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May 06, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-05-06

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The M4ichigan Da iy


NO. 1 54.


Sanger Pitches Great Game and
Michigan Wins by Score of 6
to Two-Michigan Starts Scor-
ing Early.
Mi chigan showedt a tdecided reversal
of form yesterday ad h1ad( little troble
idefeating the Ohi State team.te
tdal score being 6 to 2. Tie elogatel
tiangr was largely resonsible for
fUlios shdttn fall, as ie helthemtrttsafe
:ill the way. teronly1earaned rn con-
ing in the snith. Mtichigant fielded well
:ill(] wile tiey did not slo any great
amoutntt of cdentig te bsnche teir
hi s ogotsoldattage. Tfhe gaite of
WXedtesday seems to ave Irotght the
smeotbers of the team to teir senses.
STe gidy life sf a co~rs girl, o-
evsristlnoise eitoesagree partislarly
wtell twit luniiie, for te laitky first
b, aisatndisplayedl aslaitetable lack if
Th arsity startede tiigs sits a
'uhAfter (O'Briei ailvaily tries
to maske si foiids Iparet irotsdtI.giviig
IBasitin gton aschielte oistiigist i-
self. Saniger drewe four twie oes. Mar-
tin it is eas groitiseer to Illeiishs
whoss ftiimlledl it, aidllinot Martisi aiti
Sngertwe rsfe .s sutal. Cataiss
Wen tdell caise toste re sue adi strtes
thinssg wSiitsteesorkig treeliaitge
whic siecorSIed hs twoS0teti ti es. tmWensi
sibaltiIsl liiglytdrppslel Wheele',
'['hisieed te scriiig ussilsltis
fsosirsth. tS'S' rretiritg ts Buckeyesaits
ssdr.:\iith 5 (itecgoneiiithts essio.
sarintonticsut lse wis tatwos-hsagge
Sve ir st iIsase tsat lDiutse shossullIsave
"soitein. IDavis Sis siteast'oti,.Kellee
Ito iDune Brringtonu 1akig tironi
sh lt. y.1iv Pattersin teispreseised
OhiossssiththtleiiI sissas le fozled
Wes's easeigrsisisser B'rringtos seo-
TIhsre itas iotinis iiore soiig iithe
rsti-gettigineunsistl M riiganuiwenit ta
st it thes ith. sheeler gtto irlst
sois 1St list tsesroii..sr Ile,tsokasss bilg
lead-l is onstie Issate lellev sigig
t a pitcedichas ll I1Tspereswet t
Besseoti whoIthrleew tsfist tssnip
Kelley sisid Iefosses.Ohlioscssull recssver
Wc heele wmas.i thtir.l. Iiseemnt
brut s hlimIshomsessis S sigule'sandlPa-
tersnsen cit otitanoterigrass ecutter.
s1ets Iret 0'Briestutsmasel osut s tril-
ling' trcc-agger "scorig totsore
riiiis IBustTestssisasllscsacles Iso
try adsiitietehlisIts rple its a hisite
riiu iiianit i i rely fiois1-llsgesttscls ito
Iais ithe 1latter whlilpe te sll tothle
hssiie jplate''andtlO'B'~ries wasest sff by
teit-feet Xarti ediei te insig be
g ig outtfStset
I asesis t tsree-saceker followedelby'
Ortmasn's leait sigle ithletiti gfve
tne sasrlet itndtgrsyter secndiSIads
list I it.
iithtlseveenthi it looked as if Sasger
wi a ho lsle XXWet got to first onit
lit in the Xiebigasn pitcherwidcts e
didl ot ecover itt time to saae assac-
etusate-thowto etfsrt.Test a passed
all senitlshe Buckeye to second. Kelley
gitgrossitders frssmssbo illagessltsel
asislOrtistits assdlheld Wessit irdI as
if le werre naleth lereFThens Ileinisht
got ai iase onsahalla antI stole second.
Againi Pat Kelley recevel the sill or
a grsossnder asd iielded it InolDunne, tus
suttling tle visitors oti in tast itit
tter things loket sqalish.
Michiganimwsoul Isveterisnmsed Oi
1bysa muchl larger score bit for shar
feldig ItyFelger adilBarrisgtossasid
sore fie throwing to the plate ly eft
Fielder 151 agestach, who snippetl boll
Dunnsie assil-Enermns in their effors to

comie its frost second ott sisngles to thse
left garens. The score
sits1so s'.o'ss.

helger, 31s...
Dasvis. cf...
XWest, rf . ...
Fl igessiaels If ..
O~rtmsani, i..
liitiscls, 21)...
Schap:ll, c...
Ileissettiter. .

ste Ri. If. 'is. ..
400 O4 20
.4 12 3 2 0
.4 00 3 0 0
401 0 01
3 1 1 1 30
40O I 7 I1
.3000 21I
.4005 j20
.30 0 120

.3 2 24 14 3
\I IC is im e

flinren.s 1). .. ... ..3 0 2 2
Saniger ) . . . . . . 2 51 1 0
Sisirit i I. .. . . ... 3 1 O 0 o
Wenesil~l, f ..... 4 1 1 2
Dusnnste, 1) .. ..s . ..4 0 513
W hleeler, ef...... 4 1 0 3
Kelle-.2 . . . . . . 4 0 1 0
ities siast c. ..e . .. 2 TT 5
Iasatte n s ... .. .. 4 5 2 2

: .


$y a'f151gs.-.
(Ihio Sissie..
Titus)lhsse hiii-

.30 6i 9 27 12 2
1 23=456789
3 0 0 00 3 00 0.4
-Barin'sgtons. Thsree'

bs his Il agenbach, O'Briien, WXelt-
dlell. Sisece oust-Isylietsslster I, lam
Sangker -t4 Ilseastoit lsB Bn
schoster -,lby'Sainger Is -t lby ptchiera
-Ily 'Sanger I. Sacriisee lits-Sansger,
;Masti.Stslent hiss-It essiscels Dtunnes
hsie' iss ii Ieft os as e is-OShtiosState
C. :IMihicut 6 . umpirt -rt Itoss
F.XRISANID PIL;XSF'a Xl.1)11 'hi.
L~ast een'inig S fair-sired auiec
IsessrshFsrlandl.the sanjo sirtulosoit a
eeyentjoyaests ptrogram.T h le selecetions
embhraced worssks frosism tseclassicssio(f
Chin ists the "Bluse Bellasof Sessilasisi"
tash biyits varis'etye sa Iteium itosfI
ss recitail byiasinssgle ierfsormserwis it
Sir. Fairlanid is asi Sirlist osf great abil-
itye, sindlIis masstery osithle ortdinaily
humbssle hbsanjo is little shortt of starvel-
otis. The iniistuent hle uses is osf ass
simprosvesd tetisvcutestbyliemissself, tnsh
piemtias of etraintiary shtaing. Xi
sisses it aeesmedstoitshle assiiencthiat it
thse sand sof iin istist the ban11510 alat
mst to shle elasesdistsithle sv~iosit inits
'Ihe hetrogramt tas spenechbyIty'iheover-
turee"RatvmondssT h omtas, whsich tas
weell recesitd. lie isewtI isumber mw as it
strikinsg cosntrast, beintg IIuser'sa"Cra
ile Soing,"ctte stsft issdiltionut of thle
tosses setsvtng to shcwss'Mr. Fartaisa
srt ts scvantauge. Thsis tstwaste sof tse
ptrettiest stisisbers of itse cnsure program.t
Thle cdescriptlive p00werofitse istrts
teist teas shsosni' n i the third siusssber,
"A Wh~lisperedh Thtought,"a msicsal
snelette' by'Johnsson. The attitiit
ber rons thle programl, ".dieeWhere Art
'Thouts'" showed the most strikingti'ex-
asmpile of te performter's techniuste. The
large raisge of the piece bsrousghitnut
stes ranigisig frosmithe lists resonits
tosses nofte'cellos In the sigh, elear
osses of itie flute, sll blendedth til re-
matsrkale gratce inta imelodisousswhle.
Xin anisintg scrap of eonvtersatioss
wass overheairdont Sate street yestercdai
julsitiller the list of thie sistrel pais
stie shud filed Iby'. Xiiold1ladywmeltie
delciy sarrivedl Inn .ii tet sewtshle gust
geouis spectacle truss iwing symipathsized
witlhaby some of her fi ens.
'"Well, sever imincl" said the old
lady, "I've seeni Buffalo ill's shom,

a. ill 5555 55 55' s-. C.
Xr e l w ahs grdutedshs'feroe
he phsarmacuy seplussuslut f the hUi
versieysof Xicshisgns iths e ususof 1oo0]
It thenssretsuneu tohst a itielaInuitad
stec senis s isant iSthe cemseisca
isud usiesslsuseulahuhrstortyt ofs Poro
-ztutu mmhsuespIsiS tnsieSe ltcforIsomeis
im. I Isa thoro~uh 1knowlsegesuof
Icmuisrs' sit cgrul ussumvictIshuse ise'
,ohiapoitontlussof suuosueable ue
it usee itsot ic.I oo hMc ignauni of Po hut icos hin
ie ll iialttiusstofiatsuin ltuuurguut
thu del Valle isesecrear.
D~urng ttSisusonthetill cenuctsiniisat t ahntn nitsct
suie t l sells'usfuss'gradutsewt: i
lieAe rsXitls a culy OtussSasrhls
sitredt Itsshmesusifrosspt uiciatingit
arsits atihletics. A eusuusistc'tfrlo
ths studuentl ubody aselthtsiceriss
ansigesus'esadeI. fUssder slest' uis
freshmusent s'huesait'.'upiithir tt'stuiei
andsu h u id sutlut hvuseniistrcecu
The Little Japanese Orator Is Iigh
Commended For Brilliant and
Consistent Effort.
IThe oaicilstal cusses iel ust(hhuu
liii su idtsitveniingt Sas te esi
tile etire siteen yersuf teleagst.
eisitencei suitthe is'ctr' smth by'
Kito i teiedsitr5esuledhfroum asu utasti
fils deivehisuofthue hinet ruclti
her uigtisisestire ptio. 'Ilic
wise fourussothieprhucitinstf uuus
setn thutue reresetaiviesuf M'ists
susta \Northwsestrn isXcoenisis ai
Obise.Pfrof.tXXuebl odusftulut haIsste
suisn liif eso uheiscoi iadShinesiftri
wereisisthu uest pes1 lsntaivaesho usshol ua cc pricp t iinoe'c
thsecoa ntess.
Ih hs al is OberliiwasmutcrwdeI
its aacity I freds and crlistis f t
spaksrs Mny isi cX hit'nsumnthiuwei m'
prnt uSi omite cae iusronistluffalso
fioimiCeveland.l'uand Sue agauaite,
tie ltesry clsaof 74 usuae fo
miiiesitoher te' siekers Afe r
ugsl' edeecsitusa uelesstio nitas
tesed itie conl tetnts higs'sandslti
guests in ose itttieladies Ils.
Ih lco nstet sis tule f those r
emvets ill whuh the ictor liIerly r
aa awitillsthu spoil. hisswus us
opiio o1cicusia.tiad tutsar
ent isisthus isannue'its shcs SteI
caried iffse I nosrseIuspeakin
"No studesstil y of the fsfeetsco
tess sw'hics I iave sattedel has e
held such sy'ueranasuiece,ie
exhiibiedhsuds a 'emstiarkale' tpret
tisat eof isi sbt, sras id Sr.Ituit
oilier snight. Ile exibituie a raeteeisi
tnusic etsiterrutsedh iy aauseti do
titmes. XWhen he fiuscishe se s cee
loniger tst all tiie'otlers together.
SIr. Inisassimtsthe sixhi uratr
foltlowedeliss Lucile XWay'of liute h aea nsal togse,
'Mr.le. ttuwtstsmasrkeefirst y't
judges nch secondssylhle tiid.
Out of the ixteess contests h

,oihign as eceve tie frss, woStreet Parade W~
scn siuand threetirdus, smaskig i
conisidterabhlemajissety' oer sll. IsNort- -Packed l'ou.
wesernl liss huatu three honousrs andch all Performance
use otutte r ussembers o heleageugie, es- Laughter.
cepsiisg Cicassgohaeha isehnor.i
The judges sitmarkinigs foslow:f(tnce 'gaits thusci
G RG G Rtoita isres oftuniqi
XM es iciga - - - s 3 100 1 )2 1 studuent mtids. Thus
Noerthumseslerniiiq2 98I 2 8 6 tielin111stel agg
1itXseosinsus 85 4 9il2 83 4 boisel emeryinitI
i- haOberlini- - es595 4 8 c ul oneus s'cit w ith
I. Minesut ai - 8 7 9i 6 84 3 LeunTh he force sof
al tIwa-ei-gu9i2 90 ' 75 absundances'ui lsuisdi
A, Carpsi enter;B.Prce uC iete te truth nd autursl
ieTs. (Gadetis iasedh situsci' f t100hd is sicItsinltosits
rf this'Ran1k oni resu ite l vasslut faesi ''s ts' v"i conveieti
e' i,2 3 etc dtionthlss ere we'
I- Tie i juges (ee JudasuJ H.i kllete, wshstiltous tilhier cii
sitof Hammond In c,:ust Jucite A. G. kCat-abethis spreset toi
penter, of Cleelan'h-it O.,1and1 1rnf I'r-si'cIs' Strlugsts d
e etasfPrice, usf Swamo rssuie Ia. troned" ti he se
midiast intasl Ies
I'hS FRIk ASS I SEBAII II "11 tuisr t
SCII1t)Iil I IS Isst fi rttfrbigd
tu is tim 'ush t ilsm
Bel twis theis n tercass huasebaluth ed- lcalu e opl~. i ii e. Antu
ile as isuedl Iby Mtantaer'rae s l nst so ip''ulisre
20 sni t.I tisuwilibe noticteesthai t uil iiihe fsuu 5csuiteted I
tesn tttrouIpfe.'uth a Iermuaen eleI
rse ut nit sesf hltsme has i beeI tshhhdl
ent tie. i ta pur ei s he tutu's be o5's "F urs' id
clustn is, uose dIi i ullh niesnsd w o t e fn l a e i atuanctilt tlitey Cliil
e I hi t s lis to muhi cnfuio . Sinte lst re as'
Iss lmt' imt tgi ue ess s posldIs usto5m5sti
hsetalluysde i u sigdte e he ule. ti eeS atu
a si ncel" is t is.s tifle hiso Iutusbeforueals Xf sumeipro lls gets
thi;is s nowun itofuuthie coitiasi tt si T he viP"ta ''d u
N shouldh be hu e luls fst lhe is''eue ts ofiillth is sfesi geay' casst
yearis a faurces w its tie Iesit a slt1esure uuss crwsdu fee
bfr thi ats. ets is pyed.i he luls.this .titus steel hutdswsu
FyIisIrsunits fi n ssisedithus e seiuls fit tgor t yis h
tiii secontdhrouniutitwill lits iuisheuhin ee s itf this wonsdte
I TseS til a seter e te thi.Dstltasuuu(u
co usth a e thi seniior la ho ico lul' 'L tle h(use"
in th s.champiusnshitp lst yam ebensis. is gaeus''isbIisoff e
suitcme "it
Jr. firs game aa'heatoeeohsthsei"ici
r- its theistshfetusrtiss es hetie am. tsle strir sis f theI
oni selected iby l1t.ig lthe' srtiey.
'u's f~elue' thush inute l as s 1 smutsrs iwill huee ciusissuscd Neil S '
sit poiteh iT t Ihe Dilsy' osfienu testno ilStth- a si nd a lit'
is. seast cornuer iff R omuiC k ittrietha ill Thesex'.t 'loasu
th I her ch ss a ags,'u Alis lste rstsuestsu ust wa fttelo t su
rut be lodgedswet M anaglsser Cransittii andiftush t 'aitolith
lie' Sitima' 'isit house he files. XXenuesday.u a f iend y loii
ofC I 'thres. re msret eamscsithte ruses festie itmh pr
this mcarithisnieemithefuses.anud1ue unis lilesa tusheeises
in ests ue thtth ue ii~o6 lams, isst yean" followtie h isinssu
he champit s ,5 uilthavI se to uirto isreaish hl shkdlte'stesr
re tileeh i nsuhs hipthistsea. m e iisels-i iiin of thesothac
isms tle :ushi siths greast
ofsuienday 'Tslsc7/Seesconi std hi:
rty Miattch I. 'oxitsvhi 8itso oil 'Sou fhle gunls were a
erii XIaIsis11. 01 meistes is'nt8 tiedics. coted iigslasa
se uithe irslutgrounsdies 4 io'clkunisihleu y huetl
Tuesday, lfay 8X ssiis ni
sic Xliichi1ill '09 engneers s '8 u - iii z oalfr
hola ghoces, cussSouuthsPeI i y he ld, 4 usclics. Curers rsah-assl
the Tursay, sMXay'to. wit selzer usd1t
yes- X k la t IV '8 aw . 07la s.on ieti srew asi
5151 Someryeryfetedeso'uocs
ofl XIatch \X. oh0 ienth s s hrics s eryfawlods
use fair gousindis 4 cilocuk eredl by'the rss
flulowmses salthis
tu Fridayas 'y ii
yen Mlatch Vi. 06ffits V5. 0 iitutun ad itigisisedc
s-er Sunilt 'nnny ucid iidaliautrity mithi
vet outhFerr fild. o'cock.Therest of tI
cia- u-chny SNlim 14
(li M tc V 1. '0 eniner v. a4 stilts.high oder
sner dentsnuSit Ferry'Hitch 4 o'clackucredtupon ths uet
tz MlatsVTIII '07 meics.ue 5 tuiseups
red onutthinair groiuds4io'clak Evsumoresisn
Tuesday, 'liy 5.sngts effer ars m'
asd sIKlaliich. 'oftengigne s fvss'6Imd-tissSuhiganus LT
'ut", us oni SosuthF erry fied.1Frosmssthis timse

eli. Thursday, Ma~sy 17. Muack-facdurcul us
twoi 'Ihe 'oft isuw-,mmwilhuemaitichseudagaistsithe grauslnd utrap
onen of the inmisners its the first four use Jist Greatp
keld,j games ; ho he decided buy lot. (Continued

as the Best Ever
se Greets Second
With Roars of
iits f AnnusAbor
dy havet'stenustreatedl
ueconuscepionius of tes
e nooaisy iaraue of
gattiionly'steays h 5eum-
lists asanind ssiitat
i isutsrel iruuehhu
s plice uashlwa
is sme, fUceiTonul
lg andustteie sewmas
fuar "little 1Rva1"I
cr ilite sletialies
suisusy lustsevet hesu
thei apprieiasie ush
is f cisu-punchlust
-eels, whlse sotiri
ople in tlie uetuer
sriking chohtrast A
excited l u ids. Itite
msenti isisthis.paut f
i there neethile
liatS tutu one hisleris.
tothisTirlstyIs std
unthronughossut thur
funiiesal c'sueartintg
'f fss'orie collge
'ussulipand skill isa
-gt, c'le'ahreduthus'eeu'r
)mi thei sreets sthits
ug int lew ('car sry-
i' own'he'r ssd umantag-
rfslshow slcue h'ie huss
Itld hby' a (sry' fromsu
Lish plasnstations.esor
tie tinisittdlmot
usituiluty'ever's'eens'1 it
nI" lusugeuu withIs
Light tBrigsade issehud-
AX Shetausdigi-ams
tumssshu 'ruess i ulliia
tg susi'e.
se, A whmelebharrowms
us. thistsy'"Ohutit wasu
g berikeg. happily
reels, linik-dougs, csap-
. Te crowd wmhihs
gel featiue huh fair io
er features ieiich stoodsu
prmauiece mw'as Cif
as famusssslis' andu.
il phiayits itt lie ests
ills a Ilaeyike sride.
tile. Cfiumses were
ure stkely't revoln-~
lre tepatamnit..Armed
lea, eghutstalwa'srt fie-
hemlusewa esgon," as
:eg of soung' snudhstre.
a trn euoul hec'disovu'
Aside 15an1the atanitt
cex-guisrdutrushue up~
I i, showasinggunsualsss
thin slteribuotle.
hec paradec wassoef thue
',andulrefles greatd
muens whliitoouk hisse.
as thin Perfoirmansuce uf
ilts minststres last ight.
:hatl HensbCsark' led the
lpe uipountthinstsge ii
ee untiliithin tableaus of
playes its thai fiale, i

I onlage'Threw,)

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