hR M!CRII~Ah4 bAthA~ S THE LEADING Tallors .Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. FULL DRESS SUITSj A SPECIALTY 311 S. State St. Ann iArbor, M101%. The bal In golf largely determines the length of your drive We have an excellent line comprising Spaldig "Red Dot Spalding Wiad Kempshall Flyer lHaskell Pneumatic at 50 Cents Each ",The Best Line of Clbs " Sheehan & Co's Students' Bookstore Special Prices oxa Leather Pillows Inciuding MICHIGAN SE~AL Until Apr11 1st I)ARLING & MIALLE~AUX 224226 S. Stat St r r M r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r M 1 r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Lotrdatecondclass bmatter at the Anti Arbor Postoffice. Putblished daiy (Mondays excepted)lduin-fg the colege year, at 117 Fast Washington street. Bell phone 892. Hotae phone 76. Managing Editor. CLYDE L. DEW Businesa Manager. WALTER R. HANS EDITORS. Athletics........Clareace E. Eldidge News............ Loais 0. Stickntey Echtangest........Charles E. Winsteadi Mustic............A. H. Ortoteye Womtent..........Effie J. Arttstront EDITORIAL STAFF. nags Allen FratnklinoC. Parks ArtharCc. Paond. ASSOCIATES. George A. Osbortt Haroldi C. Smith Ferris N. Stmith Geotrge A. Barnes Robert H. Ctancy Frattk J. Ciark Henry F. Schulte William A. Muhetn '0. F. Steteso ettt inry A. Stlotoery Gletnt 0 Bradley lohn F. Wurz Roy V. Lull Floyd H. Jontes RATES: $2.5a0P peyear, orS$.00 it patiitt advance Address: WALTER R. HANS Business Manager. 2365S. 1tih St.. Phone 849 L. SATU1R1DAY, -AY5. ()0. CR11.SS COUITS)RVIACI S HFI/NG lT.\ CII G.XN IOS1!'l'IN) '1()511) DAY .XCd ICLTLtTUR l, Cfhl,tf ,.15 Then u al aspring cross countryl race0 today as was ori001ginally iantededthere- by1enablin') tile contlestants, to resta 11115 lbefo~retlis test of endurancOoe. No "\l"'111011 or (110.0 1av1ng05cross beig etirly (noicerace. At 4:15 oi(,(1of11111011is bhondicapped101 0a1i11(te. (or alletsohes o11101 1iii. ir'e1ctolr tz (1ou1se0le0ds1over01T1111111streelacro(ss~ 1th151'r1111ot east of 1erry1field,(1down across t111e (( in1k(s5to S(11111 Ma(11 street, andt 1,1c11of 1011r0 11el1d1to5State, "V111. The iIrst11(w1 111ces(will Ireceive Croos Cou11n1try'les 't'oday at1110:30. Benedictliol 'l lae 1110 squad over1(1 11100111011 illa1pract1ice r111. ill wh ich alli('((10e11d11(1(111d((11( part1. Directly (after t11(0r1c(0thlere (wil1 be' an1 eleon((((f 111f10004 of 1110 01111 inl 1110e 0trphy1ro1oiof1t 551(11111a(111. All (111111111ar1110eq1e11ted11t11be10pr1(- e1nt, wheteror not 11101111e(11ere11iln (1100ace. I 1 11R(15 8T.XIt't5CIi l~o r oav--iliamo . iolboro . 1H(51,11FIRST1 11NQL'I' CALENDAR- May ;1-SichgnUnoeinsIlC(lIl1((1trelper ftolrmalce(If Xiv-it hal1101111 111 Isi bl game)15111111 0 11 1 ('t.af11115111 M1101b011101ll:1 511(1 Olts. MicigaUn. Fis. onetof11a (isti l Uni(1 -1 vers i 1111al 1,eS p ll. 110 1110 111 T1((0/(11111 ( o alenihtoece1(110 11th t1his( succesful11(nture is to0010 (((n(11a1(ul11tillThe eartbof(axie that1 thel s11111 Is1111(1 itinct(Sl'lstufde affair. At the11present1 ti1e11( (('11 1)110o are ta i te ((11110will1be5a 14110 1001win1(11a1110 Th(li l111lgnss1th101 -whic1on-ai a0til1(ls(hlve entered 0 it 1111110eature0 des11100s0(111111atetec1(1( lnnst. o.Tesuen ovhv 'T e tmpire S tate11 ('lib ld'ilits 111rst WNWnd1,11111'ption('lasti 1(11enX1g(1at XAirs.(14 lb x St ais. 111110'. se . a illt o'lock The 5101 offices. telub oliSs.s (1ro5ctor. toGreene.. ll r ln iflon, 'Clle'is. Sillsb111101'rs11101l 111 ato o er nsthe coios if te club. reI white11car1('natoes adSuisSand et1(10'n 111(1' -- l I Sge illSage.115 Mthe1 Pyln.'pi'1((s 111((1,N(11110e(State-' Al5'is011ShiattyPtan- Nine01N110 le Sen(Ior(140(I 11Atllarys 1 he I Clu'b11 1(1 11 aroi11101of ttr. l 111e(1e41a((0011 and1Stanford wasi 1110o1(111 11 v(1((10b 10e 11colleit.o le sa sei Tieleststory11(5of colilegiate0 bazing S1 delegation0 of till' tuens1 t li( 1tixe SI ic'iiga((lg\5('10 llil((' cllege, seemO- i'ngl 11(11erpeaioens oftecso r- (1)n011(1b o l tleat 1110 0111051'ha(e1 according to t0(1(111ellise1(1r1s0f1o(IftIll tile f trf11(1501ow ls 1a111even(gtie furtherl1, 1(11 10ir tiall l((s. t A((1 specialt udlls t 11110(11' wa sized tulweslast '(1ynigt and the fial degrexe(111t\1this1point inoth) 'nd trained his(' libertiy. ''ns Sae o ho aed XX'e pess andthIl(linois 1(1111heopulic'as te sea NT'91,), J1011OIST '5'IC (i 1( 15(1(1 TH.UIx eWFsllo ilt l 11( a1' rec(('1 al11' todsrife 11(4emori- Cial1hall,11Sc5110 (1(0 us' c, lls l'((( lin '01 Oiallew0ifll inc(i(lues man1 01(01f1mif airs as special o (lnl1' : Theiollow- f V V Brief Making and the Use of Law Books A hook every law stndent anid young lawyer should have. Price, $2.00 Cash or Exchange for your Law or Miedical Books C. E. BARTHELL Phane 761 326 Sooth State Street, Aon Arbor, Mich. Beatiaully engravet intoaplate at sotidi lopper anti aaotedtonaa m a ssiesildofatweathered oat. (let the Official Coat-of-Arms at Your Fraternity Dtiaensostx1(;. Wighett6(lbs. PRICE. $4.20 WAHR'S The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. FRATERNITY SEAL )on't Fool ith your face, You cannot fford to take chances. Al- rays insist on VILLIAMS' HVN _____________SE, NIORS-Leave your arders for Try Pherlps' Perrfectiaottocolate poffs Toa6 stemns atnd oak shields at Arnolds and chips at Cusintg's pharmacy. jeweliry stor. if Students' Lecture Association FREDERICK WARDE............ i , , If You Desire to Exercise to your rootm to a quiet yet vigotrltottantner, a punehitagttag will give you the hast satisfaction. The Victor 20th Century Striking Bag used and recommended by Joe leitger, tha chtampion hag puncher of the Middle West. can he fastened ta the Sframte of tte doar and is practically noiseless. Mr. H~eitgetr will use this hag in his exhihitians at the Union Minsrels this week. These hago came ta him t~iraugh aur stare, aod willtbeont)exhibtion in our window next Thursday and Friday. We also carry a ftull line of Tennis, Golt and Baseball Supplies A new line of B. U.I. . and Victor tackets 1h1s1juttbeenrtt ceived. Prices range Stnomft cents to $5,109. At Uh The Store of the Students, by the Students and for the Students. t i ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Tra~iana Laa..v AsmmaAsrbor Going Narth 5:05 a. mn. anti4:35 p. m.. toing South 7:20 a. in., 11:35a. ma. anti t:rt i. at. J. J. KIHBY, W. T. WILLS, Gent] Pass. Agent, Agent, Toleio, Ohio Ann Arbor, Mich Belt phone 135-te Home phone 46 kLjKIOAN CNTRA 1177.e Niagara Falls Route.." Chicago Buffalo Boston Ntw York Through Trains Etast-8.18 a. n., ?.40 p. am., 4.55 p. to., 9.30 p. n. 11.05 p. nm. Lscais East-6.S5 a. n., 011100a. n., *4.05 p.m. *8.36 p. to. Through Trains West-t.0t a to, 7.58 a. mn., 9.18a. to., 2.3p. mto.2sispm. Locais Wet-224 a. to., *8.28 a. to., *1.4p. * (Except Sndtay.) Connections at Chicago fsr St. Lsuis: Eanas City anti the West. - W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arhor sIR C"IENTUNG LIANG C"iENG, S. L. A. OFFICE, HOURS, 5 io 6,P.,M. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. May i6 CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST