THlE MICHIGAN DAILYr ilockinig Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Carson Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotsin Toledo and Co- lumbus 5. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martlus Detroit, Mich. F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. IBAILEY & EDMUNDS 121 East Liberty Strest. ft New Shoe Styles [or Colleje Men ,.If ail the people who buy shoes were as par- ticular ahoul style as most college men are, the Regal factory would have to double tup its capac- ity again this year. Clean-cut, snappy style is the first thing that sells thte Regal to new customers, and always has been. Soli, honest wear, and permanent retention ot shape --- have been the means of p I1;G making ierlal~tr custom- " era out of new ones. SUNDAY I MONDAY 2 TUESDAY 3 /' j WEDNESDA ''434 X THURSDAY 5 FRIDAY . _6:. SATURDAY 7 Every Day Tis store grosvs more popular. Why ? Because ouir values in reliable = Clothing and Furnishings arE unequraled anywhere. It will pay youi to investigate these offer- lug of young men's stits, overcoats and rain coals. REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL A tyuical F-ifthAvenae inaderI. tade of strang. btit- liantlatentLeadher. Spade sole with flat tread. Biac-k leather quarter lining. Fifty-Eight New Spring Regal Styles Thieonly alhoe inquarer siest. IM % "A VTThe se 'Yp,q~ltxgAg 4 t..- 101 ~A L thtprovest aW a uu ss . rj. ip 611 E. William esSt. Sole Agents _____________________________ To Engage the Assembly Rooms or Orchestra, call at Granger's Academy Office, 312 Maynard Street Asthi- retide-nce iscanneclei nithi the baililin'-, caller, are requeted tn an- nouince theimse-ves. Please riiig. ]I SIGNS OIF SPRING The cold, damp wveather can't last mouch lunger, and when it begins to warm up you swill want a new suit. Get b~ssy and let us sllow yotu our NEW DOP " also our New OVgtwos'r. HENRY anid KYER, Tailors to Men _____ _____ _____ ___- Suits arnd Overcoats (nn lmpcenhn tm niBuDrctadSv To~esi~m $6.00to 28.0 UUIlk 1111 ~i~)~JILI1II5 UIIIJLIIJMoney. 118120 E. Liberty. U. of M. BARBER SHOP photograherD A 7T1 17 Tjonowski State St. _____________________ I / s 1/f p4w THE product of sixteen years' experiment ; the successful re- suit of an* effort to make a Turkish cigarette better than the best ! MIURAD CIGARLTTS are unequaled in richness, smooth- ness and mildness-the one Turk- ish cigarette that offers these qualities perfectly, and in perfect harmony. 10 for 15 Cents By mail potpaid-If you can't get Murad Cigaretes at yeur dialer's, send z5c. for ten; 75c. foe fifty; $rye o rane hundrea ALLAN RAMSAY, 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City J 1 1 ' 1 k f a UNIVERSITY NOTICES. \lceting of tl irls iiioilute c All freshmenili ct llenginecrs ryouIc ii-" " for obclrla at-air111grounds today at 4. c. l'VI-iiv out. Richaiso :Metn o oad fdietos fth lu c ky 1 'l k. 1 111In cDac il ific, R o Alliot. Stfkn cc Lau vilt ii o c cSatuda 1111 ii I cit'cltck. iThelel rcti i pn toiali:: ii111111m tyill .Nomintinsl foloff ictuts-, . i ~llustrates tile triuimprh of cere-il fssds for itheeinhg yea11witii lace. I f iltebildingIof asttirdy 1114iiiadn trillsaice T1 pli vesIto11 crtals 111d part llt hitugifiĀ«cir contiestrot I t fouĀ£ lrtharite and thirece-fouritsNat t [:0011 4"?t new ir neerngb -ling t In theiariiking 01 history Wh leaI 4c.itoa.Bing rulig iitichirtii + lis alay~s triouaphedovater Meai. ii. Bu.ici~.Biig~tiiiiiiciiI ct twhtn you tat iatwheait flod t MeetinglioflIthicCaiiiera.1clubiiiin 11111om suire s-otu cre gettig the athole wats .109. enginein clg liilig. at 7P.-In. ini digeclihie fcirii. That's Tiusday. 'Arranigc-ments for intercoll- S R D E icqddlc puholtographelcrs' exhidiioiiatill icbe W HATE DID CUID madeatitis t i lig. drcrci li, Secty. HE TB' CUI a bilder of braawn and braiii-keepsa ntie stomlach sweet and clean and the botwels SENIORS-heave yurorerefrlaathiyand active. you orersforjoin the "- Pure Food Mtovement" by' eating icgo6 strits atid oak shields at Arnold's Shredded Wheat, the cleanest, purest, toast earelry stolre. tf nuctritious cereal food made in thte stand. The white flour miller gives you the starch in the u-heat berry, discarding thae outer fleslh- Saifcoytioigat satisfactory fo~rmiing elements. You can't msake imtscle or Satisfactory9tailoritigbrain out of starch. In the shredding process pI rices. Fuller & O'Cnor 19E Wl ALL the flesh-fortming, strength-gi ing ele- lam street. tfmnts stored in the wh~ole iwheat terry are _____________P presented IN DIGESTIBLE FORMI. TyPep'Perfection chocolate ptuffs s Shredded Wheat is made to two forms, BISCUITad Try Prlps'TRISCOIT. The BISCtUIT io delicious for breakfast and chips at Cushting's pharmacy. with hot or cold milk or cream, or for ay meal 'n combination with trait ad vegetables. TRISCUt' is the shredded whole wheat cracker, crisp, nourish- lagad appetizing. Delicious as a toast with hev- H~ildreth's genuine velvet kisses at erages or with cheese or preserves. Coshinig's. s The "Vtal QuestionCcok Book 'is senttfee forthe asking Glasses repaired. -Eyes carefully fitted and tested. GEORGE HALLER, Main St. ST"Isst'sUET All in the Shreds" WANTED*THlE NATURAL FO000 Niagara Fall N. Y- V00 tuilil 51 per- day, selling FARM BOOK. KEEPING.lBensseller ever allored. Evry farmor buys onor A rear'scexpenseo made in acouple of inths doting vacatiun. Write immedately, stating choice of territory. FARM RECORD, Northfield, Minn. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWRTHE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING