for Art and Skill in Iailoring Men's Fine Furnishings MIONEY [OANED
Gal n ll gods ttisstoeefort hiiiwe stnd spo t ltpee. lehatchesiamotnd ewlery
Cals. pro int fe ate..s Styl, Quality anid Vain.. In men'tead all 1g C lass 6hatastr
1 recishu gothese irs t rstisotrepartiularly no ieitlet and (tllateat security.
SAM B R C EL 0 & CO nderwear, Hosiery, Hfandkerchiefs, Jewelry. 144tAr.(poieouto
1H09f4hthl AveCsf, ekte, ~ll. S~tsW . OieCurtIM 3;
In i teN ttisNws, atest i e.Two doors out ofnew Y. M.c. A.
The Recognized First Tailoring Trade te City MA K O PA YOrrc EI'ott;a3 o118;1t
106 EAST HURON STREET Bsns ~tyCnieta
Eanest Maufatutrers ii cthie~l
andArherf o qucalAhet(iolS u olis,
STT[nadALLEN, THE LOTHIER, MAIN ST. rckey qet ititi out
in QualityAdvance Styles in Spring Clothing Now Ready. oniott ieuiotcitt
iAnAroSaigBakBokYoungs Hats, Spring Shanes. 'None Better Made" n yo uAeidi lm~g'u
STT tAINGt AKt e'fSal lISSrnao uonenson I Gi S FROM SA\N FRAN- ISfltO-IN'S. Oicili iA Miciigani sA. G SsLDlNd(onROS
to S Booth Joe. V. Seehan AI. titlyGC8 BR S
Wtr. Arnold Dr. V.0C. VaughtantCISCii REAiCh iANN ABOitR it 'ic StictiliiShop, 5it 17 t11illiettiNw Vet-I, Ciictagt Sani St anis i
Ja. . Wade PEIF. IMilas___Pa Grt ittulat titd is iericn t ave irsi steet Senittor tis ant t mi oot laws
N. S. Kye Johtn Haarer
tue. Koch Prof. 11fl ..Carbtrt 'Il(c faci that theu c ncciieartlquatit ait t uatlltly utst ti I. & I. L unee t ruteitipteatst tll for J. M. pipits. if
lan F. Zimmnereianu Critian Martini tS i tilntsco h most fat rcbiw iiiit cli iistittiniail itstrnc t atsles.
tigadu ice cecfe itis testifid by lhe I 15 trats atit ki on senlic 5 al t tiract)
cuS ~c ht even tsaly ticeufiii thisloss f trt cilil itlt 5,1Cc$3 11 n ra e
STRAWBERRIES ctrl it pcliat conciencetcotnnect i t .e1)& 1l Uju. Stnditwo-i ciit tamp
Sitvedci i lt S un ayso- t ranii. ia Mich ian gadlut tol t& buftfal teambco tC ., l . 45 ytic
led O(t iittr it1t iits.C ard s
i.d ll srratfor liita oo rs us l., c ciii, lcl. ,-eipediin So ey lo s a u ae a big ' it 'wthCcolegrtun. a dS n a',1,frtect~rpei h etwoe- lta ackajutb ea
;tiihoitkilen tistl i" fltt iii Wi ii s tilo-f______p atshavynapttu ic lfaied. nThe l
ci. A iittctstC s i1 I St S tl snl i ngtcI R. init1ias up te cka snugly, natly. B
V c Sig Y s- Wa ilihoughltColleIcIio 7.. dnsd5 stliuitt50Curh tre yue r igtnt" lon xSeniors, Leave Your
Ou suitti ag iiht e reeai~s~o~liwar. ~ oiOrders Early
)thosph as (itte fro ui-ifo eie. Tler dicontinu __ _PURE SILK25o A PAIR
fruii) te ge tis s h th c itt0 g of ti faoraticibt out
quenchiets.i tuon i Is witkis i ldtoiti i ti C1,1IfRIK \SAN ilf YoAngtimmitotifr ~ S Y E
p: tmnk 5:00 ai.,it..just titeen gr crtdiingcatttotio.John Beli- v - 2 TO L ESFO
UT u mite b ifrc hiecrash. The marve . lriit. \Mich. 57)0 IT S LE T RO
QCUutK Ico Iiccid iwitlh testilly is lihe ~Script, Frech Scipt,Tiffeny
Drug Store I li toiht itiii iiturse, ccsittsr, ii.Pioneer AM k,. Script Shaded, FTifny Script,
il 1 ii fote lfated meroipollsiswas I Ftller & OCottnr. f Co~.d a/ Remna, Gotthi, S taed dOld Flg.
III c baitheiictidiiigs f sucess to ______________711 Otter Hh, Shed Romun, , French
ii r ti toloc o \i MarkeSt.. nepmde j.Rmne, tGothi, with hir line
1it1 it t it is at tprsent I risidentl SENIOiRS -Lav yotrordirs for au
of 1 1 ist-titci qtiti ste lis aniii kit sat iArtolds Froth 1.25 to $40
-li pil th tice iiois it icthe list civweiry ttre. f ( N D G Sfr lilt Crds nd Plete.
Strawberries nnk-i11ltrter wichtrlisows Itt it CAP ANDGOWN 00HCards from Plate, 5t
1:c h tmili 111t11clitUic fatd Tic AtttArbor Press (foetrriy Par En.r
ciSikr & Snyter), priteirs oi te Mihgant Commencemnent ..
--ail), Tur Atlmtitts, Ilatier, Yosts Week lbS. H. SyrT ER
Ofca'o6 ecioiir siields are reedy for greai bookbo fotll~i, the T ehici,S Bookseller
Ic rem t1 eyon re $.. o't piynmore. C. A. ihaticbook, etc., etc, are pritters RENTAL, - - $1.00 and Stationer
Ths r heelt anitioiy official otes. to iiie student ibodyis 117 E,.Washing- O0.de.- any times.
Cal tiorers imoueiatly. J. M. ton street. If 1FSoLOVELLStee
p ic realhre. Ye Stdntttotp. tI -(_A._F._____-
________332 S tate St
S e b t--Satisfactiry tailoriig ai saisfatory Aentot
Hildretit's ginine velvet kisses at prices. Fitier & OConntor. 6u9iE. Wi- COX, SONS & VINNING, New York
Csings. imstetFt PINE LUNCHES
DOMSTC &IMOTED Cigarettes ad
Diimstic & Imtpirted Ciaars. A conupe
tu uRen&C ~ns & (Iti.o
Frogs'_LegsW dhm Co Fr~n 'aoft&ky'5 & SCHA P
.m C o . fliecocolate HN-liONS.
Club Ohio Central Lines
o ean lii s modtern uidot iden loit w tirstlis
y vKiad ihsPanam a Hats Strp.w^ Hats CaeSriebtenTldCltiu n
W aslh Ties D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY
Chicken___ A z~e All the Newest in Beltstsou OasntitritA. rln vr
Special Cars to. csitu 8aitti , a andievery
to ou s rsi r er3o0 tpit m.. t
A__Large____Assortmenat inNEGLIGEE SHIRTS amd HOSIERY 9Stor.cal.serenltoeriti. . nt
WC Hw tour lca.sericeit Jucksnti n5a.i.
toi11:15 p.in
Large, T hick, WAIG mOM, UtONoSTa. WuEsiFiMANt.
Jui cy teaks -a n n tebs feertigW
nd esofnevethn 121 and 123 South Me.in Street BrtCr
Grease Pe.nt
Oyster L~flUCold Cream
OyserB e av CpsSenior Rates Eyebrow Penils
315 So. State St. ph?- neh89- AtiiL~. u enan$ S lk. 320 South StatsStreet