ir~t MICHIGAN DAILY HA F-TO0N E S ,,,;....;,...+,.: and- We Have the Finest and Most Complete Showing of and ~Shirts in the City. ON OA ZINC ETCHINGS ___________ ____II Loe nPieIjFyou haven't any particular sort of suit in mind, sup ' and,l iItcal'os cty Better in Quity pose you drop around at yorliueadsesut .L UI Bete i Qalt that have YOU in mind. If you're a YOUNGma R+:WJ.L VI .r I you'll get " chummy'' right off the reel with I 4h AceOposiCort ooseU' Ask . M SMIH To doosot f nwYM CA As1.!.S IT Or (0 tc ons;:?:0 to 1130 to 5 The Ann Arbor Savings Bank ' CLOTHES AGSADN RS ropitai stock, 40000. urpus, $200, 000 i C 11 v Just and justly for chaps around maturity. Made a great 1( . I co MnSloolmio e, I the(Wold Rtesour ces $-4,00,000_ A eea akn uiesTnsacted deal etter, styled a mighty sight smarter, ut in price C [i(SIAh~tI A orern Bokin Buines rns~cr 'riBseBall Lawn Tennis Foot Ball lreIcaEOO'Clas. F. Hseock. pres., w. TI not at all higher than the ")almosts " of designers who;arhy RouGofQit Harian veepes: .cahir ?t; E ( + -( try t make the e models do for old and young men c .,t. C.ricket Lacrosse Croquet R~owe's Laundry 2 JUST RECEIYED-Another Lot of NEW SIFHATS. 4 inrtertantren en Thomas Rowe, Proprietor { . f l.,.," l,, , n (b1dhe advanocementof ( 32 N Ffh ve his palci olIc saw((r. 32 ,FthAee~STA EBLE R W UEyT R TH) c,( (Oreqitfo Lswn Meo Phone 457 Ten1n oOCSri ndG'olf'r.-lt SpldMin s rae Hark on I) ' as yc a lot e s r l rm. leo. ats ogr bbbn1c llel(dividendP payingfytstook.\S amd rIn-, c el]1. oon ,tct din [ )ticia11 6(l ieh~ligo cal; soli lly C1 Ocl +c --- . aprI e ods(11oewo a adAA 0 AFli .1ChI)e ~i leoo adn o muooccliat1'e StdltSh11 op1 ,1(00 ilimo.oo PADi j'o c(og C, BOm S~,so GEO. J. HALLER eU CO. jProfessor lFaoeohan, w(('11a1 bnc moo hie 11(1. Pro feor FOne ld oc loc 111 cellfcc- J. ie. one f Campus Barber Shop 1 te l. a 1t,c0ofVermot, an(111 .A.MOE, 705 N. Uni erity Ave ae 11 cl, l rilcn to t ~ ' 1C) E n gra v e d 'liclg c l n nayoft Ne tot'c 0 110. Cand 1111111d t ____rs s_ THlE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK adt Inw nt abroad I I1,e1too1 ilia de- 111,1111lb cu lhe ) iee ot MAIN AND HURON STREETS I C 1101. t (he ( li esi yoloof 1111 0C111ardsoe bgIt'1 clc copitut. $50000, Surplus and Prfitis$650Ott 0.0(111 1110 (I (bIll (01(0sec- I,,)l ,11cc 1111d 0 lnleo ellO clc a'ttracob Plt ooo poce, adjustblel,m ti IDoesotooco I I3alost uins dPa s, ilto07 10 l 110111111( l 11. e c1 liell c:1 pr c t c el h l,l 31 cbtI _______ 'i prscetinteetonTepo a d 0Savings1i lo thi lnIo ta op it lt te 1 . the sock~os sgle, neaty e l- at 1' 00 toOpwocds Iltiltl nI'o 1b 1III oso7( ..lllto'0 , Seniors, Leave Ytur The Ceiebo-ated 01, )t re I11tl l'ocoidlion co'tI'(101I I .llotlo Stem ot Co., l (11'uc 111111 111.01 hul C stIOll 1Jo 11innal__ _ t (~" 1 1 II 1011i (l(.011 mo T/ SELEoCT FROM TrAuNes t h Dl)vr U lght ORul1(111c11 1tcal 1ch1 1 Pioneer0SMi smripSiProosh riip,,Initials and lasting.___________________ 1101.1 \\ cdo'cI d t). ceothRs ton, t ;tt5 Chuestht Olditss Crwn, nltc e o he.ofl o ur o ol Scto r eseo 2O colscs 10. uper ., t , lo Srit S hated, d iRou ySes, crinpt, phitdo. . Rumne, Gotti, with hir li ' S'J7IiseuathJ N> n llhitoic Fuller & 0O'Connor.________t£___shade.___ Italian, German, and of Anmerican I it11 eary dcolf t1hec (eec ilnguage - -o-- From $1.25 to $4.00 Manufacture . 1lifecipending'1 onle 10.11 il (.11.01.1 SENIORS-Ieav yro rd( 011es fcr ( N O 7wi fr10CrsadPae FIOR ALL SIRING ED INST RIMENS1I Uamag, " tcot eeryesorodOd< helsa An dArlield'Cnl F 1+Y11 0 Cad ro lte 5t It c llndo lt ood h at1111 1 lcsoI FaI II jwiy sloe-fF o SCHAEBERLE & SON b lo. (l ion coy 11m t (ooC cal li>- V__ C mmece e 14 W. Liberty St. ANN ARBOR I"0-e (111nd 111101" 0 eel n i C yll1~tolo0', Ollielo 'c6snorineds arheoead oy foot W ee k IHOSV . H. S LATER +1 1 1 10m politl an I Itiquties rfesrd livry andliale $2.0. 1)10('t1pay moe.t Book s liar E nvoch Dieterle le ala]si til l a .111 bm o l ll lceserc 1110beitcsend(01o0117 offic ioems RENTAL, - $.00an St io Embalmer and Funeral Director ,l (lIas n Ic Vi0(111 1 lel saidcoool al l C11forordoercs (immeditly J 10,.-dor. ey tinrso. a nd Statlo r Ambuance -Calla t eudel dy r nigth. 1be01a.m1an o hl i" 0ci pronc011'geni ppen nrec alicee. Ye Sudlet Shonp f A L V LL'' 116 South Main Street ,'i1 S. tih Ac©:e.sic s amoof's)' oor nisp IIIoilo(ing te101011r11(111a0- -_A "I_._O V E L tPhsnysc404. Ano Aroc. i c 0,10 ea 1011nd Itetoe cr.I Snisfocct v tailoinclg oalsaisfao ry oocglo,,0foc 11w0' 01101111iII 00a 00l b cogra prces lller & OConnor. 6s9 1. Wil CX, SONS & VINNING, New York 011 e o scur11ing for (till posiioca lssesstreet. f FINELVyNCHES ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 to $1.50 1YoE eoccytetuo c, ((sgel ltltan Fvoiiy Gu-antand D etc& l1 0,0,0i ars 6A oit or Dollar Clockls are bthe1 ettmade io o0 atsro h i 01 toae g x e for the moety, Fn ~w epin Y D Lo orSA. KA O. ~o' J. L. Chapman, 206 S. Main StXFORDSEOJOLLYSStatORSt Hou c O M N A D W M NPARLOR CARS ATota',38.SttsBetter than ever this season. See our Window for the c~retn newtr________________rondtpoou D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY fle's xfods Ths pevntsallstetcingtsippngCndSroo~TANDARDTIMEo~ssI(c pel ~ Cary o DII oltl-3a. n,.nd ver League Baseball Reports the market with this reinforcenment. tohor ul i.o Ie osmi~o.t. 2I'Iu oc l e c o etrochoit .15, om., ss. Received by inningQs tDaily 31wsoINou50. loa 10)rvce5.awkos7I Sol.n HU.STON BROTHERS' _I u nt C r Grease P8..lnt Ihe University of Chicago Cold rax Thse Ullsicsty ycoe 1 divisdeobin(otor WeHveano EebocPnol olotee sctcc. 'sbe. Slsig. S9u ,sI(cidsshbA- W aeCaps Senior RatesEYebo e cl tumn. Adooiiss o ocos l teda01 be open'(ing of an Go sadote eacou 015 losony~oIApr(1d 20,boo'161ll. and d Go n Giooentloc Otohbet. Graduate instcoctiosI is offered to Fit atths iss thse Graduate chOloools ofrAs'IandOitera- tures and tase Ogdess (raduat(ebSolsof Studio TheatrilalSupples llrecicse. srofesional i(struton ois olfre in thse Iiinty Ss'Isunt Itie Io 5'M (1 . Iles tas Mdio'oolColge (astIiOsot O(0 Ie Scisoob of Rdus'oti,,s. tS e Quaoserec100. __ louse -IllSeptsb esrc1. lristteem: ,oune 111.' July 20; Secood ITerm: July S;-Agust 31. . E. K N Rtegstr tiosbn s isermcitted orteoint r ur - O~ mii f e rethelTTL isgvnfrwr oese clr('o5larc- E. ilajaf oSfee rforiteach ,he P o eMar n rm teco,.ad ilress re36o7-Isit I~ oouuis drs A D B O eni~Blk. 320 Sosth stat. street The UNIVERSITY OF CiIiCA0, Chicgo 111. W.L+r422 NI$VER U&ND JRSOLD---GOOD YEAR'S DRUG $STORi