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May 10, 1906 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1906-05-10

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__________ ______Th{3 MtCtcAN GAILY_______
- H A L F-T 0 N E S
?£ We Have the Finest anid Most Compete Showing of
and Shirts in the City.r
ZINCETC I G Son athe, Diamondisewel ry
\ \hvntany particular sort of suit in mind, sup-adC (trlseuiy
LwriPrc't jpose you drop around at your leisure and see suis rw .L V I
Better in Quaity .. ~ ' that have YOU in mind. If you're a YOUNG man, W:JrL UI
q you'll get "chummy " right off the reel with " ' 144t Av e~p othourV tHos
Ask A. M. SMITH +$$ Il t 10' ittoIIttt
A" i+ OFFCE li 0IIR8; 8:30to 511:0 '5
11 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Block 4.COLeLEtiGlEi.atdnto
_______BRAND_ _ _ _
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank t~ C O HSA. G SPALDING & BROS.
C'apitatlstock, $50,0t. tirptas, ftt,ott - y' j i Just and jsty for chaps aroundmauiy Made a great L trges t fii tr it e o rldo't
Resources $2,00;t00t-t JU ~ justly maturity, to Athlit i pi e
A Orarrl Banking Business Transactrd ../ deal better, styled a mighty sight smarter, but in price Base Bal, Lawn Tennis Foot Ball
ot~retttt Cha. E. titocock:. Pres.; W. uD4.T not at all higher than the "ialmosts " of designers, who Archery Roque Golf Quots
Htarrimtan, Vice Pets.: lM. .tPFit., Cashitee' , ~ c try to make the same models do for old and young men '"" C ricket Lacrosse Croquet
4, n er. mploete tsalporso
aow 's' Laundry . JUST RECEIVED-Another Lot of NEiW STIFF HATS oer cci at fa e-
Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 3 - Ti(C1tossallBed the tsiiieii of
//y~ \ b l iiiparticlar splrt.
etPtas326 N, Fith Ave. - ~~' S A B ER (~ !Y R JH~tetttleatiiiict
NwPoe457 Beltt'hone45l-L 4 V__ s iig' Todtokci
yoht r tleti c cI rnil i eits
WANTEDic.,. a d"+:+ "cososlksot a"t gotr
aK sT E Dlt hitgies h 411 l 'anti Ic iitits ittitt
OfIsrne "el ire salso oe to "SAY rsFROM C tC.'o'tlNi'E" Offiicial 'o Micigntienil sold onli tiliiii iii
hnl d iid ayic stck" and f,,l
ppoe onsa i'cwhsiitaoii' titist- R.1I1~ t:l Suen ho,")f I. vili A G SPALDIN G C$a BROS.
soire cs". ei hera ott lsIntercollegiate Notes. "loot.rSittitti Itiss Stnil tot Ii i
GGO. J. HALLER ft CO. Vite eadtilg teilood-cudl inillit -toplaecll forJt l. inecs tf
Ca m upts Barber Shop I siscuxcottha iti Pinnsylvaniasi till rftise or 1ii, Ii'ittl i51 i ~1 tl li' tsctilgicc siii t he pesope.of ltlrFcitsI Byroit n, ii I1' 1
__pl__________gae Ehd11 graved o te isan twnof o-
. A.MAOE, 705 N. Unitersity- Ave o l I tnarii s tee i'Ssttirutoc, atnd wiill tirsillc. Indt itlur ls itdispthediatEntra v e d
____________________________hreak_______ tltall tslts relationis witilliIar itelgamic itolhei ou a]oii'a , n
THE FIARME[RS AND MIEHANICS BANK ar. tdtrinig if hIthadisaflcydtemerged fot " rti
MAIN AND HURON STREETS tie ro ttrteo r o h mgt
Cosaaspa ltha iules ii a ssitalist Garnt'sigt o tf itthe ' ronilenns iswitt .inti7 lstaI entairtupaet.. n gho 'it soho lg n C ai yiitrd s
Capital, $50,000, surplus and Profits, $65,000 ('Ittslat(Istiast iaIs atsiacipaInciisakei Ste tilc'stablea ig itmetaici
3 pecent interest o its'metaed Saings dI t's frit si" tea . 'IhecMaroo'sliiswill lhiiti'ta s t,1 isormed tby te ir (lt' p thscksoo snultti, natity. te
eosits. Safety Deposit Boses to rentseeyuse 3iho"nA _Snor, La e Y r
1 .00 aidlupwards i tot t oteU it eits' ittlowtita m atct t ha lst lther' Itatee1you'o1hiagcic"lonetisrSe iors, LeavaYou
t. Kno, Pe. W. t'.SoTeV'usVice-Cres te ld d w tsM yI.T enx to .1Or rsE l.
FH. BLStEe.Cash. H.tA. WisoiitotAss. tc ttteOiti Ssy 2 Ii os i .PURE SILK-25o A PAIR eeOrders Larhcgolyioi tach--- --f
The Ceiabc'ata I; I LERKIZ \Id \ V K N"'D't' It S in iifir
--,- (r d mtt' tinitl111 Iena- 22 STYLES
tLC I P R U E 'cjuntatiof Idtilisti ntl Grmitisitic 1,5.I tii. Sit I,-5,1TO SELECT FROM
WIN irCDRGSTRE ttittsteti tttiirsii, silt be 'il iScriIpt,. Frtetnchlaier ~Script, Tifany
MA NS D UG S O E Iir tgo Ito the tjosscsty of Itirtci 'Sus ndr cip Saed ifanyScit
213 S. Main St.a s i-(tita l-.Ksesctitc ila- "Y 'n oe SRoa, ohill shaded 011 Eng
I~nle itor cllt-bcomeitic mit roittee Sils pressd, '250; trosers O. Mre t, 3pn arlc h aded omn, Frech
tTRINGSFtller & OConnor. tfphilada. Roat o tithi,, with hair line
Italian, German, and of American SNOSLatpu resfrFromn $1.25 to $4.00
Manufacture An .i uti.iiicotitas beon saltitutlt 1906 slteisatd oak stieds at Ariacd's CAPS AND"' GOW~NSlir15aIsolPte
FOR ALL STRINGED INTRUMEN[S 1I,; t e osiet o t htt ni iversity of jeiwetey stise. ttOIO Cards from Pate, 75cts
Califo nist t toe smmie sssionitof For__________
SCHAEBERLE & SON it a tititosity siltticeitl fro eiti ti The AtnntArbor Pess (oiiryPr Co rnrxsee lexert
14 W. Lihrty St. ANN ARBOR (omryPrTO .SAE
________________________2tu otfint 'tiis tiecioutsy tlnniounced. ter & Syder), pritters o the Micign W~eekIH S H. LAE
En1,OCh Dieterle \ltttti te ltic itrsitysf Caliiforenia Daiy, T'f lAtmtnos, Itaander, 'tot's RNA,--$.0Bosle
Embamerand Funeral Director oftitlu lt ts.ofSil eaiisu gmt atolfolol heaa n Saloe
Asulnc-cl a ede dyorn~ht ntto tttiigs at Berkcetoty C.A. hatndbook, etc., et., are printters-t116South 1 M11 Street
suflit oyli~ocsiioo tu asi to te student body nt >~ . Wasiog A. F. LOVELL
2ti S. 4th Are:tesientce sarnic toc i tue t, iltrruteoi for the pesetnt ton stret. tf 332 S. State St
Phone404. nn Aror. b; re ifwokIt ic h eryalteAet o ebr fte facutottsarccengged Hilreth's getnuine velvet kisses at COX, SONS & VINNING, New York
ill s shortly Ito resum~ed. Cshng's. _____________________________ INYE L UNC HES
ALARM CLOCKS I te care.i' a tst tie o c I SE,'Iltoi
$1.00 to $1.u50NIOII 0 1 iit ilt Cigartts ane
Fully Osavactead 1061,6 1'1111 111i4111i ---- Irpmetrr &t p k tidoti ias. A cotit
Isieol tsioti ari ls. Weaeeage'sft
for te mosy. tIe thFpsro.~Ifllll ~ t.ES,'also foe STPAiY'S &S SHAFFEE' S
forteDolar FinewhthreairitXFORtl OXFORDS fuODXroFo.ORosDsS t.a'll
J. L. Chapman, 206 S. Main St. oUne cU[U U ) ~h.cae. J -OLY. St ,S.
Yoga angetOhio CentralI ines
Cafe Servc bet wenTi o le ttdo Cluis and
At Toattte's. 338 . Stat Charlestt.
Spcil Cs to Detrit 80a.it, adteory
Fine line of low shoes all leather, all 11, horsintit8 )coyl
League Baseball Reports shapes. Up-to-date exclusive designs' t"''0uhut es , ° t". An. ist~l
Received by Innings DailyCALKHOto1:5p n
At "CALL AT WALK OUVERK WAiiur _____________EST)H AL

h USTON BROTHERS' And have a look. s O DurntIIiI. M inStee. or
_____________________________ rease Pn..ln'.t
The University of Chicago ColdCra
The tniocrsity rear is dividiedinttofufir W aeCp Senior Rates Ebro Pexells
itutrees, ttttter. Sriog. Summtitr utid A- W PHve Caps ye rowW
tn. Almissiont sgerantus l: ihciipiligtf I IWI ie nadititolt
DOtohee tt. Graduate insltecioe is itofe'd to Fit atths
ts thue Graduat' SooiisItof timn a it io- harclSple
so res andsd thete Ogeni (tGrtduate Sott oft tdoTetia ~ pl
Scietice. Profess'iitnatisruc'tion is iifferedi t td0P to
is te tttvinity Scool. het Laity Scthio. the
Rase Medical College (affiliate), atid le
Sotoal of Educatin. Summer Quarter 1906,
Junoe 10 Septembert.Ftirst teem: tJute 1-
Rtegste' iton is pemitttoe (tif~ e eure ua -__ E. E. CALKINS
is gtven' for work tdone. Sicl ourses ae
The UNIVE ST Y OF CHICAGO, Chicag 's ll.________________

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