THE MICHIGAN DAILY %ALFTONES and ZIXNC ETCHINGS Lower in Price Ask A. M. SMITH 11 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Block The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ca i l stock $50,000. Surplus, $200,000 Rtesources, V2,200,000 A GeneralotBoking Bsines Trsated irW' s: Chas. E. iiscoot, Pes.; W. 1)' Ii co-moss Vice Pes.; 51.i.l Frit. Casier Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N Fifth Ae ti, ihoneio57, BllPone 47Ll WANTED Compewt ma1nnto handle il kind I n stc4o actife oh hmonetoo niaule diidnd pa ing simrha ad n loinc~do ds:ntit 1,0 iwho ahiadt ioic alexp eence in the ralte t ui OEsFO. J. HALLER CA CO. Campus Barber Shop 0., A. MOE, 705 N. Uni ersity Ave THE 1FARMERS AND MCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capita, $0,000, Surplus and Profits, $6,000 Does a GenealIt anking tiusines and ty ie cent interest on Than and Savings ' 10.0and upwards tne ncn R. lKxmp, Pres. IW. 0. Seonno, Vice-Pes. F' . B EoSM Cash. 1. A. WLtoAs Ast. Tile Celebrated BLOcHI PERIUMES Trueii iiLote lowercoadlighful MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 S. Main St STRINGS Italian, German, and of American Manufacture FitR ALL STRINGED INSTRUMENTS REASONABLE PRICES. SCHAEBERLE & SON 114 W. Liberty St. ANN ARBOR En~och Dieterle Embalmerand Funeral Director Ambalance-calls atlende0 day or night. 210 1. 4tiAe.:lReidenoce sameo Fkne 40. Ass Aror. ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 to $1.0 FlrIy os-n.d Our Dlar Clocks are lihet moade fnr the money. Risn watcepeiairng aspaecialty. J. L. Chapman, 206 S. Main St. Yom aen BataO. Hot Lunch Ai T-vaiOln', 338 S. Sate League Baseball Reports Received by Innings Daily At HUSTON BROTHERS' ._ .. g. . a' f af i : +i 7 f 1 0 !s*:*+:rsL+W tar+jrJ ta!r i +iH f CA f±t A Mi+ a fw saZs +ww+i t s+.a. .. .+.: +..+.. " = t + _ . _v_ ........ . _. a i ?3 +' I#f r = =F + t *f f tf ray J" f* We Have the Finest and Most Complete Showing of * ~ - IIIV IIAJI E'Shirts in the City.IVMONEYLI LOANEDL 0)00 I Walolon a mo dsl 1 i r y i: n l hi 01Cas i attel) N a\ F you haven't any particular sort of suit in mind, sup- 4 ancdooolo to isecuriy. 1 pose you drop around at your leisure and see suits"V that have YOU in mind. If you're a YOUNG man, W. J. LU RI you'll get "chummy" right off the reel with 044ti~ajh nlopooaii,(eI ouse COLLEG E 11 iiito to101ii 10 CLOTHESX. G. SPALIJING & BROS. q,~~-o Just and justly for chaps around maturity. Made a great iaas.O0i0 aooof( (al. lorn Lavr , R cnns todcoolfs~. ST A BL R a ~s adflarko you AI~ha~ia. ian la"00 ~r0 t ( ,O uol'.\1tfca lii lO aSEN IOR, o aclity )oatu ciiolog li iic liiiii. .oooolf l ti i OfiiloO I J i i ii ______gook___sold___only___________________fret_ t 0 0 lyiltli is to bc lield T tedday of hops 0100 ta meeo.0-ioo-il t i l of-eCasIto i commencemhntto week,00caIreoot ann0 ounoced. ii'b 1 ld oitin aoo fewli days the bc coooJm-~' c t l oalii' I ius ci-e. lit, ( oist egen rao cai- m 00000001 of iis. comiti teiii oill bei - i t0ian and0 as ote funtio isItoobe r t - lo t 00011 ipata it s eniirsool thel litolawo ell- tThe lmed ic, t or ite sure0 to .010'sa.1ake Ioooaioolboi10110'hitooioooo"lotwitachbo ldcoalleguely oi men. ut bu 11. C. I ollicoili,e- c iioenney,01 lou iuR oil, tor ordert ont li-0tthem u tiri i t h el l- i stone you seen kBrihon"s a o tao ptllto too. Iltio nC001coon lecnorito PURE SILK-25o A PAIRj [,'r l Stritnou.C' . A 0000a0 Ilotaot muisc, O '1-()It Stol-alte tr t in o iciooio f i 1. 12. 'hltotlos. loto L..S. II - lb 000, R. II. iio al tl. 10100010 it-tto 0 al ccidcoaticons. C. R. I lmtati lil. goi ooolog _.i lott iloo n it l Iool C 0. 1 I allidlay, . . Cs 'toos-a-tcth, 'wit 101ichigan o so-al fob. ki0Rewa lrd0, cr, Frank'. I latlog. 1c-oooo 020 ttiollt.tit 050 f -.-~ It is- anotttiucd ta dt e ira whio a10re 000 tco-nt 1m01y01ntifliy thiearrantgemetis Shirtwailsis made. Prices reasconalble. 1 Pine .iittitt oto ii11li lclc1 I dtol 708 S. Slain sbtre.t, i I Market It.. .sospensders. N sOt commiittee metot cing waillhlot eidl Hildtir '~s genine avelet laises ait '________________________ niii.i-oiotogot0 co ahn'.______ AS AND GOWNS u~ii t1rc'l~k uhn'.C P N 1V" 00 5IKIIAii'i 'I'l)OJOIN 'Fle Anon Arbcr Preat (frmrrly Par- For 110-CSlNIOR iRIOMEiNAD)E,,ker & Snoyder), prinotera it the Michiigaon Corr~rericerrert Dioly, 'Tine Aoomous, Inliandoer, 'oasi's Week bT-e looas ino all pobabolility It-ill jooino great book otloto ciball, the 'Techntic, S.- iii tefetivtietsoilteacoiuocrlbcotient C. A. handoock, etc., etc., are prinier, KRENTAL, - -$1.00 ilc whlichl o be heilotod 1iiottilo1e-c--to tihe stuntlb-oy 117C Washitng- Order ay timoe. -iof ommenocmenoo t wttkcd;'fin itoilt- tnsre.t . "L bolt soxtenetlo tihot lawslan0001 med- i tret -- __A.F.LO EL 32State St. icytojoint teliitooldcoogioo-cioo g gcrad- Glassea repaired. 32A entlSloon atet.-ome time atot igo, anatcooooomiteeas 'Eyes carefully fitted aindltested. COX, SOrtS & VINNINiG, New York .oioireoapontc o lconbsider t hocadvis- GEORGE HIIALERI, Main Si. 1 i I ! -4 .ri to OXFORDS OXFORDS OXFORDS FOR MEN AND WOMEN e THEY HAVE ARRIVED Fine line of low shoes all leather, all shapes. Up-to-date exclusive designs CALL AT WA[K-OV[ER SHlOP And have a look. _,, 111 Sousth Main& Street. . , . : _ ; -_,l _ ~.: :: .r <., ,y :. ,r.y. ' :1,! t d N. a ° ', ,'; 1 1 .; 1 J 1 J 7 J l 1 1 1 1 I Engraved Cards I Seniors, Leave Your Orders Early. 22 STYLES TO SELECT FROM Scripot, Fresnch Script,1Tififssy Script Shsadedo, Tiffany Script, Rlosman, iothic, Sihaded Old i~sg- at,, Shaded Roomans, Fresch, Romn,Gtic, witth hair lisne Froma $1.25 to $4.00 tfor tio0oCards and Psate. 1001 Cards from Plate, 75cts THOS. H. SLATER Bookseller and Statiorner 116 South M1ain Street FIN E LU7NCHIES ott'carry t'e larfeit, isn of TURKtISHd DoIM ES'i'i 2& ]Pi ORtt-iPtaCl-areites and 'Jostoic Oh ImoportdCigars. A cotpie loot of ai 001 -ooktotg anticIes. IWn areagg loot DEnaoioo & too. LoINA &Iso. 2 P PES, also Con St ACY'S & SCitAFFEtEt fie chtocootesoON-BONS. R. E. JOLLY. Stmt. St. Ohio CeneraIllines PARLOR CARS tonsa,11trainsaltween oo~ ledtio a ol toitiih s Efo( 00 oiiioolmode'n Parloioas Wthlftoe- las Cafe Sereetween o leoido, (otloto 0000and D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY (lanecial a s o It-tooitnoolta. oIre . nd (:v to S p e c0 t . ia l a s o i 0. k o l : 0 i . 1 1 , L l v r iwtio e local ervi ce to D toit 00 to 11:1 1).ru teAIttTIGROMoaHURN ST. WESOFonAINo Burnmat Cork Grease Pe .irt Cold Cree.a Eyebrow eli-ells andlahe Thae.trihoal S'applhea The University of Chicago The Uivoersity year aioldivided oto Pous iluarters, Winter, SprioogSoummerotjand Au- tuomn. Adnmissonsisgrantendat thonpnosg of each,ono January 2d, April 2d, Jane l16th, andl (Ocoker ist. Graduate insotructionoia offeredt ion thoe Graduate Sckoolsi of Art and Litera- turns andothie Ogden (raduate) Schoolt of Science. Professional insructioon i tfred inth ie Divinity Schoool, the Law Schoool. then Rtusih Medical College (affiliated), and ike Sckool of Educatiton. Summter Qluarter 19001 June itS Septemker 1. First teom:Juse to- July 26; Second Teem: July oil Augasi oil. Registratioon is permitted for ike entire quar- ter orfor eitkeriterm. Ful~l and reguacedtii is given for work done. Speocial course-s are offered for teachoers. - Foreisformaion adhdres The UNI VERgSITY OF CHIC AGO, Chicago It r We Have Caps and Gowns to Fit at Studio CAP and GOWN PORTRAITS Senior Rates (liven on these Photos pol Hesa. 367-H AAO IhED '1i' 'lk 0 I E. 320 I&, CALKINS Drxxjggist Southb Stat Struet I I'VE 411? N1VER UNDEhRSOLhD--- G OOD YEAR'S DRUG S TOR1j