T tit MICHIGAN4 DAt~iA i THE I LEADING Tailors. Maesof Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. FULL DR[SS SUITIS A SPEiCIALTY 311 S. State St. Arin Arbor, Micha. "6;A I 1 i t r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r M r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r M M r r r r r i r I f t I I t I f t f f f f I C t I THE MICHIGAN DAILY. itered tessed iclass matte at the Ann Arbor Postoffce. lotys.,and tI usltdents are omuch the saethe worldl ovr. whether i itl ig or little colleges. Publislhed daily (Mondays exctepted) during Several western untrersittes are tow the college year, at 117 Iest WashintoeconCoinitced of the reality of the vellow street. Bell phone,892. Hotte phon~e 96. peril. Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Buiness Manager. WALTEE R. HANS EDITORS. Athletics ........Clarence E. Eldridge Ness...........Lotuis D. Stickney Excthantges...... Chartes E. Winstead Music. ..........A. H. Ortmeye Woenie...........Effie J. Armstroag EDIT'ORIAL STAFF. Hugh Alen Franklin C. Park* Arthutr C. Pound. ASSOCIATES. George A. Osborn Harold C. Smith Ferris N. Smith Georege A. Barnes Roeret H. Clancy Frank J. Clark Henry F. Schaltes Williamt A. Mutheeti D. F. Stevenson Henry A. Montgotmery Gletnn D Bradley John F. Wurz Roy V. Luttl Ftoyd H. Joes RATESt $2.5u per year, orc luau if paid is advane. Address: WALTER R. HANS IBusines Manager. 236 S. 12th St,. Phone 849 L. UNNI)ON LABELIi ''. Editor Today--FERRIS N. SMI'TH. golf largely determines the lngth of your drive. We have an excellent line, comprisinig Spalding's " Red Dot," Spalding's Wizard, Kempshall Flyer, Haskell Pnumoatic, at 50 Cents Each ",The Beat Line of Clubs " Students' Bookstore Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at resdence S81 R. Liberty St Ane Arbor. Hour~s: t :30a. sm., 1 stSo0adt7to 9 P. M JOSEPH C. WATTS CAtLENDAR. May iiesigti Chlan vs. MTcl IFerty field. .1av ito-Law Social ltibsdantee. Fist contiiI of ISlay Festival. vestytsaItlg8p. ttt. M15 t t--Syttphony conteert itt I istisil sertes. 3 It. mt. ltigatt. Uti- b1say .\lC CIIA~N MiAN SNV ITIE SITE CPR011IlITION CONIEST C. A. I lenttitt -, repiresettlintte lUnjti- versity of Miectigati. wott first plaee itt the attttutal 'States oratoital cittitest ot thte Initereollegiate Prohtibitious leagute, Thle Itonottecarrnestttithtit a prizeof twietipollats. MAdrianti.Albion andc Kalamoazoo tvere thte itther colleges rep- resettietdintthle scitttest.Aily.Helintttg is ttiit entittleid t o cn ttenittterstate eotiest. lTAC1K \ORIKI)Cl'S .1R15 SItCt.'SSI0tI, Very satisfactiry shotwitigs wvere ttmatej Ity Clarck, Gartrets tttd Gotidttittyester- trials tvatchtedlover lip Coachi Fitzpat- rick. Clark rat tte Itundrletd int:to t-i good oloi' i st irigtelfats thtt liet for tis stage oif itestason. Garrels Sils tied it in t tt th iglt Iurle. le tantthtttstticks ttt:16 3-5. >ad tscfisti itemtoif lttis sesoit agaitist titte. Goodws ttitta ttesutjt er itt the very gooistttte itf :7i I Isst strontg sittdfresht t tfinish.l Sceik ta ightliehtitid hittit it it le breastedl FRE51SIMAN ROCK lDISAPPEAIRS. Thei rock engravedl iithi the lug thick ''"lessliichi the claiss if TgOQ will try toi lesonthel ceamputts nits'stseelr:Iris mtrioutiisly' disapp~earedl,tdestpite ills effts..f the siiohoors to kpctrcds if it. 'Ilti rock lias lien il ttexhtibitiont ini 'ikor's frotindoiwilisvfur seval iays. Stitte titme Fridlay tight thle freshmttetspiritedl it awayi. ITe latter dleclare that it is safely htiddcenitiiia tltce where it canot iever lie fititiil li it'e sopahomiores, atlthat att theptotter titticititill tmakec its olileoarantisesoniiitle campulits. CINI .IENCtSME~tl ORATO)R. Filetiuniversity ciittettncetoeit day exesrci ses isill lot helilthis rear ott Jiuns 21. Te orator fosr the cdsy still lie Blliss Perry' F. H-. 1., FT. 1D., .ofBoss ton Maisis.,Hle is etdittir if the Atlanutic .\liiutttlraild has actedin i that cattacity tinee 1899. He is 46 yeatrs of age, andc is asgraduiatedl st IWilliamts, bitihls stuiedcilat Ierlint andtti.rasslitrg. It is the author of at nutmtber if tworks oach is siteitt the really birilliant lit erairy itisittif the cotuttir. Try Phelps' Perfectioti chocolate putffs and chips at Cushing's phiarmtacy. Intercollegiate Notes. AnttireisCartiegie.iwhoi las giveu Ktenyonutucollege $hoioiitoindowi hi f icoinomutic ini memcoryiusof tFduiiiM. the Sitntintav exercises. A new iioil ioitra'sit f I ,itculu' s sereary fsat' ITei' iversiux f \irginia cirriei iff thle 1iii hoos itott inteccllegiate track meteli lire rcentllutweceutemts tutm Virgittia, Uitversit of Nrhi WIasingoiiitis vsitv itll St. Julins cillege. I iTh teewis ithle iggest outit- doresventtof its kit ind vlieldI iithe south. Thiere is muitchliniteesiIbiigtigkeinsbyi college oarsmentu the coiting titer ivoituregaitta toiieild otc1niithe Scluiill ~ill play 26. IWithi thy pssible exepl- itiii f Columbtli 'itdlCrell, ll th rolinicllegesii in tesast sre to bei reresnted til 1i regt. . Ntherc Geourgetow uri raue tave ive coptdin this Ireatta; ut bsiti rs' tratiig crsissfoiithIts(iseiiithis iyesi isitthle int cmiotiufutruytsing out tei iustisoisimeitigiCornellsithstas'ilisic' eight. ecattigs o iii holiisbatilt c rs 11) sit' silt iiCorittllIIwil1l o. The mioucecntIf ilhtsnest caisic in consustls r s niciito isisgivenjitlyh lissjust lbeeni sititpltd Cil Iie'l st Ilresnt is limitidi to preiltsratiiiifor Soutihi Ametricsa. Chiniss ittithe Levs'oti Csisursesideslitig siitliaplls andthel Phlilipphines iill le tidiedshslotly. Stuy' is diviritdeintto t'see goupi s: 5(1) thisi vf lsitgiusge; (21 geigr'aphyintiliitg phy esal.politicsl 'itid1cmmituecialigcots graphy tash 3) sietihlgy This'lhast groiup~ of stuielss sill lie gissin t Cl! itiihis. lT'in'edof such ischiil hisi ioig Ibessntfelt ittiltil es'otirofiiCo- umba adsYle iwill Ibiis'atchedulwiti a retdelof ititeetsi hi1(1inii ubi li e . 1,1ST1-t hparadilt onSstudayosl. i wth fsili sithi 'Cslifoiauu'iis ,ol" chiatrm. Findelrvreturnii iio15. G. 'itti get rs'wa'rid. 28Otithsevi.vaY sret. 54 For Koslsils atd Supplies. Amiater Deselointg std Printititg go o Lynidont. plhiiographer, 721 N. Utiversity. t 00Glasses repaired. Eyes careflly filed atd tested. GEORGE HALLER, Mair St. Officisal 'o6i setior shields are ready for delivery imlSare $2.0. lDon't paptmore. These are the est andloty official os. Call fiir oriers immtleiiaely, J.MK ies ate sll here. Ye Stttett So. t SENIORS -Leave yor orders for 906 steits atd oak shields at Artold's jesselry oe. tf i t 1 i i . FRATERNITY SEAL i rON AND OFF LIKE A COAT \lie ishl to joinith vtthle rest it the uiersity ill exteniniig coingr-atlastioins to Kivii Stir Intii, awhoiihas wo'intfilt M1ichigatnt attithiet'chamioniuishipl. lust tmuish crscdit c'ann~ot he gisenithle little Jaipifur his tua's'elitts .ccoimplihmaet. Andh this mo re onetintiks iif his teati. thieittire isoniderfulh'it seemis. Tol citm- leeogaints the picks of lie tight great- est ciolleges if the west-tohitesat item in in o fts stcintet in iiwhich Amiericants listse sihssiyexcelled, iitiioutclstss thie colleigsians:inth le mat'sery oithIleir ossn lanuiage-this is traly a ss'stnderfutlfeatt. Andi we itfAlMichigatttsre trosudosittile liht-e1brosswt itasn, ntibecstuse hle is a piroidigy whoiiiis uisefulitntsaisvertisitig the uivers''isity, hut Ibecauise lieis ia tirie Yans- kes' atndi rsslly' Amiet'i'cantin theart tash spiit. Ile is aiwotirhyprepiresentastive it this Univisersity itflMichtigstn. Iltat more'call his' siidlfoir'anyits' \Ne sre grestlhyastsontishieilasithle ye- hortsoiihaisitg andil hair-cuttigishichi emanaiutie froimil te .Michtigsant xgricnl- titril collegs. I is sstange indteedl thist stusdetnts if this etllege wichtialssso 1oin testen this fatsor of the legislature shld endansluiger its finanttciatl prospiects lty such scts of latwlesstness. All of svhich gioes to prsove thatitbops still lie i Re Beauittfully egraved ienut date ofi salidi 'tpper uandtmtaunited ote;j ma si tehi atofweathtered tak. Ojt thIe Official Coat-of-Arns of Youra Fraernsity ttiiettsittlous16X1. Weiahbt 0 ilbs. PRICE, $4.5o WAHR'S The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. esidence 102 St. 5th Ave. Phone 314. AMBULANCE 05 CALL I Students' Lecture Association FREDERICK WARDE............ r It You Desire to Exercise in poor roam in a quiet yet vigotouso tanner, a punching bag will glee you the hest satisfaction. The Victor 20th Century Striking Bag used and recommended hy Joe Heitger, thy uhamupion hag panther of tht Middle Weot, can he fastened to the frame of the door and is practically, noiseless. Mr. Heitger will use this hag in his exhihitions at the Union Minstrels this week. ''hese hags came to him tuirough our store, and will ite tn exhibtitioc in our window next Thursday and Friday. We also carry a full line of Tennis, Golf and Baseball Supplies A new line of B. U. I. and Victor tackets htas juteienstre- ceised. Prices range from 90 cents to $8.09. At Uhe Co-O~p The Store of the Students, by the Students and for the Students. i I 1 r 1 J i 9 t 1 m Safety and Ease and comfort in shaving are found only in the soothing lather of the old reliable WILLIAM' SHAVING ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Tna.tIms Lan~va AmmnnArhor Gonsg Noeth lul5 a. a. and 4:35 p. m Going South till a. a.,11:35a . andtu:33p. J. J. KIRBY, W. T. WILLS, Gel Pass. Agent, Agent, Toledoi, Ohio Ass Arbh ik Bell phane 1351r HBepnte 698 VICHIAN C2ILIM "The M Nagara Falls Route" Chicago Buffalo Boson New York Through Trains Elast-.18 a. a., 2.40 p. a. 455 p. a., 9.S0 p. a. 11.55 p. ms. Lscals East-elk5 a. m., *11.10 am., *4.05 p. *8.36p. a' Through Trains Weat-S.0t a. a,, 7.50 a. a., 9.18 a. a., 2.33p. a. 10.20 p. a. Lscals West-224 an., *ns28 a. a., *1.40p. a., *6et0 p, a. * (Ex~cept Sunday.) Conntections at Chicago for St. Louis Kansas City and the Want.- W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor SIR, CHTENTUNG LIANG CIIENO, S. L A. OFFICEiIIOURS, 5 to 61P.M. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. May 16 Jim New Oxfords Just Received WAHR-sThe Shoeman 218 So. Main St.