THE MICHIGAN DAILY TH-IE. MICH-IIGAN DAILY. 0tI!!t NOR iIIO-RN ti0bitS G o H o W ild - E VARSITY T O0W S '059(( GEntereWild , -codcasmteathenI (Continuedolfrom p r.) Arbor- i'stoffice.with tise thi c o. I i '2 iBai}'( etot t~exrceptedI) Brin; n1IC. Cnrtis then got looseo front all the collegeoyeao, at 1;Ett1V5ret ntolint threor four twit tnturoti tenlyirile. street. tBelllphoneor892. liotiotphtntel76, -\ orconeegot right. oVorhtoao four. Leading --aaigEior LD .DW Stuart oretaol Cuotsetree.fGatrrefls Mangig dior CYD L DW ottiofantoipeuIt, f( r fifteenyartle. Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS Workmtan ran 1 r etond for Ie, atol MERCHANT TAILORS I H. eesWent Sir tilt cttor fo)r right. Curtit tolt- \lttitic 5..... .. Cltartrenc i. t;iiottr it i t th ol-oiil foil f r i( .. . ..h... . .. . otlttt C. 1'o1,t1 l 1,c lie.......Ctie Eo t. 'Nkinteado W otrkmtan ran thto icik-oftft frtetthe Mui ........... . . I Ortiiter a goal titte to the 1te i:i-ya d trc. Sttuart y'met.. ..... t.Efe J. ArtistroO neot tite, Gorrel g t eihAokiean 1lit ttotl.\Li, hr Cliii. trotarounttdlend f w ,ad Curttis The largest stock in 9[lughto t'tI~atiitiiC. tarke toon: thegreeotetrtptrt of theODio teatt the City of exclusive tetoet). titrne.. for oa tie doe-yard t it eri le. l Norcosste styles in Woolens for eSt Citit'r-,s. tooil: fotir. Garrels twto. S tittn t foote Gentlemen wear. Of G t eItiotit C. tSmit itit nd ein sixso lii it t Itti stecalleid. nitEa tieS 5 tr. Gorge0. Batonest 00 rer, 17-O. high-class fabrics and 12t tla,,ttftBien Fra'ntokeiti olJI.CooClhaitirtt sealsyefor sto- tttr h utsttt.r dents. faet sworkbiposile.Neto1t i RAT- a:ta, pr tear, or $ ft paid ia i11 ot full intplace if « s . lo 1'att advance. kfticedoff tot Lypont siwho ranit t')thle ____________ Address: WALTER R. HANS' Business twett-yardl lithi rmth en 'I liev SManager, 236 S. 12th St., Phone 849 L. tidonie ttVatl]thriotughloft t ohio ittth GO H. W ild Co. - - - _saetitis itanenorottuth tilthtt l'the / 311 S. ytate St.-forty-rdolliine. Newton wtit I- ml for tite, Gar t le 3, a Curis A coJet OTOBER 12, 190 walsteso crerleeestiasito gt in C11011 ;nat - -1and receivdunt i tut oewhitch tilt it tiltt * Ediut--- o sp GEOROGE A. BARNES. 1 A A GA711':. (tiler- tttcitl o' leertices0. Ro lio- tile lreatmeno tessroil. Foatl th11orere soliciteol. Ploti t25.Al. fG. Shits prose, ; Fuller & O'Connior. triiosrsTore10. if A ]FOun1tain Pen? Yes Sir! Try this Sheehan's Leader It writes smoothly Feeds evenly Has a solid gold pen Looks good---works good Its the best pen that can be sold at the price $1,00 CAtLENDAR. flit. 1I -8 t. m., recital, ltrioee toat, liear ie -itthtil, titliete. Oct. 2-11i-week ioretiteg at lAtolil- Oct 12108 cassmtirgi, ri)otitiC, t. tritetehtall, 4 Pi. Ill. 011111 iii eathletic electionu.4:3011. Mi. Piao rectoitail lie Maorie Schatdetat Ot. ' 111 1 13--Opn 0ir 0ass ittiig. liti 14--itiito ll, Voit itlt ve-. A lih i--ito1 at Fery- ed S1haokespea 1eanrcitatl bytProifesoro Trutil oil, 8 p. 111., laut- looture. All-Frl esh i. . A.C. Olattning~f. Oct. 0 ittetu toinrance Plrof. 110 1 eoiLctle rotoo.Tappan halloi tt. iat Fer ield 1111 ilitoit Ii I I loiv t. u tir wentlthtotgoufor ten fel otfouri cirts i wetifeurtfc te toucdown Cutios 1ickedittie Nittotites theoiitr" yard eeateall that Witul mil and 111Alog- atoteetitfour. Toesliptpeytill gilt ci I irrelsdropcd ii tto icso foit ieutie t ooakonte gtoluslt down 1101 tiff a iit oil lhimoi twhich coildlo hardl tbeIoe oalid to idrvey lie tl tttitig af t-ie itverod plaehcitth autoer balol. lonvsotnitet t ii t 011111ottud liockthekick.i-,Sltarill oilit hoc tol tgin tiltthe wy lt finmd i f- ienwhnRl e ellpt1 aih 01 ced WNorkmanio forth ilsItl li tuticof plai. Notroroee got1 ten, (arrerlesescxteen, titittoe ighlt ando Gaitrels tee, n fatceffot toi eto010 hut1tim0 e tea0,1aldt ithltirit oa d it setill ti i n.'ll liio n ot -- . t i No hen -. C11-ts.. .. ... L ft Tc toot... tt...... toolit Ptori ko.....k i l i t elITa l ...... . (l S t Situat A....Rt ht Irse (f.ot.ti.t.. Price hi-croSo.....t.IQtertieraoil tlto Mioltgwiii C.r A. Sttdeoo), prioeetc., tie pititer too therstutdetodoty. It/EC.'Washitig- too street. tf Flashllighoto of the rushl. L1'NDO\, 72T N. Unoivrsrity. Sce Cutihigslotte display-t ofitt ll chocoltces. LOST. 3.A foliteg FEastmtane Koodak, teewo or ticree teilestie eiode of Vhitmiore bike. If fountd retoornttoo 1;. 0. Scottoat direc- tores office tofrcteiceicalitoh, 01101drreev rewardi. 13-20 Arnood's jowltrye store hiae tee onlyr tilt-date opcticali idopartmet ith citoy.o~ tla shiiflii if thocrotsel. LA NiDOi, 721 N. Uiveity11 ROfOM~S 'TO REN'T . Fiot sdut tndthroe taok roomtil tmoderncou11111, etithi lightseheIto-it'ioi ithu. 'Thiroe blooksieatieof Ocampusti.82 Arcotteeto. 3it -o S'ILK'UOENTS. "A fre fteostroto cc ioulicosootitng $2.01) 1101 -ageou 11$400. SoeeVW. It. Smoitho, 1ro111120, AtticAt-lot- Savitngs bankoloctti, ti cal uot toe Dllplotte 249J. if Why i a~ tw oioetoas tmitchtfor 11111 \lirloigotin1110oniiStato-etro eeltoot tilto can'ge0toa betterio r t 0111111t one-ha1111 thei piriceattASrnool e roeolcyoe n? if '1ak-e0ottooo tothoa1110e o tCsing's. UNI VERSITY NOTICES. Ait formeor mtoo r, oreif tekit'r: Uiiltoileut rot tie eor thoir pl 0e %ill ei rfited lXCittif n of 1~e o'apptlicati eld dily011 o t o 2 and tooil m 1) '0lit la selctnoa oo C'. L(ti- toreite hloothi ii no touloo o'cloc. Nomi ais orclaof icers Vareiti0Gl00 onll) ee iilotloldltiitt in riooto C' at uoluock tototuult. It i hlopthaot al goodn1en iltrniitt. J . lBeore. A 11001ete i ting;- Iflthe i01-itGitldl toill lit held at 11001iseal toi ij, o'lookoharpiii tontighot. All mtoembces11111 11-10111 footgutroteof MSIoinoiit hoth, at 7jiiolocklFi tda11111glt. an (to-ry 1f11111010111111att in oleei lnie toot totentohoeockye I 111111 club se r olotSa01111101niouhlt, Ocobelir t1at theito itiihote, 307 S totleSlt' etreet. Presidento. Atleetioug of j tmotoutrut entnesini rooil 28 nic~iiilbuildinti-ut 3 p. Iii. to odoy. 'Nomintitttout of latee ofuicert oecorate Your Rooms WE ARE OFFERING - Michigan Banners and Pennants at the Lowest Prices on State St Both athletic and popular shiadosaf hlue with bliekand (ltd italis11le ttc'tin" inve - lite.Te most niqte notel titof tothte sooton - Large 27-inch Penants-etheriet- tering-$1.novaues,onliy$75e Larger Sizes, $1.22 vaiues, $1201, $50 vaues at $1.2. Very Large, 2x5 anners $2 & $3 The Bookstore thas never Un- dersold C. E. Barthell MEDICAL LAW DENTAL j BOOKS I "VeOC NEW AND SECOND-HAND aa-pa505 Cash tr Exchange for Old Books V~ost C. E. Barthell 326 S. STATE ST. Teephone 761 are azorwirouas. Beware c daler-:t olto offer you ittbsi- tuttesi for the famous W I LS FT IC It You'll find it at I o to lic- of theilr y ui1too knc r oenouorougr kiitriitng, tutu {crany the e tti me justificattiontifoot I e a & hoO 1 t21eA"ro I ~-ich haloute bteucunoea too~ *~~~ all s13133desU o cout of thuluroicy of time riitc s otitout inu uharuginug ifty teite totseelithbt ertoep couo Itriteams i midwee ga es. Itisie ry' utul iif tote tuouany oot d e ot otidol lft1' orien tootooe G1et Your Room ,et l t ;il eevdIl lot' ttertne otha ys beent ts~upsed Decorations thttegmsaTerhedeefo PILLOWS, BANNERS, FISHNET tiiheoc to ltotf tho'etstudeont bo', tut chaurigi ucet a prto er four utid-lweek WASTEPAPER BASKETS, 'gamtOeitptratialyilo tttetooibtoet- SOUVENIRS, ETC. tug uluouti from utehdtclouttete. 'Tue tt- -at. l~pay ift e tsottoserr tprtoepschool teamsn DARLING & I1ALLEAUX ot 'ction. ThurDilyfbiriee thaotthe Bath Phases, 224-226 S. State S t. d itt~isrgt Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 SOUSA'S BAND ERNEST THOMFSON-SETON (Natnuralisttathotr'adleetoirer) JACOB RIIS (Social reformaer and atuthoor) JEROME K. JEROME (Eneglaned'sItumtuorist) LORADO TAFT (Anmericas greatest livitng sulpor) LELAND T. POWERS (Imepersotuator) F. HOPKINSON SMITH (Author, artist, aind lectarer) - HON. CHAS. B. LANDIS (Eloqcet polilirian. and orator) FREDERICK WARDE (Noted CEngliosi Shakespeareatn actor anud leeturer) -r, PRESIDENT ALDERMAN (Untiversity of Virginia) ORATORICAL CONTEST (Open naumber) S. L. A. Of fice-MsanCrridor, University Bail; Hoas, 4-6 daittybSat- urday excepted.) Michigan Stale shase, 152. 4titasrst Tickets, $2aa0; Seats reserved 50a extra; single admissian, $1.00. Tickets nay be abtained at S, L. A. affict ar fraom itudent setters. /I COOP UNIVERSITY OF MICI1GAN Co = Operative Store 310 SOUTH STATE STREET The Co-operative System is the only way for College men _to secure low prices. The first week demonstrated its success. The ordinary busjrness-for-profit methods cannot cope with the Co-operative method. Joitx the CoO ENOCH DIETERLE Embalmer and Funeral Director Ambuance-tails at eade day or aniht. 1tSt. ath Ave :tteidettrs'wk Phoneto404, MuttArbor. FAILEY & EDMUNDS Sporfing Ooo~g 121 East Liherty Street. j IIGHICIAN E TIAl, THE SHORT LIRSE (CHICAGO ANARBOR to BUFFALO ANN BOSTON INEW YORK with dir-ect connections att hicago loud St. Loots. Kansas Cily. St Paul outl the West. For ifoftrmation aoend through tickets call on or write to SV'" W CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. r Douglas Shoes Gym Shoes WAHiR=The Shoeman 218 So. Main St.