R~ Mi~A~4DAIL _______________________ i. no WILD 410. I I I I I THE LEADING Tailors n'hMakers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. FULL DRESS SUITIS A SPECALTY A. 3118S. States St. I Aznn Arbor, Mich. Tennis Rackets Made by Tryon and Wright & Ditson. Look and you'll agree with us that they are the best vat- 0e0 olftared in town. Gilenwood, full size frame, $2.00 Wyncliffe - - - $2.50 Longwood, new shape - $ 3.50 Campbell, new model - $ 5.00 Pint, the old favorite - $7.00 And Many Others Sheehan & Co's Students' Bookstore THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Entered as ed clss att at the Ace Arber Petfi. Published daily (Moday exceted dring the college year, at tt7 East Wahingono street. Belt phce 892. Hoe phoe e. Managing Edior, ARTHUR C. POUND Rusiness Maager, WALTER R. HANS EDTO R. News ............. . F. Steeotn Athletics.........Clarece E. Eldidge Exchage,.......Charle E. Wistead Wote..........Effie J. Arstotg FDITORIALO STAFF. Loas 1D. Stike Fali C. Parks ASSOCIATES. George A. Osone Harold C. Sith Robert H. Clncy Ferris N. Stith Hory F. Shlte Williocm A. MIuhro Glen D3 Bradley lery A. Motoey tier V. Lll Jnh F. Wur Floyd H. Joes RATES: la.eopee year, or $Ion it pad in adace Adress: WALTER R. ANS' Busnesn Mamager. 236 S. 12th St., Phne 8491L. Tti6,1SlAY, MAY 1, 196. Editor Today-Henry A. Mongotery. Just at reent the board of rget is acing theyprlblettof alloanstg the T _j.0Association 1(1 retai its;ta muial tititter olit, w._ At lie last meietig the regnts, actitg oin thretiiont of the Uniersty Ms tol society,ideceedi tla tie tmtsical numboler should le withrawnt. Aftr a hearing accorded Preiuent Clak, te regentisI withtdrew ;their fortter vote atad aid the tmattet n the table util te June tetaeting. Meawshlile the toii or- gan iatiiisa re layitg planfr the tice- sentationi f facts that will switg the regeitstoti their vies of the tmatter. This;is att interesting sittatio. 'Tie S. L. A. imisical utuler tteats Sisa atdtotitgelse. Ten actwvho man- age teLn tiersity Musical society do not atitriive of Sousaiad ii all likeli hiiocd will sbstitte soie other attac- tn fofialss pplarii aturitn iicae they arccstccesfunl. 'Ili nffcer; of the S. L A. till t- tuttoiisowi the regetts tat the Souta at the Cloarl t'tiion cocert;, as the ,minsical 'scit asert'. It fact they cloumthtat tte society Ito'; nade tore mtneay cliring the yers whnaetSosa iht. aypeard thunawhen le di not. The theory fr thi.seemis';ti he that attic of one hrind stimualates iiterest in the othtevariety. .As';a generli- stint it mtiyv le said that stetst as a rule lirioiular titsic the ratio de- creasing wit the letgtli of resideitce at college. Tht'tthis istrue is slowty the itrnaetse crowd that greet Sousa's anal aiearanc. The S. . A. offic ers ttaiitii that the witdrwal of this niiimtler inoiild criile the sellitg yower of their sesosnt tickets, sttig that Sousa hlpsy;temttbug their otela ttt- lie'. Mlean'hile the regent'; iast take uity this' trillemnthits inlittliol$tndaiilset - CIIlCA DtI I lPEAS XW',';= intsphnane. Therra hardly settle it t'iNSI N IN tDtAL X1MCCI' writhotut stpping oi soumeotae's tres';and iwhile we hoye it will ntutin the e- Tint Chcago trocd; temtt overwelmt- treetities of tie Stdetts' Ietlre Asso in teetedrisX'cotsin Saurtda it ciiati that are injirei,ie tst no 'a dad meti the finl score seng o to eriou ni ittagonisttabetwseentthe liwa 46 Pitrsonts, Wiconsin;slapritter,wasa' bioidiensawill le etigendered.iiot eligile to catipyte owilng to co- d_______________ iton.'Pie t unatisnr: PriulratnI Satrday of thinawee Ote hinitdred n td twet-yad high tic frenst-nuophtactivities take tlacead himdlii----Steffet, Ciciasgt.first Mc sac ince rely hopye that sll titderlass- Avoy, Cicag, anti Nataic, XWiscon- ieniwnill ete;riiintte slii;of tl i'a n, tid fr scndti. 'Timte-:6 25. affair aniljoin iiintie syort nwtithtie Gae ntdednarnI dash-XWale, Wi- utttost entlnn'is. a n l ~ay itt this wasy cisiiiflet; \enill Chicago, secnd;n cntie coittests Inctianic a success. That'Piomery,.Chitue,iithind. ii tte-:l Studeniit Contcil andnitie comamittees of Oteaile ritttlnkmtieageXWiscia lie tntiscontestiung cassen iae eeta sini.flst; Antersotn.tiC;igo, seciad; wouring tarnd r tie ast to taottst'.. I. C Iattlo'ia Chicargonntittd. Timae an it i in entlytipr~aoerthat the tnt --4:45 2-5. ii;rclas.nushowahlireapptreciationtbyha' ourne tned nd tefiyyardecirunt- ititing iouiandshinn n iagtheir c'iss';'XierriauntantilTinylrCint;agi, tit fr spiilenrt;ifidea t XXWionsinthird. Timea 'Te sutcces of tese cintetnshioes not -: t -5. ret awitte uneclassmanutalotie. 'lie Two huiiinidrted amu twentyt-yardliasinh- contestsa nare;'arranged fine Freshmattiat Xsller, WXscninnnfiest; Merrill, Ci- anndlSnophomotarne. and upipecasstmen cag, seond:Nlerr; iin Cicag,. tid. 'ishouldnkeepttiely 'oat of tie strifeTitte;-:23. Onaly inn this wy anO sn thtie contets yrove Dinnun menos-PtaylChicagofSet sunccssfunl. et eey loyal 'oS8 ind ' i MesineX'Wicninsec';;ondn Rtss'el thau n';e nna l~n when tie itte otaes. Chiagsnmthird.Ditnce-14 feet 23-4 inn ntrive fr tiehonorneof hisi'class andinchaen; let ite litniersandthsenirs inc tatecia Ple vautlt-Idiinigs ntl1 enneliry, apreiaiv nsectasn. Cliago'intied frfat; VMcMile, Vis- __________________thci. igini it feet. Talc ciy onfficials iaeputu np ignts Sioi';put- a'y,.Cicana firs; Rliii- requesctinig tine'pnnblicinn ects sf thtie'sel Chiicgoseco; iiStionotitter Ciii gras';snltng tie Nalt;; Most sudntcinagoinntird. n'tin;; 313feet t3- are faitliar wti tin;'egeominericalteini- ini';'; ciii that traighnt line i tie shortestoh';- ITno-i leirucni-Klonk, 6hincgi, fisn inn1 aen'mintciHeari;inn scon.sittit, sond; Schleid gnI1j.. Ii nno itacingisorcasiidi. Prins cgo, itit. fimae-to:42-i lien shouinld hainsin rmsid~eationnn rtheii h ianmer t--Prry, Chictago,.fiet; 1effort thtinins enug mail;'to maet t; Xi iassnn C iascn;n Mesaar, tciy attrctive,' XXicnsntniinthir. lDitunc-tbt feet 1 Yesterdasy tie 'off Miciu W ignensiatt was I thn anisSchna nit nd itlRicars,; teaethonunsathe'inn all tie deartitentns CuiconndtshCisasen. XWicon'in, ti'd ad callend forth tiesarval ind coainsorfti s. IIHeight-; feet S mche'. mienatioanninf ll satns ierusen it. Tie Ruinnig lbroadi jump-~,Vsnitieee. sniu;'er'ity' shouldisijusly ise'pro iiof tint; W iiscnn h ~i tanirt; 'om rit, Chicags, Yea'aintntual. Greaticredeitiinshinue tie seoindni Sclnnutnnr. iChicag, t. senirs forte tie tncspentuinn so crei nt i aace feel Sinches. abile asor. - itUNtIR LAWX CANIDAT).'ES INTERCi,.SS CONTESTS FOR OOTBCA iLL M.N.X(',E ENCITE iNTE.REt The j unnirulawsa ss';mbedticn te tun 1nentnie is rentusi'.stsic, sututheii;buiildingti musedasy afenoonit t 2 :30 lo coigfreshi-sssyiacontesspms eato1s notutnu t; cndsiatens forftbaslsiiniusut le inteinely intere-;stinmg. Sundauty after- ag.T heli;'fllomig menetiter ainttdt tnon tiesffiilshiedsa metiguha d inlo Bentet; ttl1Fi. -Ilhisuiu nthbX. itale i ntsliarrangemettis fr theite u;leic er rIiniuhi. Vic-reisie'nt Mattnicy foe surem'acy. Everythhig pyiniits to hreienu auotctntes stith utllagree thattint'; till he te igges t unecas; isttil; .CUPID AAI N Al' X'ORK hatthasitaken lat-mc fine yess. hIt afewimaythoe in-onshnbalindtlemltin;' Cupit halstagin itstoenint1o10 uh er- inuaont'. to he crrieriby hutie contes- sit'. circles a'n carriedi off finite captiet ants inthe obtusacle race will inc di'-leirts. Lasut tFria ight tie P1et tiayed hum auSaste eet awindown. Ever Philhull sulittle miuse sry, ath M'; since Peingy ight tie sisis have een HeleciiC. Brigg; tutuMiss Elzabeti . uni a still Iunut for that cvetecd rck, M\iler f tatnu sooriteltioh the tppor tit ntitinitg Ito'.yet ciutne of Ither searcht ttityhgof anosucing their enggemtaems. sndth ie freshmuen sre sill confdentuthut 'lie happiymiemn sre Ralhain iiiesueci.r'b thney anil rventuanslhribe- tbeut hurt'thelit-tuS tumedicsaith Flvoyd 7M. Freceman, ich in the camu~s. '0S uirdic. 'lie quaritetetare illintg -followetr;s uof Cuidsaluing tie prirose'. Colgsate intiversity hus abioised oam- intil. toegfruomt it'; curriculumu, regarditng it as mtctnucivie tha praescticsal ternt of LOST-''ThetsDelets Cii spu. Re- mindt. atn tuoee essential thetanusic. tnu 1o 910 Curinullypsace. f U SENIORS! We will print too cards, eitlher ladies' or gentle. maln's stze, tn any style Script, Block, or Old Etnglish types, as fol- lows: ,MR. WL1IAM W. RUSSELr for only 75c Othter sizes of type if de- sired. Leave orders at WAHR'S The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. Brief Making and the Use of Law Books A book every law studet antd yonng lawyer shotuld have. Price, $2.00 Cash or Exchange for your Law or Iledical Books C. E. BARTHELL Phone 701 326 Sooth State Street, Ann Arhor, Mich. Special Prices on Leather Pillows Inclnding 1IICH IGAN SEAL Unitll Aprillo1t DARLING & fIALLEAUX 224.226 S. State St I I 1 1 Be Fair to your face and your face -will be fair and shavinag a pleasutre. Always use WILLIAMS' SHATPICx Students' Lecture Association BIG OPEN NUMBER Sir Chontuug Liallg Cheng Wednesday, May 16 Single Admission, a 50 Ce THE "VARSITY" SOFT COLLAR Trade Mark Registered The Neglige Collar The latest writnkle in thte collar Xworld is the high doutble soft collar, worn with a soft shirt and held together with a gold safety pin crossing under the fon-i-hatnd. It can he worn with say kind of a tie and is both comfortable and smart. The idea has met with great approval. Ottr first shipmnent was soon exhansted attd we were conmpelled to re-order. This second shipmtent is now ready for ou~r cnstolmers. We have thtem lin botht the blne atnd white. At the ComwOp The Store of the Students by the Student, and for the Students. 4m i ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Trw..tn..a Loa..vsAnn....Arboer Going North 9:05 a. to. and 4:35 p. nm. GoingSouthb7In20 a. mtol11:35a. no. andt7:33p. tm. J. J. KIRBY., SW. T. WILLS. Goa'l Pass. Agent, Agoat, Toledo, Ohto Ann Arbor, !tich Bell phone 135-1re Hoeiephone 18 ,VX1oHw6AN CENT' AL "e N fiagara Falls Rotte Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through Teatns. East-8.18 a. nm., 1.00 p. to. 4.55 p. mo., 0.10 p. no.11.05 p. o. Locals East-S0S actm., *ll.IS a. mo., 04.05 p.ct. Through Trains Wes-2.07 a to~,7.58 a. to., 0.10 a. mn., 2.33p. no. 10.20 p. mc. Locals West-224 a'.to., 08.20 a.to., 01.600p. no., *6.10p, nm. l*lsEecpt Snayt.) Connectiens at Chicago foerS. Louis KansasnCity and the West.- W. W. CASE, Agent, Ass Arbnr CJG ARS, TOBACCO, CANNES .1 1i THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST