1 I flocking Valley Ry. I, CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Carson Day Trains SIlepinsg Cars on Night Trains Union Depots:ein Toledo and Co- lumbus I 4 New Shoe Styles for College Men- If al the people who boy shoes were as par- ticular about style as most college men are, the Regal factory would have to double up its capac- ity again thi s year. Clean-cut, snappy style is the first thing that sells the Regal to 12 new customers, and always has been. Solid, honest wear, and permanent retention of shape ____________have been the means of IPEG ~.making 'svpa'rcusctsom- _I ers out of sew ones. I MONDAY 2 TUESDAY 3 t, Y WEDNESDAY 4 4 r. THURSDAY 5 N FRIDAY6:' SATURDAY 7' Euvery Day This store grows more popular. Why? Because ottr valtues in reliable :. , Clothing and Furnishings are unequaled anywhere. It will pay you to investigate these offer tug of younig mei's suits, overcoats aiid rain coats. EULE, CONLIN'& FIEGEL $4.00 q44 A tyeical Feith Avenue nodei. ,Made of strong. bell- lianit 1Patent Leather. Spade sole with flat tread. Black leather quarter linlig. Fifty-Eight New Spring Regal Styles The only shoe isnsquarte S. E. CLARK, 32' Campus Martlua Detroit, Mich. J F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Glas andI Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. BLEY & EDMUNDS BA5portirini GoOs 21 Est Liberty Street. r T{... QM..n MK, Am I It 1 AM t_ - R ELiTe Soer Ye Stud~ent Shop UK_______________________ that proves- 610 E. Wlih t"~ St. Sole Agets r- To Engage the Assembly Rooms or Orchestra, call at Granger's Academy Office, 312 Maynard Street OAths' resdeceiss'connseted with the looldisa. callers ore reslne-tesl to as- pounce theslves. Pleasesrng I FURNISiHING 6'DUPk" New Colorings ."IN NCWA IN HOSIERY New Styles IN COAS HENRY and KYER I II i __ I Suits and Overcoats ( nim~Untia(nnn Buy Direct and Save To Measure $1.0$80y' ~IU.k 1L11~UIIUI Money. 118.=120 E. Liberty. From 6.oto $80 osLes ltu gCona I r U. of M4. BARBER SHOP Photographer RL-NTSCHILER 319 E. Huron R A N D A L L Trojonowski State St. P H OTO G RA PH 13 R UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Thlere asill be noc meetinsg of tse Alplha Nuotisswseelk ons accuntsslof lie lav festival. C. l?.1H11ll. Pree. \l eclissy of iisgasscssiass boardl of cotosrolasil1libe heldi Tisrslay,lay 17, at os'closck, for pursess of elcisng a busissess manager asnd smanaginig eudior for lhe l907 Siiclsigasscsans. Assy j tuu- or ssudent esirissg toibelcseasiiatse forse of iithese oficees pleaseIsasnuihis samesisit tllsa ssemondumis inissicatisng wicihs sfficelie iseefers, so asny smesmber ofuthe Ioardl heforesch sesmaeeting. r, z? ' I TJTSED wherever connoisseurs gather, and on every occasion where good taste and courtesy demand the best ! MURAD CIGARETES have exclusively proven that fine Turkish Cigarettes may possess both richness and mildness, and in the combination of the two, present a flavor and aroma never equaled before. 10 for 15 Cents DATI NL'sUlNCH tNOTICE. Else Dilby isoairdi sillsslschat Oyster Bay at 12 :45 tuosby. Posisi. LOST-- Glasses ais ease. Retains ts 9r5 FlusrostAret. Restard. 59-60 FOR1 SALE AT COST-Slay Pea- tsval ticket for conscert Saturday after- nsoss. Sealtcisc crassfromna balcay rail. mdlectioni. TIelephlonse 8491,. ;O1 Try Phelps' Perfection chsocolate psiffs' and chips at Cushing's pharmacy. Hildeeth's genuine velvet kisses at Cushinsg's. Glasses repaired. -Eyes carefully fitted and tested. GEORGE HALLER, Mails St. j:Itit1uckY Wr- ilstsrates the trsaumph of cereal foods sea the btuildisng of s stturdy sod sodas- triorce ite s J5apaiin rals iind "' ..dritdfisslah. isss aySbsct is aosi- fourth rice 'sod three-fourthas %het. Intoe tlasaking ci history-5WIsat , ,o l ass alsa a arsusspheatoearccMeata. Batithess actseat'sas lieaitfobos sore ayon ire getting the asholewas srt ini digestible form.ITlatsa SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT a builder of brawvn and hrain-kaeeps slat stonsich scent and clean and the howsels healthy aind active. IlliJoin she " Pore Food Movement' by eating Shredded Wheat, the cleanest, purest, msiat nautritious cereal food made in the wsorld. The avhite flour miller gives you the starch in she wheat berry, discarding the outer leali- formiing elemaents. You can't make msucle sac brain out of starch. In the shredding process ALL thse flesh-formaisng, strenagth-giving ele- msenats, stored in ther whole whieat berry are presented IN DIGESTIBLE. FORM. +r Shredded Wheat is made in two forms, BISCUIT and TRISCUIT. The BISCUIT is delicious lee breakfast with hot or told milk or cream, or for any meal °s combination with fruit and vegetables. TRISCUI" is the shredded whole wheat cracker, crisp, nourish- isg and appetizuing. Delicious as a toast with bev- erages or with cheese or preserves. The' Vital Questiuon CokBookis entsfereetforhe asking "It's All in the Shreds" THE NATURAL FOOD C'Niagara Falls N. 3l r \VA.NEE'!D-A good husky asudesni whso is used to. fasrm work sialdaslic is snol afraidt (f asorka. Sasch a 1155hailsa find a giod place thsrosigh lie asussair vacatisuns iy ashressig ".B1.," Saline, Itn tcis..-.s By mai pseo.Paid-If yoelrssndzcfrtea7 AIA d/RAMAY, 2oe2ees; .ter . for ,fijt Fifth Av 1Macad Cigarettes at your r;$ J~r ude STUDENIS WANT[ED 1X5.00 to$lO.515 per day, selling FARM BOOK. KEEPING. Best seller ever uttered. Ravey Z ~ ork iiL J farmer buys see. A year's espenses siade iii a couple of mouths during vacation. Wiete immediately, statingch'Ioice of territory. FARM RECORD, Northfield, Minn. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING