THE MiC14TGAN DAIL V ILA L F-TO0NE Sf and ZINC ETCHINGS Lower so Price Better in Quality Ask A. M. SMITH i Ann Arbor Savings an niock The Ann Arbor Savings Bank1 Capita]olso, t50000 Surpus j.ico,fio,00 P eorees ",22,00,000 A GenralsBankngitBusnesrsTranscetd l3riwanVice Pe';, ' i Fitzt. Castie Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, Fith Ave Ne Phone 47 BaiPhn40- WANT E D hade ict11 topityi to Itoold htc ill T l'coh iin teral t e h si- GEO. J. 1HALLLER~i- (M CO. t 1 Tii Campus Barber Shop . A. MOE, 705 N. Unit ersity Ave 1h, 1111E FARMRIS AND MEICANICS BANK i. MAIN AND HURON STEiETS \1 Capital, $50,000, Surplus and Prots, $65,000 DosaGn0a 3al~n;Bsns n a 3 peete t oeest o 'lun tt d Sovings IDepoitts. Sfty deptosit BtieScoto ccitt at $.0 adlplail's I t.lKnIPF,tPes. W .Si V NSo, Vce-Pr es. F. i. BPoti, Cah. ktA. NIiI Am;l At . oo The Ceebrated BLOWn MRUMIS MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 S. Main St. STRING Italian, German, and of American Manufacture FOR At. ST'RItNtiEDINS ITRtMFN to REiiAONAtILE PRICES. \ SCHAEERLE & SON ~ 114 W. Liberty St. ANN AtBOtRl En~och Dietele Embalmer and Funeral Director Ambulance--Calls ateadel day or nihot. o Pontce Ott4. Ant Abort c. ALARM CLCKS F'1.00y toaa$1.50e $10 Fuly $1.50ee [ urP ol tliir C I ii 1reOw es onad fote oney.Pine wa0111epirin see ily J.L Chapman, 206 S Main St You cas,sget as Hot Lunch At T'sttle's, 338 S Staet League Baseball Reports Received by Innings lDaily At HUSTON BROTHERS' I I I1' I,. P. & Co., N.V SOIPNE young men still go to the merchant tailor. Don't blame them---up to the time they see College Brand Clothes. After THAT it's oinly a waste of time and money to " order-to-measure." Togs Meant Just For Smart, Nobby Chaps just below the " 25-year limit." Extreme in the eyes of elder men, who WON'T and CAN'T wear them, because THEY look as much out of place in these radically fashioned garnments as younger fellows appear in usual men's suits. Not as high priced as they are high classed. STAEBIELER %011WUEvRTH r. C'inal i nt c tint ofi theiye ar I, in, tielt cation _because _of Iph lutrooms, t 'ici ct i ity al, ncicicict3er. )C l ic i-a 's law llt''wi l pt'' i pe a-'ccist w ek '' iiic 11110 lii 1a111)r. . 1 . . 1 I t , 1 ci it \II tty lt ith lil ii cittie ,-cs.t (>f 1itt illiii citt p c s ca . IX Peace wi tld tscuss te Illinois1 An~u- Mor law late- dl ar 'et' oi th 1 pcn1 o rtofthtitae At th cloe ofthe rst o .theIwo-tl troftheir0 ttnta tinl fr 1telity.I ticic it 11111as thee chptersat11ncI s Iw Thc Arin Arbotr Press (forccorly Por- kcr & Sitydecr) rintosolfde Mcticgacc 1)11ilyTe Al inlllI ldcetXYost's great cook otictbaitclllIhe T eccnic, S. Oiial'o6'e M i~eciigtc 'ilosoldoiily -it 'ct Situdtlec Shop, hlc I 1. ',Wiliacc tias cll fir J. MOinles. 10 Cltosamanaendcutemet 332h 5csnu, at y. B APccitelr Mark, SSON SuspNNG eYrs. i !MION[Y LOANED andCll ateraltsecurity. W. J. LOVRIM 104 4th Avce. iOpposite Cour ot use Two doors southctf new Y.11.C.A. PreIcF lttccec8':30 to 11:10; 1to5 Eness Stty Confidential A. G. SPALDJING & BROS. Loretnfaotrelieseoiiinte INei o OfiilAIt leii uppt' s Base Ball, Lawn Tennis Foot Ball Archery Roque Golf Quois Cricket Lacrosse Croquet Impleentesnfor allStsrn "ic erea iqcaretierof a on tttey Spaltiigo Trade-Mark T '"Z) on Base BStl111111plemenitshao \j 4ts~i f c';eyetoeedvaceentof l ( ei ' teo stoa'icMarlort5. "so cu't' Spuading 's 'rade tort ccc ycti Al iteli' letic 'cp ec'cts ;leou an ccti clt'ctteovtic it ot er layer, ast o u havctice Ia iitit' Oartit'e i ts', ;r ' ttclte sitFr ee 1,1 A. G. SPALDING M'~ BROS. SNorkCI "o SnFacco Engraved Cards Seniors, Leave Your Orders Early. 22 STYLES TO SELECT FROM e Script, Frencts Script, 'Tittany Script Shaded, Tittany Sceipot, Romn,Gtici, Sthaded Otit Eng- ioh, Shaded tRomanu, Frencth iomnnsGthic, w ith hair tine shude. From $1.25 to $4.00 for 10lt Cards andit Pate. 1110 Cards from Plate, 75cts lHOS. II. SLATER Hookseiler and Statioeer- 116 South Main Street ilans hav te ieei leerfeetedi twherebcy C. A, lanookbtc, ete., ete., are peicilee ,n, Ariw tl]son 1hve 11ie ewtcoctthe studlentccody 117 0 E. sili WashIs titti i II I o e omn Ctlit ton street.,t ) iii titm an1d11 0111i he known as St i t a; 1i i 111111 ltOffitital'tillsenior eshileilds tice ceadviforli A ie fe;;tace ias b111111 1111 lilverIy'attdIate $2.0.cDonicIt't aytto-e. lmcit'llatiltelibsettator ionth'bow Teseate te test tind uitly offlicil ese. tlt ill ccitt iici" lie IIi tto i ert ,'tall for' rers iccmceitely . i M. hic oi epetedi iiit, ttomanidel to pipiies ice elilere. NYe StudetShop. t1 1~ol (; ai will e b oen taito ic t al n te b iii it crtslidt o ,iii Sutls pressedt, 25eC; tretusers, tOt. wipeim i t rl eomtiticteoe leFuller & O'Connor. tf i A A" A-A A-A It - OXFORDS OXEODOS OXFORDS -FOR MEN AND WOMEN . Better than ever this season. See our Windowc for the new Strap Reinvforcemrenit around top of ourI "len's Oxfords. This prevents all stretching, slipping and enlarging around the ankle. The only $4.oo low shoe on the market with this reinforcement. ' -Walk- Over Shoe Company ee,o 111 Souzth Mai Street. i FINYE LUNHCHES 'ce eaery lte largesttineoefcTURKIStHto DOc MES't'tti'&_ 'PtcO'l'TItcCigarettes and Domtin c te.IccipteetCigaes. A teiitplet Brieeoftill snottitili arlieeo, OWe are e fue PeeccoeiI & ICo., LtoIMAN& Co. t l PIPES, alstt foe ST'AeiV'S & SCIIA FEPE'S ficcotttulate BON-BONS. R. E. JOLLY. Stator St. Ohio CemtraI Lines PARLOR CARS Cafe Serrvice bltweeTol edtc, iCot tiitittontd tttttletct D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY Seciatl Car oot ticlioit i, SaItii., ndevery twoi hiors uniil 811p.Im. Sicial Caaieocltoeh8:30ci0t5'. Il., artlcevery two }louirs, until8:30 P. M.i ]louteoal seevcetotc, to 9:15 p. mi., te I Iditt. Two-ftourelcal oseiee t to11:15p. to Burnt Corkj m! I The University of Chicago The(Iivesi ti ear o t i dividito tur qti ersc, AWcitheroiiiioeeiSummercclt'intcitAn-i eacon iJ anuaroy 'iA celill Iune O16,11.iand Octoberetot. Gradute ictitietitcc, otOfed tocc oolCli'iiii'thedn(Itetiti ite c ilioocl cf Scince tPrfesosiol itoctoic,clt'cc',d iniIt thDiity chooi.tthe Law Slcut RtuotshtMediicali ll'oe'('cli liicioi'iiandoI lleii SchltofEduatlci'on. Summitter,'euatt eott90, Juice 16 Septe'ctlie1. iest. cerm:i June'it- July 26l; Seconcd T'ierm:tulytit lAugtot31. Pegistra~titioi ermittedforlice leuetiie citar-t tet' otrfore ithterm x 1 anti e;t, arcreit isliv ie rcortk dotne. Spe'ii'al toutecxatie offe'edilfor Otehees., toincfoemtionadrei The UNIVERiSITYV05' iitiiAlit, Chticato iM. U "Amrateur Photog4raphers" We have opened a Developing and Printing Departmiient. Work handed us today, delivered to you tomorreow. TRY VS phose. Minh. 595-J VXA homea367 -R )E CO. Herndnrii l m i I- Cold Creesrm Eyebrow Peenells aititAll'totte Theoatrical Szspplies E. E. ICALKINS Druggist 320 Sosstis State Street m Wk 411F NEVER UNIDRSOLD--GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STOJI1