TI-It MICHIGAN DAILY [ or Art and' Skill in Tailoring Call oft SAM BUCFED& CO. The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HURONY STREET Men's FineFr-ishiris All godsin tothis sstoresfo ilih e sstnd sponotut possesst as promitiifeatures, Style. Qoolity at-ad value. In e' Fuorns'hinigs these'chsat' irit',s are paricutlarly noticeable. Collars, Cujffs, Neckties, Negligee Shirts Underwear, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Jewelry. In all the Nattiest, Newes''t. latst t es MACK t(" COMPANY .. .......................... H A LF-TO0NE S and ZINC ETCHINGS Lower in Price Better in Quality Ask A. M. SMITH 11 Ann Arbor Savings Benk Block STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V.Sieha Wm Arnol Ci. V. C.Vaughan Jas. H.SWade E. F Mishu N. J.Kyer john Hareri .Tno. Koch IProf. 11iS. Cathaort D~an iF. Zimstoeroan Christiaonlartins i i i 4 1 i- i ALLEN, THE CLOTIIIER, MAIN ST3 Advance Styles in Spring Clothing Now Ready. Youngs Hats, Spring Shapes. "None Better Made" MON[Y LOANEID ad ci l ighGlass Chattei aid iCollterai secusilip W. J. LOURIM iO4dai rAoe. OposeiteCourouse Tw doorssouti otatewV.B.C. A. ii tii Ioltis' 4:30to 1i:0; Ito 5 .Business Stty C.onfidrrntial A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Earnest iltttttttiito5'rs intlt iVtrtti Base Blall, Lawn Tennis Foot Ball Archery Roque Golf Quoits Cricket Lacrosse Croquet -tIleentsslforall Sports. tutry Spaldingos Tradr-Mark :- sonBase Ball titletttetts ihas t{ : eools andttlfel. /- , Spaldingos Trade-tlark o yot Athletic. 1 tiiststiottt N-: o Inadataco the5 otrayr Isyuhv Engr avtced Iss on FRESH STRAWBERRIES Served daiuy Sitdais vex- cepted )in(sh est, Plops Diiir LeimointantdIIOage fruiit) tie o-cot. thir ist iptistIchrs. TWOt'1RFCOVRDiS BROIKE2 I\ V.\RSIl I 'I II 1)1)AY X (Cn iue 'stilrilm P rsg ; O ite.) o-V 15 'ds -Se atfirti Dae l ill i r 4in I itt I lii l iii ci .11:1;1New ii lilt It ii 22 -yr It'l Good in, f irs ti Sche 'k Ii QUARRY'S I I Drug Store wih t cript 1 t o ll te i C iga l itiOff itci tl'06 tMichia 'al s soldoil y h ,tailatIte Sitent Shop,611 . llllia Ill ltsdli ttit t t tril vt 15cl1' 1sclic t poe oior laws ind c ol aw -iththeresltsofhe____ t Asusul ople thecll oilJ. M. iti ies lietf Itd~ no prdctsi'1 ins asto ,11the du li', \\-~ 111111 Iiseetet o belIC n irc lt ii i 1II i Civer the l hrle /sad tht CI lOC iie % ii" rn in even lit. tle. Theit. h i nl - -d111 Sorro d~a and p livalt had'ittti o Vt.anelldX vittCMreS., Sesce in to the tvind whic kep hlmvlt7 ade abigphi t ita cleg mn (NIORS leaaetsorhorilerinforeCPS dA They OWN i-o6 stuop shilstockshieldglyArood'syN Be sureiyeuryestore.rifhF o n n o t dia liverly tsoil tire $).oo' . 1i,11i0 ply11 r u e i t for oriealers iand sedoel j 91 rde an ti . I,)\rtillnd h eoseer e tiettraop1ii A F. LO V ELL tti ls iofrvl. oru cit savesl$t3itr A t I iti I h ) pr c . Fuler&in c oi is p Pii i C X onee& VI NIN , ew or lI~nS sreet. i I Strawberries Ice Creamf Sherbets Frogs' Legs Club Salldwiches Chicken Large, Thick, Juicy Steaks and the best of everything n season, at Oyster Bay BOTH PHONES 467 315 So. State St. I I Ji (M huil1l 11111ool Iiitur-miileCraCC in it\Ia: 111n11ii'cr(-ICIspec~ittor it 31''- Ainiexetin ize, b' ut Ithaill ch IWadharrisCo. Panama Hats Stra, w Hats W;%.sh Ties All the Newest in Belts A Large Assortmemnt irk NEGLIGEE SHIRTS ajmd HOSIERY Wadhgmrs (.ACo. 121 ia.nd 123 South Mainx Street I. i i i I I ucI u Seniors, Leave Your Orders Early. 22 STYLES TO SELECT FROM Script, French script,'Tiffoay Scripe Shodd a, 'Tiffony Scrit, Romeano tia Shoded Old atg= lsh, Shaded doman, Frnc RfomantGothic,w it h ihairtin shade, Fromn $1.25 to $4.00 100 1Cords from Pdate, 75cts THOS. H. SLATER Bookseller and Stationer 116 South Mdin Street FINE ILUNCHES ii carryythet'latrgest l'itof'iURISH-tl, I)tiMES'IIti&VIMSllOliI'liDiCigaetters aid li~tiiioC& Imorteid Cigars. A icomtplet ltie itf tll smintg arties. tie 5are a e fori 1laei:lia&t.'o., LINaKMANo&iCO. LrJ P11)1,'H, also fot ' 'CAt'Y'S & StlAit lEE'S flie colatesBOItN-BONS. R. E. JOLLY. State St. Ohio Central Lines PARLOR. CARS oit allh tilts btwi lTt o tledo tantdiColmbus Cafe Servic e betwteenTslidos Volumbus and D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY Spciial CrstoIttoit t .,andteveip itwo fliorsunil8 p. ini. Speiatl Casto.)so n 8t s:Wsa. In., andievery two turs until~lOII. Ill. ,orlclser'vic'e to liiitasit 6i:15I~ II., to 9:15 p. to., theat 11t15. Two-orlocoal sericto iJachson 7:15to. in. toi 11:15 p.n. WAITING ROOMRO lllN 05. WT OFMtIeNii. B urntCo rk Grease Painrt Cold Crew.mr Eyebrow Pencils aotlitt Thaeatrical S~appliea E. E. CALKINS Dr g~ist 320 South State Street We Have Caps and. Gowns to Fit at Studio CAP and GOWN PORTRAITS Senior Rates (Given on these Photos HIAIe. 3e7 9-J A IX D Q. 4 Ph6n M -h. RAL AACOO i: LUHerndtiingBlk. II WL~ 4.31? NI 'VER UNDERSOLD--- GOOD YEAR'S DRUG S217OJt1~ WE 42E N.EVWId UATRE.RS04D--- GOOD YEAR'S DR UGt S TORli