THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hocking Valley Ry. RelC liFe IC pay7 p ALWAYS LEAD h E CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENi1T TRAIN SEi'RVICE HIN OFr o QUALITY V 9OVERCOATS You will l 1d TOPCOATS STYLE Four Trains Daily RAINCOATS From Toledo AER PRICE DIIABER- Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in Toledo and Co- An idspection of or a en ive stock by the student Eody is lusubus respectfully solicited .0 O.1 S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. STORES: 20®_202 S. M AINqSTr. 2 I U PEJDURVACATI . .fI ON THE 6IATLACES CORRECT DANCINGI TAU hT A pfp yN 0 Orcitiger's School for LDnncing. Ground Flitor on Tlaynartsd, t Y A, Pt~ Photographer RENTSC HLER 319 E. Iiloc ABEO Is RaP~t (1(11OClil,)115 AN\D1DANCING. 1 Fcs '. nd gase --du c td <))ca 1) CITY HAPPENINGS. Th i 1 l clsss a1Ganers(1(1 1 1(ct')Stre p ac1demy 1illbe1 rgaize0 assoo1 as--1 j G G+/ ~ile. lrs~. (oao1l oill recive\1 (N AYI/HIGAA' .St/MMER ARESORTS c i wereat cofuioniii 711.ldi 1 111117111 111(7111111_il ~ 0 1 1 several tIL..i mi e 1cc illc) regu laionce coyitou sI BET EENspcld. I l v11 1 a k i 171011111iss10 DETROIT 'CLEVELAND ii111 1.Io O ET Siladyo to.F R R N' Lease DETROIT, datty - 10.30 P.rvM. uA 11"ln o111mntec )yesterday7 117liocat_ Arrise CLEVELAND - 5.30 A. M. La~ rn alrsiesial o 10111111111,111s111117111111 0-a;11lights 1 iich lihei )l i rri cd ii ll two1 or lithree . 01on ; (bali, gas, fr A bakIil-ok cot Lease CLEVELAND, daily 10.15 P. M. instle d I~ il 1111 dioic Ii. :'111111 Will belac11ce11h7at. Bell phionic4(11. 11nqui1re 331 11an1 , iii (1, papers. (Return Arrive DETROIT - -5.30.A. M. ~c~r.i n ll ec etea C ct'01 (ig 0Nv111 D. & C. STEAMERS In;r 1p1acediacordlc~in~g to ilhe needs of cthe .i ~ '11111 1 Mackinac, "on," Marquette, Dstuth, Mtnne- 11111111(.Illill11111 111 1111 11111de apolits, At. Paul, Petoskey, Mlwaukee, ChitI.ilugesad ote alwclsa E c aefdv1t DSY TRIPS (tnctudingASnday) between f(1.117 , ll(' o -l ork1711rs. Rev. Ban1117icr 31ft 8117 J17,(111 11)1 11.iic DETROIT AND CLEVELAND i3011 S.117tate lstre111t,7 firsli diiorccnorth \aofi-'-.- DAtLY except wMonday. SLYelde andheAUGUSTbo 1111171.1. Stdent'_laipst _____ MACKINAC DIVISION L.TLEDO,Mndays &Saturdays9.30A.M. Flaslliill 1 ofIithe7 r11sh. 11amps1 il cite. *,Tuesdays & Thursdays .00 P.M. 1I\I PORT'SN'I.I NI)N 2 .(Sil1111 L.DETROITMnndays &*Satiurdays 5S0n P.M. I " ) \ 2 .U iest.- -- -- *Wednesdays & Frtdays 9.30 A. M. Stsrco ~ioiga FourTrips Per WeekuCmmeninttJune 15th lFormer1717 Ferr1 isI itutei studentsi send1111 U. o171 . I ins111and1 souvenirs1'. pice. Fule &I 11m~. wihaS te 1 aersto i nts Norh ic0i' d West, andllh l( i '111 C 1(1 DETROIT AND CLEVELAND NAy. CO. Flaslilicl ofi th1e(11 h.11il.'(le collgc jee 1171rs. cioIlililln orto -.1),w1i ,i~II .71 N. L til'ritl. Ilallcr's I1cc(,172 '1(1717itc .a 1(lcclt 1 i 3 PINT PEARHEAD INK RETAINER PREI'CN7T £EANAO OR DROPPING -LUCKY CURVE "ANTI-BREAK CAP .- NRRAN'5c0 AGAINST CRACKING3 3 Pew o. EN EfPNC.JAMES VILLE, WIS. luronS A Y How areyour friensis goi og (11 findl 11(1 if 1171111, you don't register at Calkins. nootglit t~ too t tmuchl for 1l~ (1114 e S24 SO. STATE ST. _ ' la M eg a C1 21.E 'Tho (in Est1culear avna 50et1 cigar in themineot. 2i~o Be0 t -i AT- ti MANN'S DRUG STORE I 213 S. Main St. if EDISOIN 111.17e- o Phonographs and Records 11 Complete Line 11n 1of h]1 iis SCHAEBERLE & SON 114 C W.OLiberty St. Ann Arboir, Mica ;AND V I N T II ]? N E fit' AR ROW I TT A T) /7, " 17 T /7l VERY HAND-SOM4E ini their spiotless lpurity areoshiets, col- laro, cuffs, etc., alter we have launder- ed them. NWc give cvei'ctlinn ewash- able oier very best care--washing, starchieg, ironing, calling for anid de- ((voring goods. Not oarr101(01 care is to see tthat you're not chae'ged to maclu for our work. Varsity Laundry After Paying Your Tuition Fee The next most important thing, ia to avail yourself of an oppor- tunity and let us show you our variouss lines of merchandise select- ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now ready to be seen. TAILORSI- HATTERS TO .l EN and Kyer' FURNISHERS)Y 709-711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. 117 S. Pourth Ave. Beth Phones 928 COLLARS stles.i i h'ei're madeeuino' biytic Ciiluiico ric clc,iuke the collars practically inini 175ca chc; 2,f o1r2 c CLUsiTT, P'EABOD)Y 01 CO. tLrest maersiofCollars & Shirts ini Olinworld i I. I V-- CALLAGHAN & CO. LAW BOOK PRICES All NEW send LAST Editlonks 1st YEAR-(11 vols.)=$32.00 grid YEAR--(13 vols.)=$42.00 3rd YEAR==(8 vols.)-$21.00 All NEW aund LAST Editios SECOND-HAND BOOKS CHEAPER CALLAGHAN ft CO. LAW PUBLISHERS. Chicada ANN ARB3OR BRANCH, State St. Opp. Law Bldg. t!! GAS STUDY LAMPS' 100 Candle power tor 1-3 Cents per Hoor. Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. i N EW TA I L O RIN G W ELDRC OYUA HLSL -AND-MILL PRICES. 11-10 .LierySt. New Dieterle Bokox.are^t-4AL16L A ND SBE CO0NV IN CED I ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES; MILWARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY- THING IN TAILORING