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May 10, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-05-10

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The Michigan Daiy
AN A RBORi\MICHIGAN, "M. Rt)\ Y to,1906.

'OL-. XVL.

No. 157.

Sanger, Aided by Excellent Sup-f FN'RI .FS rOR FIrL
port, Brings Victory Out ofDA CLOSE,' 101)AY
Apparent Defeat - Garrison tEntre'sfoitheivarit 1y fidilay
Finish Ended Uphill Contest. whihtakeis paceion "Satra'y close
- itoay. lanksxilavlixhcen p1aed inthit
'fter pay ing rror isbal for tel traininig qaxitersiiii Dircto itp t
xiigs. Chicago's lasebaltea1mfinlily r iitsii id tr n snigt
comptiei Saturdayiiiente their Inmles
blw ip in xithe eeieiitliroundx of le tilty
confict tlonFerryfild1(1yseiday tfter- _________
noin. Strong-arim trows by Walker I'CXI 0C1ASS13 1 Mii 13 TO01).X e
an Bid i iin t innitinloied Mr._____
liii inth abrn-lhaittd-011111who Tw'o iiterlass baseball ginmes till hlie
offciaebintiiiii t, tto ptiter scrospaytodx. ']'he '08lws wi lbtte1
1he1pan wihiitiiiiilstt1111 foi- Mxiii wih tie '07tolaws on South Ferry field,r
Egan te ixst extra iiinig gaxime tat andtte'o ieti sxwittlatie th tamum
ha. obtut p1ayedii lii I sofietutufor some1otheii t fai gouds this afternoounu. N
Visonixofta1reptitlioiiiiof the Thanks-
givingca tsrophetmadelithe aifutfult SENIORS RESIGN FROM 1
liii ixiith uili'°txion is"for isixr;;: THE IDAILY STAFF TOAYt
log inningiis thei'score: Chi tioiic
i111 iiio--s tard thei111 i iihe face. Clixi--
s-,1Pau11lihe Chicagot suitpwtx'ii W In Accordance With New Ruling, Man-
(id t axilimithiiihationsuta1hit fr ging Editor Dew and Five of His
(it tntng. t~alenc i e ithiand Associates Withdraw. I
d va i t i ll onl i nt 11111 tlxrieihitsii
and t 11111un 13111''nit'escrea idfore- To etaisihh Iaxcnstoumsiiiar to 11111
tg- Psuxt tit oxitheiii Ti' itooin ogncuinixos t tie aseti clege
kindlyti) to te xc xiii' f II iii ir Nho Paer i re of 'i-i'llen seioi itho
siiceeeicd intInd icr striouly)hout eiitoriiiil poitins oii The ici-1
theaeing'.tosettexin te nntund 'iignily istody1pestueciihleiiresigii-i
tenxt. lfinlls lxiiiti blu11113godi tils fiiiiiitie stff. 'The llte'inwhIo
te eleventh.ii lhave rigsune'diare Ctie L. D ewt, mx-
fIctigtix ax l Iii xxii tiwotiitr;d-' gi g titorixiA. H.iOrtmieyer imuisiat
ing3 thecotlst.l"lriiz" DeNeff, heitai xi dramuati' critic; Hugxxix unt xxf tet
sn ihpa wo strte itoffoix h-lxxlxiitoirii sixaf f ior'e A.iBaries ail
igthatutbxlels if his xxxiiixwhenxxthe FIat xii JClrbasoitxe eitrsTiii
\1 liii i sillrlediito lxxiii.ITlicon-t xxi x senis whoiiirema'u iin hit ppei,
bilediithxxii weilrdxithrowixiby)Text I hiln is ).Sikiiiy aiid Ftaikli C.
Oien gatexii i Chicawt'x'' unsxixnuthPrsxx areii heartiii l in i .sympt11a1thy wiii
opnig esion.tItlxlxxscod Ft lxiihewaxio hxof leuir soits lxiii ae
Sane wxxx"trto11 the irlxig liiie xxiipreventudfmtu akxii liig" a iilr step
tithedi ixie f thehes x aesx o ' i 0\1"to the f'ct ta theyixxait imimbr
carer.Duingth l i liig ti" hex x f Profexxssil Stlt s clss i I iixix xii
'Ixw toi x x fixr htil ts o of I ictheparin orderxx ttotincrediitlfoxi
''etlt"iiiiixitit ecn ibst. fit."xxv flit nearxxixllieaiterntcllege tx-ape'is
lxIn tite ibas on btiltsxaidiat al itimestiheiisyxsiemuprviis oftoaxing all te
held tiltent mixn xx i'hllowii oxx isl xsiorxiis liire tilener te xxxii of tie eat
had sasxxshowntixtllithe xlixnthxiihxxnitnxxitilturlxiiihlitpppxii rvoxi loxtheieix
sfter iPaxtlxxxidx douhlid ito sait he imanagement.i his 1lan xiihaxs imtiny ad-
fannedi lboti h BureiandxxGiardeii xiid vantagxes-xnliii'eibiarl of Cnitro of
causidt Walkr toIitliai groundeir Iat ThexxichigulkxDa0iyiucontempiatxxexestab-
I'Birii'i. -lihingixaxsmill1riciistoi xt eyer. Thie
Sanxger xii iven riilli iiasupptxtxItiiii lxii of dthe xitf lre theailyin i
lxy his texim-maiteiiitlxxihlxiiirliisxxxix avorii ofxthexinnova tixiiioixandlinioreri li
'Bieini being ele' xlixerroris Capitinfacilittei 1maxliiilxxxi'etthandeiniiitheir
l'elslthaliiia Ixusy dayin ixcnter-i--ilndlrsignaitios
palld ixff a tcoupe iof sxwelicatesxi Theihloardxioitttcxntrli ie ysteraty
xxhichx lac mxigi x't--t ha' en xxse'difri-andxaiceptedxtir ew'sreiigxx ion,-th
misig.itxatxis of th otherixt iMtiibers of
lFclitrsall. itf cxr se, xwii lxi c nr lihestaff hliitittelen prxxeviosly pet
of -aititriactionxifoxi b'hicago, lxiii le iiireiid xliii m.lxxiArxthur C Ponidlxiti-
little toxmehittheii'ateixtion li lciiexxiihler of teli-itrillstaxffxindmaxaxingl
fli'itaxde a lxxxiirtrowxto the l epiieitoilxr f tel der, xxwii s xappotinxiltd
-tilts eighth lxxcatch CO'Brie'nx whixxiiiwxsiaciiing" manxgigngigeitorx uitilie oxirc
lis onxly filinig cace. -At the li-tihe xof eixtorsxishall imaxxiiaI ixrma nt
got a ixxo-ha-itgger ix tihxxii utxIwxxsxchicix.ti'Ai.Ponixsl tieltyotixt xiii
titby lxxx fiet-iwxxnih'x riedxxiioxxstixa liiiteforxi t it iioxfori net ieriand
thid. it( iatinxoitthliiiblxisi of ontriol ietely
'Teimpletonxiditiiclwnei tilxirficxtbuntutnticipatesthatxofitheietitorliis 'liii
tox strt tege.u'Harper alsoxuntedxIlane'tirihs eexi lxxiin hitarge of
nx]xiO'Br liiin xxma iie xxiilrowix ixr tliii rltesiiP.xCushtting liirryxeditolixrir
i'Texi'let I CaingiirdiiiandxiiHia-iner sec11113gtiipxiiy1ar.
xii til the lay13Temtpiletonxxstlcdndi Nixappitmenxxtexs tx fi lxi'e xxaniii'
iarpert-i otuu: iti ol iiiirxx's lxiiiftxxixlft by- te resgnaiolxns xtill lit lmxde
shiorfirst lx 1 ittperstored ot Mig'sthisxierlxiint ixxhtoxelxxho iinend to liv
lxong fit VxWe 1d 11l1Pa1]iflexx-to Pt- fori liiistillfltniex'tr are rex to
tesu omxe 15111aiix wtouinth" ie i 'in ii
Stingers two-bI ager ctineto nughtder xiif1til eat r xs schwt:ir i xibx
ini the sxt,-xs idixaxsigllexyWXnellktaken itoilcotnsidertiolnxiniimaxkiig liii
in tt' sexenxhix xliiithie eiglhithiee Iappo 1ill-ilsnetexllft
imre jicii"sX-Wit oine out11') ini tel li
forixiciblaxis xixxisxrti onii VililtI WiXlirtd i xxxix iiiCoritlli'8lis pri-
sige i'theltte1gongti"oisexondiini Oltsxld ithaxl isitutxlxixxioi t a xindoii
"Ficles ortitrxw1liii xx hex lat pxe sitver xxxixto it onfiesxdifoixiixi lix
Whelr sixol thirdlbixxinjured111isxl {iblixfotxba tll as rprexeninghigie forl
txikltecslixingixntxlixe1bag ttnxd vats re(clsesxxof te uixiersiy Uixder lte
pxlacexd by Loxweiil bit tils juncitrle xrtles- goerninig conxpeior -xii v-rsiy

Stgg setlix Wtxlker ho soputhue boni- uxteri arcelearred from mieixbiership out
ixsriluxeux, Ptxil repxlacinxg Niixviis ini 'to of the citxss teamsu, ,andx no class
right. XTirtiii got tt single, htowever, rtan shxail have a pail coach ini prepar-
(Cailfit d nt Pa 'tot ing for the teriet,

Michigan Alumnus, Now Professor of _________________
European History at Palo Alto, III\SIPRLI IS(I'R I i CoalUio t e erdi
hereForthe ummr l~Y IbJ~)RI ) l0iIA115 "Stabat Plater" and Stanley's
All tse xi st xxit uxuxhiks ugit xieudiad XXWhle'ixClxxha irIfelstllxxithe fnance "Psalm ofVictory"-.T-vtoOver
litnt stini$eor 00xiis13heityihichcon ltit e oftheUion ixnxistre sshow tres by Thomas Orchestra.
tuin sulhipeito xxiinlxiefith epxfadl uelxxxxixyute teryiTh) 'e first conxcer ofthe May Fetia
andi that tl uhu t Ix ii it i lthusappixima 'te xiprtoctdsoftheseislb i x n
semeuser beins xuslxxiii31r. ser, i xegiioixxuiestaes plae tnigh iat8 o'cin x
liiisfactiwaxxascerineditlyesterdayiof tu'lx 5o Tliiiexpxenss incienaleuto IUiersity- al. thue prgiraxmu beig s
xxn xxxiintriew xcixthxiDrF 1 ).ID.lAdams, the uprforimancxue xwere'$30 xx'hichx followxs:
huihign xx87, 1110willofessor of Euop it xxix lxox theMichigan Unionithelii'u1111 Iiry-xtutlinOverture- --... rp Tixer
'can history1andctinxuug lxiadxiof that te-ii$ O SttttIlui- -Isu'
Profiixxsiir utAtils rtri nedxxiithits wekto u tuxxstxxieutoinoxrxxiax."uussfur --isttx i vetur -N -3h - fetra ey
thiss oneihiidgrxaeritaa toseuortPrllItoxVititti hilt i :^, Stnt-
hi ol liithisritoxxspendi xtk sum-xfi tseiurcinug iperformantuxci- shoinuxxg 'i utxxii tle ihat
ur bontsn ui xthn i i Ihu xlii-etatch xworkilxuxbsthf ii'inxiuuixii 1"h xx i sti~xl xing xxixs t ae Milianux
thatiliii'eiixclleceif thutxxetitductiotnituFrehuRea, isoprIIanio;xxrae Munson,
xix Arbor an in tbie xxiast. ixThe-isr h feto h aaecmie
'the smestexr but onellxxiumonth erlier ThelxiC hoal ion wx iile headi lx-
than usual.xxxandxiiProfiso Assixh axi texxslaxM INSTRELS WILL NOT xxigt iforthulxfir lxxtixetixs season. Ii
that hu ne.rturn h ing to1111 hxis ufo irrAPPEAR In DETROIT lxxxiiihlii""ltixaxxMbttr'ian1 thin "Psalmu
iuticsnexti-bugust.of icbtxourx'itie crgnizaxionxuhax a e-
'he uuxx--x-sy-is lxoti dunxux-dnc e hicclxxi ff litthe ipxay of liii ist qualiie
bitxtsufuxs xxeiii lx diti 1o- Committee Decides Against Accept xiii xibxy tisctsuxuu uf most atuusxuu
cerned.iDr.Adbut hillsxiiioxrallithe ance of Dr McPhees Offer-Too rxiing'Attractie xistnigxt's pro-
buidins it xxignu xxr cni lxxiifroxxixthin Much Work the Reason. lxx tilst h tadiers1 oxf coxralxoik,
x uinom fuds o(f thl i verxii isily em t isexu-nofilessxx x ni igxliii" hutolus tiho xftncy
orxial xhapliituelew ilibrrthetiewtAtext a cnusierationof tufhut lndxlxui- xorcesrl uxmusi.IThe uxr3auxhle tier-
gyii silmtwlxx xiiigs ol thunxxiv-er- t-o i f nDr. ouxis Mc leof Dtiturelxxinxxxtliiifamusuxux Inore" ENo. 3
'11- 11111seittut utxudxuit xariii xxxi he u-t inciu ii Cx uuwxi 51h ii ar uoyuui ii txs iiil-piedu
building f "cxxiii'sandxx inuuxxg wtx-cnn mitteein cha ixrge f thinhw a etrsiuxtlx xlxilallxorchestalx litexrtture andx
xx x io i llls I xtc ixxxii xx xiindecidedhtittt inll lixiposiblei to10tathenoccuuqpyfor t place, iinxxthi ee nixn
onlyiixxxiioccuiedxuandiithitus onl0113-heUnCTionxmistires.iDr)tMc~heet xxii xf xiiiexxoxl'sxlxiitxorcestras
slihtl h-auuxx-.cTheliltax ilxxoss i- shutte tassoctatesxoferetoi xxseiurtheiiiFredernibk bStctixChut cndxiucr of
iriixintdtixl$35o0t00oooThereix s xxituuditorixumuoitthexifCenalightscoooxxthexx Thomas ioxchesta, ha s just omu-
urcset'uuoxxcry11113neeth forunytilof these a'dguaa itediteliiUonx handhsohmxetri-ixetex islxxsecondxtsetsonuuof leatdership
hxuhixgs iexccpt tielts, frthe odurs proxvitdthinecllegianiblaicC-faceii,[theiii'lixuxuutux rcestrta. Xiti thue
ibirary' anxiigymnlasiitum are noxwxin use.xxalis xxxwandto Iauxpeaninthe it.endingxofxithinsasonsxuthe newspapertsunnxof
'hecre ill bihe noxiretrenxchmuxentiax funr Cxinral ChatirmanuxxPoxund id asihia risrex'viig I-inStock's
i xiui x salaries of'the1facu tuuemes are niht'twor s cndudtorlsnof thinorxhesteira. At
cocrXd D.Aalxiie.an n ]i lteipunto letrlidt woxudxirei tei begining o thi nccetslasitx
every ce nown )r wberexiuprofxessoswr, nt nhnsm earsfrteUno.Otbrxms.oteihdpanms
expectinxg to gu o tanford uuxx xxdx ixi lxxxl, w nhvedxiet l ihat xi x t uxllilxxxo ivigut tus xxo hli fitnessfor i ios.
heir ptlnsxxi lxithe chantigedi inthe Much xxohk. ITheishowtIwoitldihalxxxIt xxas xxhaza'rduots experimuent, afer
interfereii toxaxl"ghtidelree xiithste uculdxihohpetoilmake Cx hittwth xli Delthroiof tliiinhutuie ewas toleadxx, andu 011' tf
plan for the deiii lopmuxxent of thi t lxi uduienceliii histwouldtakel tittexxwliii o epcialtprestigeXWitxhung eper-
xixrxsity t xlhuhteixdiii louxmuentl commuuitemenxxand performerstxcouldtill iencxiithusisxgiing gradxiully dxii-
iii]xxno t lxasrapil.Axdbamusxixtes aCotdxifteit ngx11t heirx xiiitforst ishedtutanxxinxxxvthin reviexwes arewi
that I xlxixtile=theliiixi ser xil maex tiii showxxaxrxady.hx I oxs -ari'tlxxxnextr11113 xvruty oifNirSdock'sx'coxnducig
noi dixfernxce. Abccoxxrdinga tothe ast hinhi"xasia wholes
plainis. xxioolhas minmtabutnifrou thethiaxtmade thin orchesra'saxs
incomeunflumifr bxuldinmgs eatilt yemrxxxii RClxlCK I N--iG(011131 --XXI'lue (f them. mleue tanxuxecer. /Ill
ittewfund l xibhe arrnmgedt forliii CAbS CObtAC CHISTAGG 'Ihomasxmadexx ui lt perfctmusialt nah-
tepirm of the uiimngmsIThe wxxxiiifie Xi rCStock lxxx gxenmilife andx
cling upi ilsthisdebist is alrady wxxiii For ncexthe timeXciganm suhdenhu lodyx enthuiasmx funrlxreixas wonxuthe spiit
ude way andxial te xcpis aresxx cisxuxite dhxwit Coch titCiag XV'it xx xxandmuexliii of tliiieundue h, tiho
pith iihtttedtob icmltedtiityinext epiciuxasite tuu iibi-utigaelahs h utulitaittuthehav Iraliedito hus suppoitit a 10-
ber s xcitxxxiarrangemen3t haslxxeenixCooixyi lutst ihe xii, XNell.it mwals Ialy xxxidxuasnimty trily'emarkaile.
nid tiltrttuhliiiebilduu u xiin x 'mte um caitngiiigoo"dxiigalxxxi"'Ihust beii ito 3Mr. Stockthe mxxxi
orichapeliiicingt" ashtduaboutulthlxxfutureiof atilt 11rxtefuli f thut mxxx'ixcues of hi
lticilahionx hutwlxeenxxCicagoiand pularixty 113'ahinuthin seasonxlas boght
PRiOFrSSO(R RILSINY'TAICS Mihxixn, hexsaidlithlatt emdidntborthlxxixfor tutur xximuttuster mnd iner
(117 XOU5Ni'V.SV IUSSN' ieg xtha mmccllxxixntof 111x1 flls mnaurexoxis lxx ityl as'ax u umsieauxauth
chntestitaxxthe liii t stepunix thexlab l-islxcaran clir xx amxxxix'txathin judxg-
Profiexisor Kelseyofthlie CLxiii hepart- i mxixtof rnit ions. lxxliiie chntrrit wemntuxofmxiheximaximawxxa ssembe daly
nnt 13-xis- u-tu etngma hlk hbeforthe xwas lbicausec xf liii fooxtalcnfenmciuxrhm.Sxi eaiyuhelxhas gained con-
Pilolgicag l tsociey' lxii eveingx oxxixhe axxxiall to 10 x l li ithxxiifotvxhil l i ctnimu blxir lah xxii t lrge smpicity-
erupthxionxxi Ihuit utVesuisin m xxtimeasir expecstu sbs eba iilcli anditrac tilllyithexiclxxix lii undxiecy to eti-
79 b. . i t u 11 apoching t"heucsuijctiu - xx cos tixue.mentcalifucuatioumns of pc and lto lthe
xxhitch he dtied was xptrimxaxrm ixyge- Coitch Ctagg waxs te olxx)-oxne of tihi'ex'ggertiontoxta il as mxxvanihed.
lxxiiia1lxroesor Kclseyx paxixaxtouchi teenueitumbites fliithexoari x-io uotiIIs, sie fmu xsiai lesign has dxeni-
um" tibxumt'ltotie lte FProfessor Russell, fori lie rete'ntihon of this gamexc of nexitxiit ee u modxernmusauiclie axien
xwihse investigautionshxmumthis ciid tofe-Novxtembeur lie saidthaiuxt lie xxies r hufafro tie first moxst successfu. In a
serc xxiiiblxiiirtvut exx tuxcxemxucix val- shirt) ideedthavxxlue it clleduoh. ticd. axikeitthin diualiy- of i
lileianditxiiixxhmse effortsx tie ud- "Ylullexpuecedto xxrepueat tl ictoryx iefor umaxisexat thin sxanrdta Mie
limits oi lst einguxh"adxx beenaxumjo xinty hf ail fll?" he xwasxasked. IThomxa lflthe orchesa, and lager
prpaed "Welil X nomx; I coxx~uldn xxx)-ythuat,"lxx audinceshavue attieedthi nx'crs
Pxrofessorx Kesey sttdl tthe ixiliisudy saiihtmlute xwouldhxcertinlyut)-he "hd xo taueven before."
'of thisttgunexl erpnuu divu xied intommxxtwo xxave' mie chance oftrIying."
problemsxu tie foxrmxofNVesuvis xl hut -
mmmxiiexof tei ut i ion11xin itilt 3eiii79 andx SOPI IANtlFR SI I ENG;IN SENIORLIlTS DANCE
thex destruxctiohnuuandilxxix of lii xlPot OALRS PLA5Y CR111 Vt MONDAY NiGIIT
pii Ilix shotweditfuter lhowx- to mues
itt extinuclcaxxiesxxxxcitndi acssIlxy liii pxuitphnedlgameu betwheis mmxlie 'i le snuio is are making anange-
at the junucionxuof wnimchm lxixnxisstans frehandsouu xmxi upocmoxre esineixng 113 xeuuixfor anoher class dancelto he
Vestuviusliiie01113 lievolcinoonxxxi teain.li i achxvasx lxxhaxvemcxxx mlxi hel xxin Babourn gymxtiexxxiMondayt
coninentcu of 1 um multiasthusCmedy, xiii be play3ed txxioxctlock nightxubis111wxiiiiprobbilyle the lsxi
r Iliiirepotl wIas xintuxerestng through- I mxix 'uatenoonxm, mxxxSouth CFerG-s i oial xisunmtxof theanscsxibefoe tia-

-omt. uniing baseduponuxx Professor Kel- I ' _____________ seniortunreceptionx.lime commuxittee claiums
t' seyx xxiownsationxs, the swritings of 'lit-ne studuentis of tha n bmiersiiof this xil lme xcbestdanxcethan nlass haxs
hixotabe wrnitesof te time, anduxlatenu'Wisconxsinitx-cnnsuspjenuded for cutting given urilunxg lime college conrse. Ticka-
slies Severaul curious specimnams of axu tmnsluxo's aim anxxiitinixg lisface elisxwiii be solditon $1.oo ecd, anti canx
v olcanic dust~, pumnice stome anti blankj with inie because be luau saixd that hue securned frmm embxers of lime tocial
lava wene exhibited.j Madisonx stndentx lacked culture, committer.

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