TEMICHIGAN DAILY THE LEADING 'Tailors *eMakers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. [FULL DRSS SUIS A SEITY 311 S. State it. Ann Arbor, Miol. A Little Early maybe, to talk of Com- mncement, b ut it's not too early to remid you that books make by far the most desir- able gifts for such an occasion and to remind on that an excellent line aswaits your selec- tion Sheehan & GCo's Students' Bookstore Special Prices om Leather Pillows Incudng MICHIGAN SEAL Until April lt DARLING & fIALLEAUX 224226 S. Stat. St THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Etererd as ecod clsmatternatithe Ann Abr Pstffie. Publihed daly(Mndys exceped dring the colege year ai 117 East Washingon sreet. Bel phne 892. Home phne 76. Managing Editor. ARTHUR C. POUND2 Bualnesa Manager. WALTER R. HANS EDITORS. News.......- -.... . F. Steensono Atheics..-.......Ciarene E Edridge Exchanges ..-.....Charles E Wistead Women .........- - -E . 7Arstrog EDITORIAL STAFF.. Louis D. Sticnse Frakln C. Park ASSOCIATES. George A. Osbra Harod C. Smith Robert H. Cancy Ferris N. Smith Henry F. Schlte William A Muhern Glenn D Bradley Henry A. Mongmery Roy V. Lll John F. Woez Floyd H. Joes RATES: $.o per yar, or $ao it paid i adancse. Addrea: WALTER R. HANV Buaineaa Manager.28. 12th St.. Phone 849 L. SATURD)AY, MAY 9. 196. Editor today-GLENN D. BRADLEY. The ccoitest' re nowon 1. Already two of the four events have ter: pullet off and:t n1 objectonablte features thve le:: preseted. The otcomie of yes- terda's evets may hae ee: a nmatter of surprise to: sm:e, hl::t tte'tuiiversat verdict must lhe tat it was a: "stftare dealt"'f:r bott parties egaged. y ta- i:gv:::: tre poits 0:11 of a posite fi:e, :::e in te't:g-of-war ant to i tthe rock stun:t, tte freshm:ens are tte winners in tee cass cotest series i: so far as points5 are concerned. Bu:t this shtuld:: ot1is:tcsorage te o8 me: from:::g:i::g :outto swin: te rem:aiing tsw: events. The cotests sheded for today willuniidobtedly pr::e tte most intlerestin~g and:lexciting of liy of the series. It wilt furnist:an op tportnity for a genu:in:e extibition f eass spirit andio yaty Ic: Miehigan. These o: tests :re lbeig watedrblyvte people of tte stte of Miethigans as for weeks tie press hasvc dilated uptol the sbljet and ptredictedl sccers or faitire for the iris sutstiite for the traditioial hair- e:utting. We mu:st stow the ou:tsde tilic thtich etigai:niin are not on:l able to:::( torway :with a cstonmttat las tey ry resoreeful eogto 1devise a: siilsiituie aindimake it wi,.A. seriots issu:e is at stake. The Stident Conili as a: represent:ti-e body of te :i:iver- sity ha:s dved0m:oitts of tireless ef- fort not:ulyo:tvto rdo away iwit hair- Cutting, bu:t It: provide a sbstitte tat will pr::ve a harmless andt worthy pre- cedetet for te f:tre. The Coiici is a new featre at Mictigan: ad has muchet at state in te presnt sitaion. The Sudcent Counili s a natral ot grow:th: of coiditions prevailing tay in: the great state universities of tte miditdle west. The im:prportional i-. crease in: the numb:ter :of stuentstovr fauc:lty lbod:ies in tlese itstittion::s makes tlhei:ned f aureco:gnizedt means of comun:::iation: betweinfactity ad 1:- dents impilerative i: order to retai: lar- monyoast en-operation: i sudceit eter- prises. 'Todlay wilt dcidfe a crisis. 'We wa:nt every sophomore ad: every fresh- mian: :to sr at the cn:utests. We wvant: te etire sude:t lbody to get ott aiti ,how::vthe realt 7Micigan: spirit. 1)0:'1 tryI toituck, tbut help boost the new schem~e to success. 'le tmu:st will::a great m:oralt vie:tiry fore Aiciga. leverybothy out! ''liis is an: evetful day for M~icigan. Wit: the track team::srggig for rva:uls at Ci:cago, the baseal team: tittedl aginst the strnigniine from: the Agricultuirat college, an:d the lower class:es cuuntestig for teir respective hono::rs-an:d still there is tec lbaseaull chiosih~iip, le westeri cn:ferece (and :ims) to settle i: te et three wveeks. As on:e sothomo:cre very aptly c- ma:urked, "Esenthotgt we we:re te featetd,swe uare gladt to kiow that ec suiccee'tin~g cass t M~icigiani is beter than :te::o:ec before it." k R1;Si11EN ARE VICTORS IN FRIDAY'S CONTESTS it,,::tid:romiv ::Page Oe) tas landtedi on: the camipt:us directly ot: "'site' Nwbe'rry halli.'lThe pla:' of te lue t year:nienitiserec tielidtian::d serer carredtt without a sigle hitch. 'Ple nick haus beent at 317 Fast Jeffer snstreet fortier a:seek, whiere it wa-us takte:: late oe nigt: by a half doz:en ur: :ly freshm::en. FranktRiowel, clairm:a::of the nck comm::itee, a- piidthe followingit:'n:to map :out tepa ofato:'etSurrfec "Sho:rty" Frisb~y, captan; 'Stu" Cr::tumpcker 'Jack" Loswell, "Buste" 'ae Pa' Casey, "Ski:::p" Meia, 'Slim:" Xandelrs, "Bob" Las Yesterdauy m:oring abuo:t 3 o'clock,a pickt'dtcrew wavs::setlt 0: t: ctt hit feces in: a straigh:: lie from te ots:' whiere the rock was cn:ceadto~ s New- liery all, so that alt that had to be done: :was It: push:rigitlhrog. A litte'r wsmu: ad:ue esiecialy for tietptr lie :of crrying te rck, :and: arouttnd the rock itself was wound:::la to-inchl ropeiabu:t fifty feet lonig, iwhic:was to: lie sedin i case of a:: attck to wid: in: le intrudcers, oe ed of te rote bein:g securely fasteined to the rc(. 'T'e srock cmm::ittee mt secretly o: Jefferson: street at 7 :30 last nigt aitd began:: t: mose in the direcio: of the caps:iihthe rock abuo:t fifteen:titi:- ltes later. At the sme ie i a crowi f abuo:t seveity-five, under te direc- tion: of 'Reddy" Reid and Pearson:, swas mosuvig in: from the observatory toard tile gym:. Aoter sectoi abot sixty stroing ia: comin:g ill oltie east by wiay f cllege street, aid still aiother comi~pan~y:of abuot oe ihundred ad fifty weas m:archinig in: on the sot,- by Pee- idient Angel' ihose. At 7 :4 two crosw-ds left the An: Arbo:r :deipht, onie sectiot, the tg-of- warlycrioisil.advan::cin:g tso'ar:e.seca::- pus tip: Jefferson: street :und:er the tre- tion: of Jim::Watkins, ad te oter it: chalrge of Joe Bowmisan: andc"D):ck" Feut:hiiy 550)' of \itI~aim street, keep in:g opposite thie rodk croswd which ias m:ovin:g betw-en the 1tw0oisings towart Newbierry hat. 'fTe crowuds on: the ast ad su:t of the camlp::us: :ie their attack abouilt 8 :2, uand: thiee :minutes lter the rock camue through the fence back of New- liery h1:1111 d a:lslscarriedl aceos:::State street o:n1o the camispus with: scarcey lily oppo:isiion:. 'The tio crowds un:der Watukinis uandcBowmiuan ctosed ito :sup- tioet the rock sqtuadclfrom::Jefferson: andt William~ streets im: cast' of a surprise. 'Ihe soiphomsores seem:edi to lack or- gaizaituion, aindioinoticeablieresistance let::msae:. 'T'he folow:sing is thur list of jdges and ofuificials ill the rodk stun:t. 'le)' weein groups of thiee, compusedh of oneicjudige 11:1: his::officials. R:'fu'eee I tlkSciuliie. j uge 1-aee-y \Workman-i-"Diuk" Pierce, "Bobblie" Wltles: "Chiey" lllrhes-''Bob"L an~ue, "'T'ul" T'lloc; "Hapupy" Itill-"Pti" Patrick "Run::ny" Moouure: "D~ooley" Boll::-"Wi" 'lis mer-, ''Duke' Neville: "Divie"'Blaie 'it:::" roirtcle, Rlph li uun:a::; "iinkys" ilinicks-"Jov" Joceyn,. "ill" Pit le:-sere: "o "lc Ros'ifugers -"liii:' Robie,h :,Clvm:1ulerchil:::extas.iDa vokandi Nesille. 'lDeinny" Lo:u'ks and: "Arbt" lrapuel erecthe refer's first alssistanits, 'fedlStess-tr:ti-Istherok jug ,-uandh'Snite" Fltherc wai- th ei: Sitident1Couicilrerel-'sntautive. lENCI NifRlNt Dihl-AR'lMFN'l MA KES Nhf'l'l liSC)VE;Ry Mliiganiitits scrd iiatnothe iciry- ill the scientific siorl. l. 'Tilien of thits en:gine'ringudeiartmiet, i: conjun tion::wsth: the "Trussed Convree Stel Cu." of Dtetrnut, as talm:ost comp:tlee'd the: eite rimentu: s siitt: steel re-nforiu-i concrete hbeauns.Thesellsre firtmtely re-enforced only fciio: below,. ut tie en:gneerslhave hproiseud thatutbeam:s 111a: lie re-enforceid fruit:ahbsv as iseli s below,. and:tht beamsucu us re-: eniforcel arcs luoltilnl):ab'leito uphlduuia nulcl yratr wight, bu vuee form~ely the strut:::cou~ld only rheuaplied at twoi stpecific piniuts by thisinvnions':theIi useight lualy he ap~pliediiat any' tpoit alontuglt-eleu:::. 'iih:usrcitects uwil he abhle to compluute the srenghi:f ti lieu:::wi-il:audegree f tprecison. fOnte-imamm~tohbhe::::ithic:h hdiut situn: tiftwenty-two: feet (1i(1not ibreakh until it tpressure f twuety-six tousandu ions wsapulplieud. I:: comuttinug-the strenugth:f hbeamus, ii: pites sare aitI across lt- th mund satidtibags piled o: thu itlesutul the lbeams::breatk.Whenir: sii scemtue is tperfected thur lbuilding weorll iill ruceie:'nini:ventionu thur vaue of which yon haruly he estititeu. Th~e Anni Arbor Press (formerly Par- ker & Snyder), printern of the Mihigain Daily, The Alumnus, Inlander, Yost's great book on football, the 'Tecnini, S. C. A. handbook, etc., etc., are printers to the student body 117 E. Washieg- inn street. tf i SENIORS! We will print ioo cards, either ladies' or gentle. nman's size, in any style Script, Block, or Old Einglish types, as fol- lows: MR. WI LLIAM W. RUSSELL 91r. Arthur dliaorirr Eaipmuoim for only 75c Other sizes of type if de- sired. Leave orders at WAHR'S' The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. Brief Making and the Use of Law Books I A book ev'ery law student ant yotug lawyer shtouild have. Price, $2.00 Cash or Exchange for your Law or liedical Books C. E. BARTHELL Phone 761 326 Soath State Street, Ass Arbor, Mich. Well Lathered is half shaved. No mian can be well lathered without the rich, thick lather of WILLIAMS' SAVN i Students' Lecture A ssociation THE "VARSITY" SOFT COLLAR Trade Mark Registered The Neglige Collar The latest wrin~kle inthe collar world is the high double soft collar, worn with a soft shirt aind held together with a gold safety pin crossing under the four-iii-hand. It can be worn with any kind of a tie and is both comfortable anld snmart. The idea has met with great approval. Our first shipment was soon exhausted atnd we were conmpelled to re-order. This second shipmnent is now ready for our custonmers. We have them in both the blue and white. At the ComwOp The Stare. of the Student. by the Student. and for the Student. m ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Ts.I:aaLaa.vaAnn. Ar-bor Going North 9:105 a. m. and 4u3l p. m. Going South 7:26 a.m.,Ii1:35a. m. andtuth3p.mU J.3J. KIRBY, W. T. WILLS, Btest Pass. Agent, Agent, Toledo, Ohio Ass Arbor, Mich Belt phone 135-ir Home phone n9n A1.(RIGAN CEiNT "O777 Nagara Falls Route." Chicago Buffalo Bostos New York Thrsough Trains East-O.1 a. in., hal0 p. m 4.55 p. in., 9.30 p . mlies0 p. m Loals-East-.05 a. im.,*1.10a. in., 04.05 p.m. *8.36 p. in. Through Trains West-t.0t a in,,7.56 a.in., 9.1i a. so., 2.33p. m. 10.20 p. mn. Locals West-i4 a. mo., *8.28 a. in., *1.40 p. in., *610 fp, sM. * Exceipt Sunday.) ononections at Chicago for St. Loots Kansas City and the Wast. W. W. CASE, Agent, Aoo Arbor C 'GARS, TOBACCO CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 3345 SOUTH STATE ST