THEg MICHtGAN 1tAlLY Hockifig Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Carson Day Trains Sloeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots. in Toledo and Co- luntbuo S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martlus Detroit, Mich. F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING (Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. BAILEY & EDMUNDS %portf noGoW0 j 121 East Liberty Street. ^"\ 1P^' ' '1i'^,/*'1t " "vn' ,/"1, " , " , ltd'1 ~'y~"1t ' i.Jt "v ^i'x'1'^1r,^'t " " '/ " .? PEA NUTS, SFinest {Quality Roasted Peanuts per lb. l~c. Salted Va. Peanuts, Bleached per lb. 15c. 2 lbs. for 25c. SPeanut Brittle per lb. 1 5c. We buy Peanuts in car lots of 25,000-tbs. Doing our own roasting, we give better and freaher peanuts for less money than any house in this vicinity. 214 Sooth DEAN O. Ann Arbor Main St.. Michigan tCO~teSntKtyte thettaii i.5SSSSS THE CONLING PEN CO.. INow Read New Line of Spring Hats Very Fine and Dressy. You Must See Them. Llindenschmit, Apfel & Co. iI'. Suits and Overcoats (nnimvolthn (nnin Buy Direct and Save1 rom $1 6.00 to $28.00UU U1j1UI II5UIIfItJ Money. 1184120 E. Liberty. U. of M. BARBER SHOP i htgahrR N S H E 319 FE. Huron R A N DA L L Trojonowski State St. PH O TO G RA P H E R I/~ UNIVERSITY NOTICES. 7essssie ums fi licrt stro i- Rtitli- testclustiltiii1st b e st t 70; S. Iltta r re t"itue:. Iectit layr a. - --- )raitrital beard v1i et il thIis eves- Site 7 o'clocer p, Rtttm i24, C'n1nerecite sall ;impousrtanst. biglir. '-- 105 ( itt( Siae streetinitstiretiy tf 1 [Itniesr site- llI, Saturdales atfernttttn,a ) t1Id'gl d hunS1 ting cSt)aise tkry-rinintg ii1tint, frit Michtigatinseil fobl.1 Rward_ . if rriturnsed 11i20 \'l eiriiettr. as 6i Shirt waists made. Prices reasotnable. 1 eS70 S. Siate street. tf Thle Annt Arber Preee (formerty Par- kec & Snyder), printiers os the MichiganC D~aily, The Alumnius, Inlander, Yost's great hunkon football, the Technic, S. T H E product of sixteen years5C .hnboececaepitr to the student tiniy st7 E. Washing- experiment ; the successful re- tnsre.t suit of an effort to make a Turkish Try Phelps' Perfectinn chncntate puffs cigarette better than the best! and chips at Cushing's pharmacy. - I'oroaritits sad Suippties, Amateur Devrelointg aiid Printinig, gn tnotLyndon., 1KtUlisethotgrapiher, 721 N. Uniiversity. tf 8tg IGlaUsADs repaired. - CIGiAiE.TTE 5 ye carefutly fitted and tested.s GEORGE HALLER, Mats St. J are unequaled in richness, smooth- Oficliat '06 senior sthiels are ready for ness and mildness-the one Turk- detivery adarc $2.00.Do' pay more.W There are tie best and oiily nfficiat ones. Ii: ish cigarette that offers these Call for orders inmmediately.° J.M.P qualities perfectly, and in perfect 1,C1nSai rJfero tet f. harmony. smaill, trowsn purse containing small, $1 r10 for 15 Cents 5pi-fi4i-5tititi6tega . By mail ipotpad--If yoa can't get M1urad Cigarettes at your O ~.-tib-rmr ye wie.JC.Watts, 335 Eastibty* i, ALLAN RAMSAY, 111 Fifth Avenue, New York Cityj street. 54-56 Satisfactory tailnring at satisfactoryJ j I prices. Putter & O'Cotnnor, 6tg E. Wit.- hiam street. If S. {f dEWAR{ . < a ice' ,i 1 f / y A II There's Many a Slip 'Tween the Cup and the Lip, anti many tittts yosu are disappoinitedl ins receiving your linett whett you tmost need it, uinless you senid it to a reliable lauindry. Yott are never dis- appointed whett you send it to the Varsity, andc yotttnt only receive it oit duettlittebttt willh a color andc fittisht on it that is always gratifyisng. Varsity Laun ~cdry 117 S. 4th Ave. S*th Phoes 928 FIRST NATIONAL BANK ' X :t~~r~ Of Ann Arbor, Mich. . AC E1). Kisne, Pros. itarrison Soule, V I G ASj~ S. W. Clarksos, Cashier Capital, $1t0.000. Surpius aod Profits. 1ot40,00J j j GEORGE BISCHIOFF 2hl.FLO RI'ST LAI1PS ChieCut Flownes-a.d Ple ts. Chanpn St between Huron andi Miller Ave. E c Phone tto $2.50 E c COOK HOUSE I Opposite Cort House Square FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHES 12.00 $2.50 $3.00 10Cnl oe o team Heat sod Elevator At) night service 10Cnl oe o SUNDAY DiNs ASECIALTY. 50yEalehseb 1-3 Cent per Hour Vasderllp eft Gal. Save Eyesight, Money gave a Walk Down Town and Trouble Get your Watches and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place AN AR O G S 3ay your Ui. of I. p NNAROR GA vhere thty keep a full CO. soe at the L o. Lo es t rices. No Al e' poor stock iourotore. Ic N ot h isng iarged for a looong ________________ ur goodo or ge tt iong riceo on repairo, etc. Alarm clocko soRIN ucYURsNRAEDrslPICTUcES TO 1.00 and up Call at the right place. oppooite Law Building. AR and haretsheem framed 3B 1LL.I A R~D S with tChoiee Mouldinsog AND Only the Best French (class is Used. BOW LING 1223 S. Male St. ROTTENSTEIN. 707 N. Univ. Ave. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING