The Michigan Dail1y
N ARBOR, ICHIJGA.N, I 1WIi)\N Ni \\1i, 1)0(1
v OL. XVL.
No. -158.
Auspicious Opening of Season of Suciton Dc...............13(1
i'lelody and Song - Stabat OvtureiiiAit: (aiote, Iand11i.
Plater" and "A Psalm of Vic- oIrree (cigue.
tory" Given by Choral Union. ri. "Ahtodni..!ii
_____Symnphtony. I inorcit"Unftinishied,..
The. thirteentit NiycFestivlt iotpenedii ti cititi ci
ini a mtitia ultpiciutitmannerilasttighit Siymthontttit1) maor.Ott 73. it/trlts
cie itttt the iirsi t concect thtitiChotral Frtyv eeniigcSocc ok-Solocists.
Oion anditt cc l hcict cliii I I cccNititra tatistd ispeCti ni britnecin
,imesoni, cit c ir ltoi Glenitti iiii chtenor. i tidigtigittit c tilt1'a tiei
nd iHebert NWiterspoccbassicwit tOveture, Niigic F lute" ...Afii otit
A. A. Siccicic iandiFtrediA. Stoci, ioun-It iatifeno itheN igit" I IMcgic
(Ict rs. ipcreentedti ll-titt ra : F ute1.. ... ... ... ... .. 11oar
Ovcerture "I ott ii tti cii ii did 1'~wrNittcNI icotitic.
Stabitc aterNicci 5.. 1...... cIor ik Serenaide hifNr itWind Chir.ii;Ott. 7..
For soli, chortust citi orcit a . .ii..... ... . . . . 1.R traussi~
Overture;i I ccuicccc Nit 3.. oc tict i \ii it o iccittic cfiii "A ttre Citenuiec,
"A\ Pisalm of N littiti - Ott S.S tictui.... .. .. .. ... iirc it
utteres ttrcciill},ceitteredtin he ic Signocr Caitpantari.
chora ittumber. in cwhiicit tihi Citici iiOvccr1ur11 c I iii sft lititi ...fcumanni
Feo mat deccci its irest tpub cl ti c i ci Ni i Yc tilt frse i ....... U rd
tisC seccson.c Tliii Stabiii NIteic I j Ncci Ni ccicitic.
trly a form iable: w rcci. tic cscitiiicit i[tacitanc ..ic .. . .c Huioii i'if
tolid diiffiic ti t ici cihictits ncitlcintic rYet "Nit PittlYAnidrai" TeNlcit-
foice hiigheti .1 ciicitic. if chcoral- sinig, ige iiof F ii) ......iloIziti
in iTese ituclit iataied 1y tihc Sc inorCamtpancaci.
Citcrcc C ttu iiiictititit.Rccai s(fitI mctic Ftticioi".... JCcahie
Yecarschave cgtventctbodyiiaIconeric
aicie reptacciicc c iiiticn n t h itner ini p iFcp TS\gMcETING..
ilstinigit's cicetitwas cuiteiiccvidtic
tut ice icr cc cizincli hac in it ccc wise iicT eoa idof regenits ew icic c s iceli
diepacrtei frout ci i t igitesti I iicicocl.I ll setsstin for thi sttic woi110dicys ccc
Te tocciccim1sit cciductih variety ccciieenccnsierintg the cannucici ibudget.
baciacce. levee fiinto(lecndi iteif recad-NNWhie icc totali icmouticccf lice hiudget
11N, to i-e iimoiticsuibtl oictis of lihe is noticknown ccit itsicuncerstoodi to e c
exacetinig Dvorcak. (ieciifferentt partsatrgettan etvcc beftrcc Tihere cire (etc
cc cii hci its ittndiiviaiyyetit asn1emnsca ci ittciicthit iihe onliy
cri ittipperentceacc ticat IProfessor Stn- cine cidecartmenct is tihi on1cicc areci-
lev (te eci eaci t cintoli Nvell- por
icc. "Psacicof if ~cctry,"iwieit is ca
seiiing1ccfoci tencciii oichucccrcis cndcor-
cischst lit byProf. Y. Y.Stanltey, if lice
cccii lv 111.1 1salto, hai c cery crecit-
cicic eitenctg list e iiicig citti protccd
oi co iiittleitieccsti. ice'foccitiof tte
icomposciitioncis15lip etyclecar cciiiits
scitru cecispstitnticiiscici acceiitectoniic
shill. i The11tconilccmass thadilifeicooci
iroorio cci oi 111f pactsciianiof coursce great
vacey wh c ticle ticstrumenictatontatkies
tic coe ti intterestincittic allstuidients of
ochciis11trt Iti he crecatfugue vwhichi
brii iingste worCtccc ilotieivcs lackingc
tieiitierIn claitycciinortlitliecisionit,te
greatcc umulatcitive cvolucectof1tonectruly
mac kinig licetinguo uncdcitt
licc catsitgcirtists (tate ccltbet
itar herec inc formetri festivalusacidcit
they alliiappecar cgcaintincthlicutrrenti
seies leof conicertissuffice it to scay titey
acqciuitteci temtselvescb-y if itue tasiks
aiiloted thtemt.
ice centicusiasmccwicth wichethlie cnd-
ciec ic icluedi tteocetrcal citcitiers
gavie evidiecee uf the high regccdcl(ct
iycth lcalpublcfor the ccorkicof Mr~.
Stci andcciii ci chestra. cTrouighouti
thei i lilathtle ovcerticeiweint ice tic
failing- cliarity andiipuiti of tonde wici
disttiniguiheslice tperformcccces cof thtis
ochesttia: this overture shocwedialsoi
thti itnicety if icclcance ccii certainty of
techic weccrci still tite rointcent qual-
iiscif the orcetsrci. Tiue cC ccocec
Nict. 3, iitut icc cotdcciceiitvedi acmaa-
terly interprettilitn frotc Mr. Stocek,
iwto iidisl cc pitrfect tundierstcanting
if this cicissie. Asitiacciilist eceinig,
te overturepoe d attcc migihty icroclinc-
c ilocf 'Beeticotvecn tte Biethcvent who
ccitt in cc formciioscrccaccitid as thtct of
thte sicnicta scecitms s ramticeantdcoos--
ing-suireiy fccr111011poetice-tccnthte
itodeirnincisc mostiiiformiliss toite ipho-
tography. 11chisinterccsitg recadiig of
Mir. Stock'stacolitius uailltin cterest it
thte subisequencit progrcamts, whiich offer a
wcider scope for tite display ofitis itter-
The programcs for todccy are citfoci-
Afterntoon, 3 oclock-Soloist, Grace
tectuire, 'f cwhich the liccici.Professor
Loccehciswil recivec$2,500. H-owever,
etery citdepar ittillt tt ecmipucs teecds
mo ceiihelp cn equpmcent tcindsic forth,
(ci acceocutiiig flice incrcase icc the
Iccadcicitionictic icakiciglice bucdget tte
re:teict s apiniccited 1ProfiessorNVan T ynie
icc tcakc tiihhluosiitil wichi till he left
vacccnttitheiiieciiiof the year hy Prio-
fessorccc NcaucghlintccniiProfessor Fair-
ibcnkis cof theCUnivrsrity cof Kowaccwas
cppontedti iitocithti Creek depcartmoent to
tacciecclice IProcfessor Pcattentgil's place.
:\ND 6 1-2 INCIIES
Tci clii)peiiformanicce(If lice trci
practice yesterdacy was thcat of Freiteh,
tile ibroad-,jumper, wIcchio leaped 22 feet
6 1-2 inces.cThIis tietsitis hest previouis
taruc h chccihicadciiinitthe cuoference
last year. Tiheircki men trill loaf to-
dayc in prieparation fur tomtorrow's meet.
Fototball ilvii ie played at Harvard
thut ycecar. Tie bog controversy wvas
seitild ciliii eetinigcof tie overseers
itn Bocston oct \Wednescday: wiceicthe re-
pict of te athletie cnco ittee totoe
effect thtat thte dccwintecccllegicate foot-
balii citiescre cwourthy of cc triai ficorton
seasonc. cTiecdecisicoct tas cccl reachted,
howeer,. withoutciac iong ieiccte icy tii
ocerseers, somce of wvhomittv-rc icc favor
of withhilcdincg permiissionctoI picay lte
gcamec-unitil ai ctore radcical cet-isioncioo
lice ruteshs tbeenc mtade. Tue act.
ncounceeneit of te overseers vole wcis
gilaiineys Ittoe ticrardi uncdegradi-
utdes, critc lis-c ieect in dotubit maccy
mnthls bout the ftutur c of lice gcace at
the unittvesity. Tiiheem mncagers tvill
notw gel tuy ciakinig til a scihedlie acid
will teeylickely play all the uisuial gacmues
excepdt 111atvwit Pennsiylvaniia, wicisi
cefintlyi off.Nine memthers of titi
hoardcicclinig President Charles W.
IEliot, cegcstcredtihemtselves ccs opposcd
to tiie ccttintcancc of footbcall. Thti
ovresin favPor tnuimbered i ffteenc.
liii YaIc seconctrccci-lost ito Annap-
ohis on lice Setven river, Saturday.
.c. A.sit. DtIRETc ORiiiiiO c cTE Cuccucc, t\il\,S AcDliciiticcititc cciO .c "A i M;
4 VICTRYci iciioiii Tutu MS;Tits lc t i-itt StIHT.
TEAM LEAVTES TODAY who illcc ciii th ie trip trill ice Cccptccin
FOR CRUCIAL SERIES WeudellccSangie escuci, nec. T-
cccii n ndSitudientcMaccagec itu-
Baseball Team Clashes With Illinois tccii
at Champaign Tomnorrow-Thbird-
Chicago Game Monday. CiNSS G YAiS Y l-S3 u- BON"t.
icuciyc atci theii Nci cutbcse- 07 lucid 13: o8h)a s,2.
ballIci i tea iavs cccii thcAnucni rbo N YeIiteriavcafuernoohnuatlSouthit ti-cc
railroad fori theil alst complicetc. sing iecii ldteiun1iorti laws isc tth edii undier-
cirunthe "liiSodaWatrciagu" cr ctenin a cle wivtch Iroviedi to
ccit.T hI il trluidwi tic is tcii i eson eane asyii cc r frc lie uuore expel-
wit li oisu antdcci hic otherd i-uwit Chuiago. fec dcliI eti-ut Forcthe udscti(ct0w1o inni t
mcacy- settle i iuit ic estern i iiiptoii t he liisilose idtch e l yi ng ccof cbclihItutui
andiiiat dccc raite these cgameis cuill bcaci evecii i ditc-iciicv-y cteestinug
ccc il on) the fiina sl ttit. clt c- 1utci i cicu cg tlic eccsct cuf te cccii-
CcitiiiN Wendeic ilciii Ic isicc. l litst ithe ccrishmenuchaila dcided Itrendu
ciagainstv tht ex-champc ontutu Ii ut ocil the ccolthe aerial, cdcini shedttiti i tccli twcoc
cdiat utters' itii ownccilstam ig go n s Iuuto scicc cutcgccco 1cc cuccuc-s ttr
dccc aft cccu in tis coniti-stinuter en
estisc ciut otli i intes. )Iith oca i oftheii ir ecootingloif liii tills ccas a fecaturu
ifirs an nyie tug dso f-ct-tis sica- lof t gelli wiccilt he egg c thurowinug of
sculltihc chai onccccs cwonii utcini theli gcry tei08', o ly ei iteneti he stiriit cof
nhinningNrecishutiwicchasbiomehtiity bstwee thc tolcases.uc
t scihuled iucthIlt linouiusandh intordrc toI
obiti c-ccl r tutule cticthe.wesuternclii ctittttiut I. 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 1- 2 4 I
pinsi a ai hi eacn.itis nce_ Juncioruts ..r1 3040 - 3 8 3
-tcary thatNthe linitscapureuthc rie Ibatiierids-IGuibert anciiioluuolNNWee
ga i;an c i 'a111.N cisc Ccucuce-Cuttiuic
liii Itcami it t ati-ng is, icc a it-cu
:l anius iit cliiiccl ccutuieclticha t-e illiiets,13, Pharituit o.
sstilt cviliie is deitrec. Satnger tshowed lheidenctsdeticicliithe piirmcics icy
itt~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~h hu-tde u IthdN ciiNt csi--uvle, cciii fl13lto 0.'The s-ic-
iii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tr dwiai Iici i ii itcltcci usi s Woniibyinumerudoust irroirsccc
cld iiittildtiesIcic-f huts cureer
ThenDe'tfe whm th e -chlnporlsclase cc vr l-deccrtmicent of iice
efundcccnccleasy propsiioctcc es uc ii ci uie. lTe culls have ca stronig tecam
eNI c Yiiittir sohiccre-s. lice ta saihul aea adfgt oln h
cc ccicci ~ I cc liiccliiI cci tuitiicha is ip. Follicnug is the -secre:
ebh loss otifNWheeer w icsonte IIiitic... tiO00 O 000- 02011
f ihospitalcisctl ccth a badc anlueid thei re I Dilts...... 5 0 2 2 0 4 *-i3 11 -
- scll of huts ccli cclision w it id NN ccitt uieris-V liuccut cutnhd hiindly
sIa.'ati h only othudr memberIof NN cii caiid NdWolf. Cticc-.iioicy'
liihe sq ii~uuah is notl in thie ltist cii- tBccicc
y sirccleicoiuuchtcci ciion nd tl ankyItilt klii
t stohuatsutilcinow1 een ccciiliii iccget PII1N NS h-lullSENI(13tIll DYNCti
11 hits tcithrowing armin csitpe
J Stran-c tsc y, litle uccl cnceisc T hlie cocdiitel~e itt carge of thue seilioi
s dccig flii mcigitc i lt cc uccuccic ofs thelli ht c-c-re ci cptio Iand ldace-toi illheld [0nii
steamuicforithe (Chicgo cgameton llt Niuuccy claycc 5icc-1Iis paingicutIc micke ihii
- Iccicc thutsesc-uoutheiiivaccsitys ine ot isculthliie cwcriig scciai fecatucre of t16
Coach Siccgg s Ni cc cccns ccdiiwcccie- ccocrici-cus. EFery carragemti h iay
h ones havce iirigaccii ciiinutade tosuly)-goodmiccsc, fcc(
10 toice closecness uuf NWecicucsdi cs -gainerefreshmcuenitscccidca c-ry ecnjoyabule lint
lice ccciiaciifec-i thuat Chlica gowcult ichy ccr thousieccwIo attetic. Theccattecidacce
tic get cc-cithlie Itwoi runis wichitr11d11hrcucciltio ice carge, ctas acajority cc
I- so muchictroubhhl. liihe cimembersof the class live dccciii
Beside.- Coach Mc llisterliiiecoccisigified their inteniticoof goiog.
l C'.
eam ho Represent Varsity in Dual
and Conference Meets Will Be
Chosen From Winners
Whbile the hacseblcl teaimiiibattthng
)cts ocfNichigcancs truht:liamcull ib ie
stivn to it showucu vi c Ken itzpaictrickc thati
ccc oi ccinis the annuat cutdo
M pickedcithei teamiitoc iicc a cgainstCh-
,a-c ccci Saturdahycci thie dualiIeetc
andi tliio cccl C Ilatrit ile (cIIc ccufrccCC.
Fordalong ielith tutu-u 1haveilbici
tranig fr thisimeticlani d re now iin
tich capectht it faccc cle weacuthe
andi ccciidiiion. it is notculikblely tact
liiofthetaritt recordscill go h}' ic
the boardits. fknga ucus the
feet NI.\ cumen left frothi theitoos tracke
scci, iNeeneFitzupatckha c-s utcainedl cd
cucchtelu tra i ck aspcirs untiiil lie
pre-sieittitutu he Icas doubthless ulcel-
)dc whauct cwil tprofiedto ie lie scongetl
andi moicst ccvicly ba lahned tecamtwhitct
hut euver reprecsentedcINi cci cucuon tt h
culdad icie
Not onlyi)is thetiacmct ueltaacedc,
withc sevirca cl ci enishowing tIllwell
it amonucg te lcd cmen lure lre sev--
ralb cc-hoc umust biclcassedch clithe stcrs
if theuntry.c c O (fItheet here ae
Garrels, icc lii discus shoct acd hurdles;
Rowve,tur-iclcciiiCoecmiilecicud Captain
Ramitey, half-mtutu
'tomcorrow'cs mccciiscshecdulcedI to e-
gill at 2 do'idccii irctorucBaird has
ixed cle pric of adiinit citweity-
fve cenits. lihe compl~cetc bst ccl etries
Ilurdles--Co, SicwciIoilgei, Nai-
Qcurctuttmle-Goiodw c ic, Livicgson,
Scihenk -ct-eyF s-iryiDunancc.
iiit jupc Cx oddscuihPinch oi-
it cin, tecAdamIeristcRakestraw,-
Shot-ut-llCoe, Diunclap, Carres.
Two-ilern-dDl ci ic l, NWes.
Plaluci ---cii aNikehr Bisvhop Illict.
I atucur hrouw--Cureis Chadleicir
Ccci Nhcffttu
Dliscus- Kcahle, Shancck, (carrey, Ciii
ii ufumie-MicKicuiey, catmey, Mcc-
oneuy, Biggs, Goodiitntaldck, El
(Beoaccljumpci-Hecath,.Frenich, Kahe,
Sitnk iClarck, Stewart
dooddcci 220 yardl dashes-Chick, Li-
ingtn thdBcoman, Bunt,hBrisol, Essery-
Sitthcavy, Kernc DuacGood-
Site runc-Coe, Maloney, Roye
Miontigomiery, Phelps
Theiumoust uiqutcpe stunit of the college
yearcc-cs cicnessedh by ac lcrge nulmer
if studects last ight whencthle Mich-
:gcccuccblravces struck lie wcarpath inc
fightingpaint andi fecters caccd captrich
severcci of the enemuy cmcpedh uccder liii
dheler of TappacnOcak
Ni 6:30 lie red cocc were seent scoutc-
intg acriintuthie mcuseumitaccciilater wre
sighted holincg ai pow--w in P treidecnt
tAngel's yard. hater they rusedi thur
cettcarouncid lie oak, acd after ecu-
iug its occcupacnts eld a sc-cr dacce
lii fucrther ccciiiolthlie discomfort f
their captorsi they scing it Michiganiuuc
ccar soing whcci ic oediciill for lieuc-
forunldates. The captices tv-rc dragged
curytly thedicelg truce fr frther tor-
tore muidist licestiekisct antltis-vage glee
of liceicracc-ct
TChcfollutwig scalpswcc-crcadded tio
the tribalcibccii;J"cndian" Schculie, Joce
Cuirtis, JohnnyiucGarcrels,"Molly" NWen-
dell, Boh SiclairPd tucins, Buil
Chancy, 'Spicier" Coe, Snipe" Fletcher
and Flarryi lii