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May 19, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-05-19

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The_ Michigan Daily


Not:. :(7.


Tug-of-War Is a Walkaway and
Big Rock Is Easily Placed on
Campus-Sophomores Are De-
termined to Win Today.
eil eers fromlI hundriedsiofthei
p lrisns 'henaughty-nIie Ilg-f-warl
gaito s 111111111tiesohmrstl,
ihe ''Ni" ilpennant over111t1111 1111111 1i11
inn scarce1y0linelminute111to1wil111 h
Itl''fs'the 1 f1rst ve nt11 111 in tetiter11-
clas11111111 1111was1111 es1111
fully f11o1.r1t1hou ilsand 11 Ieeople. l
the freset.Althoiug1111o'twelighdb
ci pents l tpelt'' Itf lie'setgge. il
11111111thi 11isadv t e byeuitin11g
theirst 1111111thin thell mallIt possi-11
ble1areawhile t111 op111111 slilt
Fiften et onds111attker ilettlI. li t o il
l'll t g ye iel ignait t l, 11111is t,]
the1b1k atdte feat.lThey foiltgh111f1ith11
11111 1111' ti tirt e mtee 111111 ttiti a'bi
celap111imitltinitli111111s'notg' ttg-
The fistlilYe111111lietts"twernt nott tolg e
leit.Th itlilossl oftgtiund.wlie teadilil
111w11a11111hen tthtteItwo1ld11beitatmo-
elori. II 11 te hit. T hff11111 011-
lrsilt' frle n ewe1 effort.1000 1 ttf111h is
daningtig;IIIotf1de litthirtiontly fear111
bingietftte iiaitothe (fther aont
might10make11 an nexp'cited 111111allyeand
111110'evcould1reot vert tthirIhtld, itt i, i
ler wa islt ledniwh11110 'ntittilttlB-t
11ff110't1111opli0leader, wa11111011' idolit' ft'
thelhankinto t11 e' rive' . 11111 u''gteli t heotii
ment 11110 lifthil)to "thotn l" Te e
lit' ilt t helt ain pneialioitlla1detm'o'ittc'
The11 fitetsfhien hPtrenivedtttnitito11od
kVid ol r a111 itll he 111 itt (liet'h\-11 ne
the second eatrettttttlilt'dfrotoerrtot
t'i't'trditofaceIt'l,11"hit ow t as01t
torott itittT 1101yfello I Iand bluettpe'n'att
whi'h hndoii b 111een itit''tedt h id'toftt
111e0'opetimovedItead1111 toward''11111
goltoil thefriioehitawod, ophIo'mtiio"
toilrs te o tterttin o'e' yie ttlattteli
ait terefere'iiistolthot totl. Iae
vitr a eetiin blteieti itt na

surit' that itwoiildithfsln~ta i nd rsure
ttf 18,0o00 tpounIiTeofbeicils er-
dlaystori1om11111onsnodintl 4: o;;every
thingeet''attireaii nigsifof liiiopeitng
o he baotint0e. ttititl ii~
gidthtietontesitmr11ssuivn. SPel
wee everywhereill ieitft e hatittl e
Ii 10. pe1r 00 hree ith tiiindLilarttet
potinitf them outiv ialcodngtot
lit gelon etttw otn anks. . eeeritt
hundre moreiove lidt'e roo'eoflitxl
ca,. oth 'ofter o'ntinlip t-Itdevit e
itigoof 1110fltteDrinteor
by hangngttlo Itheiplotty eaiisi Iofttfie
o"Is tank. Everoy Pgetin sghl br

M. A. C.
fith tte so morit esit wereut nlttl ou0110
fl fofrcemand that 'toot iftle ttlass tspiri
lit ls wee no ttallout. i et t er
Preitdentkttndschu of ftheit shiitti'
iitiioiibh ligofte 't's'inft' 1909 ot ish
to ttalt ir'and trs. tJ.J.'Sa er1 fo

ON SALE TODAY in all University Buildings.
annual ever published by the Unive
Cloth Bound, - - _ r
Leather. Bound,.............
Buy early if you want one. Ao books will be held over and sold at a re
On Sale at Waher's, Sheehan's, Co-Op. Ye Student Sho

All isin rei ness for the inl col -
lests i t b illeldtisi morning11 i teepy Stagg's Men Are Prepared to Give
Held.iti 1 :45 teobtlouetely trao' Michigan a Hard Fight-Athletes
will itt 1111 l-1111. 11ths r leth ite e Are in fGood Condition.
lii' 11h ~l' ii kii~itii ii llltl' 'Cihicgo, Niay 1iS-Speciail.--Nottllt
ix\ cotst nts. iln Ic'i mani 1 runs1 220 01t11di fire tit any bi le t otl ries 11111
cl vrahritt fovefet 01sitinches taoSgg lhttobetnttininlig otl t pant
high, 11n11d cria iiIw l throila'brr l e few eekstn iiregardno is intacktemi
itmo tlun itednil iatple iix t lg I Long giinig NM ithiga tuii hardlliltight iin lilt
thol1 ill tot lim ei allyn o tedsoflul ettm ro ,bu hyee e
i 1C dof h m tit ors.1 1011afrliRut ottO i'e itatthe ae n ait 'lS g 'o il Chancehof
At1045tlelat vntoftieso e 1 lrit 11110 wasti reprted to havfeii
wti ii tohp noe Tii s it lthe pu1111 all ijued i s oul ' leg g thidl tt will noil
in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o nhe otblel to competete'tiliI is'ifenrinil
o ilIfeet iin i terindluffwlills g~lleir 1d fom ru ting ait 'o Moeich-
h u n d red po u n d s.iIttiststaittdiwithlex -i S tag g h a nt yet ei d etd i
tii 01 1in it t ii a ro eh ret o r liqaterlLor both utn i itis i k1110y noth a nt
top five11 ya11111.c1 li ie hall a 111010 oo wninihi vet r
bound mis he bough11a1111 te Ime tgrot otlit i catut (wouldet
oide of te ill topipos lillg hi tt uititioit w l b c re o yto1111fiti ittm high
itoliilo hml '10 lV 1111110 oliie' ) by iciouht 201we re t 1111 to ti as lter-
Nh r tk wentotinn wiliaiinn 111 as1 utp ic ffd t nnbInt toh I'looetwin
hiym itutn li jputts i ga inad ad Ra ewhl rig n th h lie-
no go l s coed th tam ha NI te ie, o in'1'tfi iliti 10n n'o'i te ' hu illy
bal arhet ro tei g alwis umip fRowiie i t ilual o ittn
MNr os crstic iand acomplrfete t it n LteffenI 'I'llickhd Noi de.
rsit)". lfe tigohnftaenl twntuslighelutilteit s.ti
... fusntuftroileauictuiganittad10 ointa. 110
$200r ieMihianme1ac onidntan
duci o N x e r il e are in. 'he b ft of tsh iap tue tt iii
Most andtFster'sarttorpe.te 11 lItui, FROMin lTHE 'Ito etlNiuii
Ires iman teamis i e was 111 real It
N15 chVf'R I'~f A111) ~'I ongo Il ieertiltlhtved 1111inch ito 111d
)pandFo ters A tonto etint fd, rtoint eeI ttir t" l ot fftt-
.0th Ito tuh tuotltug of to'i~i iateono byuuthe n"tal i a .o tih u gt' tyit
i'ogotih, It. ~tuua ft.k'ttit''i.t Thet 00 sophul stil had11 1 utu tig e to fiure-1
toot Citotto . 1htouos elo hts ios- then frn shieol were h ut' n inog' on tb e ui
A t tet e it'tin tof teiboardi f rom L~iberty 1110tree totingarty11 ofhe
kr ein t, u')1-. 11Dana11. C sf t C es e ntu 1111 en'terpimu puig mo ngti h01111wtfolia" tto'
00 off tetonve it e u ue-iiti Otto tandut enltother," utpkin11uard"
io h are C das11.ha e- vs sitte rt s taorui o ties op
in.d to ouacc I ep t te. ur tsitusof he t elu' a uot tvthere was liniousIvehittil
Cin in at n ts um D . asee tl neeru w Like utfh iltder, buw otte ad hu
asiumtut heiii'idtuties 'u'of uuih i m e ottuo
ton iutt' lfo tuolo ft nt etsti men giu eret i agto insthu isii oue o t
lit.Ran toittonid.leave ie bseo f orit th te truleo'bnip efyliiong teoi c iatls a d t -ui ii
hi 11111'out teptingutetalkutheoroelahutssutu
past 1year utn ner K al urn' ii Itt tthtip a ne o h elo s s a t d t
f aeonrdhi esesi umwoe w oe i i lt gtsearlttighINn i fa ele fa il e fAIt1e
11r101 amesot , - Pott'iillockiiftthe fout tb1. poery casie-ad setfon-h
ati ossrty tuu' tip. uuu wifoot 1 o t ftot- 1ost n othtttii.up 15rttp ltct
co nu t havg charotge of h g enetrill n otlt f uut tto looI toCutAN D ffoItovl o
Dit' till C.iti Goliase an t H .'ILh e - Du oe ttutt 'tth tllt t l andfu t e u ntvuersityt
man itu to rsin zool11Io tduringsu. ith iiIthenoo

;ii If ofto ithIn i l o f butt hu ff
hite f ute ply Iwa, t AitceI ilt ei()out-
I h," da te'withaplgiesunt I o 1101
')ffMargattu Dresserno Ho100100 I itt 1101
.1 00 tutu iBrtilt ilut stout0Ruitto
,hut' clever1011 writtenouand'u te lated0110
setlor alleinthseodbet mhit
lith a hh t n a iventhiai urtain 10all.
itttt hndhitsett ou u si n h t ii.titevh
tout-fi. ThIt etor0th eatkfista lto tn
titlittnbyuteIjunitorsuwahi nth1111rio
affta ilTt tltfouIts eepontsth uet
as- the K it' if lleartsoad n N IJo
offense,,0 10e0e0011t1010)yht o extecuttion
Ie oru to uuendoeavortedlt irtitt fl-1
otto-to intgtandioqtiuentyleto ditoheyu
twore'ntltlt 0111101 lttetComtmhitteeo
hu tiooto 01dea twil 'th tte endt a 1lon"
linie ofsenitot "itlsowhiut teroehinto
'toiceito' aillg"soubitteto luC upid'
dattst,' marctedolotaroud hue sle o the

t1111 if a toeddingtmhuhutuoibut weretum -
totity ejottoeo hby lt h )ttitto withlttile
Th hioeplyh a acrdt o h
-ittg i h t ofcharacter
C'trilr aIo i ... Fltoence Catoe'
Cheshtire Cao t, )te ot t..
Ilt1th snortu tatititt .Io loon Coas
Wifteo'aifufts, Seors.... Tn oJuftor
Mietl ",treilbert
Dluchess (t Dcanot ordan)u ..lReti Ina totii'
fight Bowerut (l'trof. I tlitntuti ,..I
l~~~~'fuSali Smtarlt . 11ui~o
Cardslti.........Chairmenuut of M\emuuoia,
D~uodo, staueeo'....... u. tttf ill I lager
Mos, ae. MrtI ot (otl
Gryo n, sato ottot'....... IPlei t hu h eot
N-h ioh- 'T~l'u e', soteutu.'. Il~o \bwick
'Thet'nnestuotatenh teambuiltlote1101
too Nebratskatt am bout to urntututuoto u
behut atouttMinnotouti ttlty 26.




Tomorrow NightBsoWiiasInvrsity Hall


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