THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hockillg Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find !Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trainstj Union Deposoin Toledo~jand Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32, Campus Martius Detroit, Mich.:, F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING (ias and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. IBAILEY & EDMUNDS 121 East Liberty Street. r f f i 1 i i M " TART" NEW SHOE=SH=APES The strikiitg slope toes of last year's shoes are " it"again 'thii season-only- more so. "The tiewestl thing- is a. higit receding- backward sope toe, with a suddeit flattening in front. Q Von can't go on to one Ssingle canmpns in the whtole country wtouot seeinig these clever stew Regals sin every directioit. -> Plenty other reasonts besides style;lhonstsimaterials and ''peg h~ iosnest workmaniship al l $3. ( thriouigh, inside and ott , "" e~.permntent shape - reten- makofe icoretsty1 tiot and surte fit fr:rm Mdof lack timo ~,Colt. qutartersiztes. Shapeooly na'rroe o.bu n high wt onsid -aerable sl ),. osooEEto $W3.50 and $4.00 Leathoer quaer hobo. RIEGAL The oe ye Stuadent Sho that provesho Io 611 E. William 3 t. Sole Agentso r i 1 .r v j ti The Right Styles in Men's Spring }Clothes Esverything tliat's tnesv and right will be found Itenow. All hines gieater ini variety anod lower in price than eqtual quai. ties tinav be obtatined itnatny other store. Men's and Young Men's Spring Suits $10 to $20 Top Coats - - - $10 to $25 Rain Coats - - - $15 to $25 MEN'S FURNISHINGS A splenili 'io iiig of Melt's Neow Sprinsg Shirts, Neckwear Gl-)ves, Hiosier y assd Underwear. MEN'S SPRING HATS Th'le iiewsvhapes in black anod colors are so he seeno as ususal. lip-to-datensess, sure qusality are evident: lhrcssghosst. REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL SIGNS OF SPRING Tuie cold, damsp wseather can't last mouch longer, anool slicit it boeginis to warnm tp yott will waist a newv sit. Get buzsy and let us show yotsoisr NEW D)OPE," also our Necw OVERC'OAT. HENRY ekrid KYER, Tailors to Men To Engage the Assembly Rooms or Orchestra, call at Granger's Academy Office, 312 Maynard Street As th resienceoisr onnce ithut, ieildihtocaolers are 'requestedtoan lol j< h mele. Plaei l g.s n 1 NNN I Suits and Overcoats cosmr(IOt1 onmn Buy Direct and Save $oMaue16.00 to rom $ 28.00p a[d Money. 118-120 E. Liberty. P. J U. of M. BARBER SHOP phtgapeR NT C L 319 E. Huron R A N D A :LL Trojonowski State St. PHOTO GRA PHiiER O' 2 UNIVERSITY NOTICE. plcs in the pi'-ad' ill 0 havliie them .i'lotdatz 1) odya ite ny . 'Thio-e ill lhe hpuradelare reijouroledl nt o lok 111 th n 11l 1 -. u a all ied ol themI in iThe K (/1 'CI'(l'SS IOF Ill I'''ll 'I 5110\1'th ilos A;,; jl1? Clclil)S :\lI. 1' 1?1 .' \'lc)\S Slaysia her: Wilre11. I'-iii nHer . ~S. Ttlluuclh. Wlterois, Eng-lls 1 Ig lihiisiio--i 1 a115 1 TarryO I. Po't- te :C. v'.iou-. reen.-a Itll 1.I uton and . ~. K irkllhiro \. Cliik, George ORP.his own enjoyment,an 11. iD-noic.0 oils \'ulitih adH. . as a cr iterion of is good taste Printing andIpuluicity-Chairman, and hospitality to others, the man, sited.Robieriti11 Clancy,. George A. who knows, selects 1lles li.oo i.F-nk . ! inanceCh ai rmn. IlilFirank 1'. I jsoo1- sel le met . Oldsnan, ifsn 11UJ3ADr Rich, mild, and fragrant, always ipeoliltlyaJ atI 1 1111110k. ,ill> i uniform, made throughout with atfio- iilsog - the skill that only an expert 'com- prices. Fuoller & O'Connor. 61g I..\Wil- mands and perfects after sixteen Fo~ sree. yer' unceasing effort ! -or hooisl a'diiulis, mtu p oograpiheor, 72i N.'I University . if 10 for 1 5 Cents ,-_sssrpard ~y -mail pospad-fou ca n't gel Al rad Cogareltes at your Eyes carefully fitted and tested. denie',snd, i~e or Irm 7,.J -ily y; $.ofa on eundrea GEORGE HAL LER, Malt St. ALLAN RAMSAY, I1l Fifth Aveonue, New York City O~fficial 'o6 senoior shilelods are ready for delivery andoolare $2.o0. Don't pay snore. 'These are uhe best and osily officil onoes. Call for orders iommsediately. J. M. pipes re all here. Ye StudtoSliStop. tf T h e PlIucky lltstraties the triump~h of cereal foods t so heobu ildisng of a sturdy ind inds- ltoros ce hs Ioip ss con soereals tood - ~driedfi shits "a rmty isuit ssi on510 fouirtho rice and three-flourths-solost In theai ngtookfnOhistoroy"Whlea lots 'alwayos trsimphed noverMseat. But sohlen yout eat a soheat lod sutre yoso sre gectting the sohole wchet too digestible formo. 'flat's SHREDDED r WHEAT BISCUIT ao builder of braovn and brain-keeps the stomoaeh stweet and clean and the bowels hlithy oatd attive. Joltheoo-Pure Food Movement" by eating Shoredsded Whteat, the cleanest, purest, inost nustritious cereal food made in the wvorld. 'fle owhite flour stouter giv~es you the starect °i the reheait berry, discardiog the outer flesth- fiormoing eleotents. You can't tosake touscle or braon out of starch. In the shredding process ALL cte flesho-fornoing, strenogths-giving ele- siet o red in the orhole wheat berry are pires.ented IN DIGESTIBLE FORM. Shredded Whrat is made in two forms, BISCUIT and TRISCUIT. Tat BISCUIT is delicious for breakfiast. wish hot or cold milk or cream, or for any meal =n combination with trait and vegetables. TRISCUV" is the shredded whole wheat cracker, crisp, nosrish- inc and appetizing. Delicious as a toast with bee- traces or with cheese or preserves. 'iThe" VistaQestiaon Coo ok'isosent fee fottheskingt "It's All in the Shreds" THE NATURAL FOOD C Niagara Falis N. Y ALWAYS AHEAD IN STEYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAIUN