# M C YGA2 f3Af , --- THE LEADING Tailors gMakers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. [ULL DR[SS SUITIS A SPEfCIATY 311 S. State St. Anni Arbor, Mich. Tennis Rackets Made hy Tryon and Wright tDitson Look and youit aree with its that they ae th best val uesofferied in town Glenwood, full size frame $200 Wycliffe - . . $2.50 Logwood ew shape - $350 Caapbell, ew model - $5.00 Pin, the old favorite - $7.00 And Many Others Sheehan & o's Students' Bookstore Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds or other personal property. Watcheo and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residnce 381 E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. ena: 8atit1:e0a. In,t8:30 and it 9 p . ALL BUIESniSoCOFIDNTAL JOSEPH C. WATTS i THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Entered an second class water' at ihe Ann Arbor Pesteoffie. Publisbed daiy (Mndayerncepied) dring tbe cnlege year. at ryEast Wahingon sret. Bel phne 892. Henpbone 7. Managng Eitor ARTHUR C. POUND Huaines Masager. WALTER R. HANS EDITORS. ens ........ . F. Seenon Atletis .......Carene E. Edridge Echanes....-..Care E. Winsead Wmen . ...... O.....Efe J. Armtrng FEDITORIA, STAFF. Louis D. Stikney Franklis C. Parks ASSOCIATES. teorge A. Osbrn tarmid C. Sith Rober H. Cany Ferris N. Smith Henry F. Sute Wiiam.r A. Mlhbrn tGlenn D Bradey Henry A. Mntge~ry Eoy V. Lnii Jehn F. Wre Fleyd H. Jes RATES: O2So per year, or Sans i paid is adane. Adares: WALTER R. HANSHusies Manager 236 S. 12th S.. Phone 849 L. WI.I)NC'SlAY, -MAY 6, 1906. Ritor Today-HENRY F. SCHUTE Intern aional courtesy-that lgi o the diplotmats-till b see: at its cest in':isersity hall tonight whereaet yp ral Ametricean ttudiettee eil lise::tee rordis ittwisomtfront atrenwed Oriental, Sir Chentng Citeng. Cinese miiniter to tiertUnitedi States. Sitter ther ight ewhte Wil 'ing Fang, ter Chisinese yphilosopher whtee rereseted Iis esetis:::at Waesiington::someeasers go, raised a:: Aten:Arlor atudiece te te widest enthutsiasm~,Io 5S. , t.. nmb:ier the.bit ftir to arese steleitteres. 'Theeires of a msatn frestttaotheer woerd, teed a sword slsostbiing' it its tysterys andelsritreaening it: its itert firce, have a peuretintteres for Att- ericaits of lie lreset geieraion,:.sicer tier possession of tierPtiitties la mttade tis ceennetry ae factor ithie east erie trolem. if Chute: is to be iarti- tieened, self-diefese enits taet te tUnited Sttes teepres at the iisio. If Cinia's diisiecis ntet srieeutly thtreateneed, oetr groinitg tradte reltiots withthte Orientdemeatdatat wieeleeseep tee clesetuchtwithsthue steatiot it: Cinia. The firce tof tis arguetecate te see::ithteroerwig argmeet agitst tier Cinese exlscieicat, aned tier later discssieonoitttie:'Cisinese boeycot of Ameericaneegods. Ciii:a is far frmea dead stletter' ittAmericant poelirtiesad Americte:n rtcom:merre. etnteto ear oer eel tie:'foreseetmenreoitttier Clestiatl kingdlome: disusthese roberetlemes is att rteeratiesecfe ceters iffreetere htete tee stere tir temt. 'Te fair famee o Corelli as a ti sl- ttuce: of tseflst class tes eeen:slet terred. teoac Stag swithehisisarftl ye tnd ghisebig ttaer htsiesinueateth iat tier Newr York cellege is e "sellintg titer."T'hermethodee by wichiete ate- rised tier sworldtit Csrell'sitsigiefi- ranetirsheters thateeeis tprogresing tee tier iter trt cof diipsomascey. Folowing tier reret fooetlelt agittion, Ciageo. is aiter lrry of rgtteusness,. annouced thatit e woetld play ieeoemore iig foot- al gaites, requesting acet lleration of tier Nltichigane eate onitthat ounet. Yes' terti etscw'ere itfortmsettat Cicgo till ptiternsiel. It titesnt tketrant exp ertrloic.ia'ineetee igutre :eut taet Corel isamnrcllgr-if Stggs wrdetfer it is taene ate its faevalee. ''here is nocagr of ttis, west of Annterboir, bt: it: tierese tierrelegatieo of Coneit tee tie:'mcinorst'maytit s ets ottearmtt. Stner:ptubilirc pinione tas iitihat Ci-i regneadmeits edefet onc:tiertrack, tterest it: thatetsrue of dttletis tar gisetcccay tee baebsll enethusteiasme. 'Thisis natrale leut hatrly'tet ceetoebe temen ee. \We eougt noet teeforetgithae:tieor tier seteof otr footblell ieeen,werrowe Ciagoe atgod'r drineeeg, as ttethorough tis is cnsistet with fa: ir tptay. AndeIsitter ties'powier tee :1:: thisres ut:ttitr tract:tee::, it shouitldhatete teaeertistsuppoteert fetos everymties::teier veiersity. A herty sendi-tff wse tetcy eeewsouldctmake tie:. teen:sworks htarder andtetirvicter seet sweetrrwsete it cmees. A e r teu:st cot forget tieat:Stgg is atilyii coachet, atdtnotee: carutionesthat sill tle: tier surriss ccitoc i ts sleresill cli ''IIE tttURON ('i.AtNtS .NOti'iEVITIM'~ 'Therdteoir oea et eeere''of ter Sin- denit Co'uicicl wseconesidera'bly dmeede:e ties oitierlite';"ee:dIit tll hapee'eetle- cite:'ocittier sertaculaer teg ret ear whtiche is tto eeldtenete tiron e ritr- dayt~. "Rbe: Clatcy ad "Spiter" Co tre tiercomiteeta'ppttotedtrtby 'ter St- cietCoutncil t eto aer tierieprtioneeee tir tier tug ittsar. 'e'sterdayt '"Stier" teed) 'Beet" se- cue atof at dier's stit, aned ie rte- 'icy citic "Dutke" Neile, prceedet teo easre rtier distaneecroeess tier rier. Tierare:fty Spier" etrgerthtesitter tobetadtettier smaetsfeet lie wolde probaleey tae less :diffculty tee gettitg eel:: tier suit. Bob tail tier setme con- tlimett to "Duee" ade tried to get hime into tier sit, buet "Duket"' bale. Finallty Bole was huestedttt tier tie bocots andttrt ediracross tier rier.'Ther taee'wo'ueldtot rece rotress ter rier icd tie'edite::tetive'Cltrdto tae off tier lasti twety tr thirty fte. "'aek lotg stes," soueted 'Spider,' andttiBee tsemedreicrto tee cy. Jst tet his fet strk a ht ot sncke res)- cco ano d ttl ie felt ftre:'ar,.disaperig beeathistierstrfae. 'lie risng yonig rishmaneee:sooteregaiudtietees fet, butethIle suit ted iled settle sater ad ett elooede like' atveritableeBilly iounceeor Oty Grahamtte. Withcitaty sigs.le toddled ashoere atdt eas stoot ot ethisead iy "Spicer" atd "Dukes," so tat tier neter mtight runteott of tierstit. Adcth ten Prstelnt Angelths left for tier east tee atedt aimeceetitg ot tierbord of regents itt tierSnitsoniant:Ittitte itt Waesitgon. Dr. Antgll eci1lher goee tll tie ersek. AY ALUtMNUS IS OUT.' 'The Stay tnutmbler of tier Sticiiga:: Aumnsee is ccit. tee tierteset sis' tiere s aicecdinctereaese it:the eceti ler pubetlishse. Tier tstual neuber of copies issuede is eaott 6goo. ibut iis mothteel it is itcreases to li 10.0 teeterties'deprtene'e ttf Lee::teeth Cometth ter riescitaletapen~sstigs etnde gosstittoftieecmpustir tier past moneete tre revewesd:. ipartilr t tetin tar intg pato anee:atpp5r"e iii:nittfPrafessr Etussell. Thee'rreetresignaetionseeamonteg tier faculty steelMichisgan's pesent: stts tee atletis re theeo disussed. See' ineerstng tutd gratiyitnglttrs, re- ceivedsthter serrtery' f thee Mihigant tion omtet:: eeeteeti o htetrreeiv et tier little subhsriptiont: booletrs, are tritedlontetg settl a fe' cmetrcs uteonethey prgr'ss itttie rk.er Thee tee::otbitall rrueewhichewilseth ierneeforce uexIteethltre expainereedcnd cctiise tirongh tsoetw eo pags of tieeok. I hetieristes o itt eis upon e"Michtel igan:Potnt:its," teo hit o uss'tenr ter pre'set isuee is Alexanerti Winchtell. Mr. W\incell wasiprofetssor eintedetc partet oftutlitratiresiece an tier astelrthierutrycue yars.beini:gee recg- nisedtuthorictty up~oteatrlty' tltlst'cesic itt sciece. 'lhe srtile tuponetimeit s intee tiermfee::fi ta biogrphcial elg tutd n's w ritther"yWilliamtetJ. IHeeth esat, '7. 'Te largest usriee n te magieereeis reels)' of antaddeesen out stes Gt:::, del'iver'e bseforftier suensts of ties medeeical thees:artetlahst cwietey r he . C. i.fG. detcNancerede. tDr. CGetnn was ai proe's'soree'inithis emes'cleps:tartmeneet tromt854tee 1867,'tu eastt hattutime' icier cittiesmo'tee:e s'crenowne 'adtal el'ser- geeter teetheecurity . 'lie earice is byoe we'this knewi thitsmtewiesl.uhest te lsut few:'ates of tieedrthin:is, is usuasl, file ciii:sitauneI iedclclege' hewrcs iems. tiC STY 1M ICBIIGANENSIAN SAIL 'Thee'stle set Merttgaeettsiats e's'terdasy ccs tieavesy fee tsliteli. tUp tee hast nighti 325 itidtheir: disitedstioit, sking 100 sol. Tierreord stle ut tetr fit':eelJell)'hasisbee teicopi'eis 'ieed tier indicaet~tio s nit t it tte e avitter '' flet i 0 coes were prtis'n:' ted t'lthis yes'rw.eselet''erstetofoue the:'umereeehas lceer: lrc'rett t 250 etndl 1,500 cpets. Tht cis il ecerusstte 'tuatuseioershre- cue coiees st at eacrl date. Thee use:- agemenettts ideidtetoleesell ntee:peis aitle r commtectemetthisuteaeer. After thttitms'tier cupies rseemaiingeun eesld tutulee elein te terandseheof ties'faec- utl)'to ee dis tribhueit eamog ties'hight sc"hooels it thisec'tione. iI YuNI O)NLY C\NDIDA'E'L tOR FOOTBAtL,IA..N.\AGLI2R Jeunio'rtic:'class potlitis titter midly subsidteto le wial'it-awayi~. M\ili B'nnett and55. iR. it euheheeweithdeirn ree:: tier citis foetballt mtaagrship srice, easvig RF.itHIyelandeh teronityrttndiateh. Electiotte cii her hel Situir onineg, 91 to 12 cok ( as U SENIORS! r We will print too cards: either ladies' or gentile- nman'a size, in atny style Script, Block, or Old English types, as fol- los:MR WILLtAM W . EUnSSEL ir. Artbtur I tuire stltmttott fcr ottly 75c Other sizes of ty:pe if do- sired. Leave orders at WAHR'S The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. Othece 209 S. 4th Ave. FPtone 19. tesidene 3f2 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314 AMBULAWOCE 01t CALL II Students' Lecture Association BIG OPEN NUMBER Sir Chdiltiug Liafig Cheng" Wednesday, May 16 Single Admission, = 50 Cents THE "VARSITY" SOFT COLLAR Trade Marit Registered The Neglige Collar The latest wrinukle in the collar world is the high double soft collar, worn with a soft shirt and held together with a gold safety pin crossing nnder the four-int-htand. It can he worn with any kind of a tie and is hoth comfortable and smart. The idea has met with great approval. Ouir first shipment was soon exhansted anid we were cormpelled to re-order. This second shipmentt is now ready for our custonmers. We have them in both the hlue and white. At Uhe Co-wOp The Store of the Studente by the Students and for the Students. i 1 J I I 0 Face C&, Fortune Youtr face is your fortune. Protect it from all irritation by using WILLIAMS'SHAVIGT C K ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Trav.laa sLo.v. .Aness' Artbor- Going North 9:05 a. en' and du:t5 p. m. Going South 7:20 a. en., lie35s.,en. andt/7:3p. nm J. J. KIRBY, W. T. WILLS. Gentl Pass. Agent, Agent, Teledo, Ohie Ann Arbor, Mich Beil phone 1t5-ir HoenPhene 698 ,A.IHIGiAN CENTLLAL "The7 Niagara Falls Roe" Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through Trains Etast-8.18 a. mn., 2.d0 p. w. Locals lst-6it, a. em.,111.10 a. en..104.05 p.m. *8.36 p. en. Through Trains Wes-2.07 a m~,,7.58 a. en.. 9.18 a. m., 2.33 p. mn. 10.10 p. en. Loeals Wet-224 a. m.,,*8.28 a. en., na.40 p. * (Except Sunday.) Ceonnetiens at Chicago for St Lenin Kansas City and the Wat. - W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor New Oxfords Just Received WAIIR-The Shoeman 218 So. Main St.