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May 08, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-05-08

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The Michigan Daily

dtog.XV I.

General Committee Decides to Give cim
Full Sway to May Festival-Ref.= hi
erees Appointed For Events. ibe
The gnerl cottiote which losta
charge of the tndeclas contests (ie- ti
citdc olat eeinig to postpoet theiste ni
evnsoe week.This oftiiaactiott
sppemnents the action of tie Stdrent oucl hywl ecridotnwo
Friday aidiStrday."May if ad 19.of
]'he ecison was iftlincediby te
faittttit teMar F estialf ocralspon
le dtes ortmtet rlaaged T eoit-so
mittieisittfite oiiiintat mltytsisof
le tipeopl itwho iwill b itt o t a mocai n mgtcry wyfleiiii i
psiosof univertsit ie if they it
tie,,ilatg fwa r i all-ight V
stuggle onithfitetnampus wileti hee ioi
thattfe reeifpts of te May Iesti
mtigt stffer trouith liiutstee-attact
ins. nliew iisof tieseconstisdterat insit
tev it asatd.
flit refeees for te vriouas cottitr-
ate ien seiected as folosii: Frak
Locngmntug iof.war:tFed Notcross
Ius lal; esyF Shteitroik;Cr
Ktterer, iely t rs Test inthasoe h
the powr to apoint a many sistntts
at titey tiermnetest sar. lTeStdetifo
Counciftwii aso stevartiuis judges
ies itt te rvritso
Nitlittlte cointit keitrsiife s ttheii
whereabots ffte fresman itrck.
']lieretare tiose wo lar~imtat f te otily
menwhokno ofits tonearlmiiet ar-
tiwt fresitmanctiegieer. Ferris te
presideti akLthilrosi, oriof
tihooes ihave iefegatedigurcitofi
watcheiet woan rte are recit tuf
Rtn fit o, ian 'i9)lit, is w i eltgw itit
tose iffhis cassi ho treteirtots of
honor in te reay, ittheefpets o
iae ftemtifr i tytoveritistefirtil
sicles T hutsda y of this wrns
Theiotnrtsnsusiotf oiitonsexrssed tsi
in bttu sphomoretittlasstm eitgs is '
thatithef fresmenit etiaiii igft tie of
adtiiiagr in the rocktevent. 1Tfir
arge ftt (i ttumnsoldttbie tolt
higc t ptf tertrk faruinr ottthea
campus tantheitsilk;iftat te
sholdeltiltfigedi tofkeep iiiturtuhaiinf
one ittock soay; that ftes- sldthigiset
ot te namitte f (fir-jitgtiaccociraucio t
iug te rock.etie lit s ltesicllti
emoretcmiteee tf n (fwe trfsgciii tei
campusftitr ofiticitfeninig the sme, al
ci thfles- cose the ltter Inoin allit(fi
coniti onstr eeralctteiler fees1
that tfliereqcuutsitreitmcstbl
flit isesa (le so ttmoes tdefedingfti
tecmpsifas is hatteuiac -the ler
class al it is ternaturali offietoit
friotet fc the rlae frmthesacri-
eiittsttttttti ifsfitthfir.
itsh hallis hfi nd situi 1ngraidtle
tewredito (i sapr. liii cvietsill its of
(twotitnessesiiand swedIafter the
"Spider"Cie is hsi g htislf ort
(fir ropeforistthe tg of warandspe inds
probalte stress anudi the questuns of
pyicies. iHeuulso hats nthargrof fur
hatnidlingof tir crowsatthf ugicinof
swar. relaiy races caii push Itall tontst
aidit is Iis aktofitiseicsr sitof
k-eping the secttrs iwiiti bundtts
Al in all, the suariuis toea trimhae
arrungeueuts tinometeirfor tot of
the fotrtevenetsf tre settia tsookiwitt
aivimntst ieerythingtfavfitrs te Prr-
sieftinthaist ltest inovtonis for a-
tutlundeirricis otestsswiffle arnied
ot scessfully
As yet teflirtesmtoetave displayesi
(le reter enert in prepring fertefo
struggleas aillove ettereti their mnesfor
tll the contoess as stril as wel as gar-

antted te mniey to defray aftetndant

NiAli tthetttigff fthe Funginteerinig
citi -. I. Russell. if IDes-roit, uallitid
"CetralcfI lecttiig fI-eshot-wiidoha
i Nsteln of hetefing,. sihere i a


AlBOR Iil.NIICII. IC FliiNDANI \YV 8.ii.ci.

No. r,;.

m ntaitltudfis punsvnidtfimre
(((ifal (d(togivebettrtre slts
isi tne of te eguineerigti gedssoft
ting tnt; forinvsestigaton
A sftecil niior tmeein f o it-
-thsiss wiekfirforittftimistiorn of
ficr stir nst iiy liear. ttti nt
ifaronIfetiantovon Sec-Serbfer
nbossscssfcefromsiGermatottinhe kit-
ISttes isill dsit-iverte sitommece-
enti addrestts t fte I teits c of- I in- ut
;,, June.it
ach in Interview Says le Yearnt
For Opportunity to Wipe Out
That 2 to 0 Score.
s lst a5chneto ipe s -out tei2to o(i
'cgiiscoe.Ile ltis Ihafps.Ihongh.-
ci (le fenttssia ae "ur
ftp spokessiiofhiststixdsoo iii
apinitess ii n intriewr t i n ssit'
(iii sKr. iH f tis been itheiluei graisit
tiii fo titr fi ititritidays lok iiing tisitioi
Itd ithuthintention of itt-istfir.
)sits- fo-o t s- itut ion, lifsid:il ti--
fieIlrges cllegs-savfit rititbil
f t, hic(sitfwsill ( i e it fiprogre-
at, t som ttth(firamie isttugea--
itsiandi sill li s longt s ft tif emtt
tre ~ ndegradovs n colege sit-it
fit is lt-i rs--tc' th sflstigae eves
assted andif under it tenwrs il i
sc stitiiatuftsen cnttest witi ge
ntisof plas-uund Ino mtt liii
s rtronittoneitai l stalt in tii
sttwic ill ptfr-ctilynp nthe55cal
iii tits osit (icoac.i
"The oniisidsIkikitse hortsd si
its inovamonssitnd(ill pfrit suof
ra ayItscflrs bfingiitist-tthtiI loo
OnI ti-f te i--it-i-stnidisppointme nt
ha iiwa s evrst iii iiisfiu (it ito still
is flosit (l s-uitgt ga e wic uh ftadiibfi
scteidi f or l it chu int--its ais i t i
Chiicgo tuticseit next fll
ct-il i the :;oneithai-t- ii((dos no f t-itt
ten piiyng m} It game tillthe (m-i
fewsir si fit iii n houpes i-its i
fuet lichantceit ipoutht2o
defea oftsti-i ll.inl irliigans howet
fts If e sti ccth sul is- ti l its l
fooesfa fit and we hotothrWit
chaif i s hi its-tsesu woirrldittic NI i i
oIh Unwrit ty rflitsynlsita foe
ittli shdle fortnextslls tus Is
announce(.Ilt ipeig if lthe M isfot
Tt fierNsiCitloms (liii i
tht sewitints Pi ladlpin osit ii
it0(1tileipli ig h ceuei
Oct-Gttsur, at Philadelia.tf
Oct)6-orthslCaolitnPtat Pirla&t
Phlteis3af tri hi trpu
Nuts 28--Cornell at Plotadelhia

-___I wus i ittoo c - s-ulcter lufte gocotu
Dr. Walter N. Fowler, '89, Is Surgeon uork I, ushu triacuitinut1,1. N\iuu heV:rte Soph Lits Take First Year Team Into
on Expedition Which Sails For isuu tcu ufii t a eirclay o ff, and t Camp in Close Contest--Fresh
Europe "Thursday. Chiccts-imuutrai weetufslater, the in auitc e Medics Win, i5 to S.
r emtt o i l'mtrittctuiid :Nilt futti
flu NVater u N. ' i, ofit h ftn ie 1ns einal o w om ti h s iiti i t. 7
-n. iK a t--tifi- t i c u ccti ts a c e it-i s tt-i-ti i-is tutu itc sur its- ii f--usi tt-it]its 4
me ter t ine, hiltuiui titi clahss 0fi placs hut theic itu t is :s loshiu resh ancedis-t
stp-it g > ng ocote NNVafter NN'ehf- ts~- if t wenCt rirstlanuopo orsedc--i
oani u n or tuu pole tuft t iti tut tMft I -tutumu Ck h vigii l v tisiet
t ate, Ituu shp iii or I tu-itt ii in p t icei nch Fu i,, doting conit ent Ye t y IDsuit fitfld wt it iercfly
D .Fit wler cNeuf iiavlittcii tttciy'toi--lirutint the iigh j I nd sus .Sure tco ere (ilt b s al uh si ia d
itistianct Norayu w er le illff iai plaheut JutsC turtui wast rwi ng te bll, sereso umerousuascto slak
(ttua it NN \ 4ilm hi tuu iiiii iil cii iii. n (uhf tthe te ha m r 'i it he tl w e its i ul lt at t ci mess for thetplayers mu
wit iff fchs tuftIt cciii H. li~itcitt thilt-h ;istc-uuicc; ccil i imprif ngitifsitidily. iuc-ttuli ituu iiithm 'I C ar it suhitc ws
cttt(iissti ot he lii sfitihiii ti cciii I is N\'ithta fewti iyt tiof ncwarm irciftit -- Fm-t u-it ht it i tidf tuthe st-ontud
hssiusbricthe cisti cucuccuc (r. Iii1c iit-tt 11cci a i -icisctiic' h er ilrudoti ~eln imntitiheutlstugiastecfbetwe-ent-uhe
paru cuswill mitt-ti I o t tlo w e cc nciioiict. flushecndandc so hoorsicii oftiu itie lit-i-aiy
ther ol, iii dvchtteed iswa tig th--i-idopa tutu was ii tssion, Theflit
si takecic them ito Siitelti i s humts ERROR MAKES CROSS intiderisrt t hu lii mues mutesr-e i tht
citg mi (tci t iite on, Ieil li-iii ccliii ii COUNTRY EVENT 'NO RACE' tic , ncnluuu iii s t sis prcmtice A
ter.wri he sl hli~cd n lo Isandul s tere is gr c-t tdaig-r-thact so(utu
and ll che ixpein t , i tlcciii ic itthe tcc h ct-- u ut iIiu ut
summitwillbec coduch e.tTil dashforiourceIs Chni--gdiatilt Tluinn iCourse plIskChangede mandunat thurninPlaceContetants(letiixed pi1i'lhismnittandiws citili stin -e tilt.t
loon - cias itaeeralial tcrift-i and Leaders Are Set Back. tyws lih-a r
- i c ht (ri~t s-a i l slit iii KCcchm scI-
It NN ulimum ut Santt-,i hliucut. itrw-no ua d hec h
Fo lc eah r b1ian tan a d lcuctof itl ticrror- iiby teclnitsu of u i s(ii it mth Immii tu smi
n iiiic-it-ii tilt-thu 'iirossifit thrvcccli ii runiwast notiworking castBardcstunu((tut
tuft clit higcm mmiii luichissill make uthuittistcrt
0a p tiii sum1hip pautit i ccia tt eit oon wastt itu eclard " 1 \ gmia tc
i tmiui tiitit ciiI-- -iu ii sThelco rselist ccit-i tilsye r cocpcihu sof u it-mttd l imit f lit-ntM hums 1ofun
me-i cciati asi t ics ttu iuh(hutsmumehu ltdfhtii(.iai t tithi placmint it( arsit
let wesi tlctiflu ncmii i, ho t I t hinil tt-i 1 t c- fito crosulihitdt1ut1, le t \a_ T isct earihmci stinethis gu ite
}1x11--ru-ei-catitic'sssasucIntaltlickittuitifut Itf ciih/ttu utltt nt
g mum icio cclani--cu icattlitce~i i -eitt acr s chu gluu lks hrut h thetuitheii u niversitysh C hi imuchgo," ltht year.tuc
itt-iiisiiii -itch itictttil itc-ttssicce utu cii~t (lit it ltist hitttug.thhtnittluipit-(hii,,cu slIdur ng t lis ostu
in tl. cloi K nple o o d n] :nit:nIs ,u c hsi fin mufo l to tites road.its syt tcce i iuti ii it suuu
-m-cl thigute to be provided ilCrf i st- mi t ts uccfmile, ic hs itco li he iit o . eiali i rupcurImii stisilist
NN ta met-n cii oi-utsideftrfcttttut s cilc t atis mcionehrt -al thin pinmt totiusregisterm i miithti
ss thin cld c scpiitocwear mu t-c iter llu hi N ci tic lea ers of t u nlit hon i-u-ublet-rustsing( markedti the iucn-
limitrel. iThe sentire cloii fititu wIilaw iicl l titietitti mciiit Is isik t est every mnibing- uacsnlfappotintd
to nat (Christianum "iwa-ia uttu tuatty. flH h tut1 sumt- icoachiforioil(i sile t tie othert.
-g Ni Ndil , Fr - iiitay'ttitit1)r.aid ii hit, by thc k toeIcris pos c t l ( ite-tilt. iogn Leanst1mu;lHad
Mr, o le er cu--c-i arw ll 0 er s iiei po ie lus. mmi ciihii i 1K ufun d n Ca t), s-; i NI goihhu f;hidKinumgs
- titit Pasns teii ic :l \itt n ii be in ,tche.ti est aking listae, iz mJoc , t s i;i K (cisftiiilb;1
if_______ twuuc u cthmuuuc ccitt l Natu-umm m K cI Sl hi s Li hurt
00 yads11m:us- ecnty ct icuhvy t ticil tscci cuanu ill(s Cm ws iii itt-i 'I f;cuts-i sin CNI pbellsu h.
al otr c. i ist abe tokeeptip i, g od tin in w it ie lit tailti--c-i fitcu g 5Af li u IKttpttf 3
wrh hu ldttit itgncodtttallyfruc Mihtlt it-Ct mloing Tle ice w s tic t '3 dsji6 8 9 R LiiV
i r liio iu' co fec l eet Ler-ciiirii cciii fun suc nmsc protemmicton-tui sue, mmen i
C,9 iin.g.... l0ii 0flit cc
littl bi i umwen i uutchy iuailsfcmpidto ,tn gan o wa ill4
Of- c -n u -o ui hn i mci unf im tt
hii eao le(I, cthiere-nCmom-s
a h11) c ut rugs- mll iH.th a n ho
ti-is-u t-t i ii t-ct-t-tm si
it lth -i t lii -i i tcu ufum
is wactiti c cene ofii (ia i co m iiiy limiteball
mug sh N ate r wnnig I tcrie Nof ing mo
itr;. Ovtz , iiofitin Iyar mendu
an N -i-ti amut i iesha ien hfan mu
s-u ci ofsu pp t.fhe igh lme be indu
say m e1r c u ld hi t e baflan u nt -i
tcin- ls
th Ni e,<thic.. ~liiLk




1 "or the asr fre -rsi u-as Ni ciii- lotccuttuhamss itecnmtonec lftshutchad
inccnr tts fthin NetropoltitancutOpera ucoiutmatyit1 Nuts-YTuni.Shelur fri
thus- cman th~isusc-c-tofiteuvctherselftexcluivey t he i broadrcuccu ildiofi
cone-ti anuuorttoriosingsitntg. Nut cciii;ha]it rumopceatic nesxperienceuss t
if thus-larmgesm fmstmuivmlntuitughostltthus scuintry.u N thou~iuughlvocistsheic
also pos ciiiram tinc ailift t it -ft incitre -cmiiiexcis cut mum itts ree
of tt sog,.Sosyctmpatic ias tociumvehunt auiences ftciia siectraordinary ifs
gree. fleesthrismug cappearanceaschitgre-stsy tic-theesure -gist-utyusrfist-i
stun suinig. NMitte.1 itto fthitstwoutdistinsguisshed sutccein55the palt f of( iiAims
tenis,-lhichi siteusistositug hisrinSaftrslay eunmng,

sA sihiniteriof Ncac1a fraternitiy Otis
-ctt istathindIatitheUniveurisity cut
Iliis. ut flit instlfftiotutu reimon
nVetrois rhuarge- clfIHarlantP. Rowesuf
NMichigantttnatiatpesident mu1 timeor
time (mutt ramffs itnstuffsge jimrnailuist,
is ciitilfftiufm-ia n tufr of cmlpnuroves-
iens fit o e xittier.Thflercolmnus will
fit lengthuceed umttem smelthtutu othoer
icangsuwill itenmde, umahitugtue pups-i
bcetter balacntceed tutugiingfmoie roomu
fum elttegraphuic and intercollegisate nucis,

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