gA L F-T 0N E S _ _ _ _
and OfIE young men still go to the merchant tailor. Don't MONEY LOAN[D
ZIN E CHIGSOn nWalo labsDs mvi-.ewery
ZINCETCHINGSblame them--up to the time they see College Brand ad al11111Igb (lasst 6atel
Loe nPieClothes. After THAT it's only a waste of time and money and Colateal security
Better in Quality-' to order-to-measure." W. J. LOVRIM
104 4t Ave Opposite Cout House
Two doos sot onew Y N.CA
Aro a~g akBokTogs Meant Just For OrFIIO HOinRS Sz0to 11:30 1 to 5
11 Ann Smart, Nobby Chaps B o
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank jutblwIh"2-ea ii.vEteeinteee"o le G. SPALDING & BRS.
Capitaleltocthe,0025-Yeparsimi00,10Eitreme ini the eyesoofs ebser elo
Caia mc Soo Srls 200oiIResources, $2,00,000 men, who WON'T and CAN'T wear them, because THEY look as Largst Mnl Alhtuesine orld
A Grneral Banking Business Transacted
OreICtoso Chas. . Hiscocic. Pres.; W much out of place in these radically fashioned garments as Base Ball, Lawn Tennis Foot Ball
Hmarsss 'ice Pes.; ii. .1 Fello. Casicyoner fellows appear in usual men's suits. Not as high Cikt Lcos rqe
0priced as they are high classed. Implemients o lSoartco s
Rowe's Laundry. ' sFrovri urtrfcn
Thomas Rowe, Proprietor opytl r~y-OL~1depst iesslenthawn
h E BLE 8( WVERT ( ai tieisl c iaidv-ancnto
326 N. FithttAve. H. I,. . & Co.S, IY. -S5511 thisnptic uod Hspot.
Nest Phone 47 flliiPhonee 457-,TniLn of
yoe Aihletsicl iie05005ts
as s yo an e iootn(oc (sIieoothepl t e,
W ANTE D iyioool boo-so lote neticlei, Itslne
0,0 00r0r 111f i t l llorl's itrlio l rl oloOOol rlooooos
hadedvdn tl n i t ooks ocand I JUNIOCL ASl (, S 11:\ Y. Tihe dte for the conlcertot he ocGirl,, Offoial 'o Michigiii ' l ld )11oily ic i0 Co
aprvdbonds o n ooas ocol(lee ceiiiiMuch l; a i hesir o ii -15-tVe Std1-i hop, (A 7I" 00110. tm A. . SPALDIN4G 15. BRos.
osomeeprec l h ei tte 000- Nol Yil. iiicago SaiiFrancisci
lis.IIrjn rgl ilg r tea n a e-rd Ll ie., as hel iny 't ld soeet. Seiori s andi 1111 il iiorlaw~ s s-stoo iilo00 Pns -
GL:O. J. IIALLE K fah CO. iliolia.% in ihonoriiiiof the snooc is o n Ifor Fiitci- ni ir ic- liae ca lli fir J M iles ii
Cam usBabe Sop ml nonibil ie wit Isme-icert iillh- puici iideier-iie li$
Ca psBabr op - iiiikiioo hti 111itolte i 't i iiiiiiEngraved
. A. MOE, 705 N. Unit ersity Ave u - iigilsili iei th et) th ir Is f oo h ieiid ie ci il e
THFf ARMEh~S AND MEICHlANICS BANK L-e ic oVilt ill irtiDreser, lojmCard
Capita, $50,000, Soepiuanad Prfts, $65,000 tll, p1 ii11iva lftiilii I ,cil ha s iben tel fr u ci o oc i qoe- Flats a p anak, adjustble, metl a d
MAIN AND IUIION OIg~iET5 Ilion the itt~teoo iii redlo r thie o caiiiiiiii it i ettlull-u hs c ma e avbigy it'ckled i-g ehold
ies ce t i s l e aniiiosiectntiii ihe0 i iiirs lare lotieit - o -lei; cliPstessvi obtI l yst
3 per ent inrsiecstcoo 'iisand o inogs ac l ieiioI llo ci itioiii teliiiion loaerawichltl i ews i e p tie so.ssssgy,nety.t e it
D~eposiis. Saety iDepositiBox es to rn l 11c hl'o itadelonc wle-Inot ocl]ofi .cold Iosssueeyouse o 'riegito"'0 on oe ir, L a e Y u
at .00 andoupwarids adca SnorLev-Yu
It. Kijino , Prs. so5.C. Pcs to 0y , VicePe-i e c tile iIl i t rlfei0l itits twill 1; lit ilnoiil ctleopiie ttachenlt toop
10. H. BLaRot, Cas. 1. A. ItssiASooAst. lie <ei Icc iid iit pliiids osotairs-s ltlr.iioi i cs tiisiie PURE SILK250 A PAIR Orders Early.
The I beCelalorcagitl 111000al l la ilciii illcach ithe sioldetalol:e itte or
BL~ i L f1E otr ntto he- - __ --_____' I /22 STYLES
BLOhtHIa,[notUbeSnintetionail and llI ~5TO SELECT FROM
MANN'S DRUG STORE rOcte1i10l1li1]tend, a110011 - ; o I hriritst, Penon;: hotcanptaldittossy
21"SMinSllll, 101 iiiir111eii s lotus oo laendr S 5cipt Shadd, Tfftany Scip,
water0 all f l c. 10111 lg lieli Ifo toat.-lRtnan, td ottic, t O ld 0s5lEng
I ;010 1 i ihliii-e l-ert l001seort. oi s011Romi ao~dr an, on thi, witts hair ine
re bitenNta the0 il 001111dlto (olle,, IMonoroe;. 003 s___________________ had.ri O'r
Italian, German, and of American I lie toseur sal.oeepl i i- -._--Fo 12 o$400
Manufacture o t c ",rt). ,lSl''Fletai Delta Ci pin. Re AS ANTD ' U7 ndPtte
PFOR ALL t tINtillI)INSI (CCItt N1S1toni too Coieronwa.l l lac, if oI100 Cards from Plate, 75cts
is I F . l J oon eaterottoined-o tie-For'
SCHAEBERLE & SON ii 001 lii ol iesoilt velilgat or 111SiStl i-d., oiierrt ield, a I CommrvemoCemezt
114 W. Lierty St. ANN ARBORo - 110n iili TIoHctoe lo OSii-of ootoo ~ii- l c cI Te 10. 1. SLATER
0iasre \soeci l oetioo;.f thoe PrENTAL, --$1.00 BookSalloer
Embalmer and Funeral Director ci) Id01 1,'0eloiii'ro for toudlnooit thrStifoactory iailorig nat ststore o r ndr anytime. 1 andStatoer
Ambulancen-Callsatendeli day or ight. glut atlie i-laciueloristanot l-osooe' . prices. Fuldler & OCosnior iglopA .F . x EUL116 South Main treet
2i0 B.14; tAtv.:eii tCO rFame cl'inm street.i A. 2F . SL Ot e LL
Pionse 04. Anno Arboos SiENIORS--heave your orders for Agen_______ 325 tateor t
080.11tieis oid ok sields ci Arnolds. Sis Pressetd, 2501; troses,lic. COX, SONS & VINNING, New York
ALRM COCS clsy Sos-e.tfI Fuller & OCoiiior. f ______________ FINIE LVNVCHES
$1.00 to OC$1.50 . ailOyy 1~teleot lest l itURkiot,
$1.0 to $1.5 D)IES~t7 1,40 TT)Cigarttes ad
Feolly 0C#,<-a tead Dimisie & Imortpised Cigs- A comope~
Our iDollar Clocks aen h e slc to too noi sorcl stisootnt oartiees We Oare ger
J. L. Chapman, 206 SManSt., tinse cioclatn BON-ONS
OoXtisnDooOyXiOtRDSeOXFORDScstti5 Ost, asois&for SLi Ss& Co od0
OS EJOLLY. tt. t.
Yo- c~n gt lmOhio CentraI Lines
o lt oh s t weeio To le ictdo antd 11101;lumbs
ATot'.33S.Ste Better than ever this season. See our Window for the C lon
new Strap Reintforcementi around top of our D .A .J AL A
llen's Oxfords. This prevents all stretching, slipping and S TANADTIMEi su
enlarging around the ankle. The only $4.oo low shoe on tous til .in.o tto n ssoo vc
Le Bseal RpotsPeiealCrs t°ojoes bsot80o0 as., attdeery
Leaue Bsbl eot the market with this reinforcement. to
a Nlu local seice to lolot (ot t it5 it., tu
- 9:15p. to, tieso 1:t5.
Yo-iourocal sercieto Jackosto1in,
Received by Innings Dily n --- - "rto ttdk505.
WAITING f IN W 7it5 O Mol, isestOs T . WS Ff5500MoIs.
At Walk- over Shoe Company r-o-s
The University of Chicago CoG re ekr
Tise Isireity ytais tiltodoti int1o fourt
Otbit.Ostnl"o' ititteoosttotietl dt ur PhAur p h rsEyebrow Pencils
tisscss Ansiso iSs tictl t t he i s op utgoocad otere
int Grisaductes hOcsos otf Ass ands Is o- We have opened a Developing and Printing Departnment. Thetrioal Supples
tuees and tetcgdeno lst tunti,11tituelroi Work Handed us today delivered to you tomorrow.
Sceneo. tProessionl intruel'cto o ois ody
ino the Dils-lity ciouitol1, t t aw Shooct the
Rtusih Medicaiol ege (oibioto heoil,
ciooi oEdueatiilo. ummtoe (u atert 1001T R
Jusse ill eptestskee1. Firist term: .iusoeii-
July 2; Second T emtulty .77 Aocgut '0 E EIi~>
Registration is permc it'tseoteotre tuar-" E. E CA K N
ee rloreitbee tol deglredost0tielA'1
is.- gR "ivesfor sork donstSpiail outsare asgm~ AT E
offered Ice teaclers.PheMieh. 895-J*3 fl '
ForInormtin ddrssHam 37- Henn>ing Bik. 20 South Stt. Street