TH1~ MI IIIGAN DAILY__________
for Art and Skill in Tailoring Men's Fine Furnishings MON[Y LOAN[D
All goods is tore, fwihere we al s t ead spoo mt 11 Os e liOnWatche.Do nds t ,. thy
Call on a protiet featurte.Stye., Q-1aty and Vave. I me's andtall ighIt (1sso t aly
tsrtiohtn;t he. etlheo rattttettrso'att:paticutlaly nticetalt atd Cllterats uity
S AM B URhC HFI & CO Colars, Gaffs, Nckties, Nak esigee Shirts W. J. LOVRIM
The Rcognied~ FI E 0& Q nderwear, Hosiery, Hadkercohiefs, Jewelry. IlItAt Upot~stI
Th eonzdFirst Tailoring Trade of tihe City MACK Q~ COMPAN~Y laira itiyofl8--15
tatge,tbanttatestet ithIttetrl
andYYiYtY~~T mTT 1 IiTI m f tital A hlei tlies
AZINC *'I ETCHINGSiri fi~l ii ~* Base Bail, Lawn Tennis Foot Ball
ALL N, HEArchery Roque Goif Quois
ZICECHNS IOiTHin~ II~I~1IEift, jjjjjN JI* Cricket Lacrosse Croquet
Lower in Prie sr Impemnt or aort s-to''t fo'
Advance-Styles in Spring Clothing Now Ready.n tO Bllrvn coP o
Ask A. M. SMITH g/. o~sis t euirllo
11 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Block Yug Hats, Srn Shanes."Nn Better Made" ySpa ls tg rade frk tt
ts ouyt have at. ' tBttrt icl.atttt It to e c"
,Oitltt It-to tootAn
STATE SAVINGS BANKt1;~1<i~11p)nfmla lw
DIRECTORS:IifiNS i. ?I 1 SHOW ENDS U.'.P. CLUB IiLiE CTS O(Ii CEfS. Oficl''o6 o Miciignscusilsoldti v 'titi Ittt1oit
1V. J. Booth Jno. V. SteehansNILZ rGOY-a eSdu hp 1 , A iU e ok t ica~ o rnic
Wms. Arsold Dtr. V. C. Vaughan iN- .1 t i(R tY ttittStp tIi.Vti t tw t
Jas. LH. Wadt SPIF. Mills _____.1t a tmetngt f til tte ltIettittola steet. Settott'lawsoantttI ~tt'i i tir a s
N .Kyar :Jots Hatterclb iel
.Jno.SKtch Prof. H. S. Carlertttt teitt t't'ol,, ag O tetiday fteetttttttthettt l- l easietotcatli fttt J M p1p;. i
DartF. immrtermoant ChistasMrttan 'iit -1111 fto ltow ttittg offtes e 1.t11ecitcaettftt e t
____________________________________ t tontte grea o arttttotf tapllueo nt te e att' Peiteto . It\ i , \tt I
p~tof titu ottiet wetohiehlilitaev00ey tet t se crjt'it'tet tt \. J . [isot, E n g ra v t
It e etintg t tlpatc i ttU iersiyyhtol Ite ste t de d' or eytttltittt' ecetarebty.
STRAWBERRIES be 3500. If tis t tu, tettht isiJ. 1. Mackey Newecry ltteosurer. a
Seroed daili (Sundays eX'- tthettuo beri ofeo leo igtIa ttdedithe 1e lh ______Champion. ___
septed )tori ( I te~heS. leos ee t tte llllitoi ttttc.make a bg 'ht 'wit olegerten
Outa510a~b e n e r wa0 t iittiitit- etsIlatttl't, a le) lC ltlateasyouancaketttgtutamts alo eir, L ae Y u
Indhooph tls ttti fotl C eteW itho t ttttORetttttitoli t.bjliitPUE SLK 25oA;AIROrersFaly
i th t iut thresIt ih tn tilettttt f com-51 paresheavily/nTOkeld.TCTyFhOM
tfroniiofethi-'t'is. lite Attlytttetl up the Socks snugly, neatly.xxBe
QpieAdRRoY S"t t i lel ttuit cerI n hitIttt tt 1sure1you see "flh alt' " on 00 Senri tstireve oip ur
Dur g ton rae i impe ri ngs'Dc" i~tttctt, six) ele. . and3 Lt tclae OrdeS ip r are, l luy S
Phoshate side romtorecivodthemostirthsiatic ecrpiondUREtiitt I-PAI
I 11geeros lo rCettttttoaet'atciiwithttingramn1"rrH. 22 STYLaEr rnlS t
oi1h rviu ih, cwr f IST;6eOS ELEodRO
ito1m 11111n ocuti e t ittoo ttti so w. y7 Strptt'encttttit, TftttttiRS FI ttI t t 1.f C.un lytti PonerSci t tSha d d ' lo cts
lI itt' trce "ll" utt on.11 "B10 riite I 0 . iiJ tIC. 1 t b'rt CA SpenderVVIRt 111)mnr fom PSa te , 7ld its
I,___ r itti Kitet no"i S tuntttecss 1 A11 rer&Syd)ptitet f lo icittga718 'At ee SLoanFeR
__s o nd"tubseas u1at e lly. m adi ThMAarmrttt sStitrYos's om en eme tBo k ele
t'oitto S R N A L, - $. 00 Ro an d Sothi,-tati lne
Ice C reaiii ovgoe t tepaly ae waithook rt.,at platrtrde'anytbsy
_____c11 anStiot tet f otesLO ToNIIolebo na17etWadeitog 1om16.ou tho $4.Sree
It s mposile s et o bt o n tr e ds RtunIo .A.CarF.r10 CrdOatiPLLe
G ors o theamont o moty ceard 3, A hayc, ad ru ve _ 332 S4CA S lateOW S 10 StsfrmPlt, 5t
ShurbetasHidth s agenuieavlvetkises a ily & ThetAlumt, Inerott t',;10 COSNS&tBooksNwYrk I0 ESI& MAHtelleraa
Shirt waists matttPriceslrea1oa0let, Ct. tlesndbook, tst.,ttc.,itttpprintertOrder Anyttmt
t~ CrrytularfIt Ittttt it tofTRKISH
ole Serilt et Wttst i are(tttttst atntd
_iWeshfTies smokinA.articlRAIWeareYeg
Chieken All tle Ne estnin BeltsetiToledo and Columbus.t
A1LaA-SpeAcoatment n NEGLIGE SHIRTS anaHOSIERYartt every
All th Newet in elttt TAN1AD1TI.
Aage thiko hours______________8
WAI, O ROMnbs, tRtttST. WaEST FMuNt.
Juicy Steaks Cr
and the best of everything W adha ns C o.Bun
in season, at 12Budr23nouh ainStee
Grease Paint
st f BayCold ream
We BaveCns a d Senior Rates Eyebrow Pencails
ad owsGiven on atd iblte
to Fit at Sthese
BOTH PHONES Photos Theatrical S5oppies
315 So0 State St. Phoes 367 JJ~R Ld~k~. I.q ~ Henning Bik. 320 8Sou tSatst8r