THlE MICHIGAN DAILY SPALDING'S O FFICIAL .. FOOT BALL GUIDE; FOR.. 1905 Edited by WALTER CAMP g i i i cur.te .'. ly risoed OFICI11IAL. team, e- .a< ik oer .5000a3ers Price 10C A. G. SPALING (t M ROS. Spal in's v t 'o f all i itcsot mraild reefwto m adress. STATE SAVINGS BANK Wt. J.Both i Jno. V. Sheeh'lan Wmt. Acrold Or. V C. Vau;;han Jas . 1. ade Ii F. Mills N.. Kvyre Johno Litter Jn. Koh P rio.11 ,. Carhacrt 1rn .'.l( zier11 Christian .Al actin GEORGE BISCHOFF FLORIST Cisolsia Cut Flo~wers a ad Plisests Chapin St., betwser liaronsasd Cullter Ave. Phnse8'00 H USTON BROTHERS Sucicessors, to JA. W. lRED, 312 S. State~ .-, ! , .r r kyt - t r ate", f ' r :y y(3 I K I i h t :f M REG[ - "p NO 4 3, Young'0ChaP!Y ZHTE RETAIL clothier used to oiler you a few youths' suits or a dlozetn or so utiei),s si zes not many of either but too many of both, beceause yout didtn't wvant any of them. lie drove you ito the custom-rtaiior situp iiere at least yout got clotlhes that looked stel1 ottvyon-that had giniger, style ori distiuctionti o themt Buit that tueantt tha~t you t t to pay a fearfiti tariff for statisfaction. Caudidly, wse did not blame you becattse uo clothier desei ted y-our patrontage uitli the sorrts itt gartmenits lie swantedlyouto bu iiy. College Brand Clothes were created because the demand for'em was al- ready created. C aruic its wsitht the ctut aud fit yotttg tueii fanicy-itade ttp of cloths sutch as they like. Extreme itt shape-extremte in itattern- extreme itn every way butt the price way. There were it clottlies like College Briantd Clothes. There are itoclollies like Cioliege Brand Clothes. Staebler & Wuerth "d Allegretti's Chocolates FRESH TODAY AT QUARRY'S Ping-Pang Photos 36 PHOTOS FOR 5 OLD0 MORRIS ST~IPv~O 116 So. Atain St. Ann Armrr U. of M,. BARBER SHOP Trojonowski State St. S EDDEDW9A A CAMP COMPANION Wh ea railga lets camoptor /trton a hntingr fihin th moteacelyorfo Shredded y Whold e-We hito owih stidk, eratioln-s eenr adltol oili eri se yo uca e rti you add twa ar sre el n toso oitoo.g4et, l al oeyo thShoedsdra erryWnalecWtiaitr strendghalnodgor al nods.Itaistuaiy oth esl tooda r aislnidin oem-i allnatironwithmintskwhchentrintheroe stract oothrthunghtY o iprtices, i, hofernetisseasworellas tea-a tei cenie f rimte on"TheItill doelyiu loso Bod,toorr. Itric iasleo srnthrnd.vrttrgor dvtoasitythan h any allthef elmsihitter nt erirroe con-c soruti yn rrird.u an bdy - ucls enry Ni e ra "TFallsa. N. et Y. i II t,, I 11 rc '1' , I tr it . I is l l'< ri 13 : t .. . i tIar Schcl, IC.ilit ct.()f lie School T lc i i C ll iifor ii, liii stwill bei f Iti,(-f til }I, i' 1) ci loi il l tii li la oAl iii iii I~ hadiii Frietz .' i vi rcii dn, J Maky shull, I ~ IiV i rTP T ei iao 7 1l lIi& 1--M iiigan Iil cares lito Stite stret Ite utu rocanitli, & iiilw sree, rielphoeir 2 t Slttitl'.' l at en C .',211} S. AIlain treet.CCCI t andi $2.Co. lis timps in ciy. ci Sikillc cdwrk1.jni to do yoruntchul r' Ica ' /n, Store,AI,111iti l-CC. 'No combination in Larrups==No advance in price. I c 'II, 'Iec~o. . . . . . . . .25. IiCi No. . . . . . . . 1.40.nIjt 'We sell the best Lamps made and f 6r less money than a- y other shouse in this market. Stiltc 214 South DEAN & CO. Ass Arbor \ S9(itr Main St. Michigan "~er1.' t..'1. . ,~, .iM r+.s ,tW ~ ..n. nl.v~i' .+ire1uii a .r. r + ~.,i .-ed lt S TUTTLE SERVES HOT LUNCH AT SF W W 338 S. STATE ST. wsr SE S TnlE FARMERS AND MECRANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital, $it.nto, srpss asd Profts, $6,000 Does anGeeral hasing tBusiiess anid Pay R pr rent llcicstionair 'tur nnd Suings D 4 Ysts aet eosi oes to rent ,. fis ute, Pret. W. C.'. OeVNitS, Vice-Pres. I'. it. fleso, Cash. H. A. tWILIAMSi Ast. COOK HOUSE Opp'ttie Court tHorse Sqare FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHES $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 Stcam tHeat arid letir A:ightseriier SUNDAY DrIlissA LELeeTirY t0c E iuch Variderllp fI. Ga,.l., Pra"s. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank C'apital storc', $,0000. Srpin', C1000 A General Basking Itusinsn Trasated ilesiroito Cla. . tHiscoc' relr. rr W. 1. Htarrimrai. Vice.'Ptes.:t t. S1Friz. Cnshir FINE LUNYCHES We. Carry tntie 'et lino 'of t'Iiltttt. IllST- &~t'. tMP'OUTED'lCinarri.".ai D om~restic ' &:Imprte'dlCigars. A ilrllll lineof ll. s r&ll., aticl.n We', V i'l. rlS S. s.also fr ci,,J51' &150 i 5I1,'II1 'S'. Ihur rr.rOlritilION-titlNS. S. E. JOLLY. Stats St. Ohio Central Lines D)tICI LINE TOLEDO to COLUMBUS Parlor Cars on all Trains FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ann Arbor, Mich. S. iW. Cltrksornr Cahie Caipitai l 00,000. Surplusi'and r orilslia.10,00( PURE SILK BRIGHTON Flat Clasp arters mrikh yooc "cnurse" es.yMate of ne iu tr pw ilkttwteb, rmecaniptrit eairly oitleliti, t'crfctly iat, cnmfrntable,ajsabtleli. Lsok for iaimicouigntcrclaspriandlnox. PIONEER , SUSPENDER -. Mer Philadelphia j .andrs 250 PAIR =CIGET- SCH LEEDE'S Tempery Loose Leaf Bin- der for Note Taking. tir iFer saml. In.ret ti prrpounitwo poundsil CALL ON US F. J. SCHLEEDE 240 S. State St Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds orirothe tpersonal Jprrperty. Watces and Joeelry retpaired. hargain'sin Watcecs &/k iattloda ltitr' tt resideceRai. Libery St Ann Arborr. flours: or llrIt80ta. am., Ito,03:'30iaidl7 cr 03p. i. ArtL ItSIesS ra'. rIsiiDENIAsr JOSEPH C. WATTS Do you have trouble with your Cuts? Try the 'New Process" Plates of the CHICAGO ENGRAVING CO. Send trial nrerthrnugh us A. M. SMITH Over Wahr's onwntnwn Bonkstore ii < rliir !c 'iri ii. etrel Stir- - 3 vlyrp ii . I tillcr'. Jewvelry C'Ii Ia 11 trut 111), ItDC~tl & O. S 21 V :, _ a 1 i --C ~h~®er boew ___.$4.0 For MIEN and WOMEN See our %A indows for the latest Styles and Patterns in Waterproof Shoes. Heavy Tar Tanis or B 1lack Leathers, double soles thorox xhly viscolized, balace tongues, military heels and large eyelets for rawhide laces. Three different styles of highart shoes at $4.00 $5.00 and $6.00. Walk=Over Shoe Co. R. J. HOFFSTETTER, Mgr. 111 5. Main St. q, 9FREE SHINESut I r I t 1 ALE XANDER & COMPANY' POR TRAIT URE All Kinds of Photographic Special Attention given to work Work. for Amateurs. HEN NING BLOCK, COR. E. HURON & FOURTH AVE. -T A's NEVLER UNI)LRSOLD--GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE