TheMlichigan Dil ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, VD D\X, :i)\ r i gX o96. t%L. XVI. No. 156. CHICAGO BASEBALL TEAM bilCHi-lit\, LNION tII Ic 1'i)N WILL PLAY HERE TODAY Itte liffort i beigtiade byth DeNeffe Will Pitch For Michigan -Eckersall in Left Field For Chicago h is fterlinoonatIi '0' le varsity taei tillmimets till iteamifron thtti itilsi0' o C hisago in tie secoid of iese'sof 1four1 1o le playeitis sea- so.It is likelitat tielpreset seasoit lull Ibe tielasit othe initerollegiae aildietic oestl"s btwen 1(1tiese tto great Tt Chicag' o wiileve' te aeatithii Ihelsifoitiilga"mite ts her credit is noletan iii liithe iiidwaschool wil liethe ti h iler branchelesif it- lt iitss cltiii b11111alogeter pssi- WiXtilthese c'oneitilostC atainttWXen- (fel andiithis iteni till tryts setuat iii go oes not quitialttsither. Te fiest f thiii oes was :iniieasy vitoy ltr'1tichigai ittaisoe of 7 ito 2. "Yet 1 itt llis lway iuner till,'aintthe scoeemtigt easily le revlrsdi tosal. 'therefotre tieicapti ilttiges eet st dentt gt'oilttn i ic'it the tlt lotal 'Te Clicg eami il iischttie s1111 aslat ea, ih onetills iliantit excepe- ttn. \\ ltier I kt ll s tr iof the gril iron, itwilieti ill theletal ia mon frite irst ime'11111 hllsstieti qar teir itwill htin ileft iifieuldiiirliii visitors, ndtit ey ret ticinlg geae toet oni his sieel Iiilrtuinig the bises A- lie' testsile str iiof itie itins too, metae looing Iforwiatditohis idefeti litoa. Sid sint of thrilalst eeintg'' "Istilt would 1lik e to hle the imaniiwhit brn, inihe sililillirunstiltmorrowls i eseilyifi i sslinctolii hiiisirii ito left hili." Catain Plit(iii~' perhtils ile lhardiist tileer CntheCilecago iseam. it'rier i- ist'er"gtotumtituwitlltte stick. Wsal- le as s e enthete Iast ear whiei le 11(11notiappearito1he litcinlg vesry godi hal ie pist cd ile iaiud one'-tid ininilithe lst "gtite iof le seasoni. hi~ring tat time le allowedlsix its. ismnstiui cago o t iilin tleetr strus'etiltt inman. liee'Mihigani ieiam sill le tiesm as last Saturdayiii iiiwithte eseptioniioi Sanigeriin the rigi"tiig"ardetautu Dc- Net~ iitl ithe o '.iS"ne'r i-ll trsb- tl e slie iii iIthle llnit tgamis'of scsi Satiriaiy. Yesterdaitastuncod ifr sawokuti adas tieres it-ois ingiii"but a ligti battingpsatce' \indaiytie emn till goint tihi' game ith iilittlepraato sire their lst 'game Ile gamte sill le csled tprmputlytis i4:05. P1111OGCA iSOCIETY 11O LS MEEh' INfG TONIGHTl 'i'ie Pihiloltogical sotietystllt hitlsiits regitlti meeting 't 7:30 toiigti in Rosit C. UCniversshy tll 'ile paiersfits the eveiin g twi lite ott"Vesiviis inidithe Destrtuctinttof Potmpei in the ests 79" twhichliwilile red itt Prof. F. X. Kel- sey. Profe sot Keseys psper tes oni the progatinfosr te itietitg lst tweek, bttwtas poistoned i to the preset set' SENIORS MAeY SILL UGi' SOUVI~R SHIiiEUDS 'fTs' tarst' seals thitcht tere hoei ity the senirs s their offiial svnirii are having a lsarge sale. Noi only se- insit, bit seior sitstutumaniy oter stidenis are inesting ii themn. An e- ira sipmneit has iei sett for aitilal seniors' whio tesre our an get onie at Ye Sudeeit Shp nt Williamt street, ita isStair. MIi CHiIGlAN lAS GRFAE'iST NCTI1 ittR COF ENTRILS 'The ettries for the twesteni ecitfer- eince meet to e htstelid st Evantson, Il., tills 2 sre to e closedin iite ests future. Up io the tireseti time, tesi frioti sesenteen diffternticolileges ate' bieten lterdi. A totl of 427 iteit are itositdotn-inttthe thiioks of the cofe- ine s prospietite compietirs Miih- iauiuleas in idieuetiilr rof entries Xii Fitzpatrik haintg' sett ini a list of iiiy- itle namte".hutwa hus fifty-two, WXi- consin liiity-itsanitChicagifeityte 'Tess entriess itcluie l me tntwhthaitie sliy' sitaties of comptet ig. ITe ituttbe ofi aitutalisutstatsill tpriinoably be ciii dowttcisidrab1 ily uesore the iday f the neet The list sitftiensetiniiby' Xr. istz- pticrk is sfolos: 11itPt Rimey J. U. Garets)lI.tLimDunlap F A Roties 14L1 Cisc J 1.lGoosiR .Gif. Siteart, i. .1Day, T. I Sltitwman L. C. hull C.iH.iBritot, JXW. lii, J. H. iHosiceit XX T lutst .UO0 tbiggs U.V Essery, N I.ClUark ii J. "lhaw',3.S-Ciuts CA.CosA. i. Uhl r tit.ic RI.s Moffet f.'A.iDuil, I' X. est, C. J.Schenuk11X.iuintgo ii is X a,1.i,Sis T. 11.iRetd ,S_ MiiikeitiH XX lu'Bisop,1itF. iXXthe's I. M X litekIT XXW. iMloiey I. B FreicIUL1 C.iWdrile Mi C ichard- i suit C. 0.itchif.iB. Leete C. XX F.C alJi., .N Rkestriw, ' t.Shuu; XX XXCe Jr I P. P.Mag sftun J. . Uoton Ji.,3. 11 I lopitiltiFI'tit Doddis I.UC.etrit"i C'. SmilesXX' I.IKersitJ. J.CLisigstoii Theiientriecs wtri sentinitbeftier lit coniifereslce hadii teitdedi upion tthe eli"- ibiliti sit"till" Cot. he declratint ofi hisieigiiiiityt parttiites sill re dlite 'siuchigami's ttlof enurissto fifty- eighst t even tttthe slistislage thansthatof anylithe r college.f ICI The 'MiyitFestil i iiiiiiei iofthe I-! lardiriii11le stit tdai. t cotintll severali articles of ntt '1h 'et Xlayt'esitialit'bt Prf. AlbertA. Sian- ley, a comllpriehie'nsive' articeisnlthe coiigi MaiyitFIstivlideters m han mileesmentiln.Ts hle twriter' s sense ofI hunitsris shwinitu iihis rfrenc ser ts a cirtooinisi ithis C ounltyir iCiiiroil Li disussig"the t''riousii prducitionts schetlileilftilthe itit esivXio gromt the trofessot'ptysiarciese the tvarisiswortks; u iispeakitg of lilt ownticomlpositon, the mucth-pratisedl "iPsaitti sf Victoity'te says with char- actertisitiosdesty Of the 'Psalm of Vitorys to e performted n Thrsday eve'ingitig idoes otlbeoovse te to spells othterthaniitto sty'that te men- ters of thuelihotis semt to be udeter- cine lu'stheir ethuitsiasmtotemtake amndinus their performtatte for ay short-coiumis nilte lutsosf the cor- "TwosisNames itta title," a short story by Chatrlet P. Cushing, is entirey readiable. 'fTse tttmor wicthltpermeates the twhole sory overretaches itself at timtes, tossever. A short story that for its tweirdness aintetsesly isterestitgtattre deserves mntioni is, "The Stulen Brain." Thisi story, as sell as "The Vial of Hea" itt the ltast Inltander, by the satte author, proves himti of a daritg atd sartlitg imagittatiot. His plots, however, as au stle strike otie as eitg too large for their treatmiet. The climax cones rapidly, atn after tat the stories ave a tetidettcy to weaken mtore rapidly lihit this best sor sories sottld. 'Te oiler portions of the Inlatder are interestitg antp to their -tsual standard. tiltor outsthue'such1ian' uissitoItsavs. thise elecionulasluopentasposbeti rear. I'ast i's--ti-tly1 thoses whito i hd at- tendedcilthuranuaui 1tltalit weretsntitiled to a tite tis year, howieverte ftrancise has libesettihr sils open iand ailyoutilehithrhlil t endedil iisiit htban- (plu r ttsitots aybeoe me r bssuiu htIhy paysiig aa it's'osit ii'su iilive 5 trill s extra tice~itswillh e its ii sathe ath a uteels beforet'he ills ecuuutihy 'Setary 'Steven lsonl iiin tsie h11i ro m, Anote h angesi titoit he listituted is usa i llii heihattii earuh depr teti l i ll site foris tis situ liparitmt al repre- sentative11onlt h board. Itis ihoptedthai t this itilli insiure5 this sleetion osf theteist tilt ineasuhidetitu mnt and obviatl teiuecessuitysof uty potialu man uvesi ii Iin Ts'e tuprobabiltuies sre Isat in i s lattei itslust ts he eciosillathecin- ductsediositths suhe siltmusplan sht'sushn Cucisih1 thi rduiishangtoi' be' itaitt is that or h an1 one tilsaniate tssill b niamiedlfitsechiplosition51. 'hheeletio thus y'e'rui' s sc'hduledh fosr 'si'-(i. -XXX'SfOC'-IL C'UU';L> tt'\NC'Ii h'hS'ih'hhi'- FOOTBALL MEN JOINT MEMORIAL IDEA TO MEET TONIGHT HAS PROVEN SUCCESS Captain Joe Curtis Has His Eyes on Every Department in the University the Pennsy Game---All Aspir- Joins in Movement-Plan Elab- ants Are Invited. orated For Presentation. Lastsight Jose Curtis. cauptaiii if this 'hue idheat of ait9tinS tiorisul giveti 'o6~ sait th foo'thalt eamtut. issiued a ctll hYty'tie se-tisiii ti f ll detartmnts has t ll fotbaihssl lsi ts. the .teiti piry' eitaIsi ucess . Ait a m ins's ofu iithe i tllsk tuon t th c ule s, tash im r s lihm ihtesi "it hiiy isfutwinnutig ilhe schamp~sinsip sof 's uuuuu texst fall, "ud it", yi tei foist- gslIstsui" e muuuuuuuucsul'uu t from th" tutur", t h usehand ulcthuig to 11511 tius e illed )viu suensussci ar l)- i s l ule. i hitcmiiiithei itluw rilt: inti urud teisi usili lihungs- thus tiltl i as suistthe hii ttlnew.utsui hut viewi ofiths fist sthat \usehaveia '''usc sith iiusyl 11111ia nest:fill.,itis ligt'' il hs-a t very ratan its hs evueiiri lye oobalbeori rhospes lto in teftrshittildti 'sItld'tushyi'forua plc osft the u tum. i :M1 ithe tm it'whot -itend tousg'''' t'fori'fots ballth nhurt faull Thut I ittSiociii clsubslis iospiosedss Iarci'reque~ted 'l tilmts-liiintue tophy its paytr o11111 1 'I' st-s si' ist hut it' sto . susroom iof tse suuuuussisuuu atsit 7 sschsc tits tcsIh i tswe Seial mus itc till b I -tt igtsA hils mueeling sll this nrii- sigd.T hts i tlii''wi eisn a"tuu':l5s i hes t hlsisyes assmuwillhue lire-etril an il o tn e ni sa . Te 'tisand sma'ter'stof iteresi t sill iwill t' iat iltk lc tC(angrs'.' d iusciussed. Cututis, Catainlu." hulls rsit's' temlutitai euuulcm iterlast u-s-htelu e515) lipartmenist rprtsedh i ftators sftthis memoilAul underitti eht plan adopsedruathsenmir gvsuonsue lii- sum 'andi tuetu iy-firsemens iihis cass us ar tuuth imemoruiuil, a~prox simastelys hue tihusandol lallrs wtill le hundel 1scrtthis' Xi cigatUt itutuat thus std ,f lt-e ear. OfhutIis stiuull.ihe portiohnu )th l'sitandulthusdentsuistthe.usd It thesatuatl buitldling" f this-cbhutse; :hsmn' giutiven ' by' h's this sremauin 'its d- iiunetiiis is for ltistpurpouuse osf i t~o6 hute t e placeshiniithes cli huts. I'l(ttwoidas av ibenfund pruh attl- 'i anuisnotilntagonisic. At ther miseing 'ChluirmauutnIMalclmt also elborteits planh iifort thu rtueset- ti of thismemrial.uuuiThus leaduinmg fea- tire's if thitsstrutauseuiorchnvoucationm he ut in commii' 'uuenucmen'u Iteek, this 1emo iatthe prtesentedh h's'it mtemb ier5 if thuesse-tutr clhss athaccepttedt h's'a 'rersenittiv esoftheXMihiganiondiltu, ahroinnt ieiii ituiu tu t preside, tutu anothlie'radsuateul of IMiiihilntotgis'e ali atudurests; uscandthis n htal rehersal 'f Miicihigasontgs sitdyells.Theidsea tess fastsirahbly sttosi-ecu by'thus turi- o r'al couuu usc tuand as it hs lusousbeen commn ies's le iecsuhii 'igan Uinath htesisieut Angll, h it usill undubiuutedy hue' realized.It hiis tsaces ri st- 1 inerd it imueaniiaittitevent illi uluruscnet weekiwiltdtoI dri iihats al eaeth'15'is's tgetheus-s-itu Iitlitlidi- cat sudntsentimetuulin fiavsor oh 'sluhiganiicsituhouse. CdlO i II NCXi I'NT' sWhuIK veenngs f Jue 1, and u6, he lets Grst companhyhofuuE'glish-itlayersihilwills it-lulls' ibl shun uaiftssioonhopenhut' C'rformcehvwill Irs egve.Po f1 if lionamomc s ta ttnetof whil us the islesrstill rbalu's-A ei hut Itcii IGri useformer~us tutu'salways his-i im- voittve1111 s" hutrus. Rseneed lnorst-si babsuit willihheuenuhs i tilt okayssechutstsulof hitclerless iusssuuu tutu iemtGdeetivtell hy theis- outn mii- sslsst itetub Xireover e, thus itgishi platyeswilliiaddtt mtrsihutthus farewelh festivities f thus senios 'sICHIlt NXUNRCPE.i' D~AV OyCCRS NiN'i' 'PCSDAV 'hetanualuuu"rItite itait tf te Mih- igsnua usocsuietyswll tke pac 'huts- sit's evrening t 6 30 d On this day trim unioru s fromi thus literary anthegignee- ig departmnits silthe tkenu ito this istr mi ldtiters'esi-s'as geast iteres aroutund thus campuusus nsetmg wshaltbl he thus fortuniatietudrls stmen. 'The cuistoitu s full thus outd memer-s t aupear us full Itianhsticostumne ath circle tabtoult ppatn Oak,wsee thilt expesctanit jumnios te Iating, an ars's uth uff to thus Xicuhugsuuuta 5001s uhers- thus fialceremnies take uttce. XIIA 'si' lt. hEJOUNA, THINKS ABIOUT 1I1 Chicg's canucliniug Mihiigni's fott- balliigamuue loosks lsisf '-i. Sagg hadu heardut of thus carefulh hreprationts tuatu sre beinug matosuei avenge that fluke M t o score-Detroit Journal. In irecenit seassfe-usislges-u'sisse coessul'nsdih he' contrlled in-t pera for' I tut' oi tyOres deservedsitu ttupophulllity tii hain1tills withlievr-I'ncusrea'sinugsuiccess. coumiunug i-hut-een anunced. 't'ui Ihougsshutlsu'shrpona esoncert s ini hondonuu of Dyutcuh tescet eIloes.ii i an tafttuoseston5stidlr ing shihise Ameisucaniib1ornuand'utirediuhlist uuiomehue-s stie irhpronuncii estfavorite, he le etu thug itlITennessee, uhereucsu ofii it to ueicafr unthier season11 f o1; sunarl hsuy 1m tr u" r ii us-ay ulobtaes. Illhisecondussi ersies usf Londosnuttintu 'ustiequenihhtl ly tdt itlwee isuplet- bsanin ' us siltsrusheis eae metirmted liiEuIo115 tith e s shue platetheu it iit etvl ihsc himmself iii thus limis shutthushurst iieas- uisiss isInumsuxtu us ichters , XVV hers an dvuedserl earssmttoithei-sitdI AuuustuII a1111. XXiithusheexcel) mohust camuetful phepshin 1 for ttheiicn- ofustyeritn uPaIris, VanIilottuse liss seth ut diopsutsi' s'e.Iis muics' lu-s te imtle sills'e'theis-i ihus native I behi-si sty-is-ut ]itire 1yule enruusinug-humInhsj'thus- h stun 1Syutullhly ioanu iii mit sithman futnfauil ingturt y' mutd mthd a seasoni (f XWigue-ucocetsis usrmh Aeutt 'lthouu'hlienis'esss'uumiynt i trsilt I VnXi S ad admettuums.'l's temtperatmtetal singerti'eht'hias learndciisolosists.mundlthisseurst''elt-ith tilt art hutselfctrlanmdttsing"'swithu ttus uuuc upporhitpsi . iForufuruu amrhstlcIresstraiii.Itwos ioptutuaaamutwthins iiconice-r- Xii VanIiiI loses fir sItpubhliu mille'ar- Iloss'hums tenh smssnsitlwsith amuce wst-situstenorumsolistihDrI letter dIontilts lba.h Neweton'is churcsh Newr 'ot rmndthrlt Thoise wuhitshue-sethihus masterly it schursci posituios uofuprominuuence. us-ee hiss-trtI'i{'uI ttis' tushlatsh itt esi Flledifor severaml 'years.huIn187,Xtsss.sutill usehcesus"tile oppourtunmitys'of 1I 0 uumusmscit mmiii tits eng'aged'sitmuiutfor iliim aguu in h i in a ivois like "A theme seasoni tf grand ioptsrt it Germuan, muhutshillgive hius m hmuumuusuitiip 1Frenushtstnt Italianmithue leadnhug ptimantaunity11formthus dsisly mof hutshurstc ionnuashiemig sMmuse s elbia antd Cadsbiinseistsies, gle- irnettd tilt shu as