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May 17, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-05-17

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The Michigan Daily


No. z63.

Harris Announce Complete List-
Rock Said to Be Captured-Tug=
ot=War Occurs Tomorrow.
I-id ivateirnoon 't 4 o'clockthe
much heraii letfreshi-stophicottIwaill
bei.Techittk lidsof 'ott and 'o0
nill meet to sItgi orii(11the"op'
n" crsstheliton.iaoult tohI
afiis itjuteitethtlteitiei t61l
hav %alkv y. geaIdel of ciarit
has iiiinIt iieitoi selti heihl it -
identsliciiiii aa eiiieit iof the
Ati 8i o'clck Friulaut-ght theiiifteshi
tmanl rock wiilltbe takenutfrumuits idin
place and carr iedinthiectOiiiii of t-
campus. Theisplidiorguiziiatiii of
the sopl iis Ir t it 1eing iii cedi on
the ctwit iiimaksit odfiultuito pedict
th rstlt Tefrtsiune haviHow
erutiiii'l tokStot uly oiirniig
toiaccomlish thleii torkianduitisolt
t((likl t aidthufliteyitieiittttti
trci slt nuhth eytlill iliii)
itllatit mor ttMo t] lioe oithe upptilt
ti-Oumt titoliiteeutu tt thefehe
do n t kow ithlreittidt rott isti nd
Thelelt- l e aldof i er
tea twil lcopold funiteein ftme
cofnt gt.l lse thenifreish-n s th it -
ut Jul nth \flltiiittitnae., imi
Wrenitill e sleci teeifrthetug- o-war:u
I otiatittict ic I orkot clutui NIick-
o~uW iht, l P tolomcR tok eShu
Sictklc \kc'iuc, It'ia I titi kale
Ciutilt '-otichokautitiouiti Ittiti tilt
Sti. Itcacso, i Monlt Nte, iraklii 'mi
lw, NIlictt. herit' iii ~ynoi
clstcac, Sitrit, CadyChadlrC. e
Wm, IIIIAk ids CE I NGry.Hig
Guclit ittittiotiifrliiar tt tine lceckl
\\clingeiii the .tltaeNut liii t- i
ctcrcson.tuney.it1Paks,9 yit a-tiltt
sottSchenk,(til--Cilui Tonn el
Tcticluiitgt'i it t oeto drt'i
SFott-igt menillht ikeirn
the followigais trill te fuophiueily
leititawuii uo: eo u hg

The heregular wsemi-antinutil nomtinautinig
metetitng tiill lie ieldlio Satturdaty. May
26, xvith thie lectiontton Saturdkty, Jutne
2one neck later..

:\ dtathorse d~eelopledl it the Cro
Countttry eticeyesltday- afterttoon iwheni
:AllenVtw, of inttishdfirstfeThe geni-
itralii ttl su eos to td ee1 hed-ha
Montgomer. 'o8tililtituldcwin ecusil
guttioracoe wultr ean"ty"aid ldcto
andtheisi two(ice cett wr tie o nly ttoners
goctodtr he drtetimehalittl ellt ntii
cha0 e o toitI) s2ecu ta -ptae. ti cei
litsIrim N Ive )tIwcouseothreW
seco tilt he tre ttrdtimeaterte fair
courseI, it ihicis o sidealytti longe iti-
20 inues 42 seconds. fr\t totheire tinig
te tclubit t asii dtc lti((ited t -cakethe
ti-attutuuuI >itit'1'LieIthto6Ittilt ti
Vektera af t c tit trtoin li thii 1le fir
grounds ItchetchamionItlgwteamamn
is're iii crusingt defati t o theiJ N lk
hev - itigcc-Itt" lveio ng h'its be-
haditei t secondiitlit ag - ms t r abt litcot-
st17 whih eadit anote ol-i eh d
twiocofthe N-ftiu 'titirnd lrunclithN 1a
smashin I ttrec-aggkro verii rigct iel

'Ilucanutuuualettcuplebaute betlwe'e't hut
Scientific Honor Society Elects Forty-.1(1ra]timsit1 thleJefferouiutatni
Eight New Members From Fac- W~ebter la-ti tocieties trill lie luclulNloni-
ulty and Undergraduates. day.itgtt in CUiverusiy Kilt. It wats
itendtdltuo Ittldtutl riultuceve-intg 1(1
Ni thlt u-u itt uinesst't mec-cinug o1 thistitek, till it was funttu that interest
thuluc ia cIhcapt-uu er ofu Ithe ;sigmautXi ill theiter(1class) cuntelststo egilultFri-
ticuity lihI ldi te histoliuuc-it uuu ii(7 day utwo ulluc' likly - t affect ii eest
tut' inithecnewcut tituth utitldingulatt n thuu ulhtciso a11postponementu- as,
nigtfoty-icgh'lt candlulitsucre 11 iec ilt itn
lae nt h i gheslu-'t saentihe i ttsoctyi 'I'tilt liltate pluttitc( t )betic e lt mo1st(
tuuu-uu'uc'ic'tu tut I tut tuu ~ inuttereus tiitiuutinueol tb hesces
smlitar uot- thi'to the Ph iBeta t'apa ntutu ituurIyItbetwct hr I Idet-igor
attir, isconfered iii polithosel liatitt isht athuht rpitcuta
O~lte uutlines. t ru ikuttui fit tttu iis t e hltchis yeit r( int i
NI. I;.Dick NV. It.Ictuipici V. NIsucimporti tanc111e1 tht i iititingt is-
K ic IF. . II N td t C.k J.lPaterI I,.]. cussed tte cut ry overtutu It it onil of
Pe nn tnf.J ltluliu~ut J. I' li s-t h ueittouns hitfore Ithit ittiolt i ltegis-
tton I. NW . N illautul Ck 1) Nlltttgtoti S. t tu' -itt tis tIhft'it ormill ht ih
C. ranont [IuNtu oeT.t?.ttos.it isctoubeudeated 111111aytight Is:
W. IT.utuc Fi hihXXV.I). JtuluuutuuCk 11.l"ResolvedthIat aI toittil nlatrge'-
Irtms tutut AtVX. uuuttnk N 3A J ic rkcuu tutuit if thucAmeicaitn111111istreferablhe
R. N. 11u1111 .k AV. Spoone tr, 1. ito ii111titii'it-ut it trecettutstrenthl
I~uuupu R. B. WileytI;. l.uilligL adI fciny.
NV.kCtillsID.3J. LvtNAtiurouT'It
tututandC. J. XXn""cut I Il til N1YIOSE S Lk'T.
Tuu' tutluftte:-ecedwee:A . D
lrust \V.t F. XN oil)\t . C. NV Cku.h I'.P Recet ltheehu t oir if I'Tu' 14e 117i ttIwa
lutututtl XX F.I I tutu . k ,I Callowayt calledl to thec phonto t atutuwer tiltlt -
N. PI Itetiltl, R. R. Thtuuuu ii ndJ. J.its retuest ftr aulIt .TheIlpa'ty
XVo lcutuhct in quet ionhhut fretht lawi tituld i-iter.
IThe tiltmberli oft lie fc iithuutuy i ttu iin tg tolttltcas1h must a lwtayts lit
number hut I u weittitacut tteld I(ito eii padinadaceifrhets lt inersct, tt ontc
shipare11 Drc O.I.iGazer Pro itW waleduixhtubtloicksto IThueDilty tuffic-
J. fussy, r. lem et ')c llR. . B l- n(Istaed htt l I tluc l t sen udol-
It X11.AI.santuilll. andt\V.XGI Suit- tbuldingand cutu Gils'Gen thau
io. fiitenon.Inhut-greath ttlitul O sate.
Nr f .1) l:I It utddresst t heit f itt dtutu li hrith t Ii adu to11 h ilt
Funtiosl"bhoreteiiit tutu tuadtul dItt tt iltns te t itsihttt'even
lechtue rut-cl vury initeres(ttng, andtdllartts.Exil t'crshmianit IThe tight
furu'tercritictal wortk' tlontg thuis lute utill ediltr giritis, ti-hilt 'Il'l tu D ila' oes

Sir Chentung Liang Cheng, Oriental
Diplomat, Says His Country Is
Vastly Misunderstood.
''k'hinat i a utelidtemrtin ltthory-
wasthe hut' prtiing haetulc'cth tilae Iby
tis exce-leucy. SirChk'enutnuug Liting
Chenciug. C tutu in111111 ttt t hutIUnted
Slttsasihtin niv-ut'eity all
It'etampifiedthiit delartiitou wth itl i-
te'res t f-cls : Troughitft cutum-
frnih oe t clases (Ifsotitc-ut
usetultuuotwerf 'uuul 'uu ictali tins
"'"Ituc'uumodern'zing ofgCifnC hatts dote
mah toprdce uutioaunu uiity. The
peshsbe pehapsitlthut'geatet
ctiuadtutravlel hatte' dotnet tuuc.
Cut-cc cani f techlwserve hu Inrawutid11
elto ugeter 001(o1-cthanut (tlt'snseu.
Tlue tariusuidialecets ittdififercutloucal-
tishaveuc'oneutic' uucihthpreet utniy
but au commonuuuuuatuuuiesal liteaturuue
wiih ll tti his.
"T''Ih ineksei havei' latutelu-y uwakenced
strenugthuuthichihtutledutohu mttny str-
hurlss wTheifortue ot uluic sentimetuiitis
so strongtha-t tet"ugovetrnmen itias bunu
wiset' tetuughI noth t uteagis1th i.
lit'cited i11thancttushowing utha t tu
ici uuiuu opinion l uttutnot nly itnhutal af-
"aiscuillucruuueu i hy uu iicht u
exper-uimen i tit Chtutatintttil dt itiont
ouf a'coi-tutu tii ot wi ull t ttetn .1a1reo
lution, noratviolthucul hu-nge' I it ccvii-
lage- manages tits o-na-huts ithouutuui
tutu) initerferetiet htilt eriifut mtut ekin.i
ECt'-I aehsavieit fitiig"oveit'l
muttu.tuub uu u ome's Suffragu'e Itts madeh
tuuncouu hed a inina.1111 T hut-itovincc;
tutu ic-iettedut by i icen111of cehtiuuual
abtu n turnthuctarc terici. Nutmaut
towtveccanntutuhldtuilulchinis huo wit
Irovuinuce, andiittusfiiiIrotatllloa
stiutuiot he 1 t gt' t-iici'iic-ul itill ten't be
Sir Ceiciia-ttptolhedtaku-,tus
Cuugliuls tuttiatus s-ittuteior. Hit ah-
u-u uuuuuueit in Oritaltuhgarbl heightenedu'u
t iniites n h i s tlk,
cullege' itas t Princetonuu butsieshbeig
1 noute c' hos'iular waisti rututnhed as tutuAll-
-Ni ticttuiatlte, -tildIwhouuhus sintctu
sive hcis ulife tucuurk atntui the tupptr)
chasof Ch it-scwill hethecicte ptor-
tunty ffrdduivesittiymtilt'i otghti
at NcN-l ittuthall. Robeur IR. aitiy
come tics uhnnttActbti-utat gre'altsacrifice-
toping hereoitisthwtauy'ftomutiuttsbuit
'ot Cleuvelandhuthene hit'uwill tottlutha
'tremuos campagn. Nitlu. aiyisa
0ttype of uuumanuierica is entdintg to thit'
Oriet as istsoctitationisectuutares-such
-111 huas i-Brockmanut. Hlmtu, andulNedICar-
Anteffot is Ibeinig madetticr wduuiMhci
Ni ilutlu-hll tiithtudoorstwitht Michguan
it-icu t teeunuthear utthitut11011niw hus
,on tsorcentti'uuitlyfrmte sceneiofthet
gretult il cid oi tilutuheavalutiuts f
he "New Worldut Cintr"- fle etie-
igcmchiiuii eairotyth te enutauth
wtillclose witn uthe hoattu.
Johnlubrtut Ghrnitl, f thu D etroit
Free Pretitwll 'ddresi thetlcmoimbers
if FroftessoriScot~tt'scitt it euitingandh
rtepoirtinug t 4:10 this aftcrntoone, ii
Roomtiui 6 XWesIthall. NI r retisci will
talk tutu"Niewspaper tInluterviwig,'

luhst' of jo(itunalistic wuirk in which tit
us cspeciallhy luriciiett Membelars iii
'Ihe Dlaily tand itultuacler staffs, pastt anth
puresent, are inuvitedl to hear aim.

ON SALE TODAY in all University Buildings. Most artistic and complete
annual ever published by the University.
Cloth Bound,--- - -- ---$1.50
Leather. Bound,----- ------$2.00
Buy early if you want one. No books will be held over and sold at a reduction next year.
OnSale at Waher's, Sheehan's, Co-Op, Ye Student Shop, and Foster's Art Store.


TheUniCetityh Skec'hcluhldsulut it
ls e-t'telt mtilif"olruthe ccii'
ini theudrawinuug ruot thu thud culu -
eeighuuiut" ttighut it 7:30 o' chock.
-N tspeci drapeduttutotdeliwill posettandu
it he uthitItsiltstilt textyea'tic-
ivtiesutwhut cbeiftumulted.
Thet Stkett ttchu waItrgiztutdcitthe
heiknnhigtofIthu eaconaisemstri Iof tis
chlligi-u-ut-ittnulhiaitgtutunt Iapidtly'
sinuce.Thlilworktuof tte ov iet}hatslbecn
loualItalenit htha tcute Itteveloped.
ittrnell will nithtate -a cccii-atthet
Niuterucuit recatit icuta. iueonyregatthus
tutu c e ces ilcopt wibetChleriverutuwith I-I in ittontt
N'lay 2;tltN. the utumoial ulacraccistau
Catyiuta tlke- uior ad ftrclshmani
M~inntaittihiaitchuoteit the affirmtive
ini the qiuestiotn for ulebte recetitly stil-
mtutdcubhipIowa:t "Resolvetd, that the
ctie) if thte Utuitetd States ihonul seek
theair soltutioti of the great railway tprola-
cemiii huprivateh'uoiwterthipu"Thtis dteaate
wilhl comai off about the etad of next

'h 1ninaclhut, i-l1ldhehuh' tut
Iua baqttttaitt iWNhiutiore hake nith
Sturda nutht ight. hit- u9. Tiesteil
tain it-ill lcuet'hut'iAnirNortai' ulroaudu
stion la i 5t. Iickets for theu nd-ttui
ic're$1.o0 tuitdtcanuhu t' td cithuer'
fruiuti thucutul oft t I hutstilut mittuttee.
ir t th st ht i tShunta1nighut.
IThut commiuuttteicthu-icehiasit'rangedt
a eery txctllen u ttupra ftoaistsutatd
atrei extcteduu fromttPtrofessour
ruebtlhouhout tiltthsubhjec t 'll enI
XXats al>yIii ianauu Fiftyuu Ye-ct Nego."
Thit Ioostirthhirit itstheadtilygrw
ing uustrongeruan ht h utdiat itetuu arc
tntu ettaciltetustiastiltotter that
prospclt f1aclutuseoiicfor nit tycii.
Presittut i Iteahut us iwortkingofithuully
an iopstotetihlhils111111
C.C .h1k ~15S 'l'tI'IRS.
-Nta'meet ing"if theltCurlst Counttry
uchubhel yestterdaucuy afute'rnoontuhue an-
tutu elecinutftoffleertsoutshlcd. Floyd
Roet witstmadec' pre'tidtnthaotuty see-
retaury-treausuurer, tatnd ltrry Cue cap-
-tauia. Reiotrs -ofullast yeairsofficers
were heard.

f 11iuhpCliiilhutD.) Wilhiatutu),of IDt-
trott atid IHontRobtciCarudhier, iolf
Newt Noit,6ntionai I l pe it if the
Orudltr ouf St. ndrewiiihavitacetptedithue
iitaIi 11tilnofteuivesityl7tichtrto
the tutu ehiztot hutto pteak ]itt Uniivcr-
sty hiall. Stutday evinutgNlay o.
-rngeet for t'cuauu liihut etucitug atuno 1t
yetucomltedttitbut therc itsti-tryino-
pect of ai larkge'ttcatttedcnht heatuthetseu
tutu of natiolutireu'ttionuuu. fTth tch-
tgihtohutehut' ttirchy unonu-saurianu, tutu
membeurst ofthue cperutetectidu n inihu-
vitattti httill stuidnts ntuto utthe geul-
erclul tubulic ht titendi.
TIhe Order uof St. AndrInis ant it-
th lt' tiscuiliai fthtuatuthhias a chater
ini neaurly eitty parishinhutthe cuttttry.l
'he hotlitng itofu tutu tua cottnetitn
of thlt'society intthut city',Nstty 19guand
211. madel ittsilefuortheuntiveirsity
chaputuer htiteturthe tseuiiloqiueit speauk-
it-turcut cwill tendtwo iitcreto utthe
Ametrican HIettuey in PhuiladtejlhiaikMty
26. Thurinntinutg crcw it thueiteclass
rulers Nity 1 itwlhe onaid the utni-
vrcall)'second crew the other.

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