THE MICHIIGAN DAILY ilockinig Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Carson Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotsomin Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32" Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING (Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. IBAILEY & EDMUNDS s6porting Goob'z 121 East Liberty Street. PEA NUTS SFinest Quality Roasted Peanut.s per lb.l0c. Salted Va. Peanuts, Bleached per lb. i5c. 2 lbs. for 25c. SPeanut Brittle per lb. 15c. ___ We buy Peanuts in car lt of 25,000-lba.' Doing our own roasting, we give better and freaher peanuts for less money than any house in this vicinity. 214 South DEAN &CO. Ane Arbor Main St. Michigan F IPEMOTIONS TO FILL RIelGINAU dONLYGENUINENK N % rs Now Read / r r jese n New Lne ofSprin Hat Very ine nd Dessy YouMus Se Tem Lindnschit, pfel& Co SELF-FILLING PEN a -an al is alewsecodssftine. The pessue leleilc . dr as itink and the pnis isantly O filled ready foreue. Sosimeisthe peaionthatie ILIG e Really Fills Itself. RF~vI Fills The quicky asd otadiag prevents the iikfranieinig Itself lentofifouainiipens~. tiillpte ailiely wit tieolid- fasoeldo il tlir. NSinlex pi hart t astrouble lare ik cpacity. Ink lowiiilwiteariableiviness and egu dlay iwasel oepntteis tuh h edcanl are iithorouighliy claned biy thesam easyproesseas il ling, mkig the iliNF..iN PENa Se-lanas ll.i Fuilly g11111 ol If paordealiresalno111haniiliiitie aNKiiN PEN, - ietieuiiiiie yiiiiiieSgiiiill l itoFiuntin enc Uiri.iiul i inomtuoitheli lfiulialedp ata- Sold by Dealters Everyohres. THE CONKLIN PEN CO.. oc~ 5140 516, 5t8JeffersonoAve, Toledo, Obio. j Suits and Overcoats noi 1ti"~l~~l Buy Direct and Save To Measure $ , 2O oltm m1Sll ohng o Ln1 ony Fro $160oney28.0. 18= 2O E. Liberty. U. of M, BARBER SHOP Photographer RENTS CHLI32R 319 E. Huron R AN D A L L Trojonowski State St. P HO TO G RA PH E R I 1 There's Many a Slip 'Tween the Cop - - UNIVERSITY NOTICES. ~ I and the Lip, - I ~ ' and many times you are disappoitnteid - - in rectv ing your linetn when you , ° iiiLnd praticeaOs ter (ix aliP ,as;7:Y5to t _ miftost teed it, iutless you senid it to ai iiilit!-anaer.47 reliable laundry. You are never dis- p. \i I 11 a1111fe 1me wo ae airtI iiPtug- liappointed whtentyoti send it to the of-i 11111 1111 w ie a 3;()c;ie l Roomi Varsity, alnd yos tnt only receiv e ii a p1 1°C.I itiesi t lli. on duette inge, bttt with a color andl _Spi niiii nlellers 111st11 ordlar tiair fittish on it thai is always gratifying. JJ from11 \t'isLit elixb Satuirday, 7iL \i leelia ioftiiieibers of iratrical as.- :. fV trcity L~smdnery J s 1111 ioni Room 24, Uivaersta11,1117. _ i . 4th Ave,Beth Plones,928 * 11) a I ridayJune11 r i. at . in.,fort hea r ll 11- - iaedmetaoii thile constituion.iThe l FIRST NATIONAL BANK.... tot -d 111 lil ieliiilp'saa Of Ana Artor, Mitch. oni balltnard ii i7liinbuildingiiGA 11E D p timttin g siciety will hliilallE D0 Kinnetires. Harrison Saale,V JE whreve connoisseurs imtaat einig Satirdlay tight at S. W. Clarksot, Cashier 7:15 inthe ngieerig ilig'. Tie Capital, $10t.00i. Surplus sod Preo tts.ii0,0 ST gather, and on every occasion aid al ltioia of officearstwill behl.,cea ftemmeNli ae hazGOREUBSCOF where good taste and courtesy eprec npatclwr ila L RS d2tresslathepeetig.11 1 miembiers tie LAM PII S) deadtebs!i lailChain. otFos-sans ir~ St between Huron and dilger Ave. TTASiHOES NEED REPAIRING? We Phrone 5501 $2.50. Each tnlwphale Ithe best shoeaiaker aib is COOK HOUSEIADsaeadcnetwroupomly OpsieCrtHseSae Pilda's Shoe Stare, iioth aatin IS-LASS IN ALL BRANCHES C G nT Sstreet, 49-61 end $2.00 $2.5 $3.00 100 Candle Power for ______________ Steam a ideat and Elevator All night service 2"SUNDAY IiNNERS A SPECIALTY. 50c Each 1.3 Cent per Hour haeexlsieyOficial 06 setior ahilelds are ready for Varrsdsrtlp (e a i Save Eyesight, Money haeecuieyproven that fine adelivery atid are $200 Dont pay inure. n rul Tuks CVittsm ss Ta-ese arceitie best and onaly official ones. Save a Walk Down TowinanTrul Tuks iaetsmy possess Cl o resimdaey .M Get your Watches and Jewelry both richness and mildness, and piIps arc all here. Ye Stadeunt Shop, tf repaired at the Right Place AN ARO GS nth co bnto o th twTry Phelps' Perfection chiacolate puffs where they keep a full co. and chips at Cushitng's pharmacy. lie at theLowes flvrprices. No o' e poor stock 01 present a favrandco m ne r in our store. a N ot h in g___________ arm evrlildrelh's geniuine velvet kisses at charged for e lbooking at euldbfr.Cushing's. our goodsoor g e t t ing equledbefre.pricest on repairs, etc. Alarm clocks BRINO oU UNoAMED PICTUREaT0 $1.00 and up Call at the right place. Classes repaired. opposite Law Building. 10 for 15 Cents Eyes carefully fitted and tested. .SULj taeSr DftSAR TR GEORGE HALLER, Main St.IfD , sDIetI lT TR By mailpoapaid-f youcan'eegelt lured Cigarlettelya r_________________ dealr's sen is. fo te; 75. fr fity;st 5 fo onehunredand havee them framaed del~dyfele gfPffy 15/ao iddSTUDENIS WANTED BILLIA RDS auth Choice Mouldinigs ).00 i 5 Oi0 per day, selling FARM BOOK. AND Only the Best French Glass is KEEPING. Best seiler ever oafered.EvierUsd a couli ofionths drigvacatian. Write"Ofrr uonAYa'sxpssmade to1... l 1L N GUsd im eitlsa ichicftt rtoy,1223 S. Main St. -FARM RECORD, Northfield, Minn. S.ROTI'ENSTEIN. 707 N. Univ. Ave.____________ ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING a