us theceutury is udubmstedhlysc-
omt In1foii by tec tur halIsti the uweather
sus ferifullsyisthma sundlhe lh lull ht-
sighly55asitdtons1 Thi Ihis, totshprobablyt
rssttible liii the filtur of Bristish
_oplc shn useIhsiIundredsulanti Isi-e is
tlur 22o. 1Thehitght junpers usntdlple
hauuleris weesiti uerlly stffuetd up wish
hut this qutarte r fGoodwstinlesevedit
itt thu alpr t s t he 1 rrceet help
Scenuk cstshmlirtslitsphlicer At thiut
(Contiunued oun Page Thee.)

thes as sill -avem-us ishurusssofets
Th hdehacluts shillecdlsom mits i~05hsilt
vaus t m a u trin l u Cffusmn, loo-se insti
hCarlsn ill bhing fs hishisT1hefirst
eliite m cs1 onmlsiderabshlseiapplause15by huts
niil itill it s lI ts pecel5l.1 1 k
toom miss-strong isumrebsttal
T hise 1tlst pei ishse siicr ftheteviisng
u-s humul. 1061 It.cusienssu os Its
5tro ians tishnsjudgehswesuits pit.I-h. l
Tuson ofss theIig su c phoolhPush. Isank
1I Pss sito thrhissawdeptsentansi
ProfsuGeoge I.Coler
Th um. hih was awanul Itsthe
CWebsterus rthe is slstisue hlst nhult,
has i h hee uhheldby hessJi ter-ssus iss once,
stil IbI tist Cul li s suciet ts 1 hes lit-
erryt si dprmntusutice.s

smut l-C .1tissshuu prsidenut 'Osiu

i TeIs:.lh otsismu-sre s-cr uc sis-
html 1 tinksu heIl ticslu ttsar ic isfinsvsr CC'ftCII P P 1 1 CL L . I II i1?C51IL)
of summiit ss as lls in Iheus Ihe is mne
sit thissuchkstiltnItiseedstohumsinhotensed."ml ACithusanualuinlcstiltnmofIthei'sWomien':
Is C. Feritslpresidetllo erumsiteirs -:leagutePuSaturshin thuslullwing offices
"The ItugofI-is-sits h n-iacthhsts isspln n-wr lectedl:hPresidenst, EugetniasSage
cen ss tusbhll-mI sid seemstisfie. Tel vcesu it ent.IissiPtietSmalsey-;ruc-ru-I
11s pm ulinsh hill ctst erel goods( 51 tg s-ceI ltarlent ucli k ;nsutes-
lu t pulsishiStll shot udheluligte.s heus 1lu ndIitlsi secrne tsryClint haker; treass-
rock sts us ws hiatilsliifi."user Itsess 1 ugelhss;uchrlessm Ifsssiiu
Hu tght Chlcnspresidn st ol the is ch- comte~e, Resunah.Mosher.
kohlnCtUnionss: "Thi sutlt of theis tesus i hss ahI Dwnsi t heshlmsse Pu i betus
ithuscotests wuserytilt siusfatoums usI hutiscanhushate lfo ir rsidknt, withduren
smi, ndthesI i-sthsusismast dsu lss-lbeforethusilsections lbecusueisln it sn-s-s-
spiitsdisplhayedlhisthi shmenslusu s us -rbeetseliscuustay fist- poliics his figusre its
sin stunt gretern Su icessisexisisar. list this CottutussLeausgt-eeecions andulit
luss hiee-sn usuncoils-trustitse sfussrt minithu miss nmothdesiredl to estabnilish us tpreert.
Studtent Coussnhiatheliproces eontlen- Iin thi~s rigardh



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